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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091669
Chapters 136 thru 140
Chapter 136
June 11, 1897 The next morning at the Edgeworth estate

The evening before, when Jason began forcing himself on her, Marianne quickly realized her husband was different from the young men she teased and controlled with her body. She listened in horror to his accusations.

Jason increased his attack while shouting at her, “You’re nothing but a filthy whore, and here I thought I was marrying a lady. Do you know what I heard Billy Addison say? He said you spread your legs for any man who wants you.”

Marianne desperately tried to reason with him. “Please, you must have heard Billy wrong. I’ve never been with him or any other man before you.”

Finally ready to climax, Jason pulled out of her and let his stream of semen spray onto her belly. Afterwards, he carelessly shoved her over, so he could sit on the edge of the bed. “Are you trying to tell me this is the first time for you?”

“Yes, yes.” Marianne hurried to answer him. “There’s been nobody else, I swear.” She tried to move closer to him.

Jason pushed her away with an expression of disgust. “What do you think I am, stupid? I know a virgin when I plow into her. You aren’t one and probably haven’t been one for years.” He lowered his voice down to a menacing whisper. “Who was it, slut? Who made you bleed? Billy Addison or maybe his pal, John Sutcliffe?”

Marianne began to plead, “Neither. They are liars if they said I slept with them.” She let out a cry of pain when Jason reached out and viciously slapped her face. “No more, please. It wasn’t either of them. I’ll tell you, just don’t hit me again.”

* * *

Jason’s desire for her body disappeared while he listened to Marianne’s tearful confession. He took out his anger over her betrayal with repeated beatings, each more violent than the last. By late morning, he had devised a plan that satisfied his need to punish her further. Sternly warning Marianne to remain where she was, Jason left the bedroom.

When he returned two hours later, he wasn’t alone. With him were three older men, strangers to Marianne. They were members of the Swadlincote Men’s Club, a private organization for those who preferred illegal activities. In fact, Jason’s grandfather, Lord Norton Edgeworth, was one of the original founders of the club. These men enjoyed both Absinthe and whores during their meetings, and Jason had been an active member since his return from America.

After leaving Marianne with strict orders to remain in bed until he returned, Jason had sent servants to some of the member’s homes. With them went an invitation to join him for brunch, something his friends often attended. He simply failed to let them know that his new wife was on the menu.

Frightened by the looks on their faces, Marianne tried to cover herself when she saw the men coming into the bedroom with her husband. “Jason, what’s the meaning of this? Who are these men?”

“Why, sweetheart, I thought you might like to entertain my friends.” Jason motioned for them to join Marianne on the bed.

Chapter 137
July 16, 1885 – On board the White Dolphin

With the White Dolphin slowly making its way across the Atlantic, this gave Helen and Rick plenty of time to learn more about each other. They spent hours walking on deck where Helen’s father kept a close eye on the American.

“I’m not sure I trust the man with our daughter,” Robbie told Blythe, about a week out from London. They had just retired to bed for the night when Robbie made this comment.

Blythe knew her husband didn’t trust any man around his daughter. She moved over and cuddled up close to Robbie. “What don’t you trust about him? I think he’s been a perfect gentleman with Helen.” She thought back to what she had seen that afternoon. “It’s Helen’s behavior I worry about. Maybe we shouldn’t have let her visit Jane five years ago. My aunt seems to have given Helen some strange ideas about men.”

Unknown to her parents, Helen was acting on what Jane confided one warm summer afternoon at the Edgeworth estate.

* * *

“My dear niece,” said Jane, sipping on her ice tea. “Men like to use and even abuse women. You must learn to keep the upper hand with them, to always stay in control.”

Hours before, Helen had opened her aunt’s bedroom door, wanting to ask her if she needed anything because a servant was going shopping in town. Fifteen-year-old Helen stopped at the doorway, fascinated by what her aunt was doing in bed with a naked man. She recognized him as Sir Dudley Swanson, a constant visitor to the Edgeworth estate.

Jane was on her hands and knees facing the headboard with her arms outstretched on the sheet. In this position, she had her ass raised in the air. Dudley was on his knees directly behind Jane, and Helen watched him moving his own naked buttocks back and forth to push something inside her aunt’s backside. From where she stood, Helen could see it resembled, although much bigger, what her twin brother had shown her when they were both nine.

Jane happened to look over to the doorway and saw her young niece standing there. “Child, come on in. Don’t be shy.” She then said to the sweating elderly man behind her. “Hurry up and come already, Lee. You getting too old for this?”

* * *

Five years later, Helen had decided it was time to put into action what her aunt taught her on that long ago day. While her father was discussing the American, Helen was losing her virginity and delighting in the feel of Rick inside her.

Chapter 138
June 11, 1897 The next morning at the Edgeworth estate

Marianne huddled on the bed, terrified to know Jason was pimping her out. All the times in the past, it had been her choice whether she would allow a man to have sex with her. Looking at the smile on Jason’s face, she understood those days were over.

“Why, my dear wife, whatever is wrong?” Jason watched Marianne backing away from his friends as they got closer to the bed. “Here I thought you might want a little variety from just your husband.” He gave one of the men a friendly shove, causing him to fall onto the bed close to where Marianne cowered

“This is Harold. Do try to let him know how much you enjoy him.” He grinned at seeing Harold already rubbing his long penis with one hand while stroking Marianne’s leg closest to him. “As you can see, he’s well hung and likes to impress the ladies with it.”

Harold rubbed even harder at hearing Jason’s praise. “Can I go first? I’m almost there.”

When the second man joined them, he sat further down on the bed from Harold. Marianne shrieked as he took her leg away from Harold and began sucking her toes.

Jason had ignored Harold’s request and quickly introduced his second friend. “Now, Marianne, I’d like you to meet Simon. He likes feet, so be nice to him, too.” Jason leaned over to see how his friend was doing. He nodded, pleased, when he saw Marianne struggling to pull her foot out of Simon’s tight hold.

He looked back at Harold and saw he was telling the truth about being almost ready. Jason’s excitement grew just thinking about Harold ramming himself into Marianne. During the club’s meeting the month before, Jason climaxed just listening to a young whore screaming from the pain Harold’s huge phallus caused her.

“Hey, don’t forget me.” The third man, while the other two were getting ready, had walked around to the other side of the bed. “Since your husband is so forgetful, let me introduce myself.” He climbed onto the bed and reached down to pull her free leg closer to him. “I’m Baron Charles Timmons. Your husband and I have been friends for years.”

* * *

When Jason came back from America, he had immediately made friends with the man Julia Lawson once shyly confided she preferred over him. From Charles, he learned the fate of the young girl he abandoned in Ciaran’s deserted cabin years earlier. They were both sharing cognac at the men’s club when Charles brought up the subject.

“Do you remember a young woman who lived near your estate, a Julia Lawson?”

Jason took a sip before answering, “Vaguely. A rather lovely blonde, right?”

Charles nodded. “Well, it turned out some bastard tortured her to death. She went missing, and it was days before searchers found her.” He shuddered at the memory. “Her naked body had fallen backwards over some sort of a wooden contraption. According to the doctor who examined the body, the sharp point at the top impaled her right through to her womb. It took two strong men to tug her off the damn thing.”

Jason pretended shock. “Did they ever find her murderer?” He tried to hide his smile when Charles shook his head.

* * *

Now, the man who once had been his rival for Julia’s affection sat ready to get pleasure from Jason’s wife. During their time together at the men’s club, Charles had impressed him with his inventive treatments of the whores. Julia would have been horrified at how brutal Charles was with women.

“Harold, Simon, I’d like you to hold off for a bit until Charles shows my wife what we’ve planned for her today.” Jason watched Charles position himself between Marianne’s outstretched legs. Meanwhile, the other two men agreed to wait, knowing they would be able to join in once Charles got going. They had often done a threesome with him at the club.

Chapter 139
January 29, 2009 – At the mansion in Walker’s apartment

Walker continued to lead Samantha around the new rooms. They first spent some time admiring Sue Beth’s room. The little girl’s artwork, framed and hanging on the walls, showed she had a real talent for portraiture. Easily recognizable were many of the elderly residents of the mansion. “I’ll have to get my recruiters searching for someone to come teach art next door.’ As usual, Walker tried to stay ahead of anything either the older people or his orphanage children might need.

“Our budding scientist.” Samantha murmured when they finally entered Joshua’s room. On the long ledge underneath the wide window were flasks and Petri dishes alongside well-thumbed scientific magazines. A small telescope, Joshua’s prized possession, was set up and ready for use. A poster of Joshua’s hero, Stephen Hawking, hung behind his bed. Samantha went over to a bookcase filled to overflowing. “Has he really read all of these?” She didn’t see a proud Walker nodding since she was busy reading the book titles. “Why, many of these are in different languages. French, German, and here’s one in,” she held out the book to Walker, “what’s this in?”

Walker glanced at it before shrugging. “I have no idea. The kid seems to absorb knowledge like a greedy little sponge. I’ve already started checking out colleges for him and Sue Beth for when they’re old enough.” He headed back into the wide hallway. “Come see the other two rooms.”

“Who are they for?” Samantha followed him into the room next to Joshua’s and saw it was also a bedroom.

“This is for when we want to have an evening out.” Walker wiggled his eyebrows at Samantha before giving her a fake leer. “There are dozens of adults downstairs who would be willing to spend the night up here watching the kids. This is their room or Edith’s room if we can talk her into moving here.”

The last room, at the end of the hallway farthest from the connecting doorway was empty of any furnishings. Samantha looked curiously at Walker, wondering what he had planned for the large area.

He took her into his arms before whispering, “This room will be for you to decorate and furnish in whatever way you want. I have my private office, and you should have somewhere that’s all your own, too.” With that, Walker leaned down and covered her mouth with his. For long minutes, they remained that way with the world outside, the mansion below, and even their children forgotten.

Chapter 140
January 29, 2009 – At the mansion in Walker’s apartment

When Walker finally ended the kiss, he was please with Samantha’s disappointed expression. “We have plenty of time, Sam, before the kids come up.” He took her face between his hands. “In fact, they won’t be moving in until tomorrow.” He grinned as he asked, “What do you think we can do to entertain ourselves until then?”

“I suppose we could find something to do if we think hard enough.”

Samantha’s teasing voice, as always, delighted Walker. Gone was the sometimes straight-laced and always prim woman who had run his large home so expertly all these years. In her place, Walker found he had married an enchantress, a redheaded witch who easily had cast her spell over him. “Let’s go back into our rooms and hurry to unpack, so we can…”

“Sir, whatever do you have in mind?” Samantha couldn’t help giggling when Walker picked her up in his arms and went back into their apartment. She put her arms around his neck when he went through their living room. As he made his way into their bedroom, Samantha’s breathing began to quicken. By the time he placed her gently onto their bed, both had forgotten about unpacking their luggage.

Walker knelt on the bed and began slowly undressing Samantha. With each item he removed from her, he took off a piece of his own clothing. Soon, both were lying on the bed naked and in each other’s arms. “You aren’t bored with me yet, are you?” Walker asked this while bringing her legs up around his waist. He eased into her and began a steady rhythm until he felt her moving in synch with him. Walker picked up his speed, forcing Samantha to keep up with him.

Samantha twisted her hips wildly as the pressure inside her grew. “Don’t stop, yes, that’s it.” She managed to get out those words before crying out from the intense sexual pleasure of her orgasm. While she tried to catch her breath, Samantha felt her body shuddering at Walker’s explosive climax inside her. “Yes, any woman would be bored by you,” she whispered, as he fell exhausted on top of her. Walker managed, with some effort, to lean up on his elbows so she could slide out from under him. “Maybe you’ll do better next time.” She brushed his damp hair off his forehead while saying this.

Beginning to get his energy back, Walker pulled her body against his, noting they both were covered in sweat. “I’ll try my best, Sam, but perhaps I need a more desirable woman to inspire me.” He rolled over on his back. Keeping his arms around her waist, Walker’s change in position ended with Samantha’s body on top of him.

“You better not go looking for another woman,” threatened Samantha, lightly running her fingers over his ribs. On their honeymoon, she had learned how ticklish Walker was. Soon, the two of them were rolling all over the king-size bed, each trying to make the other cry “Uncle!” As it always did, this ended in a draw followed by more intense lovemaking.

Only after the bedroom grew dim at twilight did Walker snuggle his tired wife in his arms one last time. Within minutes, they both fell into a deep, satisfied sleep.

Continued in next segment
 Home of the White Dolphin - Segment 29  (GC)
Chapter 141 thru 145
#2091670 by J. A. Buxton
© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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