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Rated: GC · Novella · Erotica · #2091502
Chapters 06 thru 10
Chapter 06
New Earth, Home of the Golden Ones

“What do you want to do first?” Vulcan asked Melody, eager to start exploring. This was the first time he had been to San Francisco and chose this city since he knew Melody originally came from there.

Melody thought for a few minutes, still taking in the drastic changes to the city where she once lived and worked. Before Jupiter’s satyr initiated her into sexual submission during a memorable week in a small motel across the Bay Bridge in Oakland, she ran a successful restaurant with 25 employees. At the beginning of those seven days, she was an independent woman in all the ways that counted as a modern woman in the 21st century on Earth.

Although she had not been a virgin for a few years, Melody had always felt she was in charge when choosing her bed partners. Admittedly, they were somewhat boring sexually, but she had nothing to compare their skills in bed. That is, until the satyr discovered her in the darkened movie theater and persuaded her to return with him to the Motel 6. Strangely enough, Melody never for an instant even thought of refusing his invitation, which was most unlike the sensible young woman.

When the satyr left her on that final day, she soon found herself forced to become a sexual slave. While she enjoyed the satyr’s lessons, it had been an often painful and always degrading adjustment for Melody once the all-powerful Jupiter transported her to Luzon. It took many spirited and sometimes bloody fights with Vulcan before she learned to love the man waiting silently for her answer.

Now having returned once again to Earth or rather New Earth, Melody’s curiosity to see what happened to her business finally decided where she wanted to go first. “I doubt if it still exists after all this time, but my restaurant used to be on Broadway down off the Embarcadero. Can you take us there?” Melody thought for a second before adding, “I named it Maison du Abeille De Sucre, which is French for Home of the Sugar Bee. I thought that was a great name since we specialize in…” She stopped to take a shaky breath and then went on, “I mean we used to specialize in mainly French food and fancy desserts.”

After letting him know the name of the restaurant to look for on Broadway, Melody waited for Vulcan to transport them instantly, in his usual way, to the street located miles away. Instead, she remained on the sidewalk that went downtown in one direction and the other way to the Pacific Ocean and the famous Cliff House. Seconds passed before she realized they had not moved. “Do you need me to do something?” She became even more puzzled when she saw the wide grin spreading across Vulcan’s face.

“Well,” drawled Vulcan, “you could find a car to drive us there. I don’t think you really want to walk all that way, do you?” He waited without saying anything else. Melody finally remembered what he had told her earlier. Vulcan nodded when he saw she understood. “Yes, my love, I’m a mortal now, not immortal.”

“Sorry, I forgot.” Blushing because of her forgetful error, Melody glanced around and spotted almost a dozen cars in a nearby parking lot. When she walked over and looked inside the first one, a blue Toyota Yaris, she couldn’t believe her luck. Dangling from the ignition was a set of keys. She pulled open the unlocked door and slid in behind the steering wheel. “Get in on the other side. Oh, wait. I’ve got to see if there’s any gas left in the tank first.” She turned the key, and the engine turned over as if the owner of the small car left it in the lot only minutes before. She called out to where Vulcan remained standing on the sidewalk. “Okay, we’re good. You can get in.”

Hearing the roar of the motor when Melody stepped on the gas and seeing her motioning him inside, Vulcan opened the passenger door and climbed in. “Do you know the way…”

Melody interrupted him by singing, “to San Jose?” and giggled at the silly lyrics. When she saw Vulcan didn’t understand, she reached over and patted his left knee. She suddenly realized there would be many things about New Earth Vulcan would find odd or confusing, not just her choice in music. “Yes, I know the way to my restaurant. She slowly pulled out of the parking space and automatically looked both ways for oncoming traffic. She began to giggle again and aimed the Yaris down the empty thoroughfare. “Just think. No more traffic jams, no more having to drive defensively.” Her laughter stopped abruptly with the sad thought of, There also are no more people, no more family or friends.

In a third of the time it normally would take her to travel the short distance, Melody turned onto Broadway and headed toward her restaurant. She pulled up in front of the familiar building and parked, in a defiant move, facing the wrong way. Missing was the line of customers waiting to go inside for an expensive and delicious meal prepared by her well-trained staff.

The front door to her restaurant looked as beautiful as the day the workmen installed it. At the top of the polished dark wood was a circle of stained glass. The glass depicted a smiling yellow bee in a field of green grass. This door had always been Melody’s pride and joy and garnered her much praise from both delighted customers and newspaper restaurant critics.

That was until today when she watched an emaciated cat back up to the door and move from hind foot to hind foot while letting loose a spray of urine. I can’t believe I paid thousands of dollars to have that door specially designed, Melody thought, closing her eyes to block out the depressing sight, and it’s now no better than a used litter box.

Vulcan sat quietly in the passenger seat when he saw tears starting to flow down her face. “Sweetheart” he finally said, turning her face away from the offending sight of the ruined door and toward him, “let’s get out of here and find a place to sleep tonight, okay?”

“Okay.” Melody resolutely straightened up in the car seat and refused to look again at her restaurant. She forced a smile since she did not want Vulcan to think she was a silly ninny, unhappy just because of a damaged door. “We have our pick of all the fancy hotels in the city. Which one do you want?”

“Your choice. I’m not familiar with San Francisco, so you pick one.” Vulcan seemed satisfied delegating this responsibility to leave the decision to Melody. He leaned back and simply spent the time looking out the car’s windows. Melody could tell he was enjoying the view of the passing city, and the two of them spent the short drive without talking. It only took a few minutes for them to arrive at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in Union Square.

That night and for a week after that, the last two people on New Earth...except for the new golden ones…slept in a luxurious suite. The Sir Francis once catered primarily to the rich and famous who visited from throughout the world. After some deliberation and in discussion with Vulcan, the unit of rooms Melody chose was the best and contained furniture of the highest quality.

A mahogany, king-size bed in the main bedroom often easily held an Arabian potentate along with three of his wives. His other two wives shared the adjoining smaller bedroom, although the man often rotated the women to keep them all satisfied and happy.

Before deciding on this suite, Melody first wandered around, exploring the many features of the master bedroom. Her amazement and delight grew at discovering what the sheik had taken for granted as his due. She practically salivated when she found the entire wall on one side of the room was a gigantic walk-in area for clothing. Men may go crazy about cars, but women often wax poetic over large closet space.

When she saw the large plasma television on another wall, once again the enormity of the loss of all humanity struck her. Vulcan seemed curious what the blank screen did, and Melody tried to explain. “We used to watch movies and reality shows sent from other places.” Seeing he did not really understand, her next words confused him even more. “I think you would have liked “Bewitched.” Her nose did what you used to do all the time, and you didn’t even have to twitch.”

She then remembered something from her own childhood. “Some mothers, though not mine, plunked their kids in front of the television first thing after breakfast and used the machine as a babysitter.”

When not making love in that huge bed or exploring the neighborhood around Union Square, they dined on meals Melody expertly prepared in the hotel’s kitchen. She never gave a thought to why there was a plentiful supply of fresh food available. Vulcan knew, but he did not think the knowledge important enough at that time to share with her.

One cloudy afternoon, after making slow, sweet love with Melody in their tenth floor suite, Vulcan climbed out of bed and padded on bare feet to the wide window. The city of San Francisco stretched out below in its now-familiar splendor, but he immediately noticed something off in the distance. He moved closer to the immense, floor to ceiling window in order to get a better look.

Chapter 07
Auspasia, Home of the Goddesses

Just as the three soldiers reached Lara in varying degrees of sexual arousal, they all heard what sounded like distant, intermittent thunder. The men immediately forgot their plans to enjoy what Lara seemed to be freely offering. Instead, they looked off to where the thunderous rumbles continued.

“Damn,” muttered the largest man, a slow-witted and lumbering Alabama pig farmer. Charlie Wentworth received the obvious nickname as a youngster, and now everyone simply knew him as Ox. “Those friggin’ blue bellies gonna spoil our fun.”

The second man, barely old enough to shave, as witnessed by the blonde fuzz on his chin and barely visible mustache above his thin upper lip, tried to ignore Ox’s complaint. Instead, Timothy Barrow stood there with his head cocked to one side while he tried to gauge how far away the cannon fire was. “Nah, we still got time for the whore. Sir, don’t we?” He looked at the third man to see if he agreed, even as he moved closer to where Lara impatiently stood waiting.

Early on in the war when he first met the officer, Timothy learned how dangerous Daniel Rawlins was. The somewhat older confederate officer was quick to get upset if those people he considered inferior to him, which was almost everyone, crossed him or disregarded his wishes. Timothy had watched as the only son of a wealthy plantation owner coldly shot a fellow soldier, blowing off the man’s right leg at the knee. This he did simply because the man had accidentally stepped on one of Daniel’s freshly polished boots. Instead of finding that brutal action shocking, Timothy immediately became the officer’s adoring sycophant.

Daniel thoroughly enjoyed and encouraged Timothy’s fawning manner toward him. Until joining the southern army as an officer, Daniel lived the good life on his elderly father’s cotton plantation. During the long hot days, he never hesitated to use his whip on the slaves as they worked in the fields, bent over from exhaustion from picking the ripe bolls of cotton. Daniel used the whip indiscriminately, not caring if bloodstained leather landed on a man, woman, or young child. He got a feeling of power no matter what sex or age his victim was.

The men in the fields learned to fear the sight of his large stallion making its way toward them. At night, lying awake in their squalid huts, the females learned to dread the sound of the stallion coming through the darkened slave quarters. All of them gave prayers of thanks when Daniel finally left the plantation to join the war. Some slaves even prayed for his death, asking that it be painful and slowly lingering.

So far, their fervent prayers remained unanswered. Instead of dying, Daniel now stood near a patch of grass two states away from home. He nodded at Timothy, thus giving the young boy permission to take Lara. When he caught sight of Ox furiously rubbing the already damp cloth at his crotch, Daniel changed his mind. “Timothy, step back. Let Ox have her first.”

“Oh, hell!” Timothy glared at Ox, but immediately stopped in his tracks. He watched the grinning Ox take hold of Lara around her waist. “Daniel, ya know he’ll split her apart with that big middle leg of his. She ain’t gonna be good for nothin’ after that.” Even as he complained, Timothy moved back and meekly stood next to Daniel.

“Hey, big boy,” whispered Lara, trying to keep her face away from the rancid smell of Ox’s breath. “I was starting to think you and your friends were all talk and no action.” She managed to hide her initial feeling of disgust when his probing tongue forced its way between her teeth and roughly started ravishing the tender skin inside. The revolt she first had with his smell and appearance disappeared quickly, and she began to enjoy feeling his thick lips against hers. When Ox left Lara’s mouth and roughly pushed her down to the ground, she almost wet herself in anticipation of what was about to happen.

Chapter 08
Luzon, Home of the Old Ones

Time had passed slowly for the dozens of elderly female servants since the departure of all the gods and their concubines. During the long days, the city’s once bustling courtyard located in the middle of Luzon Prime remained mostly deserted. Occasionally, an old woman scuttling across it on some errand important only to her.

The sun was just peeking out of the horizon when Izzy carefully made her way down the seraglio’s stone stairs and out into the cool morning air. In the back of her mind was the memory of what happened a week earlier.

* * *

The day had started like all the days before for the elderly women. With no overbearing masters or young odalisques to serve, the servants became bored without their familiar routines.

Some relished their unexpected freedom, however, and took full advantage of it by spending their days in the previously forbidden sections of the seraglio. Within days, it was a common sight to see a few daring servants walking around the building, their wrinkled bodies draped in frivolous, gauzy outfits. The older women had discovered these discarded clothes left behind in the bedrooms of the concubines.

Others, more energetic or perhaps simply more curious, enjoyed exploring the empty city. All these women, after aging rapidly until reaching the century mark, now considered themselves immortal. In the past, either a rejected concubine became an old crone like they were, or she was killed in a painful and degrading manner. If the latter, her master inflicted on the dead woman one final insult and returned her body to Earth as dust. As far as the surviving women knew, the only human females to die were the ones put to death by these angry gods.

Shortly before the abandonment, Vulcan forced the old ones as well as the frightened concubines to watch from the seraglio’s upper balcony as he savagely murdered the slut Astrid. Standing naked and defenseless in the courtyard, surrounded by all the hundreds of other gods, she received the ultimate punishment. Astrid had refused the sexual demands of her current master, Vulcan. Added to that, she also betrayed him by allowing another god to mate with her instead. After Vulcan forced her to drink a foul-tasting potion, the still young and beautiful Astrid started instantly to change into an old woman.

Unlike the elderly servants who would remain young internally forever, Astrid’s inside organs aged at the same rapid rate as her body, and the pain this caused was excruciating. By killing her in this public and sadistic manner, Vulcan sent a powerful message to all the other concubines. It was the same as the words inscribed on Jupiter’s golden chain of submission. “Submit or die!”

* * *

Sylvia, one of the gentlest and easygoing of the elderly servants, usually went outside on sunny afternoons. She would walk through the courtyard until she found an empty bench after which she quietly sat and read for hours. At times, this sensitive woman found the constant noise and confusion within the seraglio too much for her.

On this momentous day, Sylvia had just started down the long flight of stone stairs when she lost her footing. A few minutes later, another servant also decided to go outside for a breath of fresh air. From where Jessica stood at the top of the stairs, she spotted Sylvia sprawled face down on the floor. One of her feet was still lying on the bottom step.

As fast as she dared, because of the slippery steps and the sight of her friend in front of her, Jessica hurried down the stairs and bent over Sylvia. She first checked for a pulse and was unable to feel one. After noticing the blood seeping out from underneath the dead woman’s head already had formed a sticky puddle, she began to call out, “Help, somebody. I need help here.”

Jessica’s loud cries caught the attention of a few of the other women. One by one, they came to stand in a silent circle around Jessica and Sylvia. All of them appeared too stunned to speak at seeing the dead body of one of their own. One weeping woman thought, This isn’t supposed to happen to us. When my master forced me to become an old woman, he said I would have to live forever. He said the old ones never die, but he lied to me.

They finally understood the meaning of what had happened, and the enormity of the gods’ cruel lies slowly sunk in. Jessica was the first to say the words aloud that would change their lives. She whispered, “The gods didn’t trap us here forever. We are not immortal, forced to spend eternity in Luzon.” Her voice slowly rose with the joy of this discovery. “I’m still a human being and can look forward to eventually leaving here, even if it is in death.”

* * *

On the day of Sylvia’s death, Izzy remembered listening to the excited women when they straggled back into the common room. Unlike them, she had no desire to immediately leave Luzon by dying or in any other way. For the first time since leaving Earth at the age of 17, Izzy felt in complete control of herself and those around her.

Once an overused sexual slave belonging to Ares and then an ancient servant, Izzy discovered she was a born leader. The role of martinet, ordering the others to bend to her rules, came naturally to her, and she was not about to give up this heady power to death.

She had no desire to leave the comforts of Luzon for the eternal heat of Hades. She was determined that the voyage across the River Styx would just have to wait until she was ready to take it and not a second before then.

Chapter 09
Auspasia, Home of the Goddesses

“Get on with it, Ox,” ordered Daniel in a stern voice. “We haven’t got all day, and the whore’s got Timothy waiting for her when you’re done.”

“Yah,” yelled Timothy, “we ain’t got all day. Stop mucking around and plug her hole.” The 17-year-old boy, until recently an unwilling virgin, leaned closer to get a better view of what Ox was going to do with the whore. He anxiously shifted from foot to foot, nervous and sweating since he knew it would soon be his turn. Timothy hoped he could manage an erection with Daniel watching and possibly judging him. More than anything, Timothy wanted to impress his hero with his sexual prowess.

Both men watched Ox kneel on the grass next to Lara. After he grabbed the hem of Lara’s dress in his fist and pushed the material up around her waist, Ox let out a low moan. He pointed helplessly at Lara’s waist. Confused, all Daniel and Timothy saw was the tied ribbon drawstring holding up her knee-length undergarment.

“What the hell’s goin’ on? Why ain’t you screwin’ the whore?” Timothy walked over to get a closer look, but he could see nothing wrong. “The pretty thing looks okay to me, all sweet lookin’ and ready for us to ride her. Maybe ya want to begin’ by buggerin’ instead of humpin’ her? Just get a move on and do it. I’m getting a hard on waiting.” He looked back at Daniel, who just shrugged.

“My ma never learned me how to undo knots.” Ox took hold of the tightly tied ribbon and tugged on it. “I wanna see her snatch, but I can’t.” He seemed about to cry in frustration. “I can’t get her damn clothes off.”

When Lara heard Ox’s idiotic comments, she rolled her eyes at his stupidity. If this turns out a waste of my time, I’ll scream loud enough so that those blue bellies, whatever the heck they are, will hear me. She was beginning to think this whole trip had been a mistake. Maybe Aine told me the wrong time to visit Earth. She was about to stand up and return to Auspasia when she saw the oldest of the men angrily coming toward her.

“Oh, for crying out loud,” Daniel snarled, furious at the stupidity of his dim-witted companion. “Move out of my way,” and he angrily pushed Ox to one side. Daniel leaned down over Lara who had decided to wait and see what he would do.

From his experience raping the plantation’s female slaves, he knew just glaring at them would intimidate a women, especially those like the whore on the ground. For that reason, he could not understand the smile she was giving him. Infuriated by her insolence and using both hands, Daniel yanked at the undergarment’s waistband. When the material failed to tear right away, he sat down on her outstretched legs and pulled with all his strength.

Hearing the sound of ripping cotton, Timothy couldn’t keep from giggling. “See, Ox? That’s how a real man undoes knots.” He helped Daniel get back on his feet and waited for Ox to finish removing Lara’s undergarment.

Ox accomplished that without any further help from the others. Once again kneeling on the ground beside Lara, he shoved his hands under her ass. After yanking the loosened drawers out from under her body, Ox wasted no more time. He dragged the material down her long legs until he reached her feet.

Only then did he notice she was barefoot. Ox looked around for her shoes, since he remembered she had been wearing a pair of them earlier. Not knowing she was a goddess, Ox had no idea she made the shoes vanish while he was busy with his slobbering kisses.

“Sir, the bitch ain’t got no shoes. Do you see them anywhere?”

Daniel closed his eyes, trying to control his temper. Speaking slowly and clearly so Ox would understand, he said, “Forget her shoes, Ox. You don’t need her shoes. It’s not her feet that should interest you at the moment.” Startled, Daniel could not keep from jumping when another round of cannon fire suddenly sounded even closer. “Just hurry up so Timothy can have his turn with her before the blue bellies get here.”

Ox knew he must obey Daniel and rapidly finished removing the troublesome undergarment. Lara remained lying there looking like a sumptuous feast ready to be eaten by the three men. She was unlike the rest of the camp followers that the dozens of soldiers used and often abused. She looked clean and even smelled good.

Not wanting either of his companions to yell at him again, Ox easily pushed Lara’s legs apart and moved to crouch between them. He shoved his dirty fingers in the thick nest of blonde curls near her crotch. Lara tried not to wince from the pain of his nails scraping the tender flesh when he felt for and found her waiting pink slit. She was ready for him, though, in fact more than ready by this time.

Timothy and Daniel moved closer just as Ox undid his extremely filthy trousers and pulled out his thick penis from which semen was already dripping. Both of them knew the other man was proud of his rod’s large size and did not want to miss seeing Lara’s terrified reaction. She didn’t disappoint them when her eyes opened wide with her first glimpse of what Ox was holding in his hand.

They failed to realize the terror they thought they saw on her face was eager anticipation. Lara felt her excitement building. She found herself wondering about the taste of the wonderful treasure Ox had between his legs. I must figure out how to let him know I want more than his tongue in my mouth. . She tried not to lick her lips while thinking this, but she kept looking hungrily at his crotch.

Her pent-up sexual tension increased as Ox moved to position his large body over her slender one. When she felt the tip of his penis beginning to penetrate her, she wanted to tell him to go slow in order that she could silently savor the moment. Instead, she involuntarily let out a loud scream that caused the birds in the nearby trees to take off in flight. Instead of taking his time, Ox had forced the first few inches of his large, thick shaft into Lara with one strong thrust of his pelvis.

“Damn it, Ox,” yelled Timothy, mistaking Lara’s involuntary cry of uncontrollable pleasure for one of pain. “Leave some of her for me and Daniel.”

Ox ignored Timothy and probably didn’t even hear him. He was too busy trying to get the rest of his penis as deeply into Lara’s vagina as he could. Her lower body repeatedly arched and fell back onto the ground as she matched the rhythm of his powerful downward strokes. Relentlessly, she pushed him on, wanting to experience what it would feel like when he ejaculated and filled her with his thick seed.

Lara struggled to keep herself from climaxing too soon. Frantically, her hands grabbed at the ground as the intense waves of pleasure washed through her body. Realizing she was nearing her own orgasm, Lara fought to hold it off as long as she could. She began rolling her head back and forth on the ground, while she fought to drain Ox of his semen. Lara could not stop repeatedly crying out in ecstasy from the way Ox was treating her thrashing body. None of the gods she mated with over the centuries had ever given her as much sexual satisfaction as this rustic, illiterate pig farmer was doing.

“Ya like this, bitch, don’t ya? Oh yeah, that’s it. I like the way ya wiggle. Almost there, almost…almost.” His harsh words tapered off into loud grunts as Lara increased her wild gyrations underneath his heaving body.

Within seconds, he let out a loud rebel yell after which he collapsed in exhaustion on top of her.

Chapter 10
New Earth, Home of the Golden Ones

“Sweetheart, are you awake?” Never taking his eyes off the sight outside the window, Vulcan softly called out to Melody.

He grinned when he heard, “Mmph, no, gway,” this being Melody’s usual sleepy complaint whenever he woke her too soon. Reluctantly, Vulcan turned his back on what he found so interesting on the other side of the window. He felt rewarded, though, by the sight of his wife lying on the large bed. After their long night of vigorous lovemaking, Melody fell asleep lying on her stomach with her legs tangled in the satin, cream-color sheet.

Vulcan walked over to the bed and stood there silently admiring her outstretched, naked body, especially the rounded curves of her ass. Then, after a couple minutes, he sat down on the side of the bed. Gently shaking her shoulder, he softly whispered, “Wake up, sleepyhead. Come on, wake up.” He removed his hand when she opened her eyes and glared up at him.

“Wacha want?” asked Melody, still half-asleep and slurring her words. She came fully asleep when she saw how Vulcan was dressed. Rather, how he was not dressed. “How did you know I was hungry?”

Vulcan frowned, confused by this non sequitur. “I didn’t say anything about food.”

Melody sat up on the bed after untangling the rumpled sheet from around her legs. When she saw the expression on Vulcan’s face, she quickly explained. “I meant you looked good enough to eat,” and pointed, “especially that.” She accompanied this bawdy statement with a wicked grin.

“Okay, you might get your chance later,” teased Vulcan. “First, though, I want you to come and look out the window.” He pulled Melody off the bed and aimed her toward the window.

“Wait a minute. I can’t go to the window and have everyone see me undressed like this.” Melody grabbed her robe from the end of the bed and quickly put it on.

Vulcan even more quickly removed the robe and tossed it back onto the bed. “Everyone? Who is everyone? There’s only you and me. Oh yeah, the golden ones might see you, but I don’t think they’ll care. As for me, I love seeing you naked. In fact, I prefer seeing you that way.” He gave a tender slap to Melody’s too tempting bare ass and aimed her again toward the window.

When they got there, Vulcan pointed at the storm clouds that had traveled closer since he first saw them. He noticed they were even blacker, and he could see lightning flashing now and then within the clouds.

Suddenly, the same sky that gently rained down flecks of gold weeks earlier turned violent. Torrents of water immediately began to flood the streets of San Francisco. Repeated lightning strikes lit up the sky while the window rattled in its frame from the constant sound of nearby thunder.

“Oh, how beautiful,” Melody shouted this over the ear-shattering claps of thunder. “Thank you for waking me so I wouldn’t miss this.”

Vulcan was smart enough to take credit for waking her. He wisely failed to mention the loud thunder wouldn’t have let her sleep for long anyway.

To continue reading this story, chapters 11 thru 15 are in the link below.

 To Live Again In Paradise - Segment 03  (GC)
Chapters 11 thru 15
#2091507 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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