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Rated: GC · Novella · Erotica · #2091513
Chapters 26 thru 30
Chapter 26
Auspasia, Home of the Goddesses

“Freya, you know this is a perfect time to bring some of the Earth men here.” Aine had waited two days after Hera and Venus left of Luzon before approaching Freya. Many of the other goddesses who appointed Aine to speak with Freya on this subject were putting on the pressure to visit the Norse goddess. Finally, Aine decided to make the short trip to Freya’s bungalow.

On this sunny morning, Freya was working outside weeding in her garden when Aine approached her. She got up off her knees and, after brushing off dirt from her long dress, answered the young woman. “I have been thinking this over, and I do agree this might, and I said might, work for some of you. Do you personally have a man picked out?”

Aine nodded while smiling at the memory of the sleeping Irish soldier. “Yes, and I think he’d enjoy living here. At least I hope so.”

“That does bring up a good point, Aine. What if after a woman seduces and brings a human male here, what if he doesn’t fit in? Even worse for us, what if he reverts to the brutality so common on Earth that we’ve managed to eradicate from our world? You’ve seen over the centuries what humans can be like. What will we do with that man?”

Aine had not thought much about this before, but realized Freya had a point. “Well, we do have some choices. His woman can force him to stay against his will. After all, we are much more powerful than any human male. She can also decide to return him to Earth with all his memories wiped out, but that would leave him virtually a mindless shell of a person. Or…” She stopped, unable to state the obvious.

Freya was not so squeamish. “Or the woman could kill him. We all know our men on Luzon would not hesitate to punish or even murder a recalcitrant female. We females shouldn’t be afraid of following their lead here on Auspasia.” She looked straight at Aine when she continued. “Could you kill that man you want to bring here?”

“I’m not sure, but I think I could if it meant to protect our world. At last I’d like to think I could.” She had one last argument for Freya. “I’d like to be the first to attempt this experiment. You and the others can monitor how it goes with him for as long as you want. If my man acclimates enough for you to feel safe around him, then the others can start bringing up their men.”

Freya thought this over before asking, “What if he doesn’t acclimate? Which of the choices we just mentioned are you willing to carry out? If I order it, and I would, could you kill him?”

“Yes, I could,” whispered Aine. The thought of murdering another person frightened the Celtic goddess of love and fertility, but she realized the safety of Auspasia came before her own tender feelings.

Freya nodded then. “Under those provisions and with a clear understanding that I will be watching you and that man very closely, you may bring him here.” She held up her hand to halt Aine’s excited gratitude. “Think this over very clearly before you do anything rash. What happens between you and that man might determine the future of all of us.”

* * *

Once she left Freya’s home, Aine wasted no time in returning to Earth. She decided to pick the time just a few minutes after her initial seduction of the soldier. Instead of arriving on the hill outside Waterford, Ireland, as she had originally, Aine appeared inside the tent. “My love,” she softly said leaning over one of the soundly sleeping man, “I have chosen you for my mate. As sire of my little Neva Marie, you have proven the power within your loins.” She brushed one hand over his chest and gently trailed her fingers down past his abdomen until she reached the part of his anatomy that was of most interest to her.

No, she thought, reluctantly pulling her hand back. There will be time enough for that when I get you back home. Making sure not to wake him, Aine placed her hands on either side of his face. When she pressed her lips on his, the two of them disappeared from Earth year 1173 and the Irish battlefield encampment.

* * *

When 29-year-old Keefe Gallagher woke the next morning, it surprised the soldier to find he was in a warm, clean bedroom instead of his damp, bug-filled tent. He also wore none of his usual nightclothes, and he knew this condition was different from the way he climbed onto his cot the night before. He kicked off the soft, blue blanket covering him and swung his feet over the edge of the bed. Once he stood up, Keefe spent a few unbelieving minutes looking around the very feminine room.

“Where the hell am I?”

As if in answer to his shocked question, Keefe watched a young woman come into the room. Neither he nor any of his fellow soldiers had seen a woman in almost two years, especially not such a spectacularly beautiful one like this one was. Even the prostitutes who usually followed them had left for a warmer climate where there might possibly be clients with deeper pockets.

“Good, you’re awake. I’ve been waiting for you.” Her soft voice sounded to him like a caress, and Keefe immediately forgot he was totally naked.

“Who are you?” he asked while repeating, “And where the hell am I?”

Aine laughed. “Not in hell or Hades or even Valhalla. You are on Auspasia, and I’m Aine, the mother of your baby daughter. By what name may I call you?”

Keefe scowled when he heard this. “I ain’t got no children, so don’t try to blame your bastard on me. Keefe Gallagher ain’t never knocked up any slut ‘cause I always be most careful.”

Aine ignored his rudeness, once again enchanted by the sight of the tall, naked man standing a short distance away from her. She had forgotten how powerful he looked. Her eyes went from his muscular arms and broad shoulders down to what she hoped would provide her with more children.

“Keefe, that’s a nice name. Perhaps we can also give it to our first son.” Aine took a step closer to him. “I think it’s time to show you why I’ve brought you to my world.” She took another step toward Keefe, but stopped when she saw him backing away from her.

Surprised at his action, Aine knew then she might have to begin more slowly with him. It was either that or take the bull by the horn, so to speak. She chose the latter course since she was impatient to release her pent-up sexual frustration. Aine entered his mind as she had once before on Earth, but only managed to speak one word, his name.

Chapter 27
New Earth, Home of the Golden Ones

Once Vulcan and Melody left the restaurant, they decided to stroll around Union Square and do some more exploring of the area. They also wanted to walk off the delicious meal they had just finished.

Melody suddenly stopped on the sidewalk and went over to look inside an empty car parked at the curb. “That one would be perfect. Don’t you think so?”

It had taken some time and a lot of confusion, but Vulcan eventually became somewhat used to her grasshopper mind. Melody often would jump from subject to subject, leaving him bewildered. This time, all he could say was, “Since I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about, how can I answer that?”

“The car. I could teach you how to drive with this car.” She waited until he came to look inside with her. “See? There are keys inside, it’s an automatic, and it’s a newer model so should have air bags. So? What do you think? Would you like to learn how to drive?”

Vulcan was somewhat nervous, but it did fit into some ideas he had for their future. “Sure, it might be fun.”

Fun was not exactly how it turned out. First, because of his taller height than the last person who drove the car, Vulcan pinched his fingers trying to slide the driver’s seat back. He climbed into the car sucking his bruised finger. Nothing helped his bruised ego after Melody easily managed to adjust the seat in seconds.

Once she saw Vulcan securely belted in with the driver’s seat set at a comfortable distance from the foot pedals, Melody pointed to the keys dangling from the ignition. “As you’ve seen me do, that’s where you start the car.” Vulcan reached for the keys, but she stopped him. “No, first you should adjust the mirrors.”

“What mirrors? Why?”

Melody showed him how to adjust the driver side mirror and rear view one. “You have to have them in such a position that you can see other vehicles coming up behind you.”

“Um, sweetheart, can I tell you something?”

Melody was leery of him when she saw the growing smirk on his face. “Of course. What?”

He looked around the empty street. Slowly, drawing out the words, he asked, “What other vehicles? As far as I know, the golden ones aren’t interested yet in learning to drive. It’s just you and me, babe.”

Melody looked chagrined when Vulcan stated what should have been obvious to her. This teaching him to drive was not turning out exactly as she hoped. “Okay, forget the mirrors. At least put on your seat belt.” She attached hers and showed him where to stuff the latch on his. “Now, you’re ready to drive. Turn the key.”

For the half hour, Melody’s head jerked painfully back and forth. As many new drivers do while learning, Vulcan kept stepping on the brake as he drove. That was, when he was not lifting his foot off the gas pedal. The car made slow progress round and round Union Square, but it was progress.

Finally, Vulcan pulled the car to a stop in front of the Sir Francis Drake Hotel and turned off the engine. Melody almost fell out in her hurry to end what might not have been such a good idea. She hurried upstairs to their suite and plopped down into a chair, thankful to have survived Vulcan’s first driving lesson.

When he joined her a few minutes later, he had a huge smile on his face. “That was fun. Let’s do it again later today. I can drive us across that pretty silver bridge I saw from the orange one.”

Melody closed her eyes at the thought of Vulcan driving across the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge. When Jupiter kidnapped her from the previous Earth, she remembered there was a new bridge going up alongside the existing Bay Bridge. Melody groaned picturing Vulcan’s excitement at seeing the unfinished structure. He would insist they get out of the car on the older, wind-swept, freezing cold bridge to get a better look.

“Why don’t we do it tomorrow?” She hoped to delay her case of frostbite for as long as possible.

“Okay. I wanted to discuss something with you anyway.” Vulcan joined her in the small kitchenette and poured two mugs of tepid coffee. When he tasted his, he made a face and started to brew a fresh pot. He remained standing by Mr. Coffee until he could refresh the mugs. Once seated, he waited until Melody had sipped her hot drink.

When he felt she might be ready to hear his plan, Vulcan said, “I think it’s time for us to move on.”

“Move on where?” Melody was a native San Franciscan and rarely went outside of northern California. Once in her early 20’s, she and two friends shared driving as far as Yosemite National Park, but that was the extent of her long distant travels.

Vulcan went on, “Did you know it hardly ever rains for months and months in this city?” He did not wait for her to answer. “I’ve been reading a magazine called “Via” that I found on a table downstairs in the hotel lobby, and it mentioned a place called Seattle. Do you know where that is?”

Melody nodded. “Sure, it’s up north of us in the state of Washington, maybe a few hundred miles away. Why?”

“Do you remember that thunderstorm a while back?” Vulcan’s words tumbled out in his excitement to share his idea with Melody. “The magazine said Seattle rains a lot, and they have plenty of wonderful storms. We could start there to explore your, I mean our country and maybe meet some of the golden ones along the way. What do you think of this plan?”

Melody could not help smiling at the resemblance Vulcan had to a small boy pleading for something. “That’s a lot of driving. I’m not sure I’m up to hours behind the wheel.”

Vulcan stopped her before she could say anything else. “That’s the beauty of this plan. It should only take me a week, two at the most, to learn how to drive. After that, we can share the driving. Please, Melody, think it over. Maybe it’s time for you to get away from any bad memories you might have of this city. Okay?”

Unable to think of any more reasons not to agree, Melody smiled and nodded her head. “Okay. Maybe this could be lots of fun.”

Chapter 28
Luzon, Home of the Old Ones

“It’s too nice a day to be inside.” Birgit complained to her friend Janine. They were sweeping down the long stone stairway leading outside. “Let’s get the horses and carriage Chiron left for us and take a ride out into the countryside.”

The Scandinavian woman had always fought against changing from a tall, blonde beauty into a stooped over, century-old servant. After Jupiter kidnapped her from Earth, he first assigned her to serve as sexual slave to an Egyptian god. Birgit quickly fell in love with Seth, the hot-blooded god of desert, storm, and violence. Even his violent nature failed to diminish her feelings for him. With the passage of a millennium together, Seth became bored with her. Most gods sooner or later do experience boredom after having the same bed partner every night. Wanting more variety in the females who serviced him, Seth returned Birgit to live permanently at the seraglio. Two weeks after that, she tearfully found herself ordered below to the servants’ floor.

Jupiter had decided it would be interesting to give the rather shy Janine to Anglo-Saxon gods. In a rare whimsical moment, and purely as an experiment, he gave her to both Hengest and his twin brother Horsa. Janine lasted only a few, terrifying months with them. On Earth, she had a slight fear of horses, but was able to keep it under control by avoiding those animals. This equine phobia grew into a full-blown state of panic during those nights the two, sexually insatiable, Germanic horse gods shared her.

When Birgit suggested a ride into the country, Janine realized this was a good time to try and overcome her fear of horses. Shaking inside from fear, she bravely said, “That sounds like fun, but will Izzy let us go?”

“The hell with her.” Birgit and Izzy were like oil and water, constantly fighting. Usually Izzy won the arguments, but Birgit kept pushing back against her orders. “Besides,” Birgit continued, “she’s in bed with a cold or something. Maybe it’s a deadly disease for all I know or care.” She tossed her broom down onto the stairway and began heading outside. “Come on, Janine. There couldn’t be a better time with Izzy out of the picture, and I want to enjoy today.”

Stiffening her resolve, Janine followed Birgit to the courtyard. The small corral where Chiron had left the four horses was just a short distance from the seraglio. It took the two women some time to figure out how to hitch the animals to the carriage, but they managed this after some trial and error.

Birgit held the leather ribbons firmly while guiding the horse-drawn carriage down the city’s cobblestone main street and out of Luzon Prime. “Okay, Janine. Which way do you think we should go?” In front of them were three dirt roads with each leading in a different direction.

Janine thought for a minute or so. “We know that the one on the left leads to the satyrs’ village, and I’m not crazy about meeting a bunch of drunks.” She pointed to the right-most road. “Let’s get as far away from them as we can.”

“Okay, sounds good.” Birgit headed the carriage in the direction of the distant mountain range. Before the abandonment, the gods had fought the Titans in those same mountains. Those dangerous creatures either died during the long battle or found themselves banished once again to their old prison of Tartarus.

The two women relaxed as the horses slowly plodded along the slight incline leading to one of the smaller mountains. All around them were the gentle sounds of nature. Birds twittering in trees further lulled them into thinking Luzon now was a safe, peaceful world

“Look over there,” whispered Janine, pointing at a small animal sitting a short distance from the road. A small red fox watched them pass by before loping off into the nearby woods. The animal’s sudden movement caused one of the front horses to rear up.

For another half hour or so, the horses pulled the carriage even deeper into the mountain. The forest on either side of the dirt road seemed to close in on the women, and they started regretting their decision to explore where this road would take them. The thick canopy of tall trees hid the hot sun that had warmed their ancient bones earlier. Even the four horses no longer behaved like Chiron’s previously tamed, domesticated animals.

Birgit soon grew exhausted from fighting to keep the beasts under control. “I think we’d better turn back,” she told Janine. This wise decision came seconds too late. A snake crossing the road in front of the carriage spooked one of the horses. Birgit felt the leather straps pulled out of her tired hands when the horses bolted away from the snake. “Hang on, Janine,” she yelled while desperately trying to grab the reins. When she saw them disappear over the front edge of the carriage, Birgit illogically began to curse Izzy for getting sick and tempting her to take this drive.

Out of control, the horses raced further into the mountains. The carriage bounced wildly over the rocky pathway. The two screaming women held onto anything they could to stay on the carriage’s front seat. Janine lost her hold and flew up in the air when one of the wheels passed over a large rock. She managed to land back in the carriage, but with the breath knocked out of her. Knowing the two of them were about to die, Janine stopped her useless cries for help and resigned herself to whatever would happen to them.

Birgit, on the other hand, was made of sterner stuff, and she refused to believe her life would end this way. She watched as the carriage headed for a sharp bend in the road and hoped the frantic horses would have to slow down to make the turn. Once again, she called out to Janine, “Hold on.”

Closer and closer raced the runaway carriage toward the road’s dangerous curve. Hidden beyond it was something more dangerous and deadly for the elderly servants than the fear-crazed horses.

Chapter 29
Auspasia, Home of the Goddesses

Keefe yelped when he heard a voice seemingly coming from inside his head. He fell to his knees in terror, which was not the reaction Aine wanted.

She remained within his mind and attempted to calm him down somewhat. Get up, Keefe. I’m not going to hurt you. At least not much or right away.

“Go away,” he screamed, while crawling on all four toward the bedroom door. “You’re not real. I died and you’re a demon from hell.”

Behave and stop being such a fool, Keefe, scolded Aine, trying to make her voice get through his hysterics. I really don’t want to hurt you, but I will if you don’t stop making so much noise. You’ll wake up Neva Marie, and I just got her to sleep. Keefe felt the woman’s voice rather than heard it, and he was unable to understand what was happening to him.

This young soldier had grown up in a poor family. His father tried to make a living farming a rocky piece of land, but there never seemed to be enough food for the seven members of the family. When old enough at around the age of 10, Keefe went to work in a nearby city. He found the factory filled with other young boys. Each worked 16-hour shifts earning a dollar a day minus the amount taken out for their room and board.

“You’re a good worker, Gallagher,” his boss told him on his 11th birthday. “My brother needs a strong boy like you to work in one of his copper mines. I’m sending you there tomorrow morning, so take the rest of the day off to pack your gear.”

At the age of 23, grown even stronger and more muscular from the hard work, Keefe left the mines and joined the Irish infantry. Now six years later, he found himself in a strange country, in a beautiful woman’s bedroom, and hearing voices inside his head.

“Please, lady, I want to go back to camp.” Keefe managed to get to his feet while holding onto the open door. “Just let me go back.”

Aine saw he was calming down and said in her normal voice. “I’m sorry, but I can’t do that. If I fail with you, none of the other women can mate with Earth males. You understand my predicament, don’t you?”

Keefe wildly shook his head, “No, I don’t. What do you want from me?”

Aine smiled as sweetly as she could, under these frustrating circumstances. “Why, Keefe, I thought you knew. I brought you to Auspasia because I want your children.” She turned slightly and pointed at the bed with its rumpled blanket. “Now, if you’ll go over there and climb in, we can start.”

In all his life, no woman had propositioned him this way. Even the prostitutes he sometimes used were more subtle in their demands. Oddly enough, however, he found himself drawn to this strange woman. When his fear started to drain away, Keefe took a good look at Aine. “Lady, you ain’t a bad looker, so why me?”

“First, as I’ve already told you, my name is Aine, not lady. Please try to remember that.” Aine went to the doorway and took Keefe’s hand in hers. “I chose you the first time because you are a big, handsome brute of a specimen.”

Keefe let her lead him across the room until they stood beside the bed. “What do you mean, the first time?” He frowned since he knew this was the only time they had met. “What happened the first time you saw me?”

“Pretty much what will happen now if you’d stop stalling and get up into my bed” Aine slowly pushed the thin straps of her long dress off her shoulder. With a bit of wiggling that Keefe found quite startling to watch, Aine slid the dress down the rest of her body until it landed at her feet. She stood before him and waited for him to look over the many curves of her nude body. “If there’s something about me that you don’t like, all you have to do is tell me. I can be whatever type of female you desire.”

Gulping, Keefe reached out to make sure the temptress in front of him was real. His shaking hand found its way to one of her ample breasts. As he rubbed his callused thumb over her pink nipple, the softness of her skin let him know she was real. “No,” he said in a hoarse voice, “you look okay to me.” His hand tightened around her breast, and he used his other arm to pull Aine roughly up against his own naked body.

“Oh yes, Keefe, that’s what I want,” murmured Aine. “Come into my bed and take me. I’ll do anything you want, just hurry.” She tried to pull out of his grasp, ready to kneel on the edge of the bed in order to get onto it.

Instead, Keefe picked her up in both his arms and tossed her in the middle of the blankets. “Don’t tell me what to do, Aine. I’m a man and don’t take no orders from a female.” He immediately climbed on top of her and used a knee to push her legs apart. “Is this what you want, lady?”

Feeling his thick shaft pressing against her crotch, Aine knew even more excitement than she had with him in his battleground tent. When he eagerly pushed inside her, not knowing the meaning of foreplay, she said, “Don’t call me lady. I’m your Aine.”

Those were the last coherent words she managed for the next few minutes. Keefe’s hips moved up and down as he pumped faster and faster. He enjoyed the feel of her hot, wet skin along the full length of his penis. Aine urged him on with little moans and shrieks while tightening her vaginal muscles around him.

Aine’s skin became slick with sweat from her effort to make him climax inside her. She leaned up and dug her fingers into his shoulders to pull him even closer, and then bit down hard on the left side of his neck. She drew blood, but he forced her back onto the bed and kept on going. Finally, he let out a loud cry and Aine felt his semen pouring into her.

When she could finally breath more easily again, she rolled Keefe off her and onto his side. His eyes were close, and she listened as he began to snore. Well, she thought as she snuggled up to her exhausted man, not a bad beginning, and I do feel much better. I think I can tell Freya these Earth men might work out okay.

Chapter 30
New Earth, Home of the Golden Ones

Vulcan leaned how to drive tolerable well in less than his projected two weeks. One afternoon, Melody let him drive the Yaris, a car she now thought of as her own property. Vulcan headed once again across the Bay Bridge toward Oakland, as this had become a favorite route of his to practice driving.

“Sweetheart, I have an idea,” he said, making sure to keep his eyes on the roadway. Melody constantly had to scold him for looking around at the passing scenery and not paying attention to where he was driving.

“What this time?” Melody immediately regretted asking the question. Vulcan suddenly swerved from the bridge’s fast lane and raced the car over to the leftmost slow lane.

After he jammed on the brakes, making the car come to an abrupt stop, Melody yelled, “Don’t EVER do that again!” Grimacing, she leaned over in pain while rubbing her shoulder where the seatbelt strap had cut into her. “What’s so important that you have to try and send us over the bridge railing?”

“Sorry about that. Wow, this little Yaris has good brakes, doesn’t it?” Vulcan affectionately patted the steering wheel.

“Yes it does, and you don’t need to test them again.” Melody straightened up in her seat. “What’s your idea, and please try not to kill us while you tell me.”

Vulcan tried to understand Melody’s irritation and failed miserably. After centuries of being an immortal god, he still never realized his careless actions could end in death. “I’ll try to be more careful, I promise.” He turned in his seat to face Melody. “Remember the other day when we passed that place with all those metal buildings on wheels?”

Melody remembered. “You mean the motor home lot? What does that have to do with your idea?”

“Wheels mean we can drive them, right? Well, wouldn’t it be fun to drive that instead of hours crammed in this little car when we go to Seattle? What do you think? Have you ever driven a motor home? Do you think I could learn fairly quickly?”

Melody was unable to get a word in edgewise during Vulcan’s rapid-fire questions. When he stopped to catch his breath, she managed to say, “I drove one once. Two of my friends and I took turns on a trip to Yosemite. With no traffic on the roads nowadays, I think you can also handle it okay.”

“Great!” Vulcan restarted the car and put it in gear. “Let’s find one of those lots and pick out our new home.” Once again, he patted the Yaris steering wheel. “I will miss our little Blue Roan. She’s been a nice car.”

Melody loved the way he often anthropomorphized objects. He even treated the Mr. Coffee machine like a person, always thanking it for his morning brew. “Not to worry. Most of the larger motor homes have a place in the back where you can hook on a smaller vehicle.”

It took three hours for them to find their perfect new home. The lot they found in one hour, but Vulcan had to examine every single one of the vehicles there. He finally picked out a huge 2009 Sportscoach Cross Country model.

Looking at the sticker price on the front window, Melody nearly fainted before realizing they did not have to pay for this expensive luxury item. “I hope we can find places that have diesel. This monster is going to eat fuel. I wonder what the MPG is.”

Vulcan was just stepping outside after examining the inside of the motor home thoroughly. “What is MPG? Is it important?”

“Miles per gallon, and I bet this beast only gets about two per mile.”

“As you said before, not to worry.” Vulcan couldn’t stop looking at the beautiful vehicle while he casually mentioned, “You forget I still can tap into my power as a god. The Beast will always have a full belly.”

In that way, Melody learned the name of their new motor home. It took some trial and error and a few bruised knuckles, but eventually they firmly managed to attach the Yaris to the back of The Beast.

“This is a lot bigger than the one I drove before. You simply had to get the hugest one in the lot, didn’t you?” complained Melody, as she slid into the driver’s seat.

Vulcan was not listening or even close enough to hear her. He again was poking around behind her, way back at the end inside the bedroom. He currently was admiring himself in the mirror on the front of the large walk-in closet. This was after he had checked out the kitchen where he found the perfect spot for his Mr. Coffee. It did not surprise Melody earlier in his examination when she heard the sound of running water in the bathroom. Even she found the glass door shower fascinating and looked forward to sharing the small space with Vulcan.

“Vulcan,” she called out. “We’re leaving now so find a place to sit down. Better yet, come and join me up here.” She waited until he safely buckled himself in beside her before turning The Beast’s ignition key. Her eyes widened at the loud sound the powerful 340 HP Cummins diesel engine made, but she slowly maneuvered the motor home out of the lot and onto the main street.

“Okay,” Melody nervously said, “let’s see if we can get back to San Francisco without an accident. Please, Vulcan, keep from pointing out anything outside you think I should see. Do not even speak to me for a few minutes until I get the feel of this thing.”

* * *

Early in the morning a few days later, Vulcan and Melody left the Sir Francis Drake Hotel for the last time and headed toward the Golden Gate Bridge. With Melody behind the wheel and Vulcan pouring over a recently acquired gas station map, they did not realize right away that they had a stowaway on board.

To continue reading this story, chapters 31 thru 35 are in the link below.

 To Live Again In Paradise - Segment 07  (GC)
Chapters 31 thru 35
#2091514 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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