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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091668
Chapters 131 thru 135
Chapter 131
December 27, 2008 – At the mansion in Walker’s apartment

Randall grinned in relief when Sue Beth opened the door. She was holding onto Valentine’s collar to keep the dog from jumping up on Randall. “Thanks, Sue Beth. I need to ask you something important.”

When Randall walked into the living room, he noticed half a dozen cardboard boxes littering the room. “What’s this?”

Sue Beth went over to one of the boxes. She then took out a letter and handed it to Randall. “Mr. Walker gave me this before he married Samantha, and Joshua got one, too.”

Randall sat down on the sofa before starting to read it out loud. “Sweet pea, as we recently discussed, Sam and I want you and Joshua to be part of our new family. I’ve asked Felix and Karla to add bedrooms for you two and Genji on the fourth floor. Also, since you agreed to this, my lawyers are doing the boring paperwork so we can legally adopt you and your brother. Genji will have to wait until my people find what happened to her mother.”

Sue Beth interrupted him. “I don’t remember my real father since he died when I was a baby.” She looked sad when she continued. “My Mommy, I can’t remember what she looks like any more. Samantha said maybe you can find a picture of her when you go back to San Francisco.”

Randall knew the belongings of the murdered woman might still be at the police department’s storage unit. He made a mental note to call his lab to have someone check for any photos or other personal items. “Samantha was right. I should have thought to do this before now.” He was about to get back to reading the letter, when the apartment’s front door opened and then slammed shut.

“Hey, Sis, you seen Jack anywhere?” Joshua came into the living room and stopped short when he saw Randall. “Randall, did you hear the news? Mr. Walker and Samantha want us to move in with them.”

Randall couldn’t help laughing at the way both children still called their guardian by the more formal Mr. Walker. “Do you think you’ll be dropping that Mister when he becomes your new father?” He watched the two youngsters think this over. He understood the awe they felt toward Walker. “Never mind. Joshua, why do you want Jack? I left him in Samantha’s old rooms. It seems someone might have stolen that pretty necklace she wore at the wedding.”

Joshua shook his head. “No, they didn’t.” He reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out something wrapped in a handkerchief. “Early today I got a phone call from Samantha asking me to get this and have Jack put it away for safekeeping.” Joshua unfolded the cloth to reveal the diamond and emerald necklace. “She told me she didn’t want Mr….I mean Walker to know she was so careless with his gift and scold her.” Joshua rewrapped the necklace and stuffed it back into his pocket. “I don’t think, though, he would scold her for anything, do you?”

Not waiting for an answer from Randall, he said, while leaving the room, “I’d better go and give it to Jack before he starts to panic.”

Randall shook his head and thought, Too late. He’s doing that already.

Chapter 132
June 10, 1897 Late evening at the Edgeworth estate

Jason stood in the bedroom doorway, silently watching his new bride. She was sitting at her vanity table, brushing out her long curls, and smiling at the reflection in the round mirror. A sheer peignoir barely covered her naked body, and Jason wondered how many men had seen her that way. The marriage was less than 24 hours old, and already he wondered if he had made a mistake. True, Marianne seemed innocent, as society expected a 17-year-old woman should be, but something Jason overheard at the reception infuriated him.

* * *

Jason walked out onto the balcony of his ancestral mansion, needing to breath in some fresh air. The ballroom, filled with the dancing and drinking wedding guests, had begun to close in on him. Only after his mother vehemently insisted it was time he produced an heir, did he agree to marry Marianne. There was nothing he would refuse Jane, and she was quite aware of this. At the age of 70, she was the only woman he had ever loved. Jason always compared all his conquests unfavorably against his beautiful mother.

Looking back through the open French doors, he watched Jane swirling around the dance floor. She was dancing with one of her many admirers, Sir Dudley Swanson. Jason frowned when he saw the older man’s hand, which should be resting gently around her waist was too far up on Jane’s body. His fingers were slowly caressing Jane’s back, made bare by the low cut of her ball gown.

Knowing he couldn’t do anything about Sir Swanson’s flagrantly inappropriate action, Jason began looking among the many dancing couples for his new bride. It took a few minutes, but he finally spotted a flash of white among all the other colorful gowns. Marianne had her head cocked to one side, intent on what her dancing partner was saying. Jason’s frown had disappeared by this time, and he decided t claim another dance with his wife. Just as he was about to enter the ballroom, he stopped in his tracks at the sound of two men conversing on the other side of the open door. Hearing Marianne’s name mentioned, he stayed out of sight to listen.

“Well, I wonder if she’ll be happy with him.” Jason recognized the voice of a young Billy Addison, a nearby neighbor. “He is older than the men she usually, you know, entertains.”

His friend, John Sutcliff, began laughing after saying, “Yeah, isn’t Edgeworth in his 50’s by now? He’d better get Marianne pregnant pretty damn quick, or he’ll be wearing a set of horns.”

“Maybe she’s carrying a bastard already.” Billy continued. “We both know she’ll spread her legs for any man who wants her. I mean, isn’t she marrying Edgeworth in a big hurry?”

Jason stood there, stunned, after the two men walked out of earshot. The virgin his mother insisted he marry was a common whore, just like all the others.

* * *

Hours later, watching Marianne finally finish with her hair, Jason decided it was time to take his revenge. Ever since hearing his new wife discussed by two of her lovers, he had planned exactly how she would spend her wedding night.

In the seven years he had spent in America, Jason finally learned patience. After endless searching for the perfect land to purchase, he had a mansion built in the middle of thousands of isolated acres in the western part of the States. Several decaying female bodies buried on the outskirts of his large estate were testimony to his slowness in conquering his impatience.

Above anything else, Jason wanted to make his mother happy. He knew he could only accomplish this by keeping Marianne alive long enough to get pregnant. Whether any grandchild Marianne gave Jane was his didn’t matter in the least.

Jason couldn’t help smiling as he eagerly walked into the room and crossed to where Marianne stood demurely by the bed.

Chapter 133
June 06, 1885 – On board the White Dolphin

With her twin brother attending university at Oxford, Helen wandered around the ship, unsure of where her 20-year-old life was going. She knew her parents and brother loved her, but she felt there still was something missing.

“Hello, there on board” A loud shout interrupted Helen’s thoughts. She went to the gangplank’s opening and looked down on the dock. Standing there was a tall American with dark hair and a friendly smile on his rather plain face. She knew he was American because of the way he was looking at her. Helen had discovered American men usually started at the top of her head and slowly, very slowly, made their way down to her feet. This man was doing that right now. For some reason, Helen didn’t find this offensive as she usually did.

The man started up the gangplank, his long legs making quick work of the distance. “Hello, are you the captain’s wife?” he said, when he reached her. Even though Helen was taller than average, getting her height from her father, she felt like a Lilliputian next to the American towering over her. His accent had quickly confirmed his nationality.

Helen took a step backwards to avoid having to crane her neck to see his face. “No, I’m Captain Whiting’s daughter.” She held out a hand. “That is, I’m Helen Whiting, and you are?”

Although surprised by Helen’s outstretched hand, the formality of a handshake usually reserved for men, the American only hesitated a second or two. He took her small hand in his. “I’m Enrique Moreau, but most everyone just calls me Rick.” Seeing Helen’s curious look, he explained, “My mother was Spanish and fell madly in love with a Frenchman. I was the result.” He quickly added, “After they were married, of course.”

“Of course,” Helen couldn’t help grinning, since her own family often ignored that matrimonial step. She tried to make her next question not sound impertinent. “But you are American, aren’t you?”

Rick nodded. “Yes, and I’d like to hire your father and the White Dolphin to take me home to Boston. I’ve been in England visiting friends for a couple months, but I need to get back to running my company.” He proudly said, “I own two woolen mills.”

Helen turned around when she heard her father coming to stand behind her. “Poppy, this is Rick Moreau, and he’d like us to take him to Boston.”

Once again, Rick found himself shaking a hand, this time belonging to a man in his early 50’s. He didn’t need Helen calling him Poppy to know this was her father, Captain Whiting. The resemblance between the two of them was remarkable.

“Good morning, Mr. Moreau.” Robbie moved aside to let his daughter and the stranger come on board the ship. “I understand you want to hire the White Dolphin? Your timing is perfect as we were about to set sail for New England with the next tide.”

“That’s the scuttlebutt around the docks, sir.” While talking with Robbie, Rick was very much aware of Helen listening close by. “The rumors are that your wife’s grandfather in Boston recently died, and you’re returning to make your farewells of the man. Is that right?”

Robbie, after meeting Daniel Templeton on a previous trip to Boston, had a strong dislike of Elizabeth’s father. He vaguely remembered Jane talking about him years ago on that long carriage ride to the Edgeworth estate. Since he was only 12 at the time, only scraps of what she said about his perversions remained. He just knew he didn’t like the licentious way the elderly man looked at Blythe, his own granddaughter.

Before the pause after Rick’s question became too uncomfortable, Robbie nodded. “Yes, my wife received word about Templeton’s death. Her mother and aunt, Lady Jane Edgeworth, were in his will.” He remembered the short note Jane sent Blythe turning over all rights to Daniel Templeton’s property, meager as it probably was.

Rick returned to his original request. “If you have room, I would very much appreciate going with you to America. If you’re about to sail, it will only take me an hour to gather my belongings and come aboard.”

Chapter 134
June 11, 1897 The next morning at the Edgeworth estate

Marianne lay on their bed, in such pain she was unable to move. She trembled in terror when she saw Jason coming back into their bedroom. Hours earlier, he had disappeared, simply saying he was going to let her rest before continuing his punishment for her infidelity.

* * *

Her wedding night had started out like that of most newly married women. Jason came toward her as she stood by their bed, a look of undisguised passion in his eyes. Marianne knew she could control her older husband as she had so many younger men before him.

“Darling, I’ve been waiting for this moment since we first met.” Her honeyed words, spoken in a sultry whisper, were those she’d once used on Billy Addison. It had only taken this one sentence to have Billy willing to do whatever she wanted. She planned to handle her husband as she did the other men, by either giving or withholding her sexual favors. “Jason, why don’t you come and give me a kiss?” Marianne smiled seductively and moved even closer to the bed.

Jason licked his lips at the sight of her large breasts peeking through the gauzy material. Taking a step toward her, he looked lower and began to harden when he was able to catch a glimpse of her dark-brown pubic hair. “My darling, why don’t you take off your, that gown, so I can see all of your beauty?” He took two more steps before saying, “I know you might be shy, this being your wedding night and all, but I promise I’ll treat you like the innocent woman you are.”

Those truthful words were the beginning of Jason’s revenge. After years of practice on other women, he had perfected acting the part of a besotted male. With his mother and servants all asleep in the other wing of the house, he knew he could easily carry out his plans after he lulled Marianne into trusting him.

Once Jason reached his wife, he gently pushed her back onto the bed. “Just wait while I get out of these wedding clothes. I’ll only be a minute or so.”

Marianne slid further back onto the bed, eager to see what her husband had under his formal suit. She nodded, pleased when the removal of his upper clothes revealed his naked chest. Despite his age, Jason had the well-toned body of a much younger man. Seeing him kick off his shoes and sit on the edge of the bed to remove his socks, Marianne could hardly control her impatience to see his genitals. Billy Addison and the others always disappointed her, and she hoped to find Jason better endowed.

Knowing where Marianne’s interest would be, Jason stood and took his time lowering his trousers and underpants before turning around to face the bed. He watched Marianne’s eyes widen in delight at the size of his phallus. This will be easier than I hoped, he thought, climbing into bed to lie close to her.

Without warning, Jason grabbed her long hair and dragged her head down between his legs. He ignored her cries of protest until he silenced them by forcing her mouth around his penis. “Now lick it. Use your tongue.” He pressed himself deeper into her, causing her to gag when he hit the back of her mouth. Pulling back a bit, he kept up his demands. “Pull on it, that’s right. I want you to keep at it until I let you stop.”

When Marianne struggled to get free, Jason wrapped his legs around her neck. He pushed himself further down on the bed, making the trapped woman crawl on her hands and knees backwards with him.

Feeling himself about to climax, he removed his saliva-covered penis and roughly twisted Marianne over to face him. Quite expertly, after years of practice with other unwilling females, he covered her with his body and thrust his thick arousal deep inside her.

She was sobbing hysterically, not used to men behaving like this. “Why are you treating me this way, Jason? What have I done wrong?”

Chapter 135
January 29, 2009 – At the mansion in Walker’s apartment

“Keep your eyes closed, Sam.” Walker kept his arm around Samantha’s waist while guiding her through their apartment’s front door. It had taken longer than expected, but Jack had phoned him late the night before that it was time for them to return home. After a quick flight from southern California and a short drive from the Westbrook Airport, Walker and Samantha finally arrived back at the mansion just before noon.

Samantha leaned closer to Walker, as always enjoying the feel of his body, even covered by heavy winter clothes. For the last few weeks, neither had worn much more than swimsuits during the day or birthday suits at night. “Walker, I’ve been in your apartment before. What are you hiding?”

Walker traced the fingers of his free hand softly down Samantha’s cheek and ended at her mouth. “You mean our apartment, don’t you?” When they were opposite the second room in the hallway, Walker stopped. “You can open your eyes now.” He turned her to face a door where none had been before. “In there are the children’s rooms. Our children.”

When Walker said this, Samantha flung her arms around his neck, torn between laughing and crying at his thoughtfulness. She had been wondering these last few days how to approach him about the children’s future. “All three of them? Even Genji will be here with us?”

Walker headed her through the door while answering, “Of course Genji. My lawyers cleared the way for us to adopt her as well as Joshua and Sue Beth.” At her inquiring look, Walker simply said, “I’ll tell you later what the police told Jack about Genji’s mother. For now, sweetheart, just keep going inside.”

After walking through the wide doorway, Samantha came to a complete stop, fascinated by the sight in front of her. A carpeted hallway divided the large area in half. On each side, she saw two open doors with a fifth room at the end of the hallway.

“Check out the girls’ rooms on the left side.” Walker went into the first room. “This room also has a door into our room. I thought you’d like to be able to hear our youngest child if she needs us during the night.”

Samantha immediately spotted a white crib containing half a dozen Teddy bears. More stuffed toys scattered around the large room let her know Genji was going to be one spoiled little girl. “Walker, do you think you’ve bought enough toys?” Samantha couldn’t stop grinning at him. “I mean, you must have left a few behind at FAO Schwartz that Genji would like.”

“Okay, okay. So I went a little overboard. I mean Edith did since I asked her to furnish all the rooms for the kids.” Walker went out of Genji’s room and into the one next to it. “Sue Beth picked out this one and even helped Edith choose the wall color and furniture for all the rooms except her brother’s. I understand from Jack that Joshua insisted on doing his room all by himself.”

Samantha followed closely behind Walker and clapped her hands in delight at her first sight of Sue Beth’s room. “Walker, it’s everything a little girl, or even a big girl, like me could ever want.”

Continued in next segment
 Home of the White Dolphin - Segment 28  (GC)
Chapters 136 thru 140
#2091669 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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