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Alesha, heads to to swim in the evening. But fate and nature are very cruel to this girl. |
Alisha dropped her bag amongst the tall thin grass and started to peel off her sandals. The slowly setting sun had begun to turn the water orange as it dipped lower and lower towards the horizon. The girl finished removing her shoes, immediately tugging off her loose top and shorts, revealing her bronzed bikini-clad body beneath. Sunshore city stood behind her, the light of Vista Lighthouse illuminating all around it. Ready at last she started to head into the water. Her toes sinking into the soft sand with each step. The warm water soon lapped around her feet and ankles, rising more and more with every stride. Soon she was up to her waist, the weak currents brushing up against her skin. Alisha dived forward and her front crawl took her swiftly away from the beach, further into the calm, still sea. Her dirty blonde hair broke the surface in a spray of saltwater as she breathed the soothing sea air in deeply. The water was pleasantly warm, helping her eradicate the stress of the day and soothing her skin. Below she could make out the jutting mounds of coral protruding from the silvery seabed, a few solitary Magicarp and Remoraid silently gilding through the water beneath her, feeding of the nutritious soup of algae and plankton. The approaching night meant few people were out swimming along Route 223, while barely any life stirred below her- the aquatic beasts retreating to the dark depths of the open ocean. However, a few hundred feet away, something did stir. From among the stacked pillars of black rock and ghostly pale corals, a sleeping beast awoke. From a dark alcove encrusted with luminous white coral, emerged a short muscular form. Long dark fins jutted from its centre while malicious scarlet eyes scanned from heavyset sockets. Icy blood flowed sluggishly around its powerful muscles while its gills fluttered; ready to draw in water for its fierce bursts of speed. It could sense a suitable prey. Its splashing and movement sent out so many electrical signals it flooded the Shark Pokémon’s senses, so obvious it seemed painful, isolating it easily. Lines of wicked triangular teeth gaped open in anticipation as the Sharpedo rose from its coral lair and began its hunt. Alisha was too busy lazily treading water to notice the few remaining Magicarp scattering in terror. The sounds of her swimming and the rolling of the waves masked the Sharpedo’s emergence as it examined its victim from above the waterline before descending. The girl swam and sang to herself in blissful unawareness of the circling predator. Her sweet melodies failed to stir the Sharpedo’s ears. All that its mind could compute was what her hot flesh would taste like as it filled its hungry belly. After it made two laps of the girl it swam a few hundred meters away before beginning its attack. Alisha could feel something was wrong. The sun was starting to dip below the horizon and everything felt very quiet and still, aside from the rolling of the waves and her own breathing. But her skin felt inexplicably cold, Goosebumps rising along their length. She looked about nervously at the shifting water, nothing swam in the black water below her. Then it hit her. The Sharpdeo was rocketing along underwater, streams of water jetting out its rear end- propelling the beast like a black dart. It rammed the girl side on, smashing into her in a glancing blow. Alisha’s ribs cracked audibly, she opened her mouth to scream but she was already sinking beneath the surface, the darkness of the ocean enveloping her like a closing fist. Bubbles erupting from her mouth, she started to swim back up. Her broken ribs felt on fire as she swam. The silvery light of the surface grew closer and closer. The Sharpedo rammed her a second time. The impact coursed up her legs, muscles snapped and brittle bone fractured. The second collision sent her spiralling off course but Alisha kept on swimming. Her body was screaming in pain but pumped full of adrenaline and endorphins that kept her going on. Saltwater stung her eyes but she could see a blurry mound of rock emerging from the ocean floor. It was this that she struck out to, her aching arms pulling her forward. Her head broke the surface again allowing Alisha to fill her burning lungs with air, gasping with the effort. She opened her mouth to scream but the relentless Sharpedo struck again, sending her tumbling beneath the waves a third time. It was agony, relentless attacks that Alisha could not see, coming from the darkness of the twilight water. She tried to strike out with clenched fists and kicks but the resistance was pathetic. Sharpedo’s bloodlust was increasing. It had yet to taste the kill’s flesh. Its ramming and battering had weakened its prey severely but now it wanted to move in for the kill. More water was sucked through its gills, filling its bloodstream with more rich oxygen for the attack. He came from below, striking out from the dark seafloor. Her smooth, tanned leg flashed before it. The rows of jagged incisors opened like the foul jaws of hell itself. The curved teeth smoothly pierced her thigh; slipping through her skin, cutting through the muscles she worked so hard to develop. Weeks pumping weights in her gym was pathetic compared to a lifetime of violence and frenzy for hot blood. Her pretty face was screwed into a horrific rictus of unbridled pain, the long ragged scream erupting from her lips like a dying animal. It was agony to kick now, but the pain and terror forcing her to go on. The mound of rock was close. Despite the onslaught of attacks, she had kept her focus on the outcrop. Waves continued to swamp her as she kicked and flailed. She could see when she turned her head, the tall dark dorsal fin slicing through the crests of the waves, furrows of white foam boiling behind it. Alisha gritted her teeth and swam on. She couldn’t die tonight, she just couldn’t! She could see her single flat, her roommate asleep on one of the beds, her Pokecenter uniform laid neatly over a chair. She had hours to work, night classes to attend, time to be spent with her friends a whole life waiting for her: awards to achieve, badges to earn, her special someone to find, kids to be had. Salty tears ran down her bruised cheeks, only to be swept away by the crashing waves. Her broken bones and damaged muscles burned with pain, begging for any respite. The pale legs were growing closer and closer. The Sharpedo’s wicked jaws opened wide as it closed in. Its eyes closed as it honed in for the final few seconds. Alisha’s hands grabbed onto the hard surface of the rock. She screamed in pain as she hauled herself up, the sharp edges grating and cutting into her tender skin. The Sharpedo smashed against the rock’s side, the pain of the collision and the escape of its prey drove the pokemon in a frenzy. It spun, tossed and bit. Alisha was sprayed with water as she struggled up the weather beaten rockface. She dared to look down at the enraged shark, its wide tooth filled maw snapping open and shut with unkempt fury. The water boiled with its rage. From her newfound safety Alisha could watch as she regained her breath. Her heart still pounded away like a drum, her whole body was shaking with fear and relief. Her broken ribs and lacerated hands were still flaring with pain, causing her to whimper and curse when she adjusted her position upon the rocky perch. Blood dripped freely from where the grapefruit-sized chunk had been torn out her leg, the mutilated muscle and ligaments visible in the weak moonlight. Below the Sharpdeo’s rage had burnt out. The Shark Pokémon circled the rock, snapping and trying to ignore the pain from its bloodied side. The jagged rockface had bruised and cut its thick, rough skin causing tendrils of dark sanguine blood to leak into the water. The tall dark fin that marked the Sharpedo suddenly turned. Alisha looked up in surprise as the beast shot away, the fin cleaving through the water. A huge black wave rolled over and crashed above the fleeing pokemon. When the spray cleared, all Alisha could see was hissing foam and bubbles. She could hardly believe her eyes; the shark had fled! She burst into mad, terrified laughter, her battered chest heaving like the rolling waves. Her elation made her forget the snapped ligaments, broken bones and pulped muscles. Once she regained her composure she realised what needed to be done. She hurriedly unfastened her bikini top with broken nails and bleeding fingers. She wound the fabric around her thigh and pulled it tight with a scream. She panted and grunted in pain, not caring about her nudity. The damage the Sharpedo had wrought was bad. Very bad. But glancing into the black, soulless water she shuddered. With her blood in the water, she couldn’t try and reach the shore. She imagined a whole pack of stout, ugly Sharpedo, circling her with gnashing teeth and cruel red eyes. It made her shudder. She realised she had no other option but remain on the rock. Maybe she could attract a passing boat, catch the attention of a fisherman out for the night, she reckoned, squinting out into the ocean- searching for the lights of a passing boat. Something grabbed her by the shoulders. Before she could draw breath she was yanked with inhuman force off the rock and into the water. She tried to scream but she had no air in her lungs. She was plummeting, being pulled deeper and deeper. The glittering light of the surface was growing further and further away. Alisha writhed in the iron grip of the Gyarados’ jaws. The huge blue serpent dived further into the abyss, its reptilian face locked in a snarl. The preassure was growing on the already drowning Alisha. She felt faint, her lungs burnt. The Gyarados teeth were stabbing into her shoulders. All she could see was blackness. As they passed into the twilight zone, Alisha’s vision was blurred and distorted. Her lungs begged for air, but she couldn't fill them no matter how hard she wanted to. The Gyarados released its jaws and for a few seconds she was swimming away weakly. The huge serpentine beast curled around and snapped its fanged jaws shut. The bite easily cleaved her in half. Her spasming torso floated aimlessly for a scant few seconds before the monstrous pokemon swallow her lower half and returned for the final catch. Her lustrous blonde hair was briefly visible between its curved fangs before being sucked down its gullet. Satisfied, the Gyarados snaked away to her cave on the seafloor. The immense female curled up in the pitch blackness, among the mounds of Wailord bones and dead corals to digest her meal. She was lucky to smell the blood in the water. Seeing off the injured Sharpedo was easy and her prey had no idea what was approaching until she reared out the water and plucked her off the rock. The meal had been easy and swift, food for the growing clutch of eggs in her belly. With its breath sending streams of bubbles skywards into the darkness, the Gyarados eased herself into the depths of sleep. Days after a local Pokestore girl had disappeared, when the missing posters and searches had yielded no results; a fisherman bade goodbye to his wife and went for a stroll down the Sunshore beach, rod and tacklebox in hand. Humming happily to himself, his eyes caught sight of something odd. Among the seaweed, driftwood and detritus of the ocean was a strange bundle. When he waked over he examined it more closely. A tattered scrap of blue fabric with a silver ring attached, entwined with fishbones and seagrass. On closer inspection he realised he was holding a scrap of bikini, a similar make to the one his wife wore. Turning it over, his face turned white with horror as he saw the name written on the inside, the faded stain of blood and the tangle of waterlogged blonde hair trapped among the scraps. |