Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2092525-Untitled-Part-II---Overwatch-Fanfiction
by Abah
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2092525
Betrayal, trickery, lies, and deceit. He stands tall against it.

"What do you guys want for this lovely day?" He offered. "I'll pay it for now."

"I'd like a cup of tea, please?" Tracer said with an enormous smile on her face.

"I'd like a strong French coffee, s'il a vous plait?." Widowmaker said with a small smile on her face.

"Mineral water, please," Lucifer said while he opened a pack of cigarette. "Now, since I paid your morning break, what would you like to know about me?" he asked.

"Who are you?"

"Who am I? I am a regular citizen, doing whatever I want as I see fit." Lucifer said while smoking his cigarette.

"Do you really kill people?" Widowmaker interrogated.

"No, I am not killing any people," Lucifer said calmly while smoking his cigarette. "Thank you, waitress. Have a good one." He continued while responding to the server.

"Do you terrorizing people?" they asked.

"Terrorizing never been in my dictionary," Lucifer said calmly while drinking his mineral water. "If I threaten people, who're going to be the savior? Since your commandant told you to kill whoever behind the establishment of Dark Alleyway, without knowing who's really behind the screen and who's controlling its thugs." Lucifer blurted once again while smoking his cigarette.

"We are going to save them." Tracer said with pride.

"Now, I think you guys now got three simultaneous jobs at the same time. Hunt The Shadowy Figure while saving innocent man's life and accused people of being in the Dark Alleyway Association." Lucifer asserted. "Does it sound very. confusing?" Lucifer continued while drinking his last drop of water.

"We'll do it separately," Widowmaker said with confidence.

"How come? One day you search for this Shadowy Figure, then the next day you save an innocent man's life then accused him of joining the Dark Alleyway Association?" He joked. "You've got to be kidding me, right?" He said with an evil smile.

"It's not like that, we'll do and finish it in one day." Widowmaker boasted.

"Hold on right there, girl. 24 hours? Well, then, I wish you good luck and Godspeed." He said while standing up from his chair. "Let's go to the festival, it's almost opened." He informed while running towards the entrance.

As they walked through the masses, Tracer and Widowmaker feel so safe around him, it's like his presence are becoming their shield--their protector as he walks and giving people a good laugh and saluting them who are in the ranks of the army. People has misunderstood his personality and what is he doing for a living.

Children loved him as they thought that he is their father, a lot of mothers in the area said that Luciferous are the kindest old man they've ever met. Although he's an assassin, he actually likes to share his affection towards others, young lads reportedly often inviting him to their Bachelor party or even inviting him to join their sports team, not as a player but as the coach. His citizenship archives are preserved very well, and he's not involved in any crime--ironically, assassination is what he do for his living.

Women around the community also quite enjoyed his presence and some of them having a crush on him, but Lucifer never cared for what they said and carry on walking on the path he chooses.

"Lucifer, what do you think about Overwatch and Talon?" Tracer said. "Everyone has opinions about it, right?"

"Let me tell you something about those two organization. They're bastards." He answered with simple directness.

"Okay, that'd be understandable."

"Stop asking questions that make me like a convict, all right? I'm fed up with that kind of thing." Lucifer pleaded.

"Alright, then."

"Since we're here, I'll give you guys some money, and you guys enjoy what you like. I'll be waiting on that bar over there." Lucifer said while handing them a significant amount of money.

"Okay, thank you!"

"Have fun, cheers." He said while waving his hands towards them.

"Hey, there, master. Is that our target?" Guerrera asked.

"Yeah. What have you got for sale today, Guerrera?" Lucifer asked while looking at the menu.

"Not-so-strong whiskey, some vodka, and a light beer. What do you want, master?" He offered.

"I'll go with light beer, please." He ordered.

"Hey, there, brother. Any news?" Helen asked from behind.

"Ah, Helen! Happy to meet you again, sweetheart. Yes, there is news for us."

"What is it?" She asked in amazement.

"You see two girls, one with a visor and one with a teleportation harness?" Lucifer asked her while pointing at Tracer and Widowmaker.

"Yeah, I see them. What about it?"

"They're our prey for the next two or three years. Talon and Overwatch are angered that every soldier they sent to search them is always empty handed." Lucifer explained. "If you asked why, because I destroyed their communication system and rewiring their equipment. So, by that, they can't use it perfectly and completely deaf." He continued while drinking his beer.

"Deaf? Do you mean, they have no communication with their leader?"

"That's what I meant. Completely deaf and blind, and really unsafe." He said while shaking his head.

"We can strike them tonight if you permit," Helen said while preparing her signature dagger.

"Strike Overwatch and Talon Joint Armed Force while they're on their night shift?"

"Yes, that's the best time to reduce their numbers." She nodded.

"That's an excellent idea. Since I need to taking care Tracer and Widowmaker--as they introduced themselves to me, I can't really do it. But, I'll try my best."

"Meet us at El Pancho's Taco Corner at 11 p.m. I have a report from my associates that they will do some street sweeping around the area. Possibly guarded by three APCs and a lot of snipers, and unfortunately, a lot of lights."

"Bribe some locals to allow us use their homes as our vantage point and also as my perching point. My rifle is kinda hungry." Lucifer said while he standing up. "See you later, sister." He said while running towards the crowds and catching up with Tracer and Widowmaker.

"Are you sure he going to be there, Helen?" Guerrera asked.

"I'm sure of it, brother. Hope he ain't faking his promises." Helen hoped.

"If he's not there, I'll be there to support you." Guerrera offered his service.

"Sure, come right away. I'm confident that we'll gonna have some fun with those soldiers." Helen said with an evil smirked.

"Cheers, see you later. Shadows be with us." Guerrera said while Helen putting on her hoodie and disappeared between crowds.

"Yay! Another perfect round! Want to try some more, sharpshooter?" Tracer said while mocking Widowmaker.

"Fermer sa gueule, Tracer. Let's do this again." Widowmaker said while aiming her rented BB gun.

They both having fun at the festival, winning many prizes and having a lot of fun, Lucifer who observed them from afar is kinda proud of them, because they're not having so much fun like today. Being in joint forces and nothing to do except examining people, searching houses, and killing somebody? Lucifer assured that kind of thing is "annoying as hell when the second day is coming."

"Hey, guys! How's the festival?" Lucifer asked while holding their shoulders.

"It is fun! Can't wait to play more games! Widowmaker always loses, love." Tracer boasted.

"It's a lie! I win some games!" she yelled.

"You aren't winning anything!" Tracer mocked while she pulling out her tongue.

"To prevent any fights between both of you, after this we'll go back home, yeah?" Lucifer said while licking his lollipop.

"Aww, love. I want to do more of this, but if that's what you want. We'll go home after this."

"Yeah! Perfect round for me! Well, at least I got something for my collection." Widowmaker cheered.

"You win one, I win 4. Next time, it'll be a humiliation for you!" Tracer said in a childish tone.

"Let's go home already, I'm sick of this!"

"Helen, do we got any vantage point? Over." Lucifer said through his radio.

"Yes, there's a man willing to join our cause, and his family is letting us use their loft as your perching point. He said that El Pancho's is 50 meters from their house, and you can see everything from there." Helen informed.

"That's pretty nice, no hard work required. Any additional info? Over." Lucifer asked.

"Unfortunately, those soldiers are going to use composite armors, which you can't penetrate it by regular bullets. I suggest that you have enough APHV bullets for your rifle. Only that can penetrate that kind of armor." Helen informed. "I'll be on Pancho's at 10:30. Guerrera will be worked as a backup sniper, he's located on a rooftop across Pancho's."

"Where is that exactly, Over?"

"15.75 meters from your location, Lucifer."

"Roger that."

"Alright boys, keep an eye on everyone behind you. That assassin could be everywhere." Sgt. Jonesy advised. "Use your thermal visor if you can't see him in the dark."

"Sir, Yes Sir."

"Keep up the good.." Jonesy halted because he's been shot in the head.

"Sarge! The sergeant has been killed, I repeat, The sergeant has been killed!" Pvt. Fritzgerald yelled through his radio.

In the confusion, Helen threw a flashbang and smoke bomb simultaneously while Lucifer shot them and Guerrera stabbing their back and slit their throats, a bullet managed to hit Helen on her left hand, she escaped the scene to get some medication.

"Brothers, I think I've been shot, need some medication. Helen out."

"Affirmative, Helen. Over." Lucifer and Guerrera said through their radio simultaneously.

They both kill the remaining soldiers and at dawn.. it was a bloodshed. 15 soldiers from 1st Sweeping Corps are killed, along with its sergeant, Sgt. Hamrock Jonesy. The Overwatch Joint Forces are getting more irritated as their best sergeant in line got killed, and their extensive operation is considered as chaos.

"Sir, we couldn't do anything to stop him. He's invisible and never leave a trace." Said one of Gerhardt's intel.

"This guy is making me mad every time. Do you guys able to contact Tracer and Widowmaker?"

"Talons said that Widowmaker's transmission is inactive, and according to our sources. Tracer is nowhere to be found."

"DAMN IT! DAMN THAT SHADOWY FIGURE!" He thundered while punching his picture frame to pieces. "Intensify security, we cannot let him slip." He ordered to his assistances.

"It'll be done, sir."

"Morning, ladies!" Lucifer greeted.

"Where have you been last night, Lucie?" Widowmaker asked.

"Buying stuff from the market, they sell their produce a little cheaper than usual." He said while putting his groceries on a table.

"Why you brought your rifle to the market? Isn't that forbidden?" Tracer said while she looking at herself in the mirror.

"I just informed by my associates that there's an assassin who wants to kill me in sight. So, I brought my rifle to keep my head where it belongs." He confidently lied. "Are you guys having a pleasant sleep last night?"

"We are, Lucie. It's so peaceful and so damn quiet, unlike in our HQ, everything's is busy as hell, even when it's midnight." Widowmaker complained. "But here, it is great." She complimented.

"I heard that the Joint Forces are intensifying the security around this area." Tracer blurted.

"If I'm not mistaken, yeah." He said calmly.

"So, it'll so damn hard for you to get out or escaping the Joint Forces," Widowmaker said offhandedly. "And it'll be easier for them to catch you, more like a fish in a barrel."

"Yeah, it's getting rougher as I getting more brutal than ever. I need to lay low for some time and rest my Mosin. As the time passed by, it's becoming older and older." Lucifer said while sorrowing to his grandfather's rifle. "I don't know when this gun will retire from its service from our family. I hope, it'll be used by my children and my grandchildren." He sorrowed while putting it in back to a display case.

"You cook your own breakfast, I think I need some time to forget about all I told you before," Lucifer said while he going upstairs to relax on an old couch.

"Tracer, how do you know the security are intensified?" Widowmaker whispered.

"Gerhardt informed us with interconnected speakers around the city and it's freaking loud." Tracer told Widowmaker.

"What do you think about him, huh?" Widowmaker said while cooked her breakfast.

"He's a lovely lad, he knows how to joke, and he's cute." Tracer daydreamed. "He's the best old man I've ever met!" Tracer said while imagining Lucifer as her boyfriend.

"Do you really want to marry an old man like him?" Widowmaker joked.

"He's an exception for me." Tracer winked. "What about you?"

"After living with him for 4 days now, his kindness is unimaginable and what people think is wrong. He's not that bad." Widowmaker said while she read an old book.

"Wish those in HQ understand him and its refugees."

"I've made a journal, to inform the Joint Forces what he's really doing for a living. Yesterday some guy told me that there's our associate that are waiting for us near that old grocery store. I'll be going there soon after I finished my breakfast." Widowmaker informed.

"What about me, then?" Tracer asked.

"You stay here, tell him that I'm going to meet one of my ex-schoolmates near the old grocery store," Widowmaker said to Tracer while she packed everything she needs.

"Okie Dokie, Widowmaker." She affirmed while she waits for her tea.

Widowmaker finishes her breakfast quite fast and then she head to the Grocery Store to meet with one of Joint Force's associate--under Lucifer's binocular telescope. Lucifer stayed very calm and showing no reaction while he saw Widowmaker blackmailing his identity and things he does every day.

Aha.. I know what are you doing under my nose, Frenchie. Blackmailing my identity to one of your associate? He's not going to make it back to your HQ. He said to himself. He's going to die tonight, just you see. He thundered to himself.

"Guerrera, we got a new target today, Over," Lucifer informed through his radio.

"What is it, captain?" Guerrera responded.

"I want you to sneak up on this guy's ass. He wore a black suit and a black fedora. He's heading towards Joint Force's HQ through the eastern part of this town. Catch up with him and bring back the book. I'd like to see what's inside it. Over." Lucifer informed to Guerrera.

"It'll be done, master."

"Shadows be with you. Over." Lucifer responded.

© Copyright 2016 Abah (abah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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