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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091665
Chapters 116 thru 120
Chapter 116
May 12, 1870 Outside the town limits of Swadlincote

For months, Jason worked at cultivating his friendship with Enid Denton. During that time, the wife of his friend Alfred always shyly thanked him for his many compliments. She believed he was simply awkward the time she felt his hand lightly brush against her breast.

In the years since his first experience at making women happy, Jason had searched in vain for another woman like Wendy. Now on his 23rd birthday, he was ready. “Enid, do I find you alone?” asked Jason, knowing full well that Alfred was away on a trip to London.

Enid nodded, her long blonde curls gently brushing against her shoulders. “Yes, didn’t Alfred tell you he’d be gone for a few days?” She moved over on the sofa when Jason came to sit beside her. “It’s good of you to come today for a visit. I’m already so lonely without Alfred, and he just left a few hours ago.”

When making his plans, Jason knew this was the usual day off for both her maid and cook. “Why don’t we find something to do that’ll make you feel better?” When he reached out his hand and started unbuttoning the front of her frock, Enid tried to push him away.

“Please, Lord Edgeworth, what are you thinking?” After that token display of outrage, Enid gave in to the excitement she felt from Jason’s touch. Two years of marriage to her unimaginative husband left her bored and ready for what this man could teach her.

Jason didn’t answer Enid’s question, knowing only he had to have her and soon. His need to give himself to Enid had grown and tormented him since he first met her. Jason wanted Enid to experience the happiness only he could give her. “Relax, Enid, you’re going to enjoy this.” Jason made this promise after undoing the rest of the dress buttons. Moving his hand inside the dress to cup one of her breasts, he softly scolded her. ‘Oh, you shouldn’t have hidden these from me.”

Enid winced when felt Jason squeezed her tender flesh before removing his hand. After he placed both hands around her waist, she let him push her down on the sofa. “Are you sure I’ll enjoy myself?” Enid cocked her head to one side, curious about what Lord Edgeworth would do next. She didn’t have long to wait.

“Lord Edgeworth, you’re wrinkling my clothes.” Enid began getting nervous, not sure if being alone with him was such a good idea. “No, please stop. You have to leave now.” She struggled to sit up, but Jason shoved her back onto the sofa cushions.

“Lie still, you silly cow.” Jason remembered his mother enjoyed when Ciaran called her that special name. His time with Wendy back in 1866 ended too quickly, and he knew it was because he went too fast. Today, he planned to take his time and let Enid enjoy everything he’d learned while watching his mother with her men.

Chapter 117
December 27, 2008 – At the mansion in Randall’s guestroom

Randall began reading the first entry, “August 27, 2008. I bet Walker hasn’t even missed her yet. I went along with the silly bitch when she wanted to show me the two caverns under the mansion. She even pointed out where they found the bones of my Grandfather Jason’s daughter Hannah. When I looked inside that tunnel, I almost changed my original plan right then and there.

“Instead, I invited Walker’s redhead for lunch at the bungalow my host assigned me, probably to keep me away from her. I saw that look he gave when I arrived. Once we entered the bungalow, she never had a chance after I put the rag soaked in chloroform over her nose and mouth.

“Grandfather Jason told me many times, when I was a young boy, about the limestone chambers behind his mansion. He even told me where to find that hidden entrance. Thank goodness she’s not too heavy, and I managed to carry her underground through that large hole. With her slung over my shoulder, I hurried by the chambers filled with my grandfather’s women. There will be more than enough time later on to appreciate how much creativity went into giving them pleasure. Perhaps I might even use some of what he did on her.”

Randall closed his eyes, sickened by the thought that Colin might have emulated Jason Edgeworth’s cruelty with Samantha. The memory of how Jason Edgeworth treated the women was as clear as the day he first saw those pitiful bodies. He closed Colin’s journal, unable and unwilling to read more.

He knew, if he stayed in this room, he’d eventually give in to temptation and continue reading. Randall glanced at his wristwatch and saw almost half an hour had passed since he left Walker’s apartment. More than enough time for Jack and Felix to look at the plans. He tucked the journal back inside his shirt and made his way out of his room.

Once on the fourth floor, Randall carefully opened the door and went inside. He could hear the voices of the two men in the living room and quickly went into Walker’s office. Listening to hear if Jack or Felix was coming his way, Randall removed the journal and replaced it on the desk exactly where he’d found it.

He then went back into the hall, calling out, “Hey, guys, you about done with your business? How about going down for some lunch?”

Chapter 118
May 12, 1870 Outside the town limits of Swadlincote

The afternoon hours raced by, and still Jason kept trying to please Enid. Jason had first removed each layer of her clothes, taking his time when Enid tearfully showed how excited this made her. When she lay naked on the sofa, Jason felt she was ready for him. “Sweetheart, you need to get more comfortable.” He stood over her, smiling at his terrified victim.

Without warning, Jason reached down and twisted his fist in her long curls, using this to drag her up off the sofa. “Let’s see if your bed is roomier than that little sofa. Oops, don’t fall, you’ll hurt yourself.” Letting go of her hair, Jason pulled Enid back on her feet after she tripped on a scatter rug. When she tried to run away toward the freedom of the front door, Jason grabbed her left arm and twisted it painfully behind her back. “Enid, if you do that again, I’ll begin to think you aren’t having fun.”

He gave her a shove to get her moving again toward the stairway. “Now, let’s go upstairs so I can show you what you’ve been missing.” By the time they entered Enid’s bedroom, Jason was frantic with his need to give Enid the pleasure of his body. He hurried across the room, dragging the crying woman behind him. His harsh breathing came in gasps, his own clothes suddenly too heavy and restrictive. Jason picked up Enid and flung her onto the bed. He was beyond caring that his poor aim caused her to smash against the wooden headboard.

Hearing Enid’s cry of pain, Jason moved her body into a more accessible position. “Yes, Enid, that’s what I wanted from you.” Jason had already kicked off his riding boots, and he next took off his shirt so she could see what a powerful man looked like. “I’m going to take my time, and you just let me know what feels good.” While he stood close to the bed, letting her admire his masculine beauty, Enid once again tried to escape. She made it as far as the open door before Jason caught her.

“You greedy girl, I see you can’t wait.” Jason told her, slamming the door. “You want some treats earlier than I’d planned, don’t you?” Instead of returning her immediately to the bed, Jason stopped at the large bureau. He opened one drawer after another until he found what he needed. Taking out half a dozen of Alfred’s long cravats, Jason looped them over his free arm. “I bet these will be your husband’s favorite neckpieces after today.”

Enid had no idea what Jason planned to do with the silk cravats. Once she was back on the bed, he quickly rolled her over on her side. He then forced her arms behind her back and used one cravat to tie her wrists together. “That’s better, Enid. Now, where was I?” Jason frowned when he noticed the room was growing darker. The late afternoon’s sun cast shadows around the room. “Let me get a candle so you can see and not just feel what we’re going to do.”

On the bureau, Jason had seen a silver candlestick holding a long, thick wax candle. Leaving Enid stretched out helplessly on her back, Jason hunted for matches and lit the candle. When he returned to stand by the bed, he was able to see Enid’s eyes begging him to continue with his lessons. “Oh, yes. You are ready for me, aren’t you?”

Chapter 119
May 12, 1870 Outside the town limits of Swadlincote

At this point, Jason was the one taught a lesson. Leaning over Enid, he accidentally dripped hot melted wax on her face. Jason’s happy laughter joined her scream of pain when he realized he’d learned a new way to please his women. “Oh, that felt so good, didn’t it? Wait a minute, Enid, let me get comfortable first.” Jason climbed on top of Enid, using a knee to push her legs apart. He carefully held the candle away from her body, not ready to continue with this wonderful new discovery.

“You precious girl, this is what you want, isn’t it?” Saying this, he used his free hand to undo and open the flap of his britches. Jason couldn’t help grinning at the look on Enid’s face when she saw the wonderful gift he was about to share with her. Mistaking fright for delight, Jason quickly forced his thick, enlarged penis inside her. Feeling her tightening around him, Jason let out a groan of relief. “Yes, Enid, I won’t make you wait any longer.”

He began moving within her, faster and harder. In his feverish attempt to give Enid the full benefit of his generous gift, he forgot he was still holding the burning candle. It slipped out of his fingers when he grabbed her thighs to pull her into better position underneath him. When the candle rolled beside Enid’s naked body, the flame failed to go out. The cotton blanket quickly caught fire, but Jason was unable to see the small flames racing up the bed toward Enid’s long hair.

“Yes, Enid, let it all out. Show me, oh yes, show me how much you want me.” Jason closed his eyes, overcome by the knowledge he was a god to the excited woman under him. Instead of Enid’s screams as the flames licked at her hair, Jason heard his mother’s sobs while the four stable hands took her again and again. It was Jane enjoying his strong, powerful body, knowing she was comparing him favorably with her other lovers. Jason cried out when he felt his mother squirming wildly to show her appreciation. “I’m better than they are, Mother. I’m better and stronger now. Please, you have to love me.”

Only the smell of burning flesh brought Jason out of his daze, and he saw Enid’s head engulfed in fire. He pulled out of her and used an unburned part of the blanket to smother the flames. Enid had stopped screaming by the time Jason finished and just lay there moaning from the pain.

Looking at Enid’s face, blackened and covered with seeping blisters, Jason sadly shook his head. He recognized that once again he had failed to give another woman all the happiness she deserved. “I’m sorry, Enid, but don’t be too upset. I still have a surprise for you that I hadn’t planned on giving you until much later.”

Chapter 120
May 12, 1870 Near the Edgeworth estate

Jason carefully wrapped the damaged blanket around Enid, leaving only her disfigured face uncovered. He carried her downstairs and outside to where his stallion was waiting. After securing the tightly bound woman on the saddle, Jason jumped up behind her. It took only half an hour to make the trip from Enid’s home to the familiar site near Ciaran’s old cabin. This late in the day, families sat down to their final meal of the day, leaving the countryside deserted.

“Here we are, sweetheart.” Jason lifted Enid down and placed her on the ground. He left her wrapped in the blanket with her hands still tied behind her back. “I just have to find something, and I’ll be only a few minutes.” Jason knelt and smoothed out what the fire had left of her blonde hair. “Did you say something?” He leaned closer when he saw Enid’s mouth moving, but no sound came out. “Don’t worry, Enid. I don’t need any thanks. I just wish we had more time since I had so many more delightful ways to share with you. Now, be a good girl, or you won’t get your special treat.”

Enid’s eyes followed Jason as he ducked into the nearby woods. Within minutes, she saw him return carrying a shovel. When he began digging close by, his back was to her so she was unable to see what he was doing. Only when he finished and tossed the shovel aside, did she understand what his plan for her was.

Jason picked Enid up in his arms and carried her to the shallow grave he’d dug. “Enid, I don’t want you to feel alone out here after I leave, so I’d like you to meet Wendy.” He then gently placed her in the freshly dug soil next to the four-year-old corpse. All that remained of the beautiful woman were bones and strands of blonde hair.

When Enid turned and saw Wendy, she gave Jason his reward for the pleasure he was about to give her. Her terrified screams started when he once again picked up the shovel.

“Enid, I’d like you to meet Wendy.” While he made the introduction, Jason dug the shovel into the pile of dirt beside the grave. “Wendy, this is Enid. She’s going to keep you company until I come back.” Jason shrugged. “I’m not sure when that will be, so just be patient, ladies.” He tossed the loose dirt on top of the blanket, making sure to not have any land on Enid’s face.

“Enid’s a delightful woman, Wendy, so I know you two will become close friends.” Another shovelful of dirt landed on the blanket. Jason continued to talk to the two women as he filled in the hole. He saved covering Enid’s face for last, wanting to savor the joy in her voice as long as possible. When he no longer could hear her screams, he used the back of the shovel to tamp down the dirt over Enid and Wendy.

Before he got on his horse and headed home, Jason gave one last wistful look at the newly expanded grave. He then made a silent promise. The next one, I’ll have to be more careful. There has to be a woman like Mother who will last longer than these two.

Continued in next segment
 Home of the White Dolphin - Segment 25  (GC)
Chapters 121 thru 125
#2091666 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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