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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091666
Chapters 121 thru 125
Chapter 121
April 30, 1870 – On board the White Dolphin

“Robbie, it’s your turn to watch the twins.” Blythe scowled at her husband. Robbie was writing in Mitchell’s ship log. He and Blythe received that and Elizabeth’s diary as gifts only months before the tragic deaths of her parents. For the last half hour, he tried to ignore his noisy five-year-old son, with some relatively minor success. Little Mitch recently had found that teasing his sister was more fun than learning his letters from his mother.

Robbie called out, without looking up from the log, “Mitch, leave Helen alone.”

“I ain’t touching her, Poppy.” At hearing her son use the term she often called her own father, Blythe put down the mending she was doing. Her mind went back to that horrible day over five years ago.

* * *

“I’m all right, Robbie, really I am.” Those were the last sane words she spoke for the next two days. With Robbie walking slowly beside her, Blythe started across to the middle of the street to where her parents were standing. Mitchell and Elizabeth had already decided to return and meet them, but never made it. The spooked horses, pulling their loaded beer wagon wildly careening behind them, rounded the corner heading directly for them. It happened so fast nobody had a chance to call out and warn Mitchell and Elizabeth.

“Oh God, oh God, oh God” This came from the young salesclerk from a nearby grog shop. She had stepped out for a breath of fresh air and fell to her knees, crying.

A brawny dock worker, returning to work after a quick lunch, immediately lost that lunch. He wiped his shirtsleeve across his mouth, looking around to see if anyone had noticed his moment of weakness. Nobody did since they all were too shocked by what was lying in the middle of the street.

The metal-rimmed wagon wheels struck Mitchell first. He had escaped the horses’ hooves, but his luck ran out after that. He died instantly, his skull crushed by the front right wheel. The back wheel on that side ran over his neck seconds later, but Mitchell was already gone. The horses swerved after hitting Mitchell, and their heavy hooves were lethal for Elizabeth. She managed to survive for a few seconds in excruciating pain, and then she too was gone.

Blythe had tried repeatedly over the next two years to remember what happened after that. Robbie was able to fill in some of the blanks, and she knew she’d gone into labor right there on the side of the street.

Over the sound of her hysterical screaming, Blythe failed to hear him begging her, “No, Blythe, hold on. It’s not time.” What happened after that was a complete blur to her. Robbie managed to get her back to the ship, after shielding her from the sight of her dead parents. He then sent one of his crew to take Elizabeth and Mitchell to a local mortuary and arranged afterwards for their burial.

Two days later, after almost 48 hours of labor, Blythe gave birth to a 5 pound 3 ounce boy. His sister quickly followed him, slightly smaller but with as loud a voice as her brother.

Robbie, this time acting as doctor instead of nurse, delivered both his children. He didn’t even have to refer to Mitchell’s red medical book.

Chapter 122
April 30, 1870 – On board the White Dolphin

Blythe watched Mitch reach out and pull one of Helen’s brown pigtails. “Mitchell Robert, your father said to behave. Do you want him to spank you?”

“She started it first.” Mitch stuck out his tongue at Helen who had begun crying.

“I did not,” whimpered the little girl, climbing up on her father’s lap for protection.

“Yes, you did.”

Knowing this little scuffle could easily turn into a major fight between the twins, Blythe went and picked up her son. She breathed in the familiar smell of his little body, a combination of tar from playing around the ship’s ropes and soap residue from his morning’s bath.

Helen stuck her thumb into her mouth. With her other hand, she reached out for the ship log her father was still holding. “What’s that, Poppy?”

“Princess, it was your grandfather’s log, and he gave it to me a long time ago.” Robbie smiled at his daughter, as always amazed he’d created such a beautiful child. He loved his son, but Helen had a special place in his heart since she resembled Blythe so much.

“Do I know grandfather?” Helen once again put her wet thumb back in her mouth and stared up at her father.

“No, Mitchell and your grandmother Elizabeth left us before you and Mitch were born.”

“Where did they go? Can we visit them?” Mitch had wiggled out of his mother’s arms and came to lean against his father’s knee. “Mitchell’s my name, isn’t it?” He gave a big grin at seeing his father’s nod. “He had my name, right?”

Robbie ruffled the hair of his inquisitive son. “Not quite. You have his name, and your sister was given my mother’s name.”.

“Children, why don’t you go topside and play?” Blythe knew that once Mitch began, his endless stream of questions would keep coming. “It’s a sunny day, and your father wants to get back to what he was doing.”

“Race you,” yelled Mitch to his sister, running out the cabin ahead of her. “I bet you can’t get to the wheel before me.”

Quiet descended in the room once the twins left. Blythe turned to Robbie and asked, “Are you going to continue writing in the log like Poppy wanted you to do?”

“Only if you do the same in your mother’s diary.” After Blythe agreed, Robbie picked up his discarded pen and dipped it in the inkwell.

He read to Blythe what he was writing, “April 30, 1870. As I promised Mitchell weeks before his death, I’m taking over the duty of writing our family’s history.”

Chapter 123
December 27, 2008 – At the mansion in Walker’s apartment

“Good, you’re back,” called out Jack. He waited until Randall was at the entrance to the living room before continuing, “I just got a phone call from Walker.”

Randall shook his head in disbelief. “The man’s on his honeymoon, and he can’t stop thinking of the mansion.”

“Well,” Jack said, “it’s not mansion business actually. It seems his wife,” Jack couldn’t help stressing last two words, “left her new little necklace back in her old rooms. He asked if I’d get it and put it in his office safe.”

Felix waved Randall further into the room. “Did you get a look at that necklace? Those stones must be worth thousands.”

“Along with her emerald and diamond engagement ring, Felix, try a couple million.” Jack remembered when he first saw the gems in the original necklace. “The emeralds and diamonds came from a spectacular necklace owned by Jason Edgeworth’s wife. His first wife Marianne, not the second one.”

Randall scowled at hearing this. “You mean he gave Samantha a necklace owned by that bastard Colin’s ancestor?”

“No, not the necklace, only the gems.” Jack hurried to correct Randall’s incorrect assumption. “After we found Samantha where Colin had left her in that chamber of horrors, Walker finally realized he loved her. He had the stones reset in a more modern necklace to give to Samantha some day.”

“So Walker didn’t give Samantha the original necklace?” Seeing Jack shake his head, Felix asked, “Did you ever see the original?”

The three men headed down the hallway to the front door, and Jack answered, “Only in a portrait of Marianne Edgeworth. It’s probably still up in Walker’s hidden room.”

“I’d love to see it. Can we stop there afterwards?” Randall asked this, remembering he’d once been in that room with Walker.

“Sorry, guys. Walker’s the only one with a key to that room.”

When the men reached Samantha’s previous apartment, they found the door wide open. “That’s strange,” Jack gave the others a puzzled look before a thought came to him. “Oh, I forgot. The cleaning staff probably has been here already. I know Samantha asked them to finish packing her wedding clothes for storage.”

Inside, he found the maids had been there and left a garment bag containing her beautiful gown. He quickly went into the bedroom since Walker had told him the necklace would be on the top of the bureau.

“You got it?” called Felix from bedroom’s doorway.

Instead of answering Felix, Jack flipped open his cell phone, immediately calling the maid in charge of cleaning this floor. The other two men couldn’t hear what he was saying, but could tell it wasn’t good news.

“Well?” Randall spoke before Felix could. “Did the maid put the necklace somewhere?”

Jack slowly left the bedroom before answering. “I was just speaking with Sally, Sally Deakins. She’s in charge of this floor’s cleaning staff and did Samantha’s room herself.”

“Right, so what did she do with the necklace?” Felix pushed for an answer.

Jack turned and looked back into the bedroom again. “Sally told me it wasn’t on the bureau when she got here. It seems a thief got in before her and stole Samantha’s necklace.”

Randall rubbed his hands together in anticipation. “Finally, I was beginning to think this would be the first time I’d come here without a crime to solve.”

Chapter 124
November 27, 1889 Near the Edgeworth estate

After graduating from university, Jason soon was doing extremely well financially as a ruthless barrister in Swadlincote. By the time he was 42, however, he still was lacking in patience when with women. After leaving Enid with Wendy’s desiccated body when he was 23, Jason hunted for his next willing female. It took him another eight years before he found her.

Meanwhile he spent the time fixing up Ciaran’s deserted cabin, wanting any future woman he invited there to feel comfortable. Remembering the excitement Enid enjoyed by the hot wax on her face, Jason took this to the next step. He designed and had a London blacksmith forge what looked like a priest’s holy water sprinkler.

* * *

Jason celebrated his 31st birthday in a special way by enticing a giggling servant girl to the cabin. On the way to the rendezvous, he walked behind her, admiring the way her rounded buttocks moved under the tight, dirty uniform. You’re not up to my usual standards, he thought, but I will show you a good time anyway.

Once inside, the buxom teenager held out her hand. “Where’s me five pounds? Ya promised five pounds if I gave ya a quick tumble. Money first, me Lord.”

Jason handed her the money, which she stuffed in her uniform pocket. He walked with her over to the bed. “Get undressed so I can see what I’m paying for. After that, we’re going to play a little game before you get down on me.”

The girl shrugged, having heard odder requests from other men. “Don’t ya even want to know me name?” While asking this, she pulled her uniform up over her head and threw it on the cabin floor. Next to come off was a cheap chemise followed by the rest of her clothes.

Jason nodded at seeing the naked girl was a true blonde. “I already know your name. Sarah, right?” When she looked surprised, Jason smiled at her. “You came recommended by a couple of your previous, umm, acquaintances.” Jason stepped closer to Sarah and turned her to face the bed. “Now, here’s how the game works. You get in bed, and I’ll tie you down.”


“No, it’ll be all right, don’t worry. After you are nice and secure, I’ll give you a big surprise.”

Chapter 125
November 27, 1889 Near the Edgeworth estate

Thinking the big surprise was what the other men gave her in bed, Sarah didn’t resist when Jason tied her hands and feet to metal rings he’d attached to the sides of the bed.

“Are you comfortable enough?” asked a solicitous Jason, making sure she was unable to move. Seeing her smiling in anticipation, he went to a cupboard and took out the iron instrument. He then heated an ingot of lead on the cabin’s small stove. After pouring the molten lead in one end of the hollow device, he tipped it on end to verify it worked correctly.

His excitement was battling with his need for patience. I mustn’t deprive Sarah of a minute of my surprise. Go slow, Jason, go slow. He kept reciting this to himself as he walked back to the bed.

“What’s that, me Lord? Are ya goin’ to bless me with it?” Sarah hadn’t been able to see Jason assembling the lethal instrument and couldn’t figure out why he was holding a priest’s holy water sprinkler.

Jason stood close to the bed with the torture device held loosely in his hand. His eyes traveled over the girl’s body, lingering for some time on her full breasts. “Do you need to be blessed, my child?” Jason moved the heavy item over Sarah’s left breast, fighting against the need to see her crying out her pleasure. Patience, Jason, you have so much to share with this little whore. She’s going to forget all her other lovers and want only you from now on.

Ever so slowly, Jason tipped the small open section over her breast to let a few drops of the molten lead come out. Sarah let out a piercing scream and struggled wildly to get free of her bonds. Jason nearly fell to his knees, overcome by the power of her love for him. Wanting to experience that feeling again, he stood and held the device firmly in his hand. His breathing became ragged, and he fought for patience to make Sarah’s joy last as long as possible.

When he couldn’t wait any longer, Jason poured out a stream of the scalding hot lead down the hysterical woman’s body. He started between her breasts and ended with a fancy swirl of lead over her blonde pubic hair. He watched her tender skin disappear under the thick layer of hardening metal.

Suddenly, Jason started yelling, “No, no. I won’t let it happen again” He threw the traitorous item away and jumped onto Sarah’s body. Not caring that she had died seconds earlier, Jason ripped open his britches and shoved his swollen rod into her. He had made sure to keep the hot metal away from that part of Sarah’s body since he planned to share his power with her. He knew she would eventually die after being overcome by his magnificent glory, but once again a woman had been too weak to wait to experience him in full.

When he finished, Jason decided Sarah wasn’t worthy to join Enid and Wendy. Carrying her dead body over his shoulder, Jason went outside muttering angrily, “The whore could have let us have our fun first. Why don’t they last longer?” About half a mile from the cabin, he stopped in the thickest part of the woods.

Jason carelessly tossed Sarah to the ground as he would a sack of garbage. With his third victim, he didn’t even bother looking back or say good-bye.

Continued in next segment
 Home of the White Dolphin - Segment 26  (GC)
Chapters 126 thru 130
#2091667 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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