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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Drama · #2092504
He is the stranger in a small town who can help get rid of vermin, but at what price?
In the small town of Templeton, TX there was my dad, Eli David the mayor, and me, Sarai David. He treated me well and he was somewhat fair to the people, but he was a bit of a risk taker with somethings. This changed as soon the town did this winter.
It was hard for me since it was my senior year in high school at the only High School in town. Templeton High School was the name. We only had two schools in town. Both of the schools were Elementary and high school and there were in the same name as the town. The cold added to the stress since it was winter. It was not the only thing that was going to have me in a bind. Like everyone in town. I was having some trouble my English class this morning. I was thinking how was I going to get through this book Paradise Lost. I never felt lost before. Somehow I heard out of my window in the class room out in the winter air a guitar melody. It was very beautiful. I wondered who or what played it?
It was the end of the grueling hours of classes as I left the school to head home. I was walking while I saw a great big rat at the corner of my eye heading towards my street. It was grey haired, black small beaded eyes, string whiskers on the face, and must be twelve inches long ( big fatted as well). I think I did a double take thinking it was just a small dog. Thought it was a rat. Man! I have seen mice around, but rats have not been around that much. I past some of my classmates saying hi getting home themselves. “Hey Sarai I was wondering if you are coming to read to us at the library?” Beamed a sweet little boy I know. He one of the kids I see at the library so often. “Oh you know when that is on Friday.” I smiled. “Could it be a Christmas story like a Christmas Carol?” He said so excitedly. I thought he need to use the restroom. He left on his bike as I walk to my door to the house. The house was the home of the towns mayors past to present. Since my dad is the new we move from our old house which was two streets east of here. I got inside to the warmth and met my dog, Jonas. He was a rat terrier my dad got me few years ago. I greeted him with kisses as I got in. I fixed him some of his food. After I washed up and then I heard ding. I guessed it was someone was on Friendbook. I was right. One of my girl friends had a pic of a basement with about a dozen rats in a corner. It also had a comment with the pic: “I tried to get something from downstairs and I not ever doing it. #ewratsaresogross!” I cringed as I saw the mischief of rats. “So weird I just saw one on the way home. Alone.” I said out loud feeling freaked. I looked down to Jonas thinking I will be safe with him. I went to my room and looked in the mirror. I was examining my blonde with brown streaks hair, small hazel eyes, brown thin eyebrows, and my pink glossed full lips. I was five feet two inches tall, weight somewhere between hundred twenty to hundred fifty, curvy, and as my dad puts it very pretty and cute (fashionable) dresser. I never cared about what he thought just how I feel about myself.
I did not know till Dad walked in about the invasion of hordes of rats and mice all over town. “It is really the pits of a wrecked ship out there,” My dad boomed. “I really can believe in this winter the biggest problem will be vermin.” Dad was a man of action type. I think since he been mayor the last five years he has shown good wisdom. He is tall six feet two inches that is. Black curly hair, hazel big eyes, black bushy eyebrows, and suit and tie guy. He is very business like in appearance and attitude. “My friend Macy found some in her basement crawling. She afraid of anything that does not be long as a pet.” I said a mattered-of-factly. He furrowed his brow as I pulled the pic on my phone. “Wowza! I cannot believe it,” He jumped back into the stove when he saw the pic with panicky in his voice. “I know that some people are getting exterminators for the their homes. Which is smart, but we only have a two groups from one store of them. We are small.” He was right the town maybe big of buildings, but not as many people. “If we could get some outside help from other cities, towns, or just find some specialist-.” I suggested, but got cut off by Jonas barking. “We might have to get a specialized exterminator. We do not have enough money to get help from other towns.” Dad confirmed steadily with his him standing looking outside seeing what Jonas was barking at. I looked to and saw a rat and a cat. It was an odd sight seeing a cat running from a rat. I then saw more with that rat. I hoped and prayed some one would help us. It did, but at a terrible price.
It had been two weeks of terrible and horrible winter weather with the rats and mice everywhere. I mean the rats and mice got worse than the weather. It was the worse. I mean I came in home one day and could not find Jonas. I called for him and asked around and found out everybody is missing there pets all over. I wondered what happened to our sleepy small town. I would later find that the people had begged city hall and my Dad to fix the problem.
“I have no idea what to do Sarai David!” He announced madly when I asked him about what he and the town council would do. “Father I did not mean to cause you trouble, but you need to talk this out healthy and calmly,” I assured him sweetly patting his hand. We were trying to have a good dinner since I made my famous chicken parmesan he liked. I just asked nicely earlier about what are the council and he are going to do about the vermin rodents and he missing pets epidemic. “I really want to help in some way all the other Templetons do. I mean my friends and there families.” He look at me with a new face of smile and hopefulness. I knew he appreciated the effort and ingenuity of the people behind them. He told me that everyone has already tried mice and rat traps and other means, but it did not help. The search for pets was not going well. Through out the rest of the meal it was quiet. I heard something after dinner and I went outside.
I saw a man playing an acoustic guitar in sixty-seven degree weather. He was not tall, but looked tall. He was not far from my home yet not close. As I got closer I really saw him and he was handsome. He had black jet long hair(shoulder length), green-blueish eyes that looked pinched, black penciled thin eyebrows(like raven curves), tanned dark skin on face and hands, and he had a cowboy look. He had a brown cowboy hat, blue jeans, red plaid button-up shirt tucked, khaki tanned leather jacket, and brown boots. His guitar was golden brown and I noticed it was a steel string. It was really beautiful. “Hi there, milady.” He spoke to me as I was a princess and he was the knight. I could not believe what had happen to me. I felt flushed and flattered at the same time. I was in heaven I think. “What are you doing in the cold, cowboy?” I flirted I think. I felt like I could not think looking at the man like he was young Johnny Depp from his days on 21 Jump Street. “I am Markus Hamelin and I am just looking for a room to rent in town and I think I been a bit bad of forgetting my key and cannot get in my room at the inn.” He smiled as if it was an inside joke he was having. His accent sounded German and yet he looked like a cowboy from here. I up and down him and wondered thing I should not have. I shivered not from the cold night winter air, but him. He made me feel things that I do not want. “You are not from around here are you? I know about everyone here. You are a guitarist?” I sort of murmured. “Yes and yes, miss.” Markus said as he grasped his axe and made a pose like a country star. “How do you like Templeton?” I shivered out casually. “I like it nicely. Lake Brooke is nice and the local café. It is a quiet place, but too quiet at the moment.” I nodded at the last line. I looked at my watch and realized it was getting late. “I got to go…in. My name is Sarai David by the way.” I said as I walked back towards my house. “Nice to meet you then.” He shout out to me as he went the other way and played a lovely tune.
I got back in and close the door thinking what a lovely hot guy I have met. I know Dad would have a fit about if he saw us. I went up to my room thinking that I would might have to try and relax to sleep. I knew I could not. As I lay there I closed my eyes and went asleep. I felt good.
The next morning I got up and Dad was still there. “I thought about what you said, sweetheart. I believe you are right,” I am always right when it comes to my Father’s mind. “We need to do the right thing. I have called a meeting to discuss about find the right specialist for the job.” He was so proud that it might work. I think it did or so it might seem. He left for work and I got to school.
It was after school that my father told me what had happened. So hear it goes from what I can tell. My father discussion got heated up really fast with three other council members as they set up prices for the special exterminator to come in and work on. Even argued over the chemicals he or she is allowed to use. He said it really was bad. It did get worse when a young traveler came in with a cowboy outfit and a steel string guitar. I gasped at the mentioning of Markus, but Dad did not notice this and went on. My dad continued that he introduced himself as Markus the best rat trapper and motorcyclist. I think father found how odd he mentioned that second part. Markus had charmed them and then Mayor and council asked how can he do it. So he showed then pictures of places he has been and the vermin and/or bugs he has exterminated with his guitar. The traveler explained and Dad and the council laughed at him. My father said he never seen someone so mad. He says his face turned red and then back to calm tan. My dad did the worse thing next. He said that if he, the best exterminator ever, that every citizen in the town including children will pay ten dollars. I could not believe it. He gambled big. There are only 342 people in the town. That is 3,420 dollars. I fear the worse.
Hearing the news from my father was the worse, but hearing that he promised on my mother’s grave was the most stupid thing. I loved my father but he went to far. Way far. I wanted to yell, yet I knew it be bad if I did. I needed to be the adult. I wanted to leave the house. I want to go to the one place where I can think. Lake Brooke is my clear thinking place. I left home and walked down the road. Twenty minutes it took me to get to my favorite spot at the lake. I kept thinking how my dad did the worst thing in the world to the town. If anyone knew I think they spit nasty words at Dad. I can picture it. I am pacing and trailing my hands down my jacket and hoping for answers. I hear movement somewhere. I must be imaging it. “Hello, Lovely,” A voice I recognized as the enchanted guitarist, Markus. “I believe we have a problem.” I was really curious what he meant. “What is that?” I asked accusingly at him. “I believe you really like me and you have not tried to kiss me.” He stepped at my side as he said that smiling. He like came out of nowhere behind me. I jumped at him. I was a little shocked. “Are you following me.” I turned to him glaring at him with a half smile. “Do you want me to?” He just sounded like he was hurting as he said it. “I not sure what you mean?” I glared madly at him. I was not understanding his state at the moment. He must be still flustered from the meeting with my father and the council. “I wanted to be with someone who will not argue with me since…” As he trailed his words off and sat on a boulder at the side of the lake he looked at me with his new smile. “I am sorry about my father, but he should have not made that promise,” I went to him crouched down to lower myself so he can look down instead of up. “I know he means well. My little hometown here has barely any that amount of money.” “Well you must have no faith of your people,” He laughed at me as he stood walking to the lake and turned to me. I stood up, too. “You and your father are definitely different, but you will pay me 3,420 bucks. If it does not happen I will tell you I will not be pleasant in return.” He growled sinisterly as he walk to me and left with a stomp in each step. I was scared of what will happen to my town and I if we did not pay for what we needed done.
I could not sleep that night I just sat there and looked out of my window in the night sky. Waiting for something bad to happen. I hear a pleasant melody from a guitar. It was Markus and I looked down to the ground outside. It seemed like millions of rats and mice racing to the sound of a song that called them. I could tell where they where going it was the lake, but Markus does not know it is a bottomless one or does he? He must of drowned them, because with in minutes the music stopped and the sound of rats and mice scurrying did as well. Was that it? Is Templeton invasion of rats and mice gone? Will my father the mayor and the towns people pay enchanted guitarist?
The next day in the Center everybody gather to say that the rodents from each home and business was gone. My dad told every to quiet down so he could tell us some thing. “I can not believe our luck and let it be minded that I do agree with Pastor Lance. This was God answering our prayers,” What! I can not believe this my dad is so screwing us royally. “If anything is possible is this. Hope is never lost. I also noticed that our pets have returned to us.” I did notice that, but I was now freaking out and almost everyone noticed my look of worry. Some people reassured me it would be okay. I saw Markus coming to the Center Square looking quite chirper. It was like he was satisfied with his skill of work. I knew it was going to be trouble as so he saw my father. He just stood there waiting for a greeting from Eli David, the mayor, my father. As my father walked on he met Markus. “Mr. Hamelin it seems we do not need your serves any more. It looks like nature took it own course and took the vermin away.” My dad smoothly put on. As I seen fury from my father and a teacher from my youth. Which this was like none I seen before. “HOW DO YOU MOCK ME! I MAD THE VERMIN DROW IN LAKE BROOKE LAST NIGHT! NOT YOUR GOD, BUT MY MAGICKS OF MY BEAUTIFUL GUITAR!” Markus breathed in sharply after he finished his rant. “You could have not pulled a stunt of a miracle like God. There is no such magic or no such thing as magic.” Dad retorted calmly back to him. I looked from my father to the enchanted one. I did so back and forth. “Father please listen to me. It was him I heard-” Dad put his has up for me stop. I hated we he did that. “I can not and will not hear that my daughter is against me and this wonderful town. You will not do this to me.” “Markus please do not hurt my home!” I cried to grab him, but he just walked away. “If your father and your damned town will not pay me at sundown today, Sarai. I will take the what is most precious to all of you.” He glared to everyone. He left us with instructions to leave the money at a boulder near Lake Brooke. Everyone seemed happy with themselves with everything now. They did not care what the stranger said. I was though and I was right to.
The night came quick that day. My father did his job with the council. The cash never when to the lake. The day was like any other after that morning, but the night came quick. I feared the worst. I went to sleep and dreamed. The dream as eerie. I was in my night clothes in the cold street and saw Markus strumming his axe and it send chills down my spine. I saw children, 14 and under walking in a trance. I followed them and Markus took what looked like a cave next to the left side of Lake Brooke. I was terrified as the last child went in and a rock slide the cave closed. I then saw his face. Markus nodded “I told you what would happen.” It hit me. Hamelin. That name was the town that the Pied Piper victimized a long time ago. How can anyone never make that connection. I woke with a panic. I hoped that was really a dream.
That morning was hard and devastating. The parents came to our house to complain to my father, Mayor. Even the sheriffs office did. “I tell all of you not to panic. Your kids are just pulling some kind of sick prank. Please do not get carried away.” My dad beamed his voice so everyone can feel calm. It did not help. I looked on top of my two story house and saw Markus sitting drinking hot coffee I think. “Hello, Templeton folk. I have your children and they are safe if you do as I say,” He smiled as he sipped his drink. People looked up and started to demand him. They stopped when he putted his hand up. “I will return them if you pay the price as before. If you do not they will disappear forever in my cave.” I knew it was true why did my father do as he asked and I pleaded to him. Everyone shook there heads yes or no. He was somehow satisfied with himself I guess, because he left us thinking so. He disappeared somehow somewhere. My father and some people talking close together I saw them. Must be think about getting a mob to capture and getting information out of Markus. I did something else. I went inside got myself set to sneak away and to live on the run. I went through the back.
I reached Lake Brooke and looked for him. The one I knew I was wanting to do. It was so dumb what I was about to do. “Hi, Sarai. What do I owe this pleasure?” “Take me.” He was surprised by my proposal. “Why would I do this? You are not cash or gold.” He was trying to make a point. “I have knowledge and my heart will be yours. Just let the kids be with their family.” I looked hard in his handsome eyes. I just wanted to be with him away from everyone. I did love my father and the town, though I knew if I can make someone else happy I can be better. “The one way to do this it to make a sacrifice with the plea.” He said with assurance. “What would it be in this sense?” I got a little shaken by all this. “This case it would be a simple kiss. Not a quick peck though.” When he started that first line I flustered red. I could not believe it. A deal is a deal then. I decided to do it. I got near him and he pulled me hard. Our lips met and opened. We brushed and pushed our lip together. Tongue happened somehow. I love the kiss and we let got, looking into each others eyes. He left me to his guitar and played a tune to move a giant rock from the cave and the kid where still in a trance and walked to town. I waited till everyone of them was out and took one of them aside. “I need you to do something, Ray. I need you to tell my father I love him and I will always be with him. You did nothing wrong. Stay strong. I will come home sometime.” The little girl nodded that she will do it. I thanked and send her way. As I watched I felt that this might be the last time I see Templeton. Markus and I left my home, my family, and my old life as Sarai David. Now I was Sara Hamelin the enchanted guitarist`s wife.
The Eerie End.
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