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Rated: GC · Novella · Erotica · #2091518
Chapters 41 thru 45
Chapter 41
New Earth, Home of the Golden Ones

“Happy birthday, Melody, and many more!” The youthful-appearing woman turned around, startled when she recognized the beloved voice of her husband, Vulcan. Her eyes went wide in wonderment at the sight of the man she had watched die, only hours before her own death.

The last time she had seen him, he was elderly with thin, gray strands crossing the top of his head. Gone was the thick raven hair she loved to run her fingers through during their frequent lovemaking. His body no longer was muscular and strong with every inch familiar to Melody after decades of exploration. Just before she herself died, Vulcan’s aged body lay cold and lifeless beside her on their marriage bed.

Now, standing in front of her was a young, vital Vulcan with a wide smile on his face. He appeared just as he had the first time Melody saw him, as the handsome god who would become her lover and human husband. He wore a small loincloth that only covered him from waist to high on his thighs, and he had on sandals that laced up to his knees. Melody recognized the outfit he usually wore on Luzon when she was his sex slave.

“I don’t understand,” she whispered, after Vulcan pulled her into his arms. He held her tightly against the full length of his body, waiting for her to recover from the shock.

“Sweetheart, today you are once again the woman you were when we first arrived on New Earth. We’ve returned here to the ballroom at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco. It’s now 100 years after you died, which was soon after your 93rd birthday.” Vulcan leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on her trembling mouth. “Before I changed from god to human, back when I was melting all those damn chains of submission, I had one last request of my father. In fact, I insisted on it.”

“And I was more than happy to grant it.” Coming toward them, appearing self-assured and powerful as ever, walked Jupiter, rubbing his hands together in his evident delight at seeing the two of them again. “I would have given you anything you wanted, son, and this request and the others were so simple to honor.” When he reached them, Jupiter pulled Melody out of Vulcan’s embrace and caused her breath to whoosh out from his own big bear hug.

“Let her go, so I can welcome her back, too,” ordered Hera, taking pity on Melody’s look of pain mixed with confusion. She had quietly joined them, first giving Vulcan a motherly kiss on his cheek. “My son asked that some day we all would come back for a second chance to make life on earth better than we did before.”

She smiled at her husband who now was pounding Vulcan on his back. Hera never understood why some men, whether human or god, often greeted each other in this odd and probably painful way. Women usually just air kissed each other on their cheeks when they met. Turning back to Melody, she continued, “After much heated discussion, and I do mean heated, Jupiter agreed to do bring us back, this time all of us immortals, 100 years after your death.”

“Surprise!” shouted Vulcan, once again taking her into his arms. He swung her around and around, lifting her off her feet, until both were laughing uncontrollably. When he finally released her, Hera took her daughter-in-law’s hand and slowly turned her to face the boisterous crowd coming in through the arched doorway at the far end of the hotel’s large ballroom.

In the lead, his arrogant swagger not a whit diminished by time, strode Ares. Melody had long ago forgiven the god of war for trying to seduce her. She felt only pleasure at the sight of her husband’s brother. Behind him came the mischievous Loki and Sorrel, the beautiful black woman who was once his concubine. Other gods and their mates followed until the room became crowded with old friends and enemies greeting each other.

They all were speaking at once since the last time any of them had seen each other was back on Luzon almost two centuries ago. At that time, when they gave Vulcan their golden chains of submission and vanished, none of them knew they would eventually come back for a second chance at making a better world.

The next few hours seemed to fly by for Melody as she watched more and more of the gods, along with their women, coming back into existence. Champagne and nectar flowed liberally, while large crystal bowls of ambrosia never emptied.

Seeing Melody still had questions, Vulcan walked with her to a quiet corner of the room. In an embrace familiar to both of them over the years, he lovingly wrapped his strong, muscular arms around her waist and held Melody’s slender back against the warmth of his chest. Once he felt his body responding to her, he whispered into her ear, “I’ll never leave you again, my love.”

“Vulcan,” Melody asked, her voice quavering with fear, “how long is never? What will happen to all of us now? I don’t think I could bear watching you die again.” She turned in his arms and reached up to place her mouth on his.

A moan escaped from Vulcan at the intense pleasure her sweet kiss gave him, and he wanted more. He pulled her body even closer, seeming not able to get enough of her. Instinctively and without conscious thought on his part, he once again moved so that his genitals were pushing against her.

When she felt how hard he already was from just a simple kiss, Melody immediately stood on tiptoes and shifted her body to cup his penis in her welcoming crotch. Each tried to merge with the other’s body, kept apart only by their clothing. When the passionate embrace ended, he tried to answer her questions. His voice, hoarse from repressed passion, made this difficult. Once again, though, love mixed with lust took over, and Vulcan gave in to his more basic carnal nature.

Vulcan fiercely pressed his lips against hers with his agile tongue demanding entrance. He persisted with this until he felt Melody open her mouth slightly under his. Hearing her breathless sigh of surrender, Vulcan triumphantly proceeded to ravage inside her mouth while his tongue mated with hers. Only after long minutes, when Vulcan remembered their nearby friends, was he able to force himself to stop caressing his beautiful wife’s soft body.

“Melody, I think we should get back to your birthday party before I embarrass both of us by tossing you onto the floor and making love to you right here.” While saying this, Vulcan began adjusting his loincloth, in a feeble attempt to disguise his erection.

Melody caught a glance of what he was doing and shook her head at how obviously aroused men become about sex. “Give it up, sweetheart,” she said, not even bothering to hide her grin. “The men out there will understand, and I know for a fact the women will envy me.” .

Knowing she was right, Vulcan eventually and with just a little bit of remaining discomfort returned with his wife to join the crowd of their friends.

Chapter 42
Auspasia, Home of the Goddesses

Ra did not attempt to treat Freya with any sign of respect. He simply forced himself on the terrified goddess until he finished satisfying his strong sexual urges. When he left her bungalow hours later, the sun god once again knew he was in charge, at least on Auspasia in every way that mattered to him. Ra had not felt this powerful since the ancient Egyptians stopped worshipping him centuries ago.

On the morning following his emergence from the persona of Ralph the cat, he strode arrogantly into the goddesses’ village. By doing this, he knew his magnificent, naked ebony body would attract the other females. This did not work out exactly as he planned.
Many of these women lived near Freya’s home. Huddled in their homes, they had to listen to her screams of pain as Ra repeatedly attacked her.

They now ran away when Ra appeared in their midst. “You don’t know what you’re missing, ladies,” bragged Ra. He suddenly caught sight of Thesan, the Etruscan Goddess of the Dawn. “Thesan, I remember you.” Ra began to grin when Thesan calmly to stand in front of him. “I heard you let Ares take you to his bed, and Venus caught you at it. Is that true?”

Thesan smiled seductively. “Yes, my lord. I rather enjoyed her punishment, although it wasn’t what she hoped would happen to me.” She stepped even closer and looked up into Ra’s dark eyes. “The so-called curse that bitch put upon me was an insatiable taste for mortal men. It’s too bad you’re simply a lowly god.” With that insult, Thesan turned from the stunned Ra. Over her shoulder, she continued to taunt him. “Since Aine told us that we can bring males from Earth to live among us, you waste your braggadocio on me.”

Ra howled in fury, causing the ground to shake under his feet. “You will learn, every one of you whores, not to cast me aside so quickly. I will teach all of you that Ra is the one and only ruler of Auspasia.” His voice rose so all within the village heard him, “I will allow you to bring men from Earth, but each male will be impotent. Only after he bows down at my feet will I remove this curse and free him. Only then may he join with you without any further intervention from me.”

* * *

Ra was as good as his word, to the frustration of the female inhabitants under his total control. During the months following Ra’s harsh announcement, several goddesses and nymphs made their way to Earth. They all tried to find a man who would not immediately find himself on Auspasia with a nonexistent libido. Only after many failures in their beds did the first of the unhappy women send her man to Ra.

“Kneel before me, mortal, and give me your total fealty.” Ra towered over the slender, cringing youth who remained confused about what he was doing on a strange world. Cisseis, the youngest of the Nysiades nymphs, had fallen in love at first sight with the beardless teen sheepherder. She swiftly abducted Willum to the woodland home where she lived with her five sisters.

Days passed with each of the six females doing their best to seduce him. Much as he wanted to please the sisters, the boy failed to attain arousal time after time. Defeated, Cisseis stood with her sisters in front of Freya’s bungalow where Ra now made his home. She watched as Ra forced the frightened Willum to get down on his hands and knees.

“You will now kiss my foot and swear that you are mine to do with as I want.” The horrified women listened to Ra’s pronouncement. They realized he had lied about releasing the men once they swore to worship him.

Ra lifted Willum to his feet and then turned to face Cisseis. “Never forget the words I just spoke to him. The boy is mine, and I will not hesitate to sacrifice him if I need to bring you or your sisters into line. For now, I give you my permission to take him home and do with him as you wish.”

The sisters hurried Willum away as quickly as they could since they feared Ra would change his mind. Once inside their home, a discussion began about how the women would have sex with the boy.

“At first, it should be me all by myself,” argued Cisseis, “since I was the one who discovered him.” The others thought this over and reluctantly agreed.

“Fine, but we can share him after that,” added her oldest sister. “You get him alone first, but when you’re done, we’ll see how many of us he can take on at the same time.”

Watching Cisseis come into the bedroom, Willum finally was able to feel a slight stirring in the region of his groin. Cisseis climbed naked into the huge bed all six sisters normally shared. Seeing her motioning for him to join her, Willum hurried to strip down to his skin. He thought he had died and gone to heaven when she reached up her arms and pulled him down to lie on top of her.

Willum was still an untried virgin since he had spent most of his time on Earth herding sheep. Following the nymph’s explicit instructions, that condition changed rapidly. Too rapidly, in fact, to fully satisfy Cisseis. She frowned when the overly excited boy came before he was fully inside her.

“Our turn,” yelled one of the other sisters. Unnoticed by either Willum or Cisseis, the five eager females had watched from the doorway. They had seen when he spilled his semen onto their sister’s belly. When she heard her sister, Cisseis rolled to one side of the large bed to get out of their way.

Laughing and joking about who would do what to him, her sisters removed their clothing while hurrying from the doorway to the bed. All five naked women climbed in and surrounded the surprised boy. Up until then, during the many failed attempts, Willum had only tried to satisfy one female at a time. Having all these naked, lush nymphs within his reach left him unsure of where or with whom to start. This decision was not his to make. With Ra’s curse removed, these minor goddesses of nature repeatedly brought Willum to a full state of arousal. They always made sure he never again ejaculated prematurely.

“Please, enough. Please, no more,” moaned William, unable to tolerate the anguish in his crotch any longer. After hours of constantly servicing the sisters, his penis was and had been in a painful state of priapism. Willum no longer felt he was in heaven.

Chapter 43
New Earth, Home of the Golden Ones

Only when the party appeared ready to break up with some of the people heading for the door did Vulcan remember Melody’s frightened questions.

“Everyone, wait a minute,” he called out, when he saw the first of the departing people almost out of the room. “Melody wants to know what will happen to us when her birthday party ends.”

“Well, son, why don’t I show her?” Jupiter linked his wife’s arm in his, and then the both of them simply blinked out of sight. Within seconds, they again appeared, laughing at the amazed look on Melody’s face.

Vulcan decided it was time to explain. “All the gods are back for good, with their previously human women now reincarnated as goddesses.” He looked at Melody, all the love he had for her showing in his eyes. “This includes you, my wife, and we shall exist this way forever or until the universe itself ends.”

Hera then decided it was time to tell them what life had been like on Auspasia where all the other goddesses still lived. Even after Jupiter reluctantly allowed Venus and her to come and stay on Luzon during the war with the Titans, Hera never told Jupiter about how furious the rejected goddesses still were with him and the other gods. She refused to risk jeopardizing the fragile peace that now existed between her husband and herself.

With some urging from the others, Hera began with telling them about Aine’s seduction of the Irish soldier one night during the humans’ year AD 1173. At the end of the story, she finished with, “We really must visit Auspasia soon. I’d like to see how Aine’s daughter turned out.” She thought for a second while trying to remember the child’s name. It finally came to her, and she continued, “Aine named her Neva Marie. Isn’t that an adorable name for a baby girl?” Most of the women nodded, remembering the names of some of their own children, now grown. Meanwhile some of the more macho men rolled their eyes at what females found so important about babies and children.

Melody, confused by the various time lines on New Earth, Luzon, and Auspasia, asked the questions that most of the other females standing around her wanted to ask. “Are there still women living on Auspasia? I mean, did they continue to exist after the original population on Earth became extinct?” Even some of the men were curious about that and waited for Hera’s reply.

“They still are there, and I imagine there have been a few changes since Venus and I left for Luzon.” Before anyone could question why the goddesses could continue living when the gods could not, Hera quickly added, “Before the Earth lost all its humans, shrines for most of the goddesses no longer had worshippers and had not had them for eons. We just can handle their ignoring us better, so the loss of humanity never affected us as it did the gods.”

Brianna, who had not let go of the god Oghma’s hand since entering the ballroom, became excited. “That means I can finally meet your niece. She is there, isn’t she?” Brianna looked hopefully in the older woman’s direction.

“I think so, Brianna. At least she was the last time I lived on Auspasia. As I said, though, much might have changed since then.” Hera glanced around at all the excited faces around the large room. Here and there she spotted someone she remembered from when she and her husband lived on Mount Olympus.

“I have another question, Hera. Maybe you or Jupiter can tell me what happened to the old servants on Luzon you left behind.” Melody glanced at Vulcan, and he knew she was thinking of her best friend during the time they were sexual slaves to Ares and himself. Even though she had named their second daughter Sabrina after her, an astute Vulcan realized Melody still missed their friendship.

Jupiter seemed embarrassed and could not look at Melody since it was entirely his fault if anything had happened to them. He had been the one to refuse the old ones when they begged to leave Luzon with the gods and their women.

Hera answered instead. She did understand what Jupiter was feeling, but also remembered how hysterical those women became while screaming for him not to leave them behind. “Melody, before we go to Auspasia, I promise we can visit Luzon.” She smiled at her son’s wife. “Those old ones always were quite self reliant, and if anyone can survive on their own, it would be those couple dozen females.”

This ray of hope seemed to satisfy Melody, at least for the time being. The mention of Auspasia had others asking Hera about their females who might still be on that world. Only when the New Earth’s morning sun shone in through the ballroom’s many windows did the party truly start to break up. Various couples made plans to meet in the next few days, while many arranged to gather back at the hotel the following day for the trip back to Luzon.

Vulcan immediately escorted Melody upstairs to their old suite and locked the door behind them. Neither one came out until the next day; both looked extremely tired but sexually satisfied. After all, it had been over 100 years.

Chapter 44
Auspasia, Home of the Goddesses

The young sheepherder Willum was the first Earth male freed from Ra’s curse of impotency, but he was not the last. Knowing they had no choice, one after another the women of Auspasia reluctantly brought their men to worship at the feet of the sun god.

The latest belonged to Inanna, a fiery Sumerian goddess. In the mid 18th century, Eldred Butler was a wealthy English Duke. While speaking in the House of Lords, he suddenly disappeared, leaving behind a room filled with startled men. Although delighted to find himself with a woman other than his frigid wife, he tried to keep a firm hold on his reputation of never showing his emotions.

“My fine woman, might I ask where I am?” Eldred glanced around the bedroom, trying to avoid embarrassing the woman standing in front of him. Never in all his staid, uneventful, 32 years had he ever seen a female so uninhibited in her appearance. Evelyn, the puritanical woman he married five years earlier, would never dress or undress in the same room with him. This honorable Englishman had never once even considered straying outside of his marriage bed. The sight of Inanna who was wearing only a smile confused and excited Eldred, both at the same time.

Before she brought him to Auspasia, Inanna had seen how sexually repressed he was with his wife. Earlier, she had invisibly drifted into his bedroom and watched the uninspired way he accomplished his marital duty with Evelyn. Inanna was more than ready to initiate him into hot, intense sex, but regretfully she knew Ra stood in her way.

Sighing because of what she had to do, she answered Eldred. “You are on Auspasia and soon you’ll be in my bed. First, though, you must follow me outside and do whatever I tell you, without any questions. Do you understand?”

“But…” Eldred started to say.

“I said no questions.” Inanna impatiently cut off his protests. Hearing her harsh command, Eldred knew he had no choice but to obey. Unknown to him, the first step in his conversion from British royalty to sexual stud had begun.

The tall, slender Englishman soon found himself standing in front of a huge, black man who seemed to tower over him. Eldred, more used to giving orders than taking them, tried to fight against Ra’s highhanded demand to kneel down on his hands and knees. Without warning, he felt a sharp stabbing pain throughout his whole body and fell to the ground writhing in agony.

Eldred heard Ra’s voice as if from a far distance, even while the acute physical discomfort continued unabated. “You are receiving my first warning. Disobey me again, and I won’t be so forgiving.”

Ra then turned to face a nervously waiting Inanna. “If I find you’ve made a mistake bringing this human to Auspasia, he won’t be the only one to feel my anger. Make sure you inform the other females I expect them to choose their mates wisely or face the consequences.” Giving Inanna a wave of dismissal, he said, “I release him for your pleasure. Take him, but heed my words. Now go!”

With the pain diminishing in strength, Eldred managed to get to his feet with Inanna’s help. He shot a glare of hatred in Ra’s direction, but the god already had gone inside Freya’s home. With Eldred leaning for support on Inanna’s arm, the two of them walked slowly through the village. Whenever they met any of the other females, Inanna warned them of Ra’s threat to punish them if they were wrong in picking out their bed partners

When Inanna and Eldred finally reached her home, she hurried him into the bedroom. That afternoon and through the next few days, Eldred learned how exciting sex was, especially when the woman is familiar with all sixty-four positions mentioned in the Kamassutra. Because of the restrictions the Victorian British had placed on that book in the late 1800s, Eldred had never dared read this work of literature.

Late on the third day, Eldred rolled over on his stomach and pulled Inanna on top of him. “I can’t believe this is happening to me. Why did you chose me over all the other men you could have”” He ran his hands over her bare bottom, as always enjoying the silky softness of her skin. “I’m not complaining, my sweet Inanna, just curious.”

She wiggled in delight when she felt his fingers start to roughly knead the flesh on her bum. Inanna discovered during that first night with him that Eldred was a quick study. It had not taken him long to learn her ass was one of the most erogenous places on her body. She found it difficult to ignore his sensual touch, but finally remembered what his question was. “You are the man I wanted when I saw the miserable way your wife treated you in bed.”

Confused, Eldred stopped the movement of his fingers. “How did you know, I mean when did you see us?”

“Hush, my love, that’s all in the past.” Inanna got up on her knees and straddled Eldred. When she leaned forward and began stroking his face, she whispered, “You belong to me now, and you are to forget all about her and your past on Earth.” She continued to repeat this until she saw the confusion leave his eyes.

“I belong to you forever and ever.” These words Inanna taught Eldred were the same words all the other females would teach their own human males. Constantly in the back of their minds was Ra’s threat to punish them if their men failed to obey.

Chapter 45
New Earth, Home of the Golden Ones

The following afternoon, many of the gods and their new goddesses gathered again in the Sir Francis Drake Hotel’s ballroom. Once Vulcan and Melody came downstairs to join them, the crowd immediately quieted.

Vulcan’s strong voice carried throughout the room. “My friends, each and every one of you has a decision to make. Will you stay here on New Earth among your descendents? Over the years, I had watched those we once called the golden ones turn into humans with all your good traits.” He grinned while looking over at Jupiter standing with his arm around Hera. “Okay, some of your not-so-good traits also showed up, but then a perfect human would be boring, don’t you agree?”

Heads nodded all around the large room. One god shouted out, “Vulcan, what other choices besides New Earth do we have?”

“Good question, Loki. Some of you might want to return to Luzon with Jupiter. Melody easily convinced him to do something about the old ones there.”

Melody grimaced. “Easily? Have any of you ever argued with a more stubborn person than Jupiter is?”

Vulcan continued, as if his wife had not insulted the most powerful god in the universe. “On the other hand, you can join Hera when she goes back to Auspasia.” He looked over at his mother. “I know you are worried about all those females, but I bet you’ll find everything running smoothly under Freya’s intelligent care.”

“I go to Auspasia with you. I want to see sister.” This loud voice from near the back of the ballroom came from Thor. To compensate for his lack of education, this Norse god often depended on brute strength.

“I welcome your company, Thor. Anyone else who wants to go to Auspasia, please join me outside in front of the hotel.” Hera gave Jupiter a last lingering kiss and headed out of the ballroom. A large group followed her, and soon they all found themselves standing in the main village of Auspasia.

Those left behind at the hotel eventually made their choice. Most decided to stay on New Earth and learn to live among the golden ones’ descendents. The rest, a handful of the more curious, gathered around Jupiter.

This small group included Vulcan and Melody. They had talked this over before coming downstairs from their hotel suite. Vulcan had convinced Melody he needed to return to his forge one last time. This was to make sure the mold holding the melted evil chain of submission remained safely hidden.

Within minutes, the ballroom emptied. Those staying on New Earth nervously went outside, but hundreds of excited San Francisco citizens soon made them feel welcome. Unlike this pleasant reception, those gods and goddesses arriving on Luzon and Auspasia found much changed, and not for the best.

To finish reading this story, chapters 46 thru 50 are in the final link below.

 To Live Again In Paradise - Segment 10  (GC)
Chapters 46 thru 50
#2091519 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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