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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091663
Chapters 106 thru 110
Chapter 106
May 27, 1866 Near the Edgeworth estate

Nineteen-year-old Jason had been looking for the perfect woman for years. Even though he met many young girls, none tempted him. The rare times he had sex with a willing female left him bored and unsatisfied.

One afternoon, Jason considered it a miracle when he saw Wendy Abbott walking toward him from the nearby town of Swadlincote. Weeks earlier, Jason had first noticed her in town after the 17-year-old moved there with her parents. Catching sight of her shapely body outlined by the simple cotton frock, he knew she was the one.

“Miss Abbott, good afternoon,” he called out, bringing the large horse dangerously close to her. When she moved to get out of the way of the animal’s hoofs, he reached down and effortlessly swung her up on the saddle in front of him.

She let out a little squeal of surprise at his action. “Lord Edgeworth, this is most improper. Please put me back down.” Jason ignored her and viciously kicked his heels into the stallion’s side. Wendy found herself pushed back against his body. Jason’s arm held her tightly around her waist to keep her from falling off the racing horse.

Within minutes, they arrived at the Edgeworth estate and headed for what once was the home of Ciaran Reardon. Jason was familiar with this cabin located some distance from the mansion.

* * *

Nine years ago while hiding in a tack room’s loft, Jason had learned how strong men should treat women. In the weeks that followed, he added to this knowledge by following his mother to this cabin. Her meetings with Ciaran only ended when her advanced pregnancy made the long walk too exhausting.

The first time Jane went to the cabin after her experience in the tack room, Jason stayed hidden a short distance behind her. When Jane reached the cabin and opened the door, he saw Ciaran standing inside. Jason watched the stable hand roughly force Jane against his naked body before slamming the door shut. Jason waited a few minutes before he dared to leave his hiding place. His heart pounding in excitement, Jason made his way to the cabin and peeked through a grime-covered window.

The 10-year-old was able to see Ciaran’s bed shoved against a wall on the opposite side of the room. Ciaran’s large body covered most of his mother, but Jason could see her legs bent around his waist. Jason listened to Ciaran’s harsh grunts, but what interested Jason were Jane’s tearful whimpers of pain. Whatever Ciaran was doing to her obviously pleased his mother. Once again Jason wished he were already a grown man. Some day I’ll be able to make my women happy this way.

Ciaran disappeared soon after the birth of Jason’s sister. It was years before hunters found the skeleton of a large male buried in the woods next to the cabin. A rusty knife wedged between two of the ribs explained the cause of death, but not the person who wielded the deadly instrument.

* * *

Finally a grown man and ready to please Wendy, Jason brought the stallion to a halt. After he helped Wendy down to the ground, his hand remained on her trembling shoulder. “You shouldn’t be afraid of me, Miss Abbott.” He wiped the tears from her eyes and headed her toward the cabin door. “I just want to have a private place to propose marriage.” He tried not to smile at the change in her demeanor at hearing that magical word, marriage.

Wendy eagerly followed him into the cabin, her days of being left a spinster on that dreaded shelf nearing an end. “Lord Edgeworth, this is so sudden. I didn’t even know you’d talked to my father. He did give you permission to court me, didn’t he?” A wisp of doubt entered her mind, knowing her father disliked him. She once asked what he had against the young and extremely handsome Lord Edgeworth, but her father refused to give her an answer.

“Of course he did, and he offered me a bottle of his best wine so we could celebrate our engagement.” Jason held out a chair for Wendy by the dusty kitchen table on which were the wine and two glasses. After first seeing Wendy weeks earlier, he had hurried back to the mansion, more excited than he had been in years. Quickly lacing a bottle of the estate’s cheapest wine with laudanum, Jason brought it to the cabin along with a clean blanket he placed over the bed.

Chapter 107
December 27, 2008 – At Walker's Maison du Renard Rouge

“Valentine, get down.” Jack grabbed the dog’s collar and managed to peel the animal off Randall. “Sorry about that, Randall. When Felix lets his puppy come into the mansion, she gets overly excited.”

Randall used his shirt sleeve to dry off his face and looked at Jack in disbelief. “That, that, that pony is a puppy?” He glared at Felix Depree, an architect he knew from San Francisco. When Walker wanted someone to design his estate’s orphanage some time back, Randall had recommended Felix.

Keeping his distance from the dog, Randall demanded, “When did you get that beast, and what the hell are you doing here?”

Before Randall completely lost his temper, Jack decided it was time to explain. “Walker wants to surprise Samantha when they get back. He’s asked Felix to design an addition to his apartment over there.” Jack waved in the general direction of the hallway wall opposite Walker’s office.

Felix took a thick leash that was draped around his neck and attached it to Valentine’s collar. “I planned on leaving her with the kids downstairs, but she made a beeline up here before I could stop her.”

Seeing the leash firmly in place, Jack let go of the collar. “I’ve an idea, Felix. While we go over those plans I see tucked under your arm, why not let Randall get acquainted with Valentine?” He smiled innocently at Randall who stood there in shock, unable to say a word at this suggestion. “You don’t mind, do you? This will also give you a chance to spend some time with Joshua and Sue Beth.”

Felix, not waiting for Randall to get his voice back, simply handed him the leash. Patting the dog’s head, he warned her, “You be a good girl and behave or no treat tonight.” He then pushed her out the open door. Before going back inside, Felix watched Valentine gallop down the stairs pulling a startled Randall behind her.

Chapter 108
May 27, 1866 Near the Edgeworth estate

It took only two glasses of the wine for Wendy to succumb to laudanum’s tincture of opium. Jason, who had only pretended to drink, carried her across the small room. “You’re a bit tired, aren’t you?” he whispered, placing her carefully on the bed.

Wendy nodded, confused by the boneless way her body felt. She tried to struggle when Jason began removing her frock, but was unable to move. She managed to cry out, “Lord Edgeworth, please don’t do this” when Jason started pulling her chemise off her shoulders.

Needing more from her than that simple complaint, Jason worked harder to please her. Ruthlessly tearing off the rest of Wendy’s clothes, he was delighted that he wasn’t wrong in choosing her. Her pale skin was flawless, and the luxurious growth below Wendy’s flat belly matched her long blonde hair. Jason’s excitement grew at seeing the size of her large breasts. A vision of his mother’s naked body flashed through Jason’s mind and as quickly disappeared.

“Wendy, I want you to relax and enjoy yourself.” Jason looked into Wendy’s frightened eyes and saw how delighted she appeared. “That’s my good girl, let’s see what we can do to make you even happier.” He knew from watching his mother all those months that, when a woman pretended to fight off a man, she was actually begging him for more.

Jason didn’t look away from the terrified woman as he slowly removed his clothing. Seeing her struggling in vain to move her traitorous body, he took pity on her obvious desire for him. “We’ve got all night ahead of us, Wendy, so why don’t we start out with something easy.” Jason spread her thighs apart and knelt between them.

Jason started by gently fingering her, inserting first one finger and then a second one. Hearing her moaning, he knew this meant she wanted more from him. Removing his fingers, Jason leaned over and began a more rhythmic exploration with his tongue. Still deep in an opium haze, Wendy tried frantically to get away. When she felt him move and reposition his body, she screamed in pain. Jason had forced his way through the fold of her hymen. Feeling the warm virginal blood coating his penis, pride overwhelmed him at what he’d just accomplished. Yes, that’s more like it Jason thought, suddenly realizing his goal in life. Once I get even stronger, there’ll be no limit to how many women I can satisfy.

Wendy’s torture didn’t end even after the laudanum left her body. Using his heavier body to control her, Jason kept making increasingly rough demands. The sun had just set when he put his arm across her neck to hold her more firmly in place. In his sexual frenzy, Jason pressed down harder than he realized. Despite her agonized struggles to get away, Wendy’s gasping breaths became slower and more labored until finally they stopped altogether.

Jason gave a victorious smile when he saw her sightless eyes staring up at him. Knowing Wendy had died happy because of him, Jason kept going for a few more minutes. With a loud groan of relief, Jason rewarded Wendy one last time by filling her with his precious semen.

The silly woman left me too soon. I had so much more to share with her. Jason slowly slid his penis out of the dead woman. I’ll be more careful in the future and remember females are such weak creatures.

Burying Wendy in the shallow grave where hunters had found Ciaran’s skeleton, Jason already looked forward to finding his next woman.

Chapter 109
December 27, 2008 – At the mansion in Randall’s guestroom

Once Randall came out of his shock, he managed to gain control over the racing wolfhound. This he did by grabbing the banister as Valentine dragged him down the stairs. He held on for dear life until the dog skidded to a stop at reaching the end of her leash.

“Sit, Valentine. No, get away. Don’t you dare sit!” he yelled, beginning to regret stopping. Valentine had returned to where Randall sat on the stairs trying to catch his breath. This became even more difficult when the big dog, excited by this new game, pounced and started drooling on Randall’s face. Valentine completely ignored Randall’s “Get away, yuck, don’t do that. Oh, you’re disgusting.”

“Hi, Randall. That is you, isn’t it, teasing Valentine?” Randall could see only a little girl’s feet coming up the stairs. The dog obstructed the rest of his view until one of Walker’s young wards, Sue Beth, came to sit on the stairs below him.

“Yup, it’s me.” Randall fought his way out from under the affectionate dog and managed to get to his feet. “Can you take this beast away? I’ve got something I’ve got to do, but I’ll come by to see you and Joshua later.”

After Sue Beth gave Randall one of her best stranglehold hugs, she took Valentine’s leash. The wolfhound, almost as large as the young girl, immediately calmed down and let the child lead her down the stairs and out of sight.

Looking around to make sure nobody else had seen his undignified tussle with Valentine, Randall quickly made his way to the room where he was staying. Once inside, he sat down at the small table by the window. For long minutes, he gazed out at the falling snow adding to that already on the ground.

I sure hope Walker and Samantha got to the airport this morning before the storm hit.Thinking about Samantha reminded him of Colin’s journal hidden underneath his shirt. After taking it out and redoing the shirt buttons, Randall placed the journal on the table, unsure what he wanted to do next.

I know this is an invasion of Samantha’s privacy, that Walker didn’t give the journal to the police for a reason. Randall hesitated, his thoughts going back to when he last visited the mansion. While looking for Samantha, who had been missing for days, searchers discovered a chamber of horror behind the mansion.

Next to each of five desiccated bodies found inside was a decades-old journal written by Jason Edgeworth, Colin’s grandfather. He had described in lurid detail how he kidnapped and tortured the five women. With some, Jason wrote of the ultimate pleasure he gave by raping them before giving them his ultimate reward, a slow painful death.

Finally, his decision made, Randall picked up Colin’s journal. He opened it to the first page and started reading.

Chapter 110
August 22, 1864 – Aboard the White Dolphin

“Okay, what are you smiling about?” Robbie remained seated, but suddenly felt the urge to run for his life.

When Elizabeth didn’t answer, Mitchell knew it was up to him to explain their plan. “You do agree that Blythe needs protection from the other men on the ship, don’t you?” Seeing Robbie’s nod, Mitchell continued. “Well, who better than a man who’s been my daughter’s friend all her life?”

“Oh, no. Not me.” Robbie frantically shook his head at this idea of marrying a firebrand like Blythe. “Besides,” a sudden thought had him giving a huge sigh of relief, “she deserves a man from a better background.”

Elizabeth simply stared at Robbie, not understanding his reasoning. “Robbie Whiting, what’s wrong with your background? Since you were 12, Mitchell and I did our best to love you, educate you, and treat you like our own son.”

“That’s just it, Elizabeth.” Robbie stood and came to kneel in front of her. He looked with a son’s love at Elizabeth, even though she was only a few years older than he was. “You and Mitchell have never questioned where I came from, simply took me in as a member of your family.”

The noisy arrival of an agitated Blythe interrupted him. “Mama, Poppy, guess what? Oh, for crying out loud, Robbie, what are you doing?” Her news forgotten, she scowled at the sight of what appeared to be Robbie proposing to her mother. She turned her anger on her father when she heard his loud laughter. “Poppy, what are you going to do about him?” Stamping her foot in frustration, she yelled, “I do not want Robbie as my stepfather.”

Elizabeth tried not to join in Mitchell’s laughter, but found this difficult because of Robbie’s horrified expression. “Blythe, he is not proposing marriage to me. Robbie knows your father is all the man I can handle.”

“Then why’s he on his knees like that?” Blythe still was fuming about Robbie’s constant scolding whenever she mentioned wanting a baby. Assuming he wanted to marry Elizabeth added fuel to her anger, and she barely heard Elizabeth’s explanation.

Mitchell managed to stop laughing long enough to ask, “You’re sure you don’t want him as a stepfather?” Seeing his excitable daughter was ready to scream at this thought, he hurried with another question.

Continued in next segment
 Home of the White Dolphin - Segment 23  (GC)
Chapters 111 thru 115
#2091664 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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