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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091634
Chapters 51 thru 55
Chapter 51
March 01, 1846 – On the trip back to London

Mitchell hoped the long trip back from Lord Edgeworth’s estate to London was faster than the journey to his estate. Mitchell wanted to get to the White Dolphin as quickly as possible. Robbie, happy to be going back to the ship, spent most days inside the carriage to keep Elizabeth from being lonely without her sister. Often at those times, Mitchell rode up top with Atwood.

About three days into the trip, Elizabeth decided to ask Robbie something that had been bothering her. “Mitchell ordered me to leave Ronald’s art studio before I could see his paintings. Do you know, Robbie, why he would be so mean to me? I’d have loved to see Ronald’s paintings.”

Robbie looked quickly at Mitchell, who had fallen asleep an hour earlier. He was lying back against the uncomfortable cushion in the corner of the seat. “I guess it’ll be okay, Miss Elizabeth, to tell you. His paintings ain’t fittin’ for a lady like you to see. He did pictures of boys.”

“Why shouldn’t I have seen them? I’ve been to museums in Boston where there are hundreds of paintings with children in them.”

Both Elizabeth and Robbie jumped on hearing Mitchell’s voice saying, “Not like these.” He hadn’t been asleep for the last five or so minutes, just enjoying their innocent conversation. Mitchell sat up and glared at Robbie. “Telling her about the paintings is not okay, do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir. But she did ask,” Robbie said, not understanding Mitchell’s anger.

Elizabeth interrupted them. “Why shouldn’t I know what my sister’s future family is like?” She quickly regretted speaking up when Mitchell yelled up for Atwood to stop the coach.

Once it stopped, Mitchell spoke sharply to Robbie, “I want you to ride up with Atwood for the rest of the day. Elizabeth wants to know about her sister’s new family, and I’d rather you not have to listen. Now go, and tell Atwood he can start the horses again.”

After Robbie left and the carriage was on its way once more, Mitchell turned to face Elizabeth. “I left a note with Goodayle that your sister could write you care of Artemus Tucker in London. If she does, I demand to read every single letter before you do. Is that understood?”

“Why? They’re my letters, not yours. Besides, you said you plan to get shed of me once we get to London. I probably will have to return to Boston, so how will I get those letters?

Mitchell scowled, caught in a logical trap of his own making. He had no intention of letting Elizabeth return to her father, but still wasn’t sure he wanted to be trapped into living with just one woman, and a lady at that. Since his initiation into sex by his first woman, a dockside whore named Jenny Whiting, Mitchell enjoyed having a variety of females.

Chapter 52
March 01, 1846 – On the trip back to London

He continued to scowl at Elizabeth, annoyed at being put on the spot about her future. “Never mind how you’ll get the letters. I just wanted you to know Jane might write, and that it’s my decision if you’ll get to read what she says. Now, pay attention and stop interrupting. Where was I? Oh, yeah, Jane’s going to have a miserable time with her new husband.”

“Why? He seemed a bit messy, but…”

Mitchell stopped her. “Being messy isn’t Ronald’s big problem. I don’t think he likes women.”

Elizabeth began smiling. “Is that all? Jane will handle that. I heard Father talking to her about Ronald a couple years ago, and he said he’d show her ways to seduce her husband.” Her smile disappeared when she went on, “He wanted me to learn, too, even though he said I was probably never going to get married.”

Mitchell didn’t know what to say to that, but decided being honest was the best course. “Your father might have been right about Jane. She will need all the skills she’s learned to change Ronald’s appetite toward women.”

Elizabeth’s smile returned. “I bet Lord Edgeworth can help Jane with this. He seemed willing to do everything possible to make both of us comfortable. In fact, when he saw the room the butler assigned me, he promised to find a better room for me. Wasn’t that nice of him?”

Hearing this, Mitchell lost his temper. “You are so gullible and stupid, Elizabeth, you’re pathetic. The room he promised you was his. He planned on screwing you all night after I left, thinking you still were a virgin. He didn’t get to enjoy your soft body when he visited your father a couple years ago in Boston. You remember the night you got the scar on your face, don’t you? That was him in bed with your sister. Lord Edgeworth had her first and then waited for your father to bring you into the bedroom. He told me when he saw you, he immediately got hard again.”

“I don’t believe you.” Elizabeth scuttled back on the seat, as far from Mitchell as she could get in that confined space. “Lord Edgeworth would never do that. I was only 13 back then, too young to interest a refined man like him.” She started to cry, and her words came out between sobs. “Father told us Lord Edgeworth was a real gentleman. Not like the men he brought home to meet Jane. Why are you lying about him? He seemed to like you, so you have no reason to say such horrible things about him.”

The carriage jerking to a stop ended this conversation. Mitchell looked out the window and saw they’d arrived at their night’s lodging. Once again, Robbie spent the night in the stables with Atwood and their horses. When Mitchell followed Elizabeth into their rented room and closed the door, he decided not to bring up the subject of Lord Edgeworth again that night. That was easy since Elizabeth refused to talk to him after they’d left the carriage.

Following an undercooked and barely edible meal sent up by the cook, Mitchell watched Elizabeth start to look around for a secluded place to undress. “Come here, I’ll help you with those buttons.” When she didn’t obey, he shook his head at her. “Elizabeth, I have to insist you stop pouting. You’re wrong about Lord Edgeworth, and that’s the end of it.”

She continued to ignore him and disappeared behind an old wooden screen in the corner of the room. Mitchell silently followed her and found her pulling the frock over her head. Standing a foot away, he waited until she had the dress completely off and was down to just her simple cotton chemise.

When she turned and saw how close he was, she let out a little scream. “Get away from me. I trusted you, and you lied. Lord Edgeworth is a friend of my father and would never do what you accuse him of to either Jane or me. Never!”

Chapter 53
March 01, 1846 – On the trip back to London

Mitchell started cursing at the stupidity of females, particularly the one standing in front of him. He decided talking to Elizabeth was a waste of his time. When he leaned down to grab the hem of her chemise, he felt her fingers digging into his hair.

She began yanking furiously, all the while screaming, “Let go of me, you nasty lying pig!” Elizabeth suddenly found herself picked up and flung over Mitchell’s shoulder, her own long hair streaming down his back. She felt his hand slide up under the chemise and struggled to get down.

“Lie still,” Mitchell shouted, “or I’ll drop you on the floor.” He continued slowly walking across the room to the bed. All the while, he caressed Elizabeth’s naked ass, enjoying the feel of the cheeks’ silky softness against his rough hand. He ignored her feeble blows on his back as she continued trying to get free. “Baby girl, you are going to learn what Lord Edgeworth planned to do to you.”

Mitchell reached the bed and stood there for a couple minutes, trying to calm his anger at Elizabeth. He had two firm rules in life. One was to never harm a child, but the second one was being sorely tested at the moment. Mitchell never hit a woman except with his open hand, and then never hard enough to leave bruises. Mitchell considered beating a woman with his fists excessive. The first time he had to do it was when he’d struck Jane in the carriage. Taking a couple deep breaths, he felt more in control and tossed Elizabeth down on the bed.

Mitchell remained standing next to the bed. “Elizabeth, we have a long night ahead, and you’re going to learn to obey me without question. That’s what your precious Lord Edgeworth would expect. You’ll agree with me when I tell you something, and you’ll do it without screaming or calling me names. Is that clear?” While saying this, Mitchell leaned over and pulled the chemise up, exposing Elizabeth’s body up to her waist. “Now, scoot down and move your legs so I have room between them.”

When Elizabeth didn’t move, simply glared up at him, Mitchell shook his head in sorrow. “Little girl, you are not listening to me. Tonight I’m not the man who has treated you so tenderly all these weeks. You’re going to learn what Lord Edgeworth does to women, what would have happened to you if you’d stayed with your sister. I told you to scoot down, and I’m not telling you again.”

Chapter 54
March 02, 1846 – The next morning on the trip back to London

Moving slowly to keep from waking Mitchell, Elizabeth painfully got out of bed. She knew her face was bruised where Mitchell slapped her as she fought back. Her ass still felt on fire even hours after he sodomized her. This he didn’t do carefully like he often had done before, but brutally and repeatedly until her voice was hoarse from screaming in pain.

She didn’t know Mitchell refused to use his fists as his father would have done. He had no qualms, though, against showing Elizabeth what it would feel like when Lord Edgeworth raped her. All she knew was she didn’t want to go through another night like the one just passed. It’s not fair. Just because he’s bigger and stronger, he’s forcing me to obey him. He’s not going to get away with treating me like some whore.

She frantically looked around the room for something to strike him. Elizabeth was determined to pay him back for the pain and degradation he had put her through all night. When she saw a wooden chair with a narrow slatted back, she hurried over to it. By fiercely wiggling one of the slats back and forth, she was able to pull it free.

“What are you going to do with that?” The noise Elizabeth made across the room had awakened Mitchell. He rolled over on his side to face her and stretched out his long naked body. He smiled at seeing her coming toward him, holding the piece of wood in front like a sword. “Baby girl, I don’t want to use that on you. Put it down, and come back to bed.” Mitchell patted the empty space beside him, still unaware of Elizabeth’s intentions. “You’re making me hard again dressed, or rather undressed like that.” Once again, he motioned for her to lie down beside him.

He let out a yell when Elizabeth first slammed the wood against his legs. When he hurried onto his back in an attempt to roll over and get away, she was able to land a fierce blow against Mitchell’s unprotected crotch. Moaning from the excruciating pain that caused, he was unable to move as Elizabeth’s brought the slat down again and again.

“You bastard,” she shouted, between strikes, “you will never treat me again like you did last night, do you hear me?” Her fury and the adrenaline pouring through her gave Elizabeth the strength to keep beating Mitchell until the piece of wood shattered into two pieces across his ribs.

She stood leaning against the edge of the bed, her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath. Sweat soaked her body, and she was exhausted. She felt exhilarated, however, knowing she no longer had to be a victim. If she had to use a weapon to handle big men like Mitchell, she would find and keep one nearby.

Seeing him covered in welts and oozing blood from a few of the deeper blows, the gentle feminine side of Elizabeth took over. After soaking a towel in the water from the pitcher on the table, she returned and dabbed it at Mitchell’s cuts.

All through the beating, Mitchell hadn’t moved. At first, he was unable to, since the injury to his genitals left him incapacitated. After that crippling pain slowly ebbed away, he realized he deserved whatever Elizabeth would do to him. Mitchell wasn’t anything like his father. The brutality of how he’d raped Elizabeth while trying to mimic Lord Edgeworth filled him with unfamiliar shame.

“Elizabeth,” he whispered, “I’m sorry. I don’t want to be like my father.” He failed to see the surprised look on her face. In this way, Elizabeth learned that Lord Edgeworth was Mitchell’s father.

Chapter 55
December 03, 2008 – Early morning in the mansion’s dining room

When Walker and Samantha finally reached their table, Walker pulled out the chair for her. He waited until she was seated, but continued to stand beside her. Without saying anything, he looked around the dining room at the many elderly people who had become like family to him.

There was Franklin White, once a world-famous photographer. After the police found him locked in a shed by his nephew, the old man received a second chance at life when he arrived at Walker’s Maison du Renard Rouge. Next to him sat Joe Carpenter, the first of many forgotten and abused elders to come to this safe haven. Formerly of Alaska, Joe found himself shuffled off to a nursing home by his uncaring son. Like his best friend, Franklin, he blossomed under the caring attention of the mansion’s young staff.

At the table next to the two men, Walker looked affectionately at two more of his longtime guests. He knew Dan and Rose Cochran no longer feared the abuse of their daughter. After the failed attempt to destroy the mansion and all who lived in it, Monica Van Buren had disappeared. The last report Walker had of her was a sighting of the woman in Brazil. Walker smiled with he saw Sophia Kessler sitting with Dan and Rose. This small energetic woman, previously a fan dancer, was Walker’s favorite. In his rare depressed moments, he searched her out and knew she would cheer him up. Once, she even got him to try fan dancing, to the amusement of all who saw him.

When he felt Samantha softly touching his leg to get his attention, Walker finally sat down. He stood almost immediately, and the sound of his knife clinking against an empty water glass got everyone’s attention. The room went silent for a second time that morning. Walker hesitated, framing what he wanted to say, and then began speaking. “Everyone, Sam and I have an announcement to make.” He paused and looked over at Samantha, before returning his attention to the waiting diners. “Last night, Sam told me what she wanted for Christmas. Since I had promised to get her whatever she wanted, I guess I have to keep my promise.” All around the room, diners held their breath, waiting.

“Samantha wants a Christmas wedding as my present to her. For some reason, she’d like me to be her husband.” He paused again, a big grin on his face.

From across the room, a loud female voice shouted, “Well, it’s about time you made an honest man of him, Samantha!” Everyone recognized Sophia’s voice, and loud applause filled the room.

Continued in next segment
 Home of the White Dolphin - Segment 12  (GC)
Chapters 56 thru 60
#2091637 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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