Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2092571-A-day-at-the-theme-park
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Erotica · #2092571
Two friends meet up for a day at a theme park. One has a toy she wants to share F/any vore
"Hey Nick, you're resting on that." The soft voice pulled him from his momentary stupor. Back into reality, he took another drag on the blunt between his pointer and middle finger, and passed it off to a much smaller hand. He took a quick moment to watch himself in the rear view mirror as he exhaled a plume of smoke. 6'3 and white, pale skin tanned a slight red by the summer sun, blond hair reaching down to his shoulders, an almond face with teal blue eyes, the whites turned red. He didn't feel like himself, but he certainly looked the part. He angled himself to look past his neck. Wearing no shirt, his large arms and thick chest were visible. "Not exactly a large person" he thought to himself, noticing his pretty normal sized frame that his muscles were attached to. A red bathing suit covered his toned legs. A quick tap on the shoulder caused him to look towards his right, at the woman in his passenger seat.
She was small. 5 foot nothing with a round face. Her neck length blonde hair was matted to her porcelain white skin. She had a large chest, a d cup, Nick had got her to admit one night, that was barely contained by her pink bathing top. Her exposed abdomen was nearly flat, something that had always puzzled Nick, who had quickly come to learn the size of her appetite, which would be more befitting of a 300 pound diabetic trucker then this 120 pound dancer. Her legs and butt were thick and toned from her extensive dance practice. Small blue eyes, whites just as red as his, studied him as a dainty hand held the final remains of the marijuana cigar.
"That's roached" she said, white wisps of smoke coming from the corners of her mouth. Nick inspected the still smoking wrap. It was on its final legs, but there was still leaf visible.
"You're shot Kayla." He said, bringing the flame of his light to the charred end and taking another long drag. He exhaled another plume.
"At least put it in the bowl if you want you want me to smoke a roachie." Kayla said, producing a small glass pipe. Nick unfolded one end of the short blunt and forced its contents into the pipe's chamber. The small Aryan girl brought her lighter to the crumbly leaf, placing her mouth over the end of the pipe. She sucked hard as the weed burned to ash, before exhaling a small puff of smoke.
"You swallowed like half the smoke." Nick commented plainly as Kayla put the bowl back in the glovebox. In response, she turned her head towards him and belched deeply, a larger cloud of smoke emerging from her mouth. It smelled like a strange mixture of marijuana, vomit, and the carnitas burrito she had ordered at Chipotle two hours prior.
"Lovely." Nick said with a smirk on his face.
"Thank you, thank you." she said in a carny's voice, bowing. At this decently unfunny gesture, both of them erupted into giggles. They both pushed open their doors, emerging into the sunny August midday with a chorus of snickers and a cloud of smoke. Kayla went into the backseat and grabbed a small backpack, as Nick fished two tickets from his pockets. They made their way across the parking lot. They could see a skyline of rollercoasters and ferris wheels and pirate ships, but they weren't there for rides today. They presented their tickets to a bored looking teenager in a goofy suit, who then christened them over to a short Hispanic man checking bags. Kayla presented her open backpack. Inside was both her and Nick's phones, a limp foot tall blue canvas lunchbag, the keys to the car, and a strange black plastic stick of some kind.
"What's this?" the man asked, pulling the black rod out. There was a small button of the same color on the side of it.
"You, uh, plug your phone into it and it charges it." Kayla answered.
"Where's the cords to plug your phone in?" he inquisited further.
"Must've left them in the car." she responded.
"What does this button do?" the bagchecker pursued further, finger reaching up to the small black bump.
"No, don't hit that!" Kayla suddenly burst, "That uh, makes the charge start, and if there's nothing plugged in, it wastes the charge."
"Christ dude." Nick suddenly interjected, losing his patience, "Are we good to go?" The man looked at them for a moment, then dropped the object back into the bag and handed it back. The two stepped away and started towards the water park.
"So, what was that?" Nick questioned as they passed an ice cream shop.
"My new toy. Just got it on Sunday" Kayla responded with a devious hint in her voice.
"Wow." he responded, taking a joking tone to his voice, "You could have left it in the drawer." Kayla playfully hit him on the arm.
"Not that kind of toy!" she responded indignantly, a wide grin on her face.
"What'd you name him? Bruce? Tom?" Nick continued, mocking her further.
"Shush." she demanded in a soft tone. "I'll show you what it does in a bit." The two continued on hazy feet, before they arrived at their destination. A large wake pool lay in front of them, a massive bath house to their left, and a steel playground with all sorts of water based toys. Families entered the bath house in regular summerwear, and emerged in swimming trunks and bikinis. The pool in front of them was populated with dozens of people, ranging from children to 50 year olds. The playground swarmed with kids, all of whom in some process of aiming water-shooting plastic cannons, or waiting for a massive bucket filled with water to tip over and dump on their heads. It was a scene Nick had seen many times before in many different places.
"Wait here for a bit," Kayla said, "I have to go use the bathroom." She stepped into the bathhouse. Nick used this time to find a shady spot beneath a tree and watched the people going in and out of the building. Families and children on field trips surged into the building, eager to get changed into bathing suits and head off to the various slides and pools in the area. He began to zone out before he caught a mane of purple hair out of the corner of his eye. He studied the girl for a moment before concluding it was indeed who he thought it was. Her name was Millicent. His brother's ex. They had been friends when she was with his brother, but had drifted apart since the two split up. Not wanting to invite an awkward moment, he turned away as she entered the bath house, making sure to draw as little attention to himself as possible. He relaxed once she disappeared through the door, and continued his people watching. Less and less people were entering the building, and as he reached his 5 minute mark of waiting, he noticed that no one was coming out either. He looked inquisitively towards the door, before Kayla suddenly walked out.
"Okay, let's head in." she said, holding onto her backpack. "Long line" he figured as he followed her to the pool, stealing a glance at her wide, swaying hips. She put her backpack down on top of a lawn chair, and entered the pool, Nick moments behind her.
The pool was amazing. Nick had always wanted to go swimming while high, but never had somebody to do it with. When he brought up the idea to Kayla, who he hadn't seen since the semester ended three months ago, she was so adamant on it that they bought their tickets that day. Being on the opposite ends of the state during the summer, they had agreed to meet half way, and then drive to the theme park in one car. It had been a lot of driving for one day, but Nick was relaxed now.
An hour drifted by before either of them spoke a word.
"I gotta go use the toilet." he said, starting towards the edge of the pool. He had been contemplating just pissing underwater, but he figured there was probably already enough people doing that.
"Yeah, I'm going to get out for a second as well." Kayla returned, following him. They both emerged, dripping water from every part of their bodies. Nick starting towards the bathhouse, and Kayla towards the chair her backpack was on.
Inside the bathhouse was a bit unnerving. There wasn't a single person inside. Dead silent, saving the buzzing of a single oscillating ceiling fan. Nick thought he heard someone screaming from outside as he pulled the front of his bathing suit down and began relieving himself, but he ignored it. He washed his hands and took a look at himself in the mirror. His eyes looked like he was about to shoot laser beams, be it from the weed or the pool's chlorine, he couldn't tell. He frowned a bit to himself before he heard some more screaming. Then more. It sounded like children, but there was nothing playful to the sound. He began uneasily towards the exit before it suddenly stopped. He pushed open the door slowly to see Kayla coming towards the bathhouse. Her pink two piece was just about dry, but her backpack clung a bit to her glistening skin. Her right hand held the lunchbox Nick had noticed from before, only now it seemed full, sagging with the weight of whatever was inside. Her left held the black tube the bagchecker had taken notice of.
"C'mon," she started, a bit out of breath. "Let's head back to your car for a bit, I want to show you something." Nick noticed she was sweating.
"Ooookaaayy..." he returned, a bit confused. There was something... strange going on he thought to himself, before realizing how quiet the park was. He looked over to the pool. It was utterly vacant. The playground too, he noticed.
"What?" he puzzled, looking questioningly towards Kayla, "Where's all the people?"
"Just come on!" she said giddily. She led Nick back towards the park's exit at a light jog, the throng of people returning as they got further away from the water park. They walked through a gated path that read "Exit", at the end of which sat a sixteen year old girl, who quickly dabbed a reentry stamp on their hands. Kayla picked up her jog after this, elevating it into a quick skip, before they reached the car. Nick fished his keys from the backpack and unlocked the door. They barely finished sitting down before Kayla put the lunchbag on the floor and reached into the glovebox and emerged with a thick prerolled joint in her left hand. She produced a lighter from a cupholder, and lit it, taking a long puff on it. She exhaled, her massive hit already making the car smoky. She leaned into her seat and brought the black tube up, pointing the end of it at Nick. He noticed that red display letters on a side panel read "341". She then looked Nick in the eyes and pressed the button.
His head swam as his surroundings began to shrink. One moment he was looking into his friend's deep blue eyes, and the next he was retching on some sort of strange fabric rug. He looked around, and realized it wasn't a rug. It was his chair. He was barely an inch tall. Confused, he looked up to Kayla. She was monolithic, taller then a skyscraper. She took another long drag on her bus sized joint, before she gently put the black rod down. Nick noticed it read "342" as her hand gingerly scooped him up. He was the size of her fingernail, her now audible stomach growls like the noises of an earthquake. She brought the hand to her face, causing Nick to recoil and fall onto his back. He had always thought his friend was beautiful, but he never thought he'd look into her gorgeous face and be afraid. She opened her mouth partially, the small opening big enough to engulf Nick whole, and exhaled. His world became smoke for a moment, and by the time it cleared, he was coughing his lungs out. As he tried to wipe the stinging from his eyes, Kayla suddenly lurched her hand forward and dropped him on the dashboard. He watched in paralyzed silence as she put the joint down and grabbed the lunchbox. She placed it on her lap, and undid the flap.
Inside was a vertible sea of people. The entire foot tall bag was brimming with hundreds of shrunken men, women, and children. Through the haze Nick noticed Millicent's purple hair on the top row. They all screamed and squirmed, trying to climb their way out of the bag to no avail. Slowly, meticulously, Kayla steadied the bag with her left hand, and reached in with her right. In one large handful, she scooped up 30 of the shrunken people, mostly children. She brought her hand to her face, and opened her mouth. She nonchalantly dumped the crowd of people into her maw, filling her cheeks, before closing her lips, and swallowing, without chewing. A large bulge materialized at the top of her neck, travelling down her throat, before disappearing behind her sternum. A moment later, she put a hand on her abdomen and gently rubbed it. She swallowed again, another bulge emerging and disappearing into her.
"Urp." she proclaimed as she reached her hand back into the bag. Another crowd of screaming people were brought to her voracious maw, and unceremoniously dropped inside. She worked the group around her mouth with her tongue, before swallowing once, a lump that seemed far too large to swallowed steadily moving down her esophagus. Another handful was brought into her mouth and devoured. Then another. A small lump was beginning to emerge in her exposed naval. She scooped up another 30 terrified homunculuses and engulfed them in one massive gulp.
She belched with a guttural "urrraap" and grabbed 50 more, 25 in each fist. She dropped one group in and swallowed immediately, before dropping the other in and wolfed them down before the first lump had even traveled behind her large breasts. She repeated this technique two more times, accidentally dropping a couple of the poor people who had made the mistake of choosing today to visit the water park. They fell the length of her entire body, smacking into her thighs with a barely audible "thud." Before they could even come to their senses after falling the equivalent of the Empire State Building, Kayla scooped them up and shook them into her mouth to join the rest of her lunch. Her gut stuck out and buzzed noisily with the sound of 300 digesting people. She burped deeply before she looked back into her bag. There were about 50 survivors. She licked her lips, tilted her head back, and brought the bag to her lips. She opened her mouth and tilted the bag forward. The crowd struggled against the force of gravity, but to no avail. The writhing mass of crying, screaming mini humans slid down the bag, past Kayla's perfect white teeth, and disappeared down her throat, only to emerge seconds later as a deep, satisfied burp. She held one hand on her engorged stomach as it began churning away at the 341 men, women, and children. 341 lives ended for Kayla's lunch. Nick felt himself stiffen as he got the weirdest erection of his life.
A minute passed in utter silent save for the churning of the giantess' rapacious stomach and the occasional unconditional "urp" that passed through her lips. Then suddenly, she lurched upwards. She put her now empty lunch bag on the floor, and grabbed her joint again, She took a drag, exhaled, and waited a moment, before she reached out and grabbed Nick. He struggled for a moment, before he remembered the 341 examples of futility he just witnessed. He submitted himself to Kayla's influence as she brought him towards her, dropping him on her no longer flat midsection. The flesh below him shook and roared like an earthquake. There was only a thin layer of skin and flesh separating him from a death factory, that turned people into nutrients for beautiful, beautiful Kayla. He could hear screaming from within. He knew that as he stood on top of them, nearly 3 and a half hundred people were being melted alive, so Kayla could absorb their bodies more easily. The mass shuddered for a moment, as another belch erupted from Kayla. The look on her face was complete ecstasy. Nick could tell by her look she recognized what she had done, that she knew what manner of hell she was inflicting on these people so she could get a good meal. Nick had never seen such a satisfied expression.
Suddenly, he was lifted back into the air. He came face to end with the black rod, and as Kayla pushed down on the button once more, he felt the intense feeling of nausea return. He fought to hold on to the contents of his stomach, before he felt a sharp pain on his head. Looking up, he realized he had hit his head on the ceiling. He looked around confused before he noticed everything had returned to normal size. He looked down onto Kayla's beaming face. He was sitting on her lap, his throbbing cock clearly outlined by his swimming suit and pressed against her human filled gut. They both looked at it for a moment, then back at each other, before another wet belch began to erupt from Kayla, only to be cut short as Nick covered her lips with his own. Her breath tasted hearty, like a thick Shepard's pie. She pulled his bathing suit down effortlessly, as he pulled her bikini bottom off with one hand. Kayla guided him into her, and took hold.
"C'mon lover boy." the soft voice once more pulled Nick from his stupor, "The park's closing." Nick rubbed the sleep from his eyes and looked at the clock. 6 p.m.
"And I'm starting to get pretty hungry." She said, patting her once again flat midsection.
"Jesus Christ, do you have a bottom?!" Nick remarked, staring at her naval. It roared, having finished digesting its most recent meal and was ready for more.
"Yeah, right about here." Kayla said before lifting her rear to the side and farting. The wet noise was the funeral knell of hundreds dead. Nick had a feeling he was going to be doing this often. He couldn't wait.
"Okay babe, let's go find you someone to eat." he said, putting the keys into the ignition. As he did so he noticed a notepad on the dashboard. He read it:
Monday: Breakfast - 204. Lunch - 292. Dinner - 278
Tuesday: Breakfast - 256. Lunch - 303. Dinner - 409
Wednesday: Breakfast - 232. Lunch - 341. Dinner -
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