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Rated: 18+ · Interview · Sci-fi · #2091931
My questionnaire for Month One of the Whole New World Contest. Story coming soon.

Month One Questionnaire
Word Count = 944

1. Is this sci-fi or fantasy or something else entirely (maybe a combination)?

This is a pure Science Fiction story that takes place in the past and the present. The present takes place in months one to five. And the past deals with final sixth month. All of the first five months takes place aboard a spaceship en route to Pasina with a group of young GraveDiggers.

The final, sixth, month tells what happened to the underground cave city of Hicte that led up to it becoming what it is in the distant future. I’m not going to say what happened to Pasina. But it is a global disaster that will destroy the whole planet from within.

2. What is the general landscape like? (for example: post-apocalyptic wasteland, fairy city, or really whatever you feel best describes your landscape)

There is no surface of Pasina anymore. It was completely destroyed at least a hundred thousand years ago. Some say it could be two or three times that much. How it got destroyed will be revealed in the final month, hints as to why will crop up in the first five months, of this contest. But how it got destroyed has nothing to do with what finally happened to the population of Pasina in the end.

When the population was forced to go underground to survive the created two hundred cave cities. This series of short stories focus on only one city, Hicte, but the other will be mention – especially in the final story.

3. If you were in this world, what would you see?

That depends on what time frame you was on Pasina/Hicte. If it’s the present, then all you will be seeing was ruins. All the cave cities were destroyed when whatever happened there happened. But Hicte wasn’t as destroyed as the rest of them. That’s why the GraveDiggers were headed for Hicte. They are on their way there to discover what really did happen there.

If it’s the past, then there is a lot to see. But all of it is manufactured. There are two individual residential areas and two family residential areas. In the center of Hicte is the business district and in the center of the business district was where the Leader of Hicte lived and worked.

4. Describe physical characteristics such as mountain ranges and rivers.

There are no actual mountains or rivers in Hicte or any other cave city on Pasina. The closest to those physical characteristics would be the deep cavern the cities were in. those caverns were in large caves. And the floor of those caves were sort of like flat mountains.

Large pointed spheres hung from the cave ceilings. Some of them were above the cave cities. But none of them have ever fallen. Not even during the final days of the surface – or the last days of the underground cities. They could be considered upside down mountains.

5. What are the plants like?

All planets have trees, plants and flowers. And all of them are pretty much the same. What makes them different was in their colors, shapes and names. Hicte had all three. There were no parks, greenhouse etc. but almost every residence and business had them both inside and out. The trees were only on the outside, but the plants and flowers were both.

With the floor of the caves being rock you would probably think that trees, plants and flowers couldn’t be grown there. And in a way they weren’t. They were grown in artificial dirt. The rock could be dug up so the trees, plants and flowers could be planted. But most residences and businesses prefer it to be above ground.

6 What are the animals like? Are there domestic animals?

Almost every planet has some kind of animal life. Some have a lot and some only a little. There are also quite of few that don’t have any at all. Pasina used to have a lot of animals on the surface. But most of them died out when the surface died. The ones that survived were taken underground to the cave cities. Most of them were in caged animals displayed. But a few were domesticated.

There were only three kinds of domestic animals. The most popular one was what looked like a dog. But there were some differences like their colors. Cat like animals were the next popular animals. They also had differences. Coming up a close third were rabbits. Also with slight differences.

7. What do the buildings look like?

All the buildings in Hicte were all the same. The only real difference between them were how many Sleeping Quarters they had and what color they were. It also depended on whether they were individual residences or family ones. All the family residence were either one or two floors. The individuals were in tall multi-floor buildings. Also as tall as the cavern itself.

The business buildings were mostly one floor shops used for clothing, food etc. type stores. But there were a lot of five to ten multi-floor buildings too. They were professional, healthcare etc. type buildings.

8. Does the main part of your story take place in the city or rural areas? (Describe both aspects if relevant)

Like the question above about what you would see if there this one also depends on what month you are interested in. If it’s month one through five, then the main setting takes place. But if it’s month six then it’s the cave city of Hicte on the planet of Pasina.

If it’s month six it’s set in the past when Hicte was still a thriving city. A city that was about to be changed forever.

9 Anything else you can think of that falls into this category.

An invasion and war is what destroyed Pasina. No the invaders weren’t giant bugs, spider or lizards. The invaders were human. I’m not talking about humans from Earth or an Earth colony being the invaders. I’m talking about humans from another human world beside Earth or Pasina.

There are about two hundred thousand different races in the universe. Guess which one is the most dominate. That’s right, it’s humans. There are several trillion billion planets out there that are populated by humans. None of them are from Earth or Pasina in any way.

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