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Rated: GC · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091559
Chapters 11 thru 15
Chapter 11
November 24, 1845 – Morning in Mitchell’s cabin on the ship.

Seeing Mitchell climbing back into bed, his intentions clear, Elizabeth scooted off the opposite side. She saw the locked door was too far away to reach before he caught her, and started yelling, “Don’t you dare touch me. You did nasty things to me last night, and I’ll never forgive you.” She punctuated her loud complaint with a thrown pillow aimed at Mitchell’s head. “How dare you treat me like you did? Jane told me you were always so sweet to her, asking permission before you even kissed her.”

“What?” Mitchell paused in surprise, one leg kneeling on the bed and the other still on the floor. His erection immediately disappeared at the thought of kissing Jane.

Elizabeth reached over to get a second pillow before continuing with her furious tirade. She decided against throwing it when she saw Mitchell no longer was advancing toward her. “What do you mean, what? I said you treated Jane like a lady even when you made love to her.”

“When I did what to her?” It took quite an effort for Mitchell to get this question out. He didn’t know whether to be furious about Jane’s lies or amused by her sister’s gullibility.

Elizabeth scowled across the bed at him when amusement won. “Stop laughing, this isn’t funny. I was as much a lady as she is, and now I’m just…” Elizabeth ended with horrified whisper, “another of your fallen women.”

Mitchell’s laughter ended when he saw she believed what she was saying. He got off the bed and walked around it until he stood in front of Elizabeth. This effectively cut off her escape, but she made no effort to move. Instead, she waited with her head down, ashamed and knowing he could do whatever he wanted with her. Only after she felt herself pulled against him did she remember they were both naked. I’m his trollop now, so I must behave like one. A shudder went through her at this thought, but she forced herself to relax and lean closer. Maybe if I hurry him up, he’ll get the deed over quick, and I can go back to my cabin.

Almost as if he read her mind, Mitchell smiled and decided to enjoy Elizabeth’s naïve and very obvious effort at seduction. He stopped smiling when her slow rubbing against his crotch brought about the expected result. “Elizabeth, maybe I’d better take you back to your room before I do some more nasty things with you.” Mitchell felt noble when saying this, and groaned in frustration when she refused to move away from him.

“Am I doing something wrong?” With tears in her eyes, she asked. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” She remained where she was, confused by his actions. “I know you’d rather have Jane in your bed than me.” Elizabeth wiped a tear away that was sliding down her cheek and felt the scar. “Oh, no. That’s it, my scar, isn’t it? I know I’m not beautiful like Jane, and I’ve seen the looks people give my ugly face.”

Mitchell felt her push away from him and tried to grab her as she ran past him. Just as she reached the locked door and began turning the key, he made a mad dash and stopped her before she managed to open the door. “Elizabeth, wait. Let me go get your cape first from where you dropped it by the topside stairs.” He tipped her face up and kissed her. “Much as I enjoy seeing you naked, I’d rather my men didn’t share this pleasure.”

Elizabeth’s eyes opened wide in dismay. Only then did she remember her torn nightgown back on the rumpled bed.

“I’ve changed my mind,” Mitchell said, taking her hand in his and slowly walking away from the door. “I think I’ll wait to get your cape. There are a few facts I want to get into your thick head, and this is as good a time as any.”

Chapter 12
November 24, 1845 – Morning in Mitchell’s cabin on the ship.

Before doing anything else, Mitchell went to the large wardrobe and pulled out two well-worn bathrobes. He handed one to Elizabeth, who was still standing by the locked door. After putting on the other robe and tying the sash loosely around his waist, he took Elizabeth by the hand and sat down beside her on the edge of the bed.

“Now, what is this about my having sex with Jane?” Mitchell asked, keeping his hands clenched together, fighting temptation. All he wanted to do was pull open the robe she’d just wrapped around her naked body. “What did Jane tell you I did to her?”

Elizabeth, no longer shivering from the cold in the room, whispered so low Mitchell couldn’t hear what she said. When he frowned at her and demanded she speak up, Elizabeth raised her voice slightly. “She told me you saw her walking on deck one afternoon and invited her back here because you thought she would be wasted on her old husband-to-be and needed to experience a young man before she got married and wouldn’t be finding many out in Derbyshire as young and willing as you were. Being so much more beautiful than I was with my deformed face, she should be treated like the lady she was because you loved her and was allowed to take liberties with her since you insisted for them so sweetly.” This polysyndeton explanation rushed out of Elizabeth. She abruptly stopped, out of breath, and waited to see Mitchell’s reaction.

He just sat there, trying to make his way through that jumble of lies. When he turned to face Elizabeth, he realized she believed everything her older sister told her. Mitchell’s first thought was to beat some sense into the young girl. No, he reminded himself, she’s not a girl any longer, not after last night. She’s my woman, and I’m going to keep her that way until we reach England.

Elizabeth waited for him to admit he was in love with Jane, unaware of his plans for her own future. She jumped in shock when she felt his hand slide inside the opening at the top of her robe. “What are you doing?” she got out before finding herself pushed backwards.

Mitchell kept his hand pressed against Elizabeth’s neck to keep her from getting up. After positioning her body on the bed the way he wanted, Mitchell untied the robe’s sash while saying, “What I’m doing is showing I want you, not your blasted sister.” He pushed the robe apart down to her waist. While he cupped his hand around Elizabeth’s left breast, he leaned down to gently bite the nipple of her other breast. Hearing a tiny gasp from Elizabeth, Mitchell took more of her breast into his mouth until he felt her pressing up against him.

He reluctantly moved away from her and stood to take off his robe, letting it fall to the floor. When he returned to kneel on the bed facing Elizabeth, he saw her robe still covered too much of her.

Chapter 13
October 14, 2008 – Walker’s apartment at Maison du Renard Rouge

After Samantha left his apartment, Walker couldn’t help feeling hopeful for the first time in weeks. Seeing her shocked embarrassment while reading Mitchell’s seduction of the naïve 16-year-old virgin caused Walker’s thoughts to race wildly.

Could this mean Colin didn’t carry out all the sexual perversions he’d threatened Sam with before he died? He hurried back to the sofa and once again started reading Mitchell ship’s log. The horrors he remembered outlined in Colin’s diary about what he planned to do to Samantha made Mitchell’s actions tame by comparison. Walker shook his head in frustration as he tried to decipher Mitchell’s terrible handwriting. Maybe, though, I’m just not getting all the words or their meanings.

Mitchell’s entry of November 30, 1845 started out this way. “I finally managed to lure Elizabeth back to my cabin this afternoon. She believed she was only there to get her missing cape. Nothing more! I will give her she did try to resist what I intended all along.

“When I tried to bring her dress down off her shoulders, her squirming stopped me, but only for a few seconds. I swung her up over my shoulder and walked across my cabin. She wouldn’t stop wiggling, and I ended throwing her on the bed. She landed on her stomach, too stunned to move. At that point, I tossed her full skirt and a lacy undergarment up over her head. This muffled her angry, loud cries, and I was able to unbutton my trousers. The scanties she wore didn’t stop me for long since I’m right fast at tearing them off women. Elizabeth will have to learn not wear them if she wanted any left when we reach England. It took a while, but she did calm down enough for me to get down to business.”

Walker decided he needed a cold drink before reading further. His sexual experience over the years never included forcing a woman like Mitchell considered normal. In fact, Walker considered himself an expert at pleasing women. He always made sure they reach orgasm before achieving his own climax. Reading Mitchell’s boasting brought back Walker’s frustration with not being able to touch Samantha. Holding a tall glass of whiskey, Walker soon returned to the log.

Mitchell continued, “I quickly found out she enjoys taking it up the arse, something I hadn’t done to her that first night. The little vixen got my horn up again after I’d finished, by rolling over and spreading her long, naked legs in exhaustion. She did look fairly worn out, but I took this as an invite for me to do her again. It pleasured both of us when I lost control and furiously screwed her until I made her scream. For one who was a virgin a few days ago, my Elizabeth is a quick study and ready for anything.”

That day’s log entry ended on this note, and Walker closed the book. He knew he would return to read more when his desire to be with Samantha wasn’t so overpowering.

Chapter 14
January 05, 1846 – At sea, ten miles from London

Elizabeth dug her diary out from where she hid it months earlier. Elizabeth’s last entry was the two angry sentences she wrote the morning after Mitchell took her virginity. With the White Dolphin docking in London the following day, Elizabeth knew the diary was safe from Jane’s prying eyes once she locked it safely in a trunk. With Jane gone from their cabin for a few hours, Elizabeth began her last on-board entry. She never wanted to forget anything that happened to her since that last day of November.

“When I confronted Jane the next morning with her lies about Mitchell, she started laughing at me. ‘What did he say? Of course he’d lie about making love to me so he wouldn’t sully my reputation. You really dared to speak with him? I hope it was dark so he wouldn’t puke looking at you.’ Even after all these years, Jane can hurt me so easily. Suddenly, I saw her twist one of her blonde curls around her finger. When Jane played with her hair that way, I knew she was lying. This was a habit of hers that started when we were children. Jane gave one last pitying look at my scar before leaving the cabin.

“This left me alone and ready to put into writing what Mitchell did to me that first night. After he refused to let me out of the cabin, I was forced to stand in front of him without a stitch of clothes on. My nightgown was ripped in half, thanks to him. My cape lay somewhere in the ship’s passageway, too far away to get without some sailor spotting me. So there I was, locked in a cabin with a man who thought nothing of standing naked in front of me. At least that thing between his legs no longer looked like a big, fat stick ready to push into me.

“I waited for him to get on with what he wanted to say, but instead Mitchell reached out and touched my face, the side with the scar. I backed away from him when he asked, ‘How did you get this?’ Nobody ever dared ask me that question since that horrible accident. Nobody even kept looking at me once they saw my ugliness.

Mitchell realized I wasn’t ready to explain. He said nothing else before moving closer to put an arm around my waist. Before I could think to resist, Mitchell forced me to cross the cabin, and then he ordered me back into bed. I was scared of what he’d do if I didn’t obey him. I still believed he could throw me in the brig if I made him mad enough. When he joined me in bed, he simply lay there all stretched out for about five minutes. I must have sighed in relief too loudly, for right after that he moved that long body of his right up next to me. I mean, you couldn’t have squeezed a feather between us, he was that close.

“I barely heard his whispered comment, ‘I’m going to do some nasty things to you’ before I felt his rough hands prying my legs apart. I tried to push him away, all the while protesting that he should be up driving his ship. Saying ‘I’d rather be driving into you,’ Mitchell rolled over to end balanced between my legs. I remembered how much he hurt me the night before and prepared for a repeat of that sharp pain.

What followed, though, felt much different. Mitchell lunged into me repeatedly, his breathing getting harsher each time. He stopped only when his big stick was buried deep inside. He shuddered and let out a yell, filling me with what he later told me was his seed.

I forgot to ask him why in Heaven’s name he wants to plant seeds in me.

Chapter 15
October 22, 2008 – Morning in Walker’s apartment

For the third day in a row, the heavy rains kept everyone inside. Those living in Walker’s mansion and his new orphanage knew winter was only weeks away. For now, though, all thoughts were on the upcoming holiday, Halloween.

Walker glanced up from papers scattered all over his office desk when he heard someone entering the apartment. The light footsteps going down the hallway toward the living room reminded him he invited Samantha for a late brunch.

“I’ll be right with you, Sam,” he called out, standing and stretching to get the kinks out of his back. For the last few hours, the pile of reports, many received and ignored for weeks, kept Walker busy. He poured through dull but necessary memos from executives of his many corporations. He also wrote generous checks for various organizations the philanthropic multibillionaire helped support.

After giving one last look at the unread pile of paper, Walker left his office and went down the hallway into the living room. He saw the room was empty, and then heard Samantha humming to herself in the adjoining kitchenette. Before he could join her in that small room, she came out carrying a tray. On it were two mugs, a steaming coffeepot, and a plate of warm raison scones.

“Chef Geoffrey sent one of his staff up with those earlier this morning,” Walker explained, snatching one of the scones from the tray as Samantha went past him. Both of them sat on the sofa and spent the next few minutes quietly enjoying the light midday meal. Only after the last few scone crumbs were gone, and the coffee mugs refilled did Walker bring up the subject of Halloween.

“The Hannah’s Home kids won’t stop bugging me about the party.” Walker grinned at the exasperated look Samantha gave him. “I know, Sam, all Joshua and Sue Beth can talk about is what costumes they’ll wear.” He knew Samantha continued to stay away from the orphanage. Hearing the young voices reminded her she couldn’t ever have her own children. The only ones who ignored Walker’s stern orders to leave Samantha alone were his two wards. “They’re not bothering you too much, are they?”

“They’re fine.” Samantha tried to smile, seeing Walker was back to worrying about her. The last thing she wanted was for him to know nightmares still woke her, leaving her covered in sweat and crying out in terror. “Now, what have you planned for the party?”

Continued in next segment
 Home of the White Dolphin - Segment 04  (GC)
Chapters 16 thru 20
#2091564 by J. A. Buxton
© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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