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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091639
Chapters 66 thru 70
Chapter 66
December 18, 2008 – Midafternoon in Walker’s apartment

“Well?” prompted Samantha, eager to read Jane’s letter. “Did you find it?” She watched Walker check the dates written on each sheet until he found the oldest letter.

“Very strange, Sam. These all are on the Edgeworth notepaper, but only a few look to be in Jane’s handwriting. No matter. Here’s the one I think Elizabeth meant. It’s dated July 12, 1846.” Walker handed the parchment sheet to an impatiently waiting Samantha.

She settled back to lean against Walker’s chest and squinted to read Jane’s atrocious handwriting. “My dear sister, I am writing you despite the fact you ran off, leaving me alone at my new home. My dear father-in-law gave me his solicitor’s address where I could write to you. Lord Edgeworth was furious with Captain Whiting when he found you gone. If you must know, I felt shame at the way you didn’t bother thanking my father-in-law for the generous hospitality he showed you. Nevertheless, I will try to forgive your rudeness to my new family.

“Nobody was able to tell me where you would be living, but I hope you are well, wherever you are. My wedding to Ronald went off perfectly, and I looked like a princess in the beautiful wedding gown Lord Edgeworth commissioned the local seamstress to make for me. It must have cost him thousands of pounds, since yards and yards of lace covered the full skirt. After the wedding, Lord Edgeworth said the gown was a gift from my husband, but I knew better. My husband, how strange those words look in writing.”
Samantha stopped reading when she thought she heard Walker mumble something. “Did you say something?”

“Nothing important, Sam. Just that Ronald Edgeworth doesn’t seem good husband material, at least from what Whiting wrote about him. Keep reading. Maybe Whiting misunderstood where Ronald’s affections were.” Walker tried to remember if Samantha had read anything about Ronald’s paintings.

Unaware of his thoughts, Samantha returned to the letter. “In the months since the wedding, I’ve grown fond of my father-in-law. He, rather than my husband, satisfies my every whim, telling me the mother of the future Edgeworth heir deserves whatever she wants. Sadly, I’m starting to fear there will not soon be an heir. Ronald treats me like a sister and spends most of his days in his art gallery painting. I haven’t given up hope, though, my dear Elizabeth. With luck and perseverance on my part, you might yet become an aunt. Until then, all my love from your sister, Jane Edgeworth.”

Samantha handed the letter back to Walker. “I wonder if she ever had a child. I’m curious to read the rest of the letters to find out, but right now I better get back to Sophia.” Samantha leaned over and gave Walker a quick kiss on his cheek before getting up from the sofa. “Thank you, Walker, for cheering me up. Why do you put up with me?”

As she left him and headed down the hallway to the front door, she didn’t hear his low answer, “I put up with you since I have no choice. Unlike Ronald, I plan to love my wife no matter what dragons she brings me.”

Chapter 67
July 12, 1846 At the Edgeworth mansion in Derbyshire

After writing to her sister earlier in the day, Jane prowled restlessly around her bedroom. With Ronald now spending every night in his art gallery, her options to produce the required Edgeworth heir were limited. I suppose I could tie Ronald down to the bed and see what happens. Jane giggled at the thought of her husband in this position, and then wrinkled her nose in disgust. The only time he’d tried to have sex with her, on their wedding night, Ronald was unable to maintain an arousal. He refused to try again, and for months Jane was forced to remain celibate.

Finally coming to a decision, Jane replaced her day frock with what she knew was her most enticing nightgown. She brushed her long blonde hair until it crackled and applied perfume between her full breasts. After making sure the row of five blue ribbons going down the front of the gown were loosely tied, Jane left her bedroom and headed toward the wing of the mansion belonging to her father-in-law. She almost skipped down the carpet, excited at the challenge ahead of her.

The clock downstairs was just chiming midnight when she reached the hallway outside Lord Edgeworth’s bedroom. She was about to softly knock on his door when she was surprised to see him walking back from the opposite direction. Like her, he was barefoot, and she saw he wore only a pair of pajama bottoms. His thinning gray hair appeared disheveled, and Jane correctly assumed he had left his bed to use the bathroom’s commode. At that moment, Jane knew her plan could work. Father told me old men loved screwing young girls. Lord Edgeworth is definitely old, and I just hope he has enough left in him to finish the job.

He had almost reached the door to his bedroom before he caught sight of her. “My daughter, is something wrong?” The hallway was dim, but he could see Jane looked upset. He reached out and put a finger under her chin, tilting her face up toward him. “Oh, you’re crying. Come inside and tell me all about it.” Lord Edgeworth placed a comforting arm around Jane’s shoulders.

He moved his arm down to around her waist when he felt her trembling. “Jane, there’s no need to cry. I’ll make everything all right. Just come and sit down on the bed.” While helping her onto the edge of the bed, he kept his arm around her and sat down on her left side.

“Oh, Lord Edgeworth, I’m too embarrassed to tell you.” Jane lowered her head, trying to make her voice sound as innocent as possible.

Her father-in-law moved his hand slowly up from her waist until his fingers brushed against the bottom of her breast. Through the sheer gown, he saw how firm and round her breasts appeared. He said, in a soothing voice, “Jane, you don’t need to be so formal. You’re my daughter now, so wouldn’t you prefer calling me Papa instead of Lord Edgeworth?”

Jane moved ever so slightly, pretending not to notice this gave him better access to her upper body. “Papa, I do like that name better. Knowing you’re my Papa makes it so much easier to talk to you.” She lowered her voice, as if ashamed at what she said next. “I wish my husband was as nice as you are. I like when you hold me like this. He won’t.” At that, Jane forced out a few more tears, a useful trick she’d learned when a youngster.

Chapter 68
July 12, 1846 At the Edgeworth mansion in Derbyshire

Lord Edgeworth took a deep breath, but remained silent when Jane gave a pitiful sob. Soon he covered her entire breast with his large hand, his active fingers rubbing back and forth across her nipple until he felt the little nub harden. “My daughter, are you saying Ronald doesn’t hold you. Not like this?”

“Papa, I don’t know how to satisfy him. I’ve tried to be a perfect wife, but my mother died before she could teach me how to please a husband in bed. What can I do?” Jane put her hand down on his leg, as if by accident. “Do you think you can show me how to make Ronald happy? Please, Papa?”

Lord Edgeworth tried to keep from smiling, enjoying her little act. Listening to her, he realized she didn’t know he’d been the man in her bed when she was only 15. She thought to pass herself off as an innocent virgin, and he was willing to let her believe she was succeeding. “My dear sweet daughter, of course I’ll help you. You must promise, though, to do everything I say since Ronald will be hard to please. Are you willing to spend a lot of nights in my bed while I’m teaching you?”

He waited to see how she’d react. Seeing her shyly smiling at him, he reluctantly removed her hand from his leg. “Let your Papa make you comfortable before we start our lessons.” Lord Edgeworth slid one arm under her thighs and moved her body fully onto the bed.

He took his time removing his arm from beneath her. “Knowing my son as I do, I bet he never even removed his pajamas before he got in bed with you.” Noting Jane’s nod of agreement, he went on, “That’s what I thought. Well, I’m just going to get another candle so we can see each other better. I don’t want you to be afraid of Ronald when he shows you how he’s built differently. Just lean back, my child, and don’t move. When I get back, you’ll see what your Papa has that’s making his pajamas bulge out so much. I’m built just like my son, although what’s waiting for you is bigger than his ever will be.”

Jane moved onto her side. She watched as Lord Edgeworth added a second lit candle to the one already on the table beside the bed. “Oh, that makes this room look so pretty.” She wondered if she was putting on the little virgin act too thickly, but decided the old fool believed everything she said.

When he pushed down his pajama bottoms, Jane was pleased to see her husband’s meager genitals didn’t come from her father-in-law’s side of the family. She wanted to tell him to stop bragging, however, but was smart enough to keep the following thought to herself. I’ve handled bigger ones, but his will do for now.

“Jane, are you ready for your first lesson?” Lord Edgeworth asked, as he walked over to stand beside the bed. Seeing where her eyes were looking, he didn’t wait for her to answer him. He sat down and gently pushed her onto her back. “Now, my daughter, that’s how you should be when Ronald comes into the room. You must always show him you’re ready for him. Let’s do something, though, about that nightgown.”

Lord Edgeworth leaned over her and untied the top ribbon. When he reached down to undo the second ribbon and spread the neck of her gown open, this gave him a glimpse of her full breasts. “Has Ronald ever shown any interest in touching your breasts, my dear?”

Jane shook her head and sadly said, “I fear he found them not to his liking, Papa. He told me on our wedding night that he found them ugly. Are they? Please look at them and let me know.” Again, she forced a tremulous tear to roll down her cheek

Lord Edgeworth smiled at the little vixen, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he continued untying the last three ribbons. By pulling the loosened gown down off Jane’s shoulders, he was able to fully expose her breasts. They have grown since the last time I saw her. He felt his mouth watering at the thought of taking one of those soft globes into his mouth.

When Jane saw her father-in-law lick his lips, she whimpered, “Please, why won’t you tell me?” She arched her back when Lord Edgeworth leaned down and took her full breast into his mouth. “Oh my goodness, Papa. I didn’t know a man would like to do that.” Jane kept her eyes closed, so he wouldn’t see the excitement she felt. When he started sucking her breast, the wet sound and the feel of his hot mouth forced a small moan from Jane.

When he heard that low sound, Lord Edgeworth forced himself to slow down. He wanted to hold off his sexual climax until he’d fully explored the young girl’s voluptuous body.

Chapter 69
July 12, 1846 At the Edgeworth mansion in Derbyshire

Removing his mouth from her breast, Lord Edgeworth tugged her nightgown down as far as her hips. “Are you sure Ronald never found your body of interest to him?” Still kneeling, he lowering his body so his face was level to her belly. “I definitely have to show you how to tempt my son, to let him know what he should be doing.”

As Lord Edgeworth said this, Jane giggled when she felt his warm breath against her skin. “That tickles, but are you sure you know what you’re doing? I’m confused how this will interest my husband.”

“Don’t fret, Jane. I’m about to start your instructions and just wanted to get you prepared.” Leaving her tempting flat belly, Lord Edgeworth continued down her body until he reached the mass of blonde curls above her legs. “Be sure to let me know if you don’t like something. I know this is all strange to you since this is your first time. We’ll go slow, so just ask me to stop at any time if you get scared” He knew she was listening when he heard what sounded like a scared giggle. “That’s my good daughter, my sweet innocent virgin. The last thing your Papa wants is to frighten you.”

Jane had tried not to laugh at how silly Lord Edgeworth appeared. With his naked buttocks high in the air, he had bent down and buried his face in her thick mat of pubic hair. When he began twisting her curls with his fingers, Jane was tempted to pinch one of those bare cheeks. Instead she decided on a tiny cry of pleasure. “Oh my, that feels so good. Don’t stop. Please, Papa, you’re making me feel so funny inside.” She wiggled her body seductively while whispering, “Can I tell you something terrible?” She felt her father-in-law stop what he was doing to hear her girlish secret. “I wish you were my husband instead of Ronald. Is that wicked of me?”

Hearing her praise, Lord Edgeworth adjusted his position to a more comfortable one. Satisfied he was pleasing his son’s wife, he easily slid his hands under her hips. He slowly caressed her ass before pulling the nightgown over the rounded cheeks. “Now, daughter, let me get rid of this gown, and then I want you to put yourself into my experienced hands.”

The nightgown quickly landed on the floor next to the bed, after which Lord Edgeworth remained sitting beside Jane. “I know you’re still innocent, Jane, but there is something I want you to do. I promise it’s something my son will like. Are you still willing to do whatever I ask?” Seeing her give a timid nod, Lord Edgeworth gave her a wide avuncular smile. “Daughter, I need you to pay close attention. First, it would help if we switched positions. We’ll go from there in baby steps, and you must remember how to do this with Ronald, okay?”

Lord Edgeworth stretched out on his back and moved his legs apart on the bedspread. After that, he slowly bent his knees up and spread them slightly to give Jane a better view of his impressive crotch. Lord Edgeworth knew most women were frightened when they saw his long thick rod rising out of a patch of gray hair. In this position, he waited for Jane to understand his obvious invitation, which was to kneel between his thighs. All he saw on her face, though, was curiosity. “Daughter, what I tell you to do might be shocking to a gentle lady like you. Do you trust me?”

Jane looked down at his naked body, hungry for what she hoped was coming. Too much time had passed since she’d enjoyed being between a man’s legs. She remembered that wonderful last night in Boston. Her dear father allowed her the special treat of sucking him until he ejaculated inside her greedy mouth. Meanwhile, her father’s best friend was kneeling behind her, rapidly tonguing her naked ass. Seeing Lord Edgeworth still was waiting for a reply, she answered him in a shy voice. “Yes, Papa. I will always trust you. Just tell me what I should do.”

Lord Edgeworth took her hand in his. “Just begin by wrapping your fingers around me. That’s feels good. Don’t worry, you’re doing just fine. My son will be so happy when you do this. He might even want you to move your hand up and down. Oh yes, that’s perfect. No, not so fast, take your time.”

“Papa, you feel so good,” Jane whispered. “Is it unladylike to want to know what Ronald tastes like? Do you think my husband would like if I did this to him?” She removed her hand and bent down to take him into her mouth.

Chapter 70
July 12, 1846 At the Edgeworth mansion in Derbyshire

Lord Edgeworth nearly climaxed as he felt Jane’s tongue licking him. She knelt between his legs with her hands on his hips, using them for balance. Her long blonde hair hung down to brush against his thighs as she moved her wet mouth up and down his shaft. Lord Edgeworth knew he was about to spill his seed prematurely if he didn’t do something fast.

“My child,” he managed to say, while forcing her head up, “you’ve done well with this, but I want you to stop now.” Lord Edgeworth saw her unhappy expression and quickly pulled her down on the bed. She lay on her back, ready for what her father-in-law would do next. She only took a couple breaths before she felt his lips on hers.

As Lord Edgeworth covered her mouth, she felt his body move on top of her. Without waiting to be asked, Jane spread her legs to make room for him. She cradled his thick penis between her outstretched thighs with a gentle twist of her hips. “Papa,” she asked, once he left her bruised and swollen lips, “Are you mad at me? I know I shouldn’t have tasted you, but you felt so good in my mouth.” Once again, she moved her hips and felt rewarded when she heard his low growl. I sure hope he isn’t too old to finish this, went through Jane’s mind while waiting for Lord Edgeworth. If he is, there better be a younger man on this estate ‘cause I refuse to spend the rest of my life in an empty bed.

Lord Edgeworth reached down and guided his thick phallus between the soft folds leading into her body. “You are such a sweet daughter,” he whispered, pushing her hair to one side to nuzzle her neck. “You might feel some pain as you’re still a virgin. My son should have taken care of this, and I’ll have to scold him for his failure. Don’t worry, all women have to go through this, and I’ll be as gentle as I possibly can.”

Lord Edgeworth smiled against her soft neck, knowing the young girl he was about to ravish with the rough sex he preferred hadn’t been a virgin in years. Any pain you feel, my little slut, will be nothing new for you. Without warning, he grabbed her hips and brutally rammed himself inside her.

Jane had felt him move his penis and gasped from the unexpected pain of his cruel penetration. Within seconds, though, she matched his rhythm stroke for stroke, her hips rising to meet his downward thrusts. Their bodies soon became covered in sweat, and she heard him grunting every time he forced himself deeper inside her. She quickly gave up her pretence of being a virgin. Putting her arms around his waist, she grabbed both his cheeks and began squeezing. The harder Jane squeezed, the faster she forced Lord Edgeworth to move within her. To increase his pace, she dug in her fingernails deep enough to draw blood from the tender flesh of his ass.

While he enjoyed inflicting pain on women, Lord Edgeworth also savored their helplessness. The minor discomfort he felt from Jane’s nails excited him since he believed she was in agony, fighting desperately to get away. The feeling of his penis sliding against Jane’s tender tissue also excited him. He raised his head from her neck when she began thrashing her head back and forth. Lord Edgeworth thought she was responding like he planned to his brutal treatment. Jane was reacting, though, to the waves of pleasure that threatened to overpower her. “Almost there, daughter, don’t fight me.” He kept pushing her, reveling in her struggles, easily keeping her a prisoner with his body. He was determined to make her suffer before finding his own release.

Just when he thought his control was slipping, Jane’s body tensed under him. He felt her tighten almost painfully around his penis, and soon she was lying limply beneath him. Lord Edgeworth yelled in victory as he relished the sensual feeling of his dense creamy semen pouring out into yet another helpless woman.

To use Robbie’s favorite new word, Jane’s father-in-law consepshuned his own grandchild that night.

Continued in next segment
 Home of the White Dolphin - Segment 15  (GC)
Chapters 71 thru 75
#2091640 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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