Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2093149-Monkey-Business
by Felix
Rated: NPL · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #2093149
Just some fun time with everyone's favorite hyperactive teen.

A low groan rattled outward from the dark. Sleeplessly you mutter under your breath. "It can't be time to get up already." I feel like I've only just gone to bed, you think to yourself. Eyes still shut, your consciousness drift in and out as you slowly contemplate whether or not to force yourself up from your peaceful slumber. Cycling through your most recent thoughts you can't recount anything about the night prior.

As you sleep you feel your head ache in pain. Your world seems to be spinning out of control. Feeling a strong pulling sensation on your torso, your body stretches and constricts in what can only be describe as an unnatural phenomenon. There is little you could do as you try to screen for help. Gasping for breath, your chest tightens up do to the erratic environment around you. Unfortunately, you can only manage shallow gasps of air.

What in the world have you gotten yourself into? The feeling of confinement seems eerily similar to a sleep paralyses that you have heard about. Chained in what seemed to be your invisible prison you cry out in torment waiting for this mad hatter's ride to end.

Then it stops. Just like that, silence. Pausing for a second you try to get your bearings, and let the ringing inside your head subside. Opening your eyes a little, they instinctively snap shut do to the harsh light flooding into your retinas. After a moment or two you slowly open them to examine the world around you.

"What the?"

"This isn't my room...." Your voice trails off. Your mouth opens wide as you can't comprehend on what you are seeing. Trapped on what looks like a glass cage, it surrounds you from all sides. If one didn't know any better you could have sworn you seen this type of casing before. Peering past the glass you can just make out the outer rim of the room. Hmm.... Surrounded by glass and then by what you could only surmise be another layer of wood. Welp, no ideas come to your mind.

You stare at your reflection through the glass as you make sure everything on you is still intact. "Phew you sigh with relief as you finish counting the last part of your ten fingers and toes. But, something still seems misplaced. Drifting again you catch a glimpse of metal around your neck. As if by instinct your left hand reaches for your own neck to confirm your suspicion. "It's cold to the touch..." You remark.

The question remained where was "here" and why where you here in the first place? Just before any meaning full reflection on the current whereabouts, you couldn't help but notice a low rumbling thunder erupting a distance way. The low drums increased as the whole building quaked. Shocked you stop what you're doing and stare upwards as the ceiling itself starts to rattle.

Straining your head, you look up in horror as the ceiling seemed to be collapsing under an immense weight. As you watch the ceiling slowly give way, you couldn't help but notice that it was collapsing in the most peculiar of ways. One would expect the stability of the structure to crumble and shatter giving way to debris. However, in this instance the roof remained steady in one piece as the walls around it began narrowing down, allowing for the one slab of roof to fall in unison.

"I'm going to be squashed from the top!" You scream as the ceiling was now pushing on your glass prison. Just as you were ready to meet your maker, a loud roar of thunderous laughter could be heard from above.

Confused you shield your eyes as you feel a gush of wind enter the room as the roof was completely ripped away from the foundation. As the light flooded the room your mouth opens wide.

A huge figure, high above you kneels down into your small room. From the looks of it the building sized titan was male. Straining upwards you could just make out some brown leggings, torn in various places from over use.

Looking past, you could see a white t-shirt with an infinity symbol embroiled logo dead center of the slightly muscular chest. The t-shirt too was wishy washy with apparent overuse as the orange sleeves were slightly tattered up the seams.

Higher up the teens face was what scared you the most. Greeted with a gruesome sight of an over reaching grin. The giant teen's facial expressions left no hints of modesty or tenderness to it. No, there was no doubt about it, this was a face of a crazed teen. The lower snake bite piercings glinted as the teen's red tongue parted out of his mouth to moisten his lower lip. His orange hair peaked out of his backward facing cap as he closely examined you.

"Happy birthday....to me!" Myles announces, to your dismay.

"Shit!"....was all that you could think of as you looked up at the towering adolescent. You swiftly realize the dangerous predicament that you're currently in.
Then it dawns on you. You were wrapped and gifted to this mountainous brat! But, how could that be? Who was responsible for this? Actually it didn't really matter at this point you had more current issues to worry about as you watch Myles's right hand inch it's way closer to your glass prison.

"Oh? Look at what I've got here! A little action figure with a shrinking collar to boot! About time too, I always tend to break mine way too early. I should really thank Rex the next time I see him." Lifting off the glass casing around your body you shake in fear as he nonchalantly throws your so called prison across the room.
"Blah all this wrappers are getting in the way of my prize." Myles hums as his hand lifts your body forward to his grinning face.

"I know I have the fiercest bod around, but you're going to have to do more than just goggle at me if we want to have any fun. Don't make me pull out the remote and shrink you even more!" Myles's face zoomed in as he inspected your body making sure there wasn't any defects on your shipping.

"Hey I know! We can play a game! How about it pint-size dude?" Myles's stinky breath of mountain dew and chips washed over you as you looked at your captor with disgust.

"What kind of game would we be playing?" You ask the towering size teen. "How about.....Catch and Release? The teen sneered back as he waited for your reaction.
"I don't think I like the sound of that game" You reply back.

"Oh don't worry it's very simple! I'll give you a row of tasks to do, each time I get bored I'll shrink you down a little bit and give you a new task. Sounds simple right?" The teen stared you down as he idly scratched his lower abdominals.

"How do I win?" You ask quizzically to the massive man as you eased up a little bit.

"Don't be silly! There's no winning at this game. Think of it as an endurance test. See how long you can last with the great Myles!"
"What?!?" You shout out in alarm. This isn't what I've signed up for! There was no way you could go along with charade any longer. Squirming around you thrash around the teen's sweaty hand.

"Or don't play. I don't' really care. In fact I could just end you right here and now. I'm giving you the chance to at least satisfy me a little longer and of course with that you can live a bit longer too."

Truth be told Myles was practically jumping out of his skin. He wasn't used to the daunting task of teasing his prey so slowly. His style was more of the instant gratification of ending some useless punk's life here and now with a quick and forceful stomp or squeeze. But, in the back of his mind he had to remember he needed to record another video for his Youtube channel and what better way to do so with toying with this runt.

Something he neglected to mention to you. Myles's room was broadcasted live to all his viewers. His room housed an assortment of hidden cameras able to pick up on the smallest of specks.
His words echoed in your head, stopping you dead in your tracks. "Okay, we can play your game." You sigh to yourself.
"I knew you would see things my way." The teen sneered as he lowered you to the floor.

"Alright let's take things slow. For your first task I want you to serve me." Myles's facial expression showed amusement as he watched you trying to contemplate what he was talking about.

Reaching down to his orange and white sneakers the teen removed both of them showing off his sweaty bare feet to you. In a slight teasing gesture he wiggled his fleshy toes towards you.

"Well? Get to it runt!" Myles bellowed above as he waited for you to help alleviate his sore feet.

Laughing out loud the minor's body shook the ground. It seemed that you were in quite the bind. Thinking to yourself could this be a chance to escape? Looking around the teen's bedroom, his door was pretty far from your current location. At the size of a green army man, there was no possible way for you to make it over there before Myles would end your pitiful life was one quick and forcible stomp. Biting your lip in reluctance, you take in a deep breath and lunged towards Myles's right foot. Luckily, you weren't too small that his bare foot didn't cause too much of a problem for you as you climbed on top of it.

"Mmm...keep it up toy. Myles let out a slight sigh. Lifting his left foot, the orange haired teen pushed you into his other foot. Stuck between his two feet you tried your best of massaging his massive boulder sized toes. Smothered by two feet you tried not to get stuck between the heaps of skin. His aroma filled your nostrils as you breathed in the teen's natural feet sweat.

Lingering slightly, it was time to pull out the big guns. Sticking out your tongue you slowly went up and down each of his smooth toes. Each slurp left a tingling sensation of salt and dirt on your taste buds. High above Myles was in totally bliss as he felt his new toe servant perform flawlessly.
I can do this! You think to yourself as you keep up the pace. Thinking ahead of the curve you decided to be a little more willing and help out Myles's toe gunk problem. Sticking your tiny hands into the gap between Myles's big and second toe you grimace as you pull out a handful of gunk. As you do this you feel Myles's foot jerk back as you inadvertently found one of Myles's tickle spots.

"Enough! You hear Myles yell at the top of his lungs. "I think were done with this exercise." Pulling out a remote from a nearby drawer, Myles fiddled with it a bit before pushing the red button in the middle.

Eyeing down at your collar you feel a jolt of static encompass your body as you find yourself shrinking down past the one inch mark. You watch again staring in disbelief as Myles's hand reached down for you. This time his hand loomed over you like a giant sized meteor, easily scooping you up to his waiting palm.

"Gotcha!' You feel yourself being lifted high in the air towards the now neighborhood size face.
"Haha, that's better. Let me get a better look at you now." You were rapidly lifted up to the massive face of your teen kidnapper. The most prominent feature at this new size was his sky blue eyes now resembling a huge pool in which you could almost find yourself sink into.

"Alright time let's start round two! Let's see how good you're wrestling skills are." Myles's opened his mouth to reveal his now ginormous teeth and gums. At this size the smell of fizzy drinks and Doritos was enough to make you vision go cross.

Heavy, strands of saliva stretched along his maw. Looking inward you see two rows of gums each embedded with pearly white teeth. All of them ready to dice and slice your body into smithereens. Past the deadly daggers rested your newest wrestling partner. The crimson beast made its way closer towards your cringing form.

The red serpent wiggled its way closer to you as it strawberry-red tongue wrap around your body pulling you into the "wrestling ring". You whine as you feel your body being constricted by the teen's pure muscle of tongue.

A loud distinct moan reverberates through the massive cavern as Myles's maw completely shuts you in. Poking and prodding you, Myles's tongue goes up and down your body, battering you up. Feeling like a jawbreaker, there is little you can do against your massive sparring partner. Completely drenched in saliva, you struggled to try to compete with something so massive. Trying your best you grasp the slippery serpent in hopes of getting any strategic hold on the mighty beast.

This is getting you no where you contemplate to yourself as you feel an onslaught of running water flood into the wrestling ring. It seems the sensation of food has stimulated Myles's appetite. "Come on man! At least put up a fight." Myles manage to mumble as the cavern shakes around you.

"I've got to get out of here!" Running towards Myles's teeth you bang on them begging for your release. Annoyed with you, Myles gets a devious idea to end this game. Taking a small breath the teen blows you out of his mouth onto his awaiting palm.

Shaken and confused you slowly succumb to a bash on your head that you received on the way out. Your eyes glaze over as you once again feel the electric sensation swirling around your body before falling unconscious. Aggravated Myles looks at your now almost microscopic form. "Damn what a waste...."

Massive canyon-sized valleys and rifts surround your now unconscious body. Farther along the palm, five monumental fingers reach to the sky each of them now resembling a summit. With a mighty gale from above your minuscule body is sent tumbling down to parts unknown. At this size you're too small to play with for the high wired teen. Not really caring at this point Myles goes on about his day ready to terrorize anyone who might get in his way.

You awaken from your daze as your vision comes back. You notice your body laying completely flat suspended on something. "Is it over?" you murmur to yourself. "Am I dead?" Glancing at your feet you could feel the ground itself is very unstable and seem to be made up of some type of metal?

Figures Myles would just dump you pretty much anywhere when he was done with you. But, the question remained just how small are you now? And where could you possibly be? The landscape curved and narrowed towards the point down the middle.

Peering further on out you could just make out that the metal disk curbed upwards clasping onto a peach colored cliff. You conclude that you must be on some sort of platform in the sky. What a mess. Thinking out loud you try to piece together something from the real world that you could equate to the situation you're in. The closest example you could think of was somehow you've found yourself lodged on a mountainous landscape, stuck on some ski lift with no signs of functioning.
Staring at the cliff you look for any footholds for you to grasp to travel down from the near vertical cliff. As you look upward you notice something you didn't' before, a giant protuberance wedged down center of your metal platform. Would could it be you marvel as you try to piece together the very limiting clues that are littered around you. The pinkish budge was gigantic compared to your minuscule body. It's stature casted a huge shadow over your form. Unable to climb upward to examine the knob closer you stumble around the podium to examine your pitiful situation.

Effectively you're stuck, wedged between two steep mountains on either side of you. Your landscape seems to breathe with you. As you stumble around you can't help but notice the constant loud rumbling just a ways down from your location. The only logical approach to this situation was to try to get off this platform. But, how? Looking straight up you try to see if maybe you could locate the sun or the sky for that matter. Unfortunately, once again there was no recognizable features. The light above you was completely filtered in a white and orange patterns that outstretched high above you. These images seemed too far away to be recognized as anything you have come across before.

Trying to get a better sense of direction you close your eyes and waited to see if you could listen for anything that might be lingering nearby. Focusing inside your head you waited. Time seemed to tick by as nothing happened. The stillness of it all was the mostly unsettling part of your experience.
And just like that a huge gust of wind bellowed onto the scene. The powerful gale swept around you and your surroundings. Just overhead the wind brought along it something even stranger....light?

Somehow the squall of wind seemed to pushover whatever was blocking the light from filtering through. As the light trickled in to illuminate the area, you were just left with more questions as the orange and white filter seem to expand over head as the mountain before you began to shift and change.

Glancing ahead with the mountain at your backside you watch in amazement as the landscape changes so much in mere moments. No longer stuck behind the false atmosphere of white and orange, the world expands at such a magnitude your eyes can't cope with the distance of the backdrop of the sky.
"I think I know where I am..." you nervously gulp hard at what lied before you.

As the off-handish white filter fades, you're left with quite a sight in front of you. Looking straight ahead, you see you're reflection on what seemed to be a colossal mirror. Laden across its surface was Myles's body in all of his glory, his eyes fixed on the mirror at his shirtless body. The teen was getting ready to go out for the night and wanted to take some selfie poses for his twitter account.

For you however things were much different. Now realizing the scope of your size, you find yourself stuck on Myles's right nipple ring. Damn, you're down right puny to this teen. There was no doubt in your mind they would be no way for Myles to see you at this point. Struggling to keep your balance as the godlike teen messed with countless poses. You find that Myles's nipple ring is now resembling one of those pirate ship attraction. Each shift of movement sends the ring up and down along with it, you. Unable to find any holding on the nearly smooth ring you find yourself slipping as the mountains teen makes a flex in the mirror.

Flying off the platform you scream at the top of your lungs. Things were looking dismal for you as you drift down Myles's larger than life form. Fortunate for you it seemed that your nano sized body helped you from sinking like a stone. Going along with the wind current you find yourself slowly sinking downward. Oblivious to your plight the planetary sized adolescent continued his routine in the mirror.

"NOooo!" You wail. Flailing around in despair, your speck sized body descends skidding across the mighty trenches of Myles's pecs towards his vast adnominal muscles. Unable to admire the teen's monumental body you started to freak out as you soon saw you're newest destination....

"Oh god, why me!" You cry as you tumble barreling downwards towards the front of Myles's shorts. Falling straight down you find yourself stuck in the dark confines of the teen's musky boxers.


"Fuck!" you scream. This is just perfect, you think to yourself as you walk along the darkness, surrounded by what you could only assume to be Myles's bushwork. As you walk along the surface, you observe the flooring beneath you give an off putting texture. With each step the ground below gave away to an almost putty or tar texture. "Quick sand?" You grimaced as he found it harder to push through the unforgiving ground.

This could only mean one thing, you shutter as you realize you're standing on the reckless teen's shaft. And what's worse he has no inkling on where you could be. Smaller than a pubic flea, things look bleak for you. You let out a cry of frustration as you feel a slight movement from below your feet. Myles must have shifted slightly while standing in front of the bathroom mirror.

Peering out in the twilight, you try to work out how you're going to get out of this mess. Once again you feel a huge surge knocking you off your feet. This time it was strong enough to swipe you off completely. You plummet down below Myles's shaft towards his inner lining pouch of his boxers.

Clinging to the cotton mesh of Myles's boxers, you dare not look behind as you are afraid of what you might see if you turn around. Still adhering to the boxers you start your descend downward in hopes of getting out of this jungle. Unwittingly you catch a glimmer of something you shouldn't have. Laying right behind you in all of its magnificence was the slumbering one eyed snake. It was huge beyond belief. A living, moving beacon! The slit alone big enough to swallow your neighborhood whole. And at this point it was flaccid.... High in the air above the boxer pouch you watch as the serpent slowly sway back and forth almost as if it were watching you.

Climbing down as fast as you can, you heard a vulgar rumbling high above you. Outside Myles was blissfully unaware of your latest plight. Right in front of you, dangling above your microscopic form was the pink obelisk staring you down. It was an utterly humiliating object to be compared to. Bigger than the tallest of mountains, Myles's penis slowly swelled up growing even bigger. At this new profound size the slit was wide enough to swallow a city. Myles too engrossed in the mirror, started to get a little too enamored with himself. His penis skyrocketed in size, easily catching up to you location. Getting closer there was little you could do as his massive member was directly overhead.

The tower of flesh rapidly invaded onto your location. Fearing for your life, you run straight ahead towards the flap opening of his boxers in hopes of getting away from the massive monolith. His shadow soon catches up to you. Still running you could feel the stagnant warmth all around you. The musk choked the air as the column of skin got closer to your nano mite size body. Turning around you finally saw the giga sized penis head. His slit was now fully engorged and flaring bright red.


The mushroom head came crashing down right on top of you. The monumentally mass was nothing you have experience before. You attempt to struggle and get away. As you do so you inadvertently tickle the sensitive underside of his Brobdingnagian sized head. Giving the massive silo just enough edge to push you against the cotton confines of the teen's boxers. Your efforts are in vain. Your exhausted body lay entombed against the mammoth penis and by the silkiness of the teen's boxers.
In your fatigue you barely noticed that Myles stopped posing in the mirror. That's when you begin to feel compression from both sides of your prison. From outside the boxers, you can feel Myles preparing to correct his hard on. Sticking out his index finger, he zooms against the region where you are.

"Oooo, that's the spot!" Myles moans as he gingerly rubs his head.

Unable to flee the pressure intensifies and you realize all too quickly that you're about to be condensed into a miniature stain on an otherwise unblemished skin. Pain was abrupt as you feel yourself smashed into Myles's gigantic head. Forever lost in the skin never to be heard of again.


"Huh....must have been an itch." Myles amused as he sauntered off, ready to hang out with Rex and Kenta for a night out on the town.

© Copyright 2016 Felix (pattymic1 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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