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Rated: GC · Novella · Erotica · #2091514
Chapters 31 thru 35
Chapter 31
Auspasia, Home of the Goddesses

When Keefe woke up, he lazily stretched like a big cat. After working the kinks out of his body, he then began thinking about leaving his cot, getting dressed, and heading toward the campfire for breakfast. One of his hands touched soft flesh, and the memory of the previous night came racing back.

“It’s about time you woke up. Hurry up and get out of bed.” Aine had been lying beside Keefe, impatiently waiting for him up. “I need to get you something to wear. Freya just sent a message inviting us to breakfast at her home.”

Keefe glowered at her. “Stop telling me what to do, lady. You ain’t my captain.”

“For the last time, my name is Aine and not lady” Aine said, annoyed at his continuing refusal to call her by name.

“I guess that’s true ‘cause you weren’t no lady with me last night.” Grinning, he reached for her while saying, “Let’s see how much a lady you are now.”

Aine did not move fast enough, and she unsuccessfully struggled to get out from under his heavy body. When she felt his early morning erection pressing against her legs, Aine stopped struggling. I guess Freya could wait a little bit longer for breakfast. she thought and began swaying her hips slowly back and forth under Keefe to encourage him.

The randy soldier needed no such encouragement to start his plowing of such a willing female. Keefe lunged and drove his heavy penis into her, causing her to give an involuntary cry of pain. Spurred on by that sound, he became more savage, since this was how he usually treated the less appealing camp followers. Wanting to prove how virile a man he was, Keefe did his best to show Aine that she was no different from those other worthless females.

Aine continued to cry out, but this was because of the overwhelming sexual gratification she got from Keefe’s brutal assault. “Oh, yes…yes, that’s the way. Faster, more, more. I’m almost there.” She could hear Keefe’s low grunts each time he dug deep inside her and wanted him to hold off on his own climax until she had experienced hers.

Nearly out of control, Aine suddenly wrapped her legs around him and madly twisted her hips. In her sexual frenzy, she struggled until his coarse pubic hair painfully rubbed against the delicate skin of her crotch. The erotic feeling this gave her was all she needed, and she dropped her legs back onto bed while the orgasm flooded her mind and body.

Aine screamed repeatedly when her spasms seemed to go on forever. Her body bucked and thrashed underneath Keefe while she fought against losing herself in those waves of pleasure. Only when they finally diminished did she realize Keefe had also climaxed and filled her again with his hot, thick sperm. Maybe Neva Marie will have a brother after today, Aine thought, even as she felt some of his plentiful semen dripping out onto her thighs.

“I’m going to enjoy having you here,” murmured Aine, once she was able to breathe normally again. “All the others are going to envy me.” She pushed Keefe off her and onto his side. He lay there looking over at her with a triumphant look on his face. He knew he had given Aine the best ride she ever had got from a man.

Determined this time to get him dressed for breakfast with Freya, she quickly got out of bed. “If you need to relieve yourself, the bathroom is through there.”

Seeing Aine pointing to a door on one side of the room, Keefe rolled out of bed and swaggered in that direction. Before he went inside and closed the door behind him, he called out, “Where are my clothes? I ain’t complaining, but I can’t walk around bare-ass naked.”

“Don’t worry. I’ll come up with something.” By the time Keefe returned to the bedroom a few minutes later, Aine held what she wanted him to wear in her hands. She tossed it to him while saying, “Here, put this on.”

Keefe shook out the pale brown material to see it better. He looked at Aine in surprise when he saw how little there was to the pair of shorts. “This is it?” Seeing her nod, he stepped into the shorts, pulled them up his legs and over his hips. “I like them, lady. I ain’t never worn anything so soft before.” He finished dressing by cinching the drawstring nice and tight around his waist.

“I was lucky Arachne came to Auspasia when we settled here,” confided Aine. “She weaves the most beautiful, soft material on her loom. Before I went to Earth to get you, I had asked her to make this outfit and a couple others like it.” She looked uncertainly at Keefe after he had on the shorts. They ended high up on his thighs, mere inches down from his groin, and were tighter than she had originally planned.

Aine watched Keefe turning his body every which way, as he unconsciously modeled his scanty outfit for her. After he reached inside the shorts to adjust his genitals more comfortably to one side, a delighted Aine noticed the tight shorts did very little to hide Keefe’s generous bulge. I’ll have to watch him at all times, or else the other women will be inviting him to their beds behind my back. She thought for a minute, her eyes never straying from Keefe’s sturdy body, Then again, maybe there’s enough of him to share with some of them. I’ll just have to make sure he services me first.

Once Aine finished dressing, she began slowly leading Keefe through the village to Freya’s bungalow. At one point, she let him get a few steps ahead of her so she could admire how his firm buttocks moved with each of the long, swaggering strides he took. He knows he looks magnificent in that skimpy outfit and is strutting like that to impress me. Aine remembered how some of the younger gods had acted in the same arrogant way before they left for Luzon. Men or gods, they all are such adorable, cocky sons-of-bitches. She could not stop smiling at the envious looks from the other goddesses that they saw along the way.

“Aine,” called out one of them, “is that all him down there, or did you have to give him some padding to make up for what he lacked?”

Another woman dared to come closer to Keefe. She ignored his sudden fierce frown when he heard the insult about his manly parts. Before Aine could stop her, the curious woman first ran her hand over the protruding bulge in Keefe’s shorts. She then wrapped her hand firmly around his cloth-covered penis. “No,” she shouted to the other woman, “I think it’s all him.”

“Lady,” growled Keefe, “you betta believe it’s all me. You wanna look?” He reached for the waistband of his shorts, more than ready to strip down right then and there for her.

Aine grabbed his hands while glaring at him. “Keefe, behave yourself. Until I tell you otherwise, I’m the only one who sees you stripped down, at least for the time being.” To the growing crowd of eager onlookers, she promised, “I’ll let you all see for yourself if that’s padding or not, but for now we’re late for breakfast. If any of you are still curious, come by my home this afternoon at around four.” With that, she dragged a grinning Keefe away from the temporarily disappointed women.

Chapter 32
New Earth, Home of the Golden Ones

As The Beast made its way through San Francisco toward the Golden Gate Bridge, dozens of the golden ones poured out of their homes and places of business to greet Vulcan and Melody.

“Good-bye,” called out a diminutive Asian female, waving wildly. “Have a safe trip.”

A group of three young men and two equally young women stood on the right side of Marina Drive just before that street turned into Doyle Drive. Vulcan, who was sitting in the passenger seat, rolled down the window and shouted out to them, “Take good care of the women, guys. We’ll try to get back here some day and look forward to meeting your kids.” He could not help laughing when he noticed one of the females had already learned how to blush.

All along the freeway, as Melody and Vulcan made their way toward the bridge, The Beast passed more and more of the New Earth city dwellers. The word had passed somehow that their surrogate parents planned to leave for Seattle that morning, and all the golden adults wanted to catch one last glimpse of the two people who had given them life.

“Why are you crying?” Vulcan had glanced at Melody and noticed tears in her eyes. “Are you going to miss San Francisco that much? We can always turn back, you know.”

“That’s not it,” she answered shaking her head. “I’m just a bit overwhelmed by such an outpouring of their love. Don’t worry, I’ll be okay.” They were about to drive onto the Golden Gate Bridge by then, but suddenly Melody pulled The Beast over into the slow lane. Seeing Vulcan’s curious look, she simply said, “I want one last look at the city where I spent so much of my life. You don’t mind, do you?”

“Of course not, sweetheart. Take your time.” That was all Vulcan said before Melody exited The Beast. The previous resident of Mount Olympus understood how difficult it could be to leave a longtime home. Vulcan watched Melody walk back to the sidewalk’s entrance on the bay side of the bridge. Fifteen minutes late, she returned and silently got back into the motor home. The only words she said for the remainder of the time it took to cross into Marin County were, “Thank you. I needed to say my good-byes.”

For the next couple hours, Melody was silent as she drove the motor home up the 101 freeway through the heavily populated Marin County and then the less crowded northern counties. By the time The Beast reached the state line between California and Oregon, Melody was more than ready to turn the driving over to Vulcan. Her hands ached from tightly holding onto the steering wheel. In the last half hour, the day had begun to turn extremely windy, and the wheel seemed to have a mind of its own.

After she switched seats with Vulcan, she had time to take a better look outside the motor home. Seeing the dark clouds growing overhead, Melody commented, a worried tone in her voice, “I think we might be in for a storm. Maybe we should find a place to park before it hits.”

She opened the map of the Oregon that Vulcan wisely picked up before leaving San Francisco. The Washington state map remained neatly folded in the passenger seat’s large glove box with one of California already refolded and returned there, ready for any future reference.

Knowing the US-101 freeway became the Oregon Coast Highway, Melody immediately looked for the designation on the map. Much of the highway ran between the Pacific Ocean and a nearby mountain range, so she tried to find a town before they reached that point. Vulcan had turned into a reasonably good driver, but she wasn’t about to risk their lives having him drive for long on this winding road in bad weather.

“There’s a smallish town only a few miles up the coast called Harbor.” Melody hoped there was a place there where they could shelter The Beast from what looked to be a nasty storm. “Just keep on this road, and we should be there pretty soon.”

The motor home began to sway every time the increasingly strong gusts of wind slammed into it. Vulcan used every ounce of his strength to keep the large vehicle on the road, and beads of sweat appeared on his forehead from this intense effort. “I think we changed seats just in time,” he shouted while fighting to keep the steering wheel aimed straight ahead.

The sudden rain pounding on The Beast’s metal roof nearly drowned out his words, but Melody was not listening anyway. Her attention was on the road about 500 feet in front of them. A tree limb had fallen in the strong wind, and it was blocking the right side of the two-lane highway.

“Stop!” she screamed. “You’re going to hit that limb. Step on the brakes. We’re about to crash!” It seemed to take forever for the vehicle to slow down. The nose of The Beast was only inches away from the rain-soaked limb when Vulcan finally managed to bring the motor home to a halt.

“Stay inside, Melody.” After giving this order, Vulcan stepped outside, and a sudden gust nearly blew him off his feet. He struggled to keep his balance, while bending forward into the wind. Sheets of rain immediately soaked him to the skin, and he had to squint to see even a foot in front of him. When he reached the fallen tree limb, Vulcan used the power in his muscular arms to easily pick up the thick branch and toss it off to the side of the roadway.

Inside the motor home, Melody began repeatedly honking the horn. Vulcan turned to face her, after which he took a well-deserved bow. Both of them were laughing when he made his way back into the coach.

“Go back and get some dry clothes on.” Melody moved to sit in the driver’s seat. “We’re only a couple miles from Harbor, and I think I can manage The Beast until then.”

When they arrived in the small town, Melody found an empty lot behind a local grocery store and parked close to the back delivery entrance, which was out of the wind. She took a deep breath of relief, flexed her sore fingers, and was glad they had made it to a reasonable place of safety from the storm.

Chapter 33
Auspasia, Home of the Goddesses

“So this is the man who is your Neva Marie’s father.” Freya appeared suitably impressed with Keefe. After a delicious breakfast, she watched while he nonchalantly wandered around her small living room. This was after hearing Aine’s firm orders to leave her alone for a few minutes with their hostess. Freya took full advantage of that time to inspect the soldier from the top of his curly, black hair down to his large bare feet. “I can see why you find him so attractive.”

Like the women they had met in the village, Freya was curious about what he was like underneath his unique outfit. “Could you have him strip for me? There might be something wrong he’s hiding, possibly a disease that could endanger the health of the other women.”

Aine realized Freya was not afraid that Keefe would infect anyone with the pox. She had simply thought of a good excuse to see him naked, but Aine did not mind showing him off to her friend. “Keefe, come here.” She waited until he stood in front of her chair and then undid the waistband’s drawstring. Sliding her fingers into either side of the loosened top, she glanced up at the grinning man. “You will immediately do everything I say, do you understand? I want you to stand perfectly still right now and not say a single word, Keefe. You need to let Freya inspect you thoroughly for the pox.” She turned toward Freya, “That is what you meant, wasn’t it?”

Freya nodded, “Of course. You got him from Earth’s twelfth century, and he probably consorted with prostitutes with that disease.” She was proud of her quick thinking and motioned for Aine to finish undressing Keefe. As she watched Aine pulled the shorts down off his hips, what she saw in front of her most definitely appeared healthy.

“See? No pox,” said Aine, when she finish pushing the shorts down far enough for Freya to judge that fact for herself. “Keefe, go stand in front of Freya’s chair. No, don’t pull up your shorts just yet. She probably needs to check you out further before I can let you walk around in public. Other women might accidentally touch you, and she has to be positive you are perfectly healthy.”

“Exactly, Aine.” Freya waited for Keefe to leave Aine and slowly walk around the kitchen table. When he was standing in front of her, she asked, “May I have your permission to touch him?” Aine’s nod came quickly, and Freya reached out and ran her fingertips down the length of his shaft. She gently lifted it to feel its weight, and both women noticed his penis had grown to quite a large size in the last few minutes.

Still not satisfied, Freya wrapped both her hands around his arousal and proceeded to massage it vigorously for a couple minutes. Reluctantly, she removed her hands before saying, “I don’t feel anything out of the ordinary here, but I thank you for bringing him here for my approval.”

“Then you’re satisfied?” Watching Freya slowly push Keefe away from her, Aine spoke sharply to him, “What are you waiting for? Pull up your clothing and cover yourself. Freya’s done with you, and I need to get you home.” She turned back toward Freya to explain, “I’ve invited a few of the other women who saw him earlier to come by around four.” She saw Keefe had now properly covered his body at least as much as his small outfit permitted. “Thank you, Freya, and if I might, I’d like to tell those women they can now find their own Earth mates.”

“When you do, Aine, be sure to let them know I will have to approve of every single man they want to stay on Auspasia.” With that final instruction, Freya escorted them out of her home and watched Aine lead Keefe back toward the center of the small village. Already she could see a gathering of goddess waiting for them.

“You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” Freya jumped, startled by the deep, male voice coming from behind her. When she swung around, all she could see was her black cat, on his favorite chair near the cold fireplace. Ralph appeared asleep, so Freya hurried through the open bedroom door to find where the intruder was.

“Where are you? Who are you?” Finding the bedroom empty, she next peered into the bathroom. That also was empty, and Freya returned to the kitchen. As far as she knew, Aine’s new bed partner was the only male allowed on Auspasia.

She let out a screech when the voice came again, even closer to her this time. “Now, Freya my love, admit you found that brute attractive. If I’d know that appealed to you, I’d have shared your bed a long time ago.”

Chapter 34
New Earth, Home of the Golden Ones

The full impact of the storm finally reached Harbor half an hour after Vulcan and Melody found shelter for The Beast behind the store. Before then, though, they had discovered the door to the building was wide open. Wanting to add to their supply of food, they dashed the short distance through the rain into the store.

They soon returned to the motor home loaded down with bags of potato chips and other junk food, a couple bottles of wine, and a wide variety of magazines. Both were laughing after their treasure hunt, and it did not matter that their short time outside left them sopping wet.

“I call dibs on the bathroom,” called out Melody, heading for the back of vehicle.

Not knowing what that meant, Vulcan first went into the bedroom and changed into dry trousers. He then returned to the kitchen area in bare feet and shirtless to spend the rest of the time putting away the new supplies. When Melody came out of the bathroom, she also had changed, and Vulcan definitely approved of her new outfit.

She wore one of the negligees she had packed for the trip. Pretending to be a runway model, Melody strutted toward Vulcan. This showed off a pale green creation from the lingerie department of Union Square’s Bloomingdale. Unlike so many of those ultra-thin females, Melody had curves that the sheer gown showed off to perfection.

“Wow. You can dib the bathroom any time.” Vulcan lingered over admiring those many curves before asking, “You look fantastic, but aren’t you a bit hungry? We haven’t eaten anything since breakfast hours ago.”

Melody gave him a sultry look and shook her head. “I’m hungry, but not for food. I’ll be in the bedroom.” She said over her shoulder as she headed away from him, “Don’t make me wait too long.” She did not have to wait at all since Vulcan followed almost on her heels. She also did not wear that beautiful negligee for long.

Melody had barely entered the room before Vulcan reached down to grab hold of the gown’s hem with both hands. He yanked the cloth up and over her head, stripping her down to stand naked in front of him.

Ready for whatever Vulcan wanted from her, Melody urged him on with, “You look a bit overdressed.” Melody’s teasing remark had Vulcan unzipping his trousers and letting them fall to the carpeted floor. Melody had enjoyed seeing his bare chest. Once again, as always happened, she felt the familiar ache in her groin when he exposed himself.

“Get into bed, woman,” ordered Vulcan. “I don’t think I can wait much longer.” He had not made love to Melody all day. That, combined with the excitement he felt from the storm, found Vulcan already hard as a rock and in extreme discomfort.

Melody quickly obeyed, not even taking the time to pull down the top sheet and blanket. The ache between her legs had gotten stronger by the time she stretched out on her back.

Seeing Melody with her knees bent in an obvious invitation, Vulcan hurried to cover her naked body with his. He struggled for control over the raging fire in his groin, but lost as soon as he plunged inside Melody. She was already wet and as out of control as he was.

The ache inside Melody increased in fierceness and intensity until she felt nothing else. She struggled as she fought to get out from under Vulcan, frantically trying to escape the ache filling her whole body. This only increased the sexual tension between them. The raging storm outside failed to drown out Melody’s cries of ecstasy as each thrust of Vulcan’s powerful hips forced his penis deeper and harder inside her.

At that point, neither knew or cared if they or the storm caused the bed’s wild rocking. A thin sheen of sweat covered them, and Vulcan’s strenuous activity over Melody’s slippery body had them sliding toward the head of the bed.

Relief finally came to Melody just before her head slammed into the wooden headboard. An intense, strong orgasm made her violently shake, as if in an 8.0 San Francisco earthquake. Her heart took some time to slow down and return to beating normally once again. She still could feel Vulcan heaving and bucking over her until he reached his own climax and ejaculated inside her. Vulcan managed to roll off her and onto his back, but for long minutes both were too exhausted to move further.

Eventually, Melody leaned up on one elbow so she could fully appreciate what she thought of as the perfect lover. She traced the fingers on her other hand down across his chest to where a belly button would be on a human. No indentation had ever been apparent on his stomach until he came to live on New Earth.

“I love your little innie,” Melody whispered, thinking Vulcan had already fallen asleep. She failed to see his eyes open slightly since she was facing away from them. “And I love your flat tummy surrounding your innie.” She leaned down and brushed her lips over his stomach before licking out some of the residual sweat from within his belly button. “And I also love how you taste, my salty husband.”

Melody next moved into a more comfortable position to better reach down between his legs. Vulcan opened his eyes completely and began to smile when he felt one of her hands grasp his penis and gently massage it. Even though they had made love only a short time before, he was more than ready to go again. With his desire for Melody growing almost as fast as his erection was, Vulcan was about to let her know he was awake and ready.

Suddenly, Melody’s hand stopped midway down his shaft. She whispered, “What’s that?”

Vulcan could not help laughing. “Sweetheart, I thought I showed you what that is a few minutes ago. I’m more than willing to demonstrate again, if you need a further explanation.”

Melody swung around to glare at him. “Be quiet for a second. I thought I heard something out in the kitchen.”

Looking over her head, Vulcan noted the kitchen area was darker than the bedroom because of the black storm clouds overhead. Even so, he could see nothing in the front of the motor home out of the ordinary. “You’re hearing things. There’s nothing there.”

Melody remained unconvinced. “There is, I know there is. Vulcan, I definitely heard something. Go and check it out.” She poked him in his ribs to get him moving, but this hint did not work.

“It’s your noise. You go and check it out.” Vulcan closed his eyes, too tired to humor Melody. As many a husband before him had learned, wives are prone to hearing noises in dark homes that turn out to be nothing. He felt the mattress shift when Melody climbed out and listened to her bare feet padding toward the front of the coach.

Melody’s loud piercing shriek of terror startled Vulcan. He immediately jumped out of bed and raced to save her.

Chapter 35
Luzon, Home of the Old Ones

The curve in the road came closer and closer, and still the horses raced forward out of control. When the carriage containing the two frightened women finally passed around the bend, a huge roaring creature jumped out of the woods and grabbed the vehicle as it went by.

The four horses in this way came to a sudden stop. They reared frantically in their harness before finally managing to break free from the lightweight carriage. Still tethered together, the animals swung around and headed back the way they had just come. Within seconds, all that remained was the cloud of rising dust in the road after the horses disappeared back around the bend.

The rancid smell of decomposing flesh from the monster was overpowering. Bits of a recently eaten meal hung in strands from its mouth, and bloodstained teeth revealed gaps within its open mouth. Long greasy hair hung around its face, but failed to hide the one eye in the middle of the wide forehead. Morbidly obese, the gigantic belly of Polyphemus hung down over shrunken and grossly misshapen genitals.

This Cyclops, once tricked by Ulysses, now roamed the mountains of Luzon along with many other wild beasts. Polyphemus survived by feasting on any animal that strayed into its territory and living in a dank, dark cave.

Birgit screamed “Janine, get out of the carriage. We have to run for our lives,” but her friend failed to hear her over the sound of the creature’s deafening roars. Just as the monster lifted the carriage off the road, Birgit jumped out from the left side and landed on the ground as far away as she could manage. Thinking Janine had escaped on the other side, Birgit scrambled as fast as she could into the nearby woods and hid behind a large tree.

In horror, she looked back to the road and saw the creature using one hand to hold the carriage high up in the air. With his other hand, he reached for Janine who was dangling perilously from one side of the vehicle. Even from that distance, Birgit could hear her friend’s terrified cries for help. Helpless to do anything, she closed her eyes against the sight in front of her. Even worse than those screams, Birgit listened to the sudden, horrible silence. Silence, that is, except for the sound of the monster noisily crunching bones accompanied by the juicy slurping of blood.

Birgit opened her eyes and immediately vomited upon seeing the creature chewing on one of Janine’s legs. By now, that was all that remained of the elderly woman.

To continue reading this story, chapters 36 thru 40 are in the link below.

 To Live Again In Paradise - Segment 08  (GC)
Chapters 36 thru 40
#2091516 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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