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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091670
Chapter 141 thru 145
Chapter 141
June 11, 1897 The next morning at the Edgeworth estate

During his years in America, Jason learned something besides patience with his women. He discovered not all of them enjoyed pain and degradation. In fact, none of the women he raped, tortured, and eventually murdered did. Jason was hoping Marianne would be like them, since he planned to make his wife suffer for as long as she lived. This afternoon was just the beginning.

Rather, Charles was the beginning, and he quickly understood why Jason had invited them to his mansion. “Jason, you will have an obedient wife when we’re done.” Charles began his penetration into Marianne slowly. “Is there anything special you want me to teach her?” He began to move faster, while waiting for Jason’s answer. “No? Then you have no objections to whatever I do?”

Still not getting an answer, Charles pulled out of Marianne and twisted her body over so she ended flat on her stomach. He then climbed off the bed to stand close to the edge, waiting to see if Marianne would try to get away from him. She surprised him by just lying there.

“Go for it.” This from Simon who was impatiently waiting to join in the fun. “Where is it? Do you need someone to get it?”

Meanwhile, Harold was holding his heavy penis, already dripping onto the bed. “Damn it, Charles, get a move on. What the hell are you waiting for? We want our turn at her, too.”

Jason said nothing during any of this, simply smiled at what he knew was about to happen. He saw the item Simon meant sticking out of the jacket Charles had tossed across a chair by the bed. Taking it out of the pocket, Jason handed it to him. He then stood back to fully appreciate its expert application by his friend.

Charles swung the small quirt gently onto Marianne’s buttocks. “Does this feel good?” He nodded at hearing her small whimper. When she finally tried to get off the bed, Charles motioned for Harold to grab and hold onto her arms. Knowing the routine the three of them often used on whores, Simon reached for her flailing legs at the same time. In this way, Marianne found herself trapped on the bed, unable to move. The moment to escape had passed.

“My dear wife, just stay still, and it will be over soon.” Jason’s lie failed to penetrate through the pain Charles was skillfully applying. Over and over he slashed the well-used whip down on Marianne’s cheeks and upper legs.

He only stopped when Harold pushed him out of the way. With the ache between his legs growing worse by the second, Harold couldn’t wait any longer and climbed on top of Marianne. He pushed his huge phallus into her rectum, savoring her sudden scream from the pain. Groaning from the relief he felt, Harold started moving rapidly inside her, ignoring Marianne’s struggles to get free.

Meanwhile, as Charles tried to catch his breath, Simon decided to join in on the fun. As well as his attraction to women’s feet, Simon preferred another way of satisfying his sexual urges. “Jason, your little whore looks hungry.” With this sly comment, Simon focused Jason’s attention more toward the head of the bed.

“Open your mouth, bitch,” Jason’s sharp order followed Simon’s failed attempt to insert himself between Marianne’s tightly closed lips. When she quickly obeyed, he sneered, “You know damn well how to please a man this way, don’t you?”

For the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, Jason’s three friends forced Marianne to satisfy their most degenerate sexual attacks. At times, Jason overcame his disgust with his wife and shared his own perversions.

Jason saw his friends out around midnight, inviting them back the following weekend. When he returned to the bedroom, he sat down on the edge of the bed where Marianne lay, bruised and bloody. “My dear wife, I hope you learned something today. Your body is now mine to do with whatever I desire. Tomorrow, I’ll be generous and give you a chance to recover.”

He stood and said, while leaving the bedroom. “Whatever happens to you from now on, you’ve brought on yourself.”

Chapter 142
June 18, 1897 At the Edgeworth estate

The week following Jason’s wedding passed uneventfully. He left Marianne alone for the next two days, to let her recover from his friends’ rough treatment. Although they spent the nights in the same bed, Jason ignored her during the days.

“Jason,” she asked hesitantly, at breakfast toward the end of the week, “will your friends be visiting tomorrow?”

He stopped with a forkful of scrambled eggs halfway to his mouth. “Why is that any business of yours?” Jason put the fork back down on his plate. “Are you that eager to see them again?”

Marianne nodded, ignoring Jason’s sneering comment. “I’ve had time this week to understand why you did what you did.” She reached out her hand across the table and touched her husband’s hand. “I displeased you with my inexperience, didn’t I?”


“I said you wanted me to be more experienced.” Marianne again nodded. “I’m willing to learn. So, if you’re inviting your friends, especially Charles, to come this weekend, I won’t object.”

Jason, stunned at this turn of events, realized his young wife might enjoy receiving pain as much as he liked giving it. Could I have married the woman I’ve been searching for all my life? Is Marianne like Mother? He immediately began thinking of ways to please her. Jason remembered all the diagrams in his grandfather’s books.

“Why wait until tomorrow?” Jason stood and motioned for Marianne to follow him out of the breakfast room. “I haven’t shown you my father’s old art gallery yet.” After Ronald died, Jane took down all the paintings of young boys. One day while exploring unused sections of the large mansion, Jason discovered the room. After that, he used it for his own hobbies. Later, he built the Judas Cradle here as well as other complicated items only he would recognize.

When he reached the room, he used the key on the chain hanging around his neck to open the door. “Come in, Marianne. I think you’ll like some of my, ah, more unusual toys.” He smiled and led her into the room. “There’s a bed over near the back wall. Strip down to your skin then stretch out on it.” Jason watched Marianne slowly cross the room, looking back at him once to see if he was following her.

“What is that bucket hanging over the bed for?” Marianne stopped at the side of the bed and pointed up at the huge bucket. She quickly removed her clothes and stood there naked and shivering in the chilly room.

Jason, by this time, was standing behind her. “Never mind what that’s for. You’ll find out soon enough. Now, do as I said, lie down.” Once she obeyed, Jason pulled out ropes attached to the sides of the bed. “Be still while I truss you up securely, and then I’ll show you my marvelous invention.” He tied the ropes to her arms and legs.

“You need to keep your head perfectly still. I got the idea for the design after reading The Man in the Iron mask Great book, you really must read it.” He took an iron helmet from a table and placed it around Marianne’s head. It covered her skull completely except for holes at her mouth and eyes. More ropes held it firmly in place, leaving Marianne unable to move her head. Jason’s excitement started to grow while he unwound the long hose from around the bucket. When Marianne opened her mouth to question him about the hose, he quickly stuffed the end of it into her mouth.

After turning on a spigot located at the bottom of the bucket, Jason pulled up a chair to watch. For the next few hours, he took turns opening and closing the spigot. This allowed icy water inside the hanging bucket to flow through the hose into Marianne’s mouth. When he saw her belly painfully expanding from ingesting so much water, he would close the spigot.

Each time she urinated on the bed, Jason once again would open the spigot. When the bucket finally emptied, Jason removed the hose from Marianne’s mouth. After he took off the metal helmet, Marianne rewarded his ingenuity with a weak smile.

Jason failed to see the flicker of insanity in her eyes.

Chapter 143
September 16, 1885 – After the White Dolphin arrived in Boston, Massachusetts

Upon arrival to Boston, Rick quickly left the ship. For the last few weeks of the long voyage, he enjoyed the many charms of Helen, without committing himself in any way. “Sweetheart, let’s just wait and see what happens,” he would say, whenever Helen tried to make plans for after the trip ended.

“You are a wonderful girl, and any man would be proud to be with you. It’s too soon, though, for us to talk about anything more serious.” Rick usually said this or something similar before taking Helen to his cabin for an afternoon of hot, sweaty sex. Pouting, Helen always went with him, as she realized nothing she said at the moment would change his mind. He just needs a little more time, she would think, hoping if she made him happy, he would never want to leave her.

During their last time together, on the night before reaching Boston, Helen decided to force the issue. “You do want to see me afterwards, don’t you?” Rick nodded, but still hesitated to proclaim his love for her. Worried, Helen belatedly started to wonder about Rick’s intentions toward her. Her inexperience with men left her unsure about whether he truly loved her or just her body.

Before he left the ship, Rick pulled Helen aside, out of her father’s hearing. “I have to take care of business at my mills first, but I’ll be back to speak with your parents.” He gave her a quick kiss. “Why don’t you start planning what type of a wedding you want?”

Helen let out a little squeal at hearing him mention a wedding. “You mean it? You really want to marry me?”

Rick kissed her again, this time more thoroughly. He then turned to wave to Blythe and Robbie who had been watching from a distance. With one last smile at Helen, he walked down the gangplank and disappeared into the crowd milling around on the dock.

* * *

Later that afternoon, Robbie, Blythe, and Helen made their way to the office of the law firm handling Daniel Templeton’s will. When Robbie mentioned who they were, a clerk asked them to wait in the main office.

Within minutes, a corpulent man hurried into the room, his face red from this minor exertion. “Welcome, welcome. Please come into my office. I’ll have my clerk get the necessary paperwork.” He whispered something to the clerk before leading the way into his office.

Waiting until the three of them found chairs, the lawyer sat down behind his large ornate desk. “First of all, let me introduce myself. I’m Dennis Herrmann, a close friend of Daniel Templeton. I was sorry when I heard of his unfortunate death a few months ago.”

“How exactly did he die?” Robbie asked the question that had been bothering him ever since getting Mr. Herrmann’s letter. “He seemed in good health the last time we saw him a couple years ago.”

The lawyer looked embarrassed at that question. “Ah, um, it seems Daniel used to invite young children to learn piano at his home. One afternoon, a little girl’s father came earlier than usual to pick her up.” Herrmann kept his eyes on the floor as he continued, “When they found his front door unlocked, they simply came inside as they always did. The living room was empty, but they heard strange noises from upstairs.”

Robbie frowned, wondering if what Jane once told them long ago about her father still held true. “Please continue.”

“Well, I’ll admit I was shocked when I heard about it. The police arrested the father, but they released him when the full story came out. Going upstairs, he had found Daniel in bed with the little girl.” The lawyer finished in a hurry, still not looking at any of his three shocked visitors. “Daniel evidently was naked and was, well, he was…”

“Never mind, we get the picture.” Robbie remembered the look Helen’s grandfather gave her when they first met. “What happened after that?”

“The girl’s father pulled Daniel off his daughter and then strangled him.” The lawyer looked up, a grateful expression on his face, when the clerk came into the office carrying a small pile of papers. “Thank you, Samuel.”

Chapter 144
September 16, 1885 – After the White Dolphin arrived in Boston, Massachusetts

“Mrs. Whiting, your grandfather left his estate to your aunt, Lady Jane Edgeworth, and you as the only offspring of Elizabeth Templeton.” Mr. Herrmann rustled the papers in front of him, searching for one particular page.

Before he could speak again, Robbie pulled out the letter Jane sent them before they left London. “I’ve a notarized letter from Blythe’s aunt relinquishing any claims against her father’s estate.” He handed it to the lawyer.

“Well, that simplifies matters. Yes, indeed it does.” Mr. Herrmann finally pulled out the paper he wanted. “Here’s a list of Daniel’s holdings up to the day he died. There’s the house, of course. If you want, I might be able to find a buyer for it fairly easily. Then, he left a sizable amount of negotiable bonds and securities amounting to, let’s see. Oh yes, here’s the final accounting with the total amount at the bottom.” He started to hand the paper to Blythe, before changing his mind and giving it to Robbie. “As Mrs. Whiting’s husband, I believe you will need to sign all the necessary papers.”

“I beg your pardon, sir. I am capable of handling my own business affairs.” Blythe, annoyed at his rude assumption, took the paper from her husband’s hand. She glared at both men, the lawyer with his shocked look and her husband because he didn’t bother hiding his grin.

Helen decided to take pity on the flustered lawyer. “You see, Mr. Herrmann, my mother is an independent and well-educated woman, what we Brits call a bluestocking.”

“I apologize, Mrs. Whiting. I meant no offense.”

“Apology accepted.” Blythe said this while looking over the paper. When she got to the bottom line, she let out a most unladylike whistle. She quickly showed the paper to Robbie, while Helen went and read over her shoulder.

Mr. Herrmann, embarrassed at his faux pas, stood. “Why don’t you,” looking at Blythe and pointedly avoiding Robbie, “take these papers with you? Don’t make any decisions now. I’ll have my clerk get the key to Daniel’s home. This will give you a comfortable place to stay while in Boston.” He headed for his office door, and the others followed him. After getting the key, they left the law firm’s offices, still in shock from the amount of Blythe’s inheritance.

* * *

That night, the three of them planned to sleep in steady, non-rocking beds for the first time in weeks. They all refused to stay in Daniel’s master bedroom, preferring to use the dusty bedrooms of his two daughters. Helen decided on Jane’s bedroom, while Robbie and Blythe settled down in Elizabeth’s old room.

“Oh, Robbie, look at this.” Blythe picked up a doll with a china head. “Mama used to tell me about Betsy, her favorite doll. This must be Betsy.” She hugged the doll to her chest, surprised at the tears she couldn’t hold back.

Robbie came over and put his arms around his wife. “That’s okay, sweetheart, let it out. You can cry all you want. I miss them, too.”

Chapter 145
January 30, 2009 – At the mansion in Walker’s apartment

The following morning, the rising sun found Walker and Samantha sound asleep in each other’s arms. A ray of sunshine coming in through the window crossed Samantha’s face. Mumbling against this rude awakening, she slowly opened her eyes.

“Walker, are you still asleep?” she whispered softly in his ear. Getting only a tiny snore in response, Samantha stretched and tried to stifle a yawn. She then got out of bed, moving carefully to not disturb Walker. Ignoring her robe from the end of the bed, she went to stand by the window and looked down on the snowy landscape below.

“I hope nobody is looking up here. They’d get a great view like I’m getting.”

Samantha swung around at hearing Walker’s laughing comment. “I thought you were still asleep.” She returned to the bed where he was on his side watching her. “I heard you snoring.”

“I do not snore. You snore. I don’t.” Walker pulled her onto the bed and started snuffling her neck. By the time he raised his head, Samantha was laughing and wiggling madly, trying to get away. “Hold still, woman, I am offended, deeply offended. You insulted me, and you must suffer for that.”

Samantha never learned what her punishment would be, because the phone on the table by the bed started ringing.

“Ah, wench, you’re saved by the bell!” Not letting go of Samantha, Walker reached over and picked up the receiver. “This better be important, or heads will roll. Oh, good morning, Jack.” Walker tightened his hold around Samantha’s waists as she attempted to get out of bed. “Stay put, I’m not through with you.” He listened, and then said, “No, Jack, I was speaking to Sam. I’m about to beat her for insulting me.” He grinned as Samantha stuck out her tongue at him.

After listening to Jack for a few more minutes, Walker hung up the phone and rolled back to face Samantha. “He said the kids want to come up, but he thinks he can stall them for a couple hours.”

Samantha placed a hand on his chest, while giving him an innocent look. “A couple hours?” She started moving her hand slowly down his long, slender body. Stopping every few inches to stroke his naked skin, she said, “That should give me plenty of time.” By now, one finger was circling his navel, and she saw his stomach muscles tighten. “Oh, you like that. Let’s see what else you like.”

When her hand slid even lower, Walker sucked in his breath from the feeling caused by only the touch of her hand. When he reached for that hand, he was gently but firmly pushed away.

“Mind your manners and let, what did you call me? Wench? Let your wench have her way with you.” Samantha told him this while still moving her hand down. She finally reached her goal and wrapped her hand around his penis. “Aha! What do we have here?”

Walker let out a loud groan, but tried to stay still and let his wife have her fun seducing him.

Continued in next segment
 Home of the White Dolphin - Segment 30  (GC)
Chapters 146 thru 150
#2091671 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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