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Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #2092480
Barry Upwright discovers a devious contract's lucky loophole.

With fingers numb from the cold, Barry signed on the bottom line.
"Very good, Mr. Upwright! Very good!" the door-to-door salesman said, adding his signature as a witness.
In the blink of an eye, the contract disappeared.
"Uh...I'd like a copy of that..." Barry said, pointing to the table where the contract had been.
"Is that really necessary, Mr. Upwright?" the man said, wearily. "Didn't I explain the terms well enough for you to understand?"
"Well...yes, you did, Mr. Daemon. It's just that, when one signs a contract, one usually gets a copy..." Barry let the words trail off, hopefully.
" 'Usually?' " Mr. Daemon said. "Would you say this was one of your usual contracts, Mr. Upwright?"
"No, I suppose not."
"Of course not. Well then, shall we get on with it?"
"What am I supposed to do?" Barry asked. "Is it like, making three wishes? That sort of thing?"
Mr. Daemon's eyebrows rose while he considered it. Wonderful! he thought. If three wishes are all he wants, that puts me home by suppertime.
"Absolutely, Mr. Upwright! he said, spreading his hands, expansively. "You have three chances to wish for whatever you want."
I wish I had a copy of that contract, Barry thought to himself, because I have a feeling I'm going to wish I'd never met this man, before it's all over.
"Come, come." the salesman said, impatiently. "Surely, you must have something in mind. Something you've always wanted? Something to cure all your woes, perhaps?"
He gestured around the room. Barry's dingy little apartment was barely habitable. Moth-eaten rugs. Broken down furniture. What little light there was came from a single, small window. One pane was broken out, and Barry had tried to patch it with newspaper and tape, but the winter wind found its way in, regardless.
"Yes." Barry said, following his gaze. "I do have one thing in mind. I'd like to be a...rich and famous...author!"
Barry crossed his arms, pleased with himself for making such a choice. Mr. Daemon eyed him warily.
"Very good, Mr. Upwright." he said, slowly. "And, how very wise of you to combine what would normally be two wishes, into one."
"I can do that, can't I?" Barry asked.
"Yes, yes, of course." Daemon conceded. "Are you ready?"
Barry braced himself for some sort of blinding light, or possibly, the feeling of being whooshed away, but none of that happened. All he did was blink, and when he opened his eyes again, the nasty little flat was gone. In its place was a beautiful home, filled with fine furniture and rich tapestries, with thick rugs beneath it all.
Through a sliding glass door, Barry could see an impressively landscaped yard, complete with pool and spa. The view was spectacular! The house was set on a hill, and Barry could see far across the city, all the way to the ocean.
He felt giddy as he explored the house...living room...dining room...den...pool room. There were five bedrooms, all luxuriously furnished. Barry giggled as he surveyed the bathrooms. The porcelain was actually white. And, the toilets flushed, every time!
He threw open the kitchen cabinets and refrigerator, and found them well-stocked with food. He could eat to his heart's content!
And he was warm, Barry thought, with a sigh. So wonderfully warm! Rubbing his hands together, he noticed his tattered gloves were gone. His grubby hands were now clean, and his nails had the look of a manicure.
His shabby clothing was gone, as well. Now, he wore a suit that fit so well, it might have been tailored especially for him. Barry hurried to the bathroom to catch his reflection in the mirror. Gone was the poor, pathetic creature he'd once been. A handsome middle-aged man looked back at him. His long, straggly hair was replaced with a healthy head of hair, neatly pulled into a ponytail, and his beard was fashionably trimmed. He was every inch a well-to-do man!
"Well then, Mr. Upwright," Mr. Daemon said, "does this meet with your approval?"
"Yes, it does! Indeed, it does." Barry sighed. "It's wonderful!"
"Very good, Mr. Upwright. Very good." Daemon said. "Now, I'll need to brief you on your financial situation, and then, we'll go over your literary accomplishments."
Barry's head swam with numbers, as Daemon detailed his stock portfolio and holdings. Real estate on both coasts. A private plane. Countless vehicles. His net worth was somewhere in the hundred millions.
And, it was all his!
When they entered his office, Barry noticed a shelf filled with hardbound books, authored by B.E. Upwright! As Barry scanned the titles, Daemon explained his contract with the publishing company, and showed him where to find all the necessary contact info. After that, he directed Barry to his state-of-the-art computer, pointing out all its features.
Barry felt dizzy, and barely had time to find a chair before his legs gave out.
"Are you quite alright, Mr. Upwright?" Daemon asked. "Can I get you something? Some water, perhaps?"
As he spoke, a glass of cool, clear water appeared in his hand.
"Yes, thank you." Barry said, taking a drink. "It is a bit much to take in, all at once." Then, a smile spread over his face. "But, it's wonderful! Every bit of it. Thank you, Mr. Daemon!" he said, pumping the salesman's hand. "Thank you very much!"
"Very good, Mr. Upwright. Very good." Daemon said, surreptitiously wiping his hand on his pants. He hated it when they slobbered like this. "Well then, shall we get on to wish number two?"
Barry's smile dropped. He'd forgotten about the other wishes! What else could he possibly want, now that he had so much?
"Come, Come, Mr. Upwright." Daemon said, looking at his watch. "We don't have all day. I'm a busy man."
"I am sorry, Mr. Daemon." Barry said. "It's just that I haven't a clue as to what to wish for!"
"Perhaps you might like some companionship." Daemon said, leering.
Barry's blank face showed his lack of understanding.
"Girls, Mr. Upwright! A bevy of beauties, to hang on your every word and answer your every whim."
The light dawned.
"Oh! Yes, yes, of course!" Barry laughed, self-consciously.
"Wonderful." Mr. Daemon said. "Now, what would you like? Blonde? Brunette? Redhead? Perhaps, a few of each?"
"Mr. Daemon, I was just thinking that a house isn't a home if I have no one to share it with." Barry said.
"Very true."
"And, I could enjoy the money far more if I had someone to spend it on."
"So, Mr. Daemon...what I would like for my second wish...is a loving family, consisting of a beautiful wife and two perfect children!"
Daemon stared at him.
"No hookers?" he asked, dumbfounded. "No bimbos?"
"Oh, heavens, no! I wouldn't think of it." Barry said.
Then, you're the only man who wouldn't, Daemon mused. Alright, he wants a family. A family he shall have.
Again, Barry blinked, and there they stood!
Beth, his daughter looked to be about 6 years old, with long blonde hair that curled just right, and a smile that melted his heart.
Andy, his son was around 10 years old. His build was husky...athletic. Barry envisioned many afternoons tossing a football around, and cheering at little league games by the score.
And Jasmine, his wife...what a beauty! Long, soft hair. Full, red lips.
When Barry turned to Daemon, the happiness written on his face was so great, it was almost painful to look at.
"Incredible!" he said, wringing Daemon's hand. "Wonderful! Fabulous! Terrific! Amazing!"
"I take it that you're pleased." Mr. Daemon said, when he was finally able to rescue his hand from Barry's grasp.
"In a word, yes!" Barry said, turning back to his family.
He knelt down and held out his arms to Beth, who came on the run.
"Hi, Daddy!" she squealed, and threw her arms around his neck.
Barry wondered if there was anything that could make a man feel better than to hear his child call him "Daddy," and to hold her in his arms. He felt tears come to his eyes and quickly blinked them away.
Andy was standing next to him, patiently waiting.
"Hello, sir." Andy held out his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Oh, dear!" Barry said. "You don't have to call me 'sir.' Wouldn't you rather call me Dad?"
"Yes, Dad!" Andy said, and pulled a baseball mitt from behind his back. "Could we play some catch?"
"Yes, of course. But let's wait until we've got ourselves sorted out, alright?"
"Sure, Dad!"
"Is it my turn?" a sultry voice said.
Barry turned to look at Jasmine. Her eyes were deep pools of green, pulling him in, and he felt his knees go weak. When she kissed him, Barry saw fireworks! Her touch was electric, and her scent was making him dizzy.
"Oh, my!" Barry whispered, hypnotized.
Beth was tugging at his sleeve.
"Can I see my room, now?" she asked, sweetly.
"Of course!" Barry smiled. "In fact, let's all go!"
As they climbed the stairs, Barry was trying to figure out how to turn one of the palatial bedrooms into something suitable for a young girl. Andy would need a boys room, too.
But, he needn't have worried.
Beth squealed with delight! Her room was decorated to look like a fairy tale castle, with shelves and boxes full of toys and games. There was even a small table-and-chair set next to the window, where Beth could hold high tea with her dolls.
She darted here and there, examining her perfect room, with each new discovery causing giggles and squeals. Barry stooped down by the doorway, and she ran to hug him.
"Is is good enough, honey?" he asked.
"Oh, Daddy, it's perfect!" she said, kissing his cheek before bounding back to her toys.
Andy was waiting at Barry's side. "Can we see my room, Dad?"
"You bet! Lead the way."
Andy threw open the door, and his jaw dropped in surprise.
"Awesome!" he shouted.
Equipment from every sport lined the shelves. A mountain bike (with all the goodies) stood in one corner, next to an entertainment center. The TV/DVD/Stereo seemed secondary to the massive video game setup, which boasted every accessory known to man. A bookcase spanned one entire wall, filled with age-appropriate books and video games.
Andy wasn't looking at any of these, however. He was petting and talking to his new dog! It was a good-natured German Shepherd, with beautiful markings. As Barry approached, it held out its paw for a shake.
"I'm going to call him Jake." Andy said. "That sounds like a good name, doesn't it, Dad?"
"Well, let's see." Barry said. "Hello, Jake."
The dog turned his head towards Barry and gave his face a sloppy lick. Barry laughed, pulling out a handkerchief.
"I think he likes his name just fine, son. Why don't you go down to the kitchen to see if you can find something for him to eat, while your Mom and I look at our room?"
"Sure, Dad! C'mon, Jake."
The couple's room was a sensual hide-away. Every fabric surface was soft and overstuffed. Mirrored walls and ceiling reflected the huge, four-poster bed. Velvet curtains hung from its canopy, and a bottle of champagne on ice stood nearby. The fireplace was lit, highlighting the soft, white bear skin rug on the floor.
Turning to Daemon, Barry simply said, "Wow!"
"Is everything satisfactory, Mr. Upwright?"
"Oh, yes! I couldn't be happier."
"Then, shall we adjourn to the living room?" Daemon asked. "We have some unfinished business, you know."

Two hours later, Daemon felt like pulling his hair out.
"Please, Mr. Upwright!" he implored. "Please think of something for your last wish! Anything! We've been at this for an eternity!"
"I'm awfully sorry, Mr. Daemon," Barry said, "but I just can't think of anything else I want."
"Then, wish for something silly, like a year's supply of brownies." Daemon said. "Anything...just so I can go home!"
"Oh, no. I couldn't use my last wish for something like that." Barry frowned.
"That would be a waste." Jasmine agreed.
"That's right." Barry said, turning to look into her eyes. There was nothing that could make him any happier, and he wanted this to last forever.
Forever. Hmm...that's it!
"I just thought of my last wish, Mr. Daemon." he said, triumphantly.
"FInally!" Daemon heaved a deep sigh. "Alright, tell me what it is, so I can grant it and go home."
"I wish..." Barry began, with a hopeful smile at his wife, "I wish that you, Mr. Daemon...AND your boss...would forget all about me!"
The look of shock on Daemon's face was turning into a snarl of betrayal when he suddenly popped out of existence!
Barry held his breath, waiting to see if he would lose it all. But, nothing changed. Nothing at all!
© Copyright 2016 S.E. Wallace (twisterlevi at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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