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Rated: GC · Novella · Erotica · #2091449
Chapters 01 thru 05
I have just one request. Because this novel was published years ago, it's too late to make any corrections or changes. Therefore, if you have any suggestions for improvement or find typographical errors, PLEASE KEEP IT TO YOURSELF!

This is also an eBook for sale on Amazon, but I left it in my WdC portfolio so members could read it for free.

Parts are a wee bit naughty, but I think you all can handle them. Please enjoy.


Chapter 01
Luzon, Home of the Old Ones

“Don’t leave me behind. Take me with you!” This horrified shriek came from Izzy, the old crone hated and feared by all the gods’ concubines. As soon as she got out of her narrow bed that morning, she had put her long gray hair into the usual neat bun. She spent the rest of the day running back and forth while helping the concubines pack before they left Luzon for good. Because of this frantic behavior, Izzy’s hair had come loose and currently hung down her back in a mess of tangled strands. Her long uniform, dark brown and unadorned, was the only kind Jupiter allowed the old servants to wear. Today, that dress actually smelled because of the nervous perspiration seeping from her armpits.

Ignoring the messy condition of both her hair and clothing, Izzy hurried out into the courtyard when she saw all the gods and their women heading into Vulcan’s forge. Rumors of their imminent departure had swirled around the seraglio all day, even down to the forbidden level where only the old ones lived. These rumors seemed true since nobody left the forge once they walked inside.

The individual rooms of the concubines emptied one by one, as each god came to collect his current bed partner. Some of the young females waited for hours, usually in tears by the time her immortal lover arrived. Without exception, each woman spent those long, lonely hours sitting on the edge of her bed. The knuckles on her hands turned white from clutching a small satchel containing her most precious treasures. Some had links of gold circling their hips. Others nervously twisted a brand new ring on their finger. After her master removed her chain of submission, he replaced it with this ring. Only recently had the women learned the meaning of both the chain and ring.

Even the seraglio’s large common room was empty. The multitude of large, satin pillows remained tossed casually on the floor, but no scantily clad young girls remained to sit and share their gossip with friends. On small tables scattered throughout the room, chocolates and other tempting treats stayed uneaten in beautiful crystal dishes. Since the day was quite cool, a fire burned unnoticed in the huge stone fireplace at one end of the room.

Hearing Izzy’s loud screeching voice, the remaining elderly women streamed out into the courtyard also screaming in mindless terror. Centuries earlier, each had been a young human female trained in sexual submission by one of Jupiter’s phalanx of randy satyrs. As soon as the satyr felt he had sufficiently trained the woman for the subservient life expected of her in Luzon, he would summon Jupiter.

The lord of the heavens, after verifying the satyr had properly disciplined the woman, drugged and kidnapped her from Earth. After they arrived at the seraglio in the city of Luzon Prime, Jupiter assigned her to service a particular god. He usually forced the frightened woman into his bed and raped her all through her first night on Luzon. This he claimed was his right according to an old feudal law.

Jupiter stated the only reason he did this was to make sure the satyr had completely trained the woman. According to him, he tested her thoroughly in order to verify she would submit to her future master without complaint. Everyone knew, though, it really was because he delighted in bedding women, whether they were willing or not. His philandering behavior often resulted in a bastard child, much to the fury of his wife. Hera, as Juno insisted everyone call her, previously lived separate from him on Auspasia. She only recently and most reluctantly returned with her daughter-in law, Venus, after learning the gods had left to fight the Titans.

Often the master of an enslaved woman eventually became bored or displeased with her, and another god could claim her. If none wanted her after two weeks, the rejected woman descended unwillingly to the lowest area of the seraglio. Once a pampered courtesan, she turned into a lowly servant and began aging rapidly, at least externally. When she reached the century mark, the years would stop increasing. It was her destiny to remain at that age through all eternity. Adding to the horror she found herself in, the servant internally was a young human trapped in an old, decrepit body.

Having watched all day as the gods escorted their concubines out of the seraglio, these frightened old women knew their previous masters were once again deserting them to their fate. They were afraid to get any closer to where Jupiter stood outside the forge. For that reason, the women soon stopped running toward him. Some fell to their knees, crying out for mercy. Others stood on the grass, tears flowing down their withered cheeks, waiting, not sure what would happen to them once Jupiter left. They knew his decision in the next few minutes, whether to take a couple dozen old women with him and Hera or leave them behind, would seal their fate.

From across the wide courtyard, Hera saw the women and jabbed her elbow into her husband’s ribs to get his attention. “Jupiter, what about them? Are you planning on bringing them with us?”

He scowled in annoyance when he saw where his wife was pointing. Up until then, he had been oblivious to the commotion and was not happy to have Hera bring it to his attention. Therefore, he said in a bored tone of voice, “Servants are not my concern. They’ll have to remain here since they’re no longer useful.” With that off-handed comment, he consigned over two dozen, decades-old women to infinity with no reason for living and an inability to die. Unable to receive the blessed release of death, these women would remain on Luzon forever.

After watching the last of the gods and his concubine enter the forge and disappear, Jupiter turned to Hera. “Are you ready? Vulcan and Melody are waiting for us.”

The distant cries of the elderly women increased when the couple headed for the forge, but she hardened her heart and forced herself to ignore them. Hera knew she must obey her husband’s inviolable decision about them without question. Before entering the building, she took one last look around what had been Jupiter’s world since leaving Mount Olympus eons ago. Deep inside her heart, she hoped that the females’ world of Auspasia would survive, but had her doubts.

Once inside the dim and overheated forge, Hera turned to Melody. “Come outside with me, my child, and let Jupiter have some last words with my son alone.” Still holding the evil golden chain belonging to her husband, she walked with Melody out into the courtyard. “Has Vulcan told you any of what will happen with you two after Jupiter and I leave Luzon?”

When Melody shook her head, Hera went on to explain. “You’ve probably heard when you were in school back on Earth about the story of how Prometheus created mankind out of clay back in the beginning of time. His attempts to better the lives of his creation brought him into direct conflict with my husband, and Jupiter severely punished him.

“With your Earth’s civilization recently turned into dust, due to the long time Eros was kidnapped, we all were aware a new human race must come from a sturdier material. Ignoring the opinions of the other gods and myself for something hard like iron, Jupiter unilaterally decided the humans would originate from gold. For that reason and accepting no argument from any of the other gods, he ordered all the chains of submission melted down and used to create this new race.”

Hera looked down in disgust at the long length of golden chain in her hands. “Even this must go into their creation, per Jupiter’s orders. “It’s time for you to be with Vulcan, so take this terrible item and send my husband out to me. Tell my son I love him and always have, no matter how poorly I showed it.” With that, Hera handed Melody the chain and gave her a gentle shove toward the forge.

Within minutes, Jupiter came back outside. He walked to where Hera waited and put his arms lovingly around her waist. With one last kiss, they quickly faded out of existence.

Before Vulcan could leave Luzon with Melody to start the new civilization on Earth, he knew he had to obey Jupiter’s last order. He quickly dropped that last chain of small golden links into a small pot and watched it melt. Vulcan then poured the molten gold into a mold and hid it way back on a high shelf to harden. Vulcan silently prayed that nobody would ever discover the final item, now safely hidden inside.

This final task done, Vulcan carefully picked up the shimmering, weightless container into which he already had poured the liquid gold from the hundreds of other melted chains. He looked at Melody, a mixture of eagerness and hope in his beautiful green eyes. “It’s time, my love. Hold on to my other hand tightly as if your life depended on it, for indeed it does.”

In less time than it takes to blink, the two of them vanished from Luzon, and a golden era on a New Earth began.

Chapter 02
Auspasia, Home of the Goddesses

On a nearby plane of existence lived the hundreds of goddesses, originally worshipped in many Earth countries. Their fury with the occupants of Luzon having grown over many centuries, these females now watched in amusement as gods and human females disappeared two by two into oblivion. At first Auspasia knew nothing about the war with the Titans on Luzon, and their peaceful world remained untouched. The fact that there no longer was anyone on Earth to visit their shrines and places of worship failed to bother them. None of the goddesses missed the human adoration as all their male counterparts did. They were content to live quietly in the small friendly villages throughout Auspasia.

Auspasia, unlike the male-dominated Luzon currently populated only by the old ones, contained various goddesses, nymphs and other assorted females of myth. During the time long ago when the gods left Mount Olympus and other sacred unearthly places, the males unanimously decided they preferred to only mate with human females. Until the Titans kidnapped Eros, followed by the ensuing war with them, the gods led by Jupiter refused to allow any goddess entry into their masculine utopia of sexual excess.

In retaliation, the angry females decided to also leave their own homes and create a second world where no gods could set foot. Hera headed this rebellion against the self-appointed lord of the heavens, her arrogant and often faithless husband.

“But, Hera, without our males we can no longer have children.” This complaint came from Venus, the breathtakingly beautiful goddess of love and Vulcan’s unfaithful former wife. She was one of the dozens of goddesses, once worshipped in myriad Earth cultures, who were currently debating what to include in their new world. Heads nodded upon hearing her sad words since children were important to some of them.

Libera held up her hand to make a suggestion. Everyone quieted to hear what this wise Italian fertility goddess would say. ”Ladies, there is no need to give males, whether god or human, a chance to defile our new world as they did the old one.” She looked in Hera’s direction. “Your husband often went to Earth, sometimes in various disguises or even invisibly, to produced offspring with assorted females there. Why not take a lesson from his exploits and search out human men to impregnate us?”

Her anger increasing as she thought of Jupiter’s many demigod bastards, Hera agreed to this plan. That problem settled easily, the women went on to other less important subjects. They tossed ideas back and forth, implementing the best and discarding the rest. Slowly, they created what they considered a perfect world for themselves and their future children. Peace and quiet settled over this land that they whimsically named Auspasia after a fictional country known to be the noisiest place on Earth.

Some time passed before the overpowering urge to procreate came over some of the younger goddesses. For the simple reason those living on Luzon and Auspasia were not dependent on time or calendars, the residents on those two worlds were able to visit Earth during any period of time they wished. By the women’s convoluted calculation, Earth was entering the autumn of the humans’ year 1173 AD.

Aine, the Celtic goddess of love and fertility, was the first to approach Hera. “I wish to return to Ireland. There is a male there I’ve watched during my long, lonely nights who pleases me.” After saying this, she waited for Hera’s response, even though she knew she did not need the older goddess’s permission. Although it had been some months since the females agreed to mate with men from Earth, Aine was the first to dare experimenting this way.

“Is he worthy of you?” was all Hera asked. Seeing Aine eagerly nodding, she smiled and watched the young goddess leave Auspasia for Earth.Good luck, my child., and enjoy what the rest of us are only dreaming of doing right now. Hera knew if Aine’s night adventure went well, many of the other goddesses would soon travel to Earth to find their own sexual satisfaction. The urge to procreate was too strong for them to ignore for long, and Hera knew women, even goddesses, often felt incomplete without children. Added to that, Auspasia needed children to survive and grow.

* * *

After fading away from Auspasia, Aine found herself on a moonlit night at the top of a grassy hill. She knew it was near the town of Waterford, Ireland. At first, all she did was listen to the faint sound of frogs in a nearby pond while a soft breeze played around her. The gentle zephyr pressed the sheer, ankle-length tunic she wore against her shapely body. Nobody was there, though, to admire her naked curves clearly revealed through the diaphanous material.

Keeping out of sight, she looked down into a long valley filled with sleeping Norman soldiers. Within minutes, she located the tent of the man she planned to seduce. Luckily, the man pitched it at the outermost limits of a large grouping of tents bordering a wide field of wildflowers. Here and there among the tents Aine saw campfires around which some lazy soldiers gossiped instead of keeping guard against the enemy.

“You are mine to do with as I desire all this night,” she whispered, slowly making her way down the hill. While crossing the field leading to the tents, her dancing bare feet never touch the ground. In this way, she failed to crush or even bruise any of the flowers in her path. In her happy expectation of what was about to happen, Aine started humming a plaintive song of forbidden love. A long-ago lover wrote this for her when both were much younger. She remembered the song, but not the name of the lover.

Reaching the edge of the camp, she noticed two outpost guards showed more conscientiousness than their comrades huddled around the campfires. They were starting to make their rounds around the perimeter of the hundreds of tents. Aine’s sudden silence failed to alert the men, and she passed by them unobserved. When she eventually pulled aside the opening flap of the tent, she noticed two other men, besides the one she wanted, were soundly sleeping inside.

Aine walked without hesitation to the larger and definitely more handsome soldier on the far side of the tent. Her softly spoken instructions when she bent over were, “This is only a dream. You are dreaming of taking a willing female in your bed. In your dream, you have hot, wet, and passionate sex all night, but you will not remember anything about her in the morning.” Those words kept him sleeping soundly while she quickly removed his night garment. This consisted only of a canvas breechcloth that covered only a small portion of the slumbering infantry soldier. Aine tossed the little piece of well-worn cloth behind her where it landed on the dirt floor next to his cot.

“My love, you’re by far much better equipped than I had even hoped.” Aine gazed slowly and in delight up and down the full length of his long, naked body. She stopped and paid particular and lengthy attention to the section of his anatomy no longer hidden by the canvas. Spread out on his back in relaxed slumber, the muscular man was ready for the sexually frustrated goddess to begin her ravishment of him.

Aine was unable to wait any longer, and she quickly shoved his long legs apart to gain better access to his groin. She started to croon to herself at seeing the thick patch of black hair in which nestled his meaty rod. Leaning over the slumbering man, Aine started her seduction by stroking his flaccid penis with one hand. She moved her hand up and down the limp shaft trying to make it firm enough to satisfy her growing need.

With her free hand, Aine ran her fingertips over his mouth until she felt his lips part. When his wet tongue reached out to lick her fingers, Aine whispered, “Yes, oh yes, you’re almost ready for me. If we have time, you may even taste more than my fingers.” A grunt from one of the other sleeping men warned her she needed to hurry. Soon it would be dawn, and she wanted to be back on Auspasia by then. At this point, she decided to use both her hands to hurry the process along, and her massage of his penis grew faster, harder, and more intense.

Finally, his increase in size was enough to please her. Aine bunched her long tunic up around her waist and placed her slender legs on either side of the man’s hips. Using one hand, she search between their two bodies and quickly found his jutting member. After inserting this into her body, a soft sigh of intense pleasure escaped her. I’ve never been with a human male before, only gods, went through her mind, wondering if she would need to do anything different to keep Earth men aroused.

Even though the man was only experiencing her in a dream, Aine felt him instinctively pushing his hips up to met her first downward thrust. Each time their bodies met, he would fiercely grind his pelvis against her until she felt she might scream from the intense and erotic pleasure this action gave her. No problem. Human males react just like the gods. She quickened the pace, tightening her legs against his thrashing hips to keep from falling off his sweat-soaked body. “More, harder, faster, faster.” Her increasingly breathless words, heard only by the dreaming man, soon accomplished her reason for being there.

After feeling his thick flow of semen pouring into her, Aine moved off the soldier, careful still not to awaken any of the three men. Giving the man she had just mated with a parting lingering kiss, she left the tent and soon was back on Auspasia and standing next to Hera.

* * *

“Well, what do you have to tell me? Did all go well, and did you enjoy yourself?” asked Hera, seeing the happy expression on the face of the young goddess. However, she felt she needed to give a warning to this sexually contented woman. “Aine, you do know the human males must not know of our existence here, don’t you?”

“Don’t worry. I was extremely careful, and he will wake up tomorrow believing he only had a wonderfully wet dream.” With no further explanation of what had transpired on Earth with her soldier, Aine returned to her home to enjoy the new life she knew and already could feel was growing inside her womb.

Chapter 03
New Earth, Home of the Golden Ones

In an entirely different time frame from that of Luzon or Auspasia, the verdant continents and blue oceans of Earth were without any sign of sentient beings. The long war to rescue Eros, otherwise known by some as Cupid, from the Titans had caused the complete extinction of humankind. Without the benefit of his arrows to spark love between men and women, there were no children.

Eventually, within a handful of decades, all the various race of human beings died out. This extinction of every person, not matter what their skin color or where they previously lived, did not affect the rest of the Earth’s thousand species of other living creatures. They remained plentiful on the land and in the sea, but humanity no longer existed.

After melting the many golden chains and placing them in a container, except for Jupiter’s evil one that remained hidden on Luzon, Vulcan had only one remaining duty to perform. This was to encircle the planet and give rise to what would become New Earth’s civilization. With Melody’s help, he scattered the resultant flecks of gold onto all the planet’s white clouds. Immediately the clouds became dark with rain, following which each continent received its fair share of the seeding.

When there was no more liquid gold in the shimmering, weightless container, Vulcan gently touched down on the ground with Melody near the old city of San Francisco. Melody was so in awe of what was happening that she failed to notice both she and Vulcan wore no clothes. When she finally did, their nudity felt perfectly natural to her.

A nearby street sign indicated they were at the intersection of Geary Boulevard and Van Ness Avenue, two major thoroughfares in the city. Vulcan took Melody’s hand in his, and they stood on the empty sidewalk looking around at what San Franciscans once nicknamed the City by the Bay.

Currently, the only signs of life on the sidewalks were the skulking dogs hunting for scraps of food. Two mangy hounds caught sight of a recently dead pigeon lying on the sidewalk at the same time. Shocked, Melody watched as they viciously attack one another, until one gained the advantage and ate the fresh meat. The loser left with its long tail between its legs. One ear now was torn to shreds and bleeding profusely.

While Vulcan gazed with anticipation up at the sky, Melody looked away from the two mutts. Instead, she sadly took in the changes of the deserted city. Skyscrapers, once teeming with life, stood empty. Unseen by her, rats that came up from the city’s overflowing sewers replaced businessmen in offices and apartments. Ravenous cats searched out these plumb rodents to supplement their meager diet.

Suddenly, one dark cloud floated in from San Francisco Bay. Instead of the usual downpour of rain, the cloud released its golden content onto the city. In delight, Melody watched as people started appearing around them. First, she would see a tiny fleck of gold land on the sidewalk or blade of grass, and then a young adult man or woman would emerge from it. Their naked bodies were not white, black, or any other color of the previous human race. All had an ever-so-faint shimmer of gold about them. Each male had green eyes similar to Vulcan’s, and the women’s eyes mimicked Melody’s blue ones. The hair color of each sex also matched their parents, black for men and blonde for the women.

Melody continued to cling to Vulcan’s hand, not entirely sure of what had just happened. Vulcan tried to explain, seeing she was still speechless, “My love, there are no more ancient deities. Even I am now mortal like you. The chains I melted back on Luzon contained the spirits of hundreds of the gods along with every woman they had mated with over the centuries. This, of course, also included the old servants Jupiter left behind.

“The goodness of Grace and the humor of Loki remain scattered throughout the humanity you see before you. There is also the selfishness that Ares had all his long life, but Oghma tempered this unpleasant trait with the affection he felt for his sweet Brianna. Each god and woman brings something to this new race of humans, even us.” He saw she understood and went on, “Only the evil caused by Jupiter’s original chain and imbued in its links is missing from our New Earth children.”

“What do we bring?” Finally able to speak, Melody turned to her husband, a god who was now human, standing beside her. She felt his warm arms pulling her against his naked body and relaxed.

“Why, my wife, we bring equality between the sexes. I no longer am your master, simply your husband who loves you and has learned to listen and learn from you.”

Vulcan smiled at Melody’s confusion. “Soon, my beloved one, our golden ones will fill every continent on this empty planet. I also hope you and I will create youngsters in the normal way. In fact, I looked forward to many nights of doing the creation.” His sudden grin left no mistake of what he meant before he added, “In time, the differences in these golden adults will emerge and merge. For now, though, I used us as the templates for the new human race. What do you think of our first children?”

Not waiting for an answer, he continued, “Shall we explore and see what this new world is like before it becomes too crowded?”

Chapter 04
Luzon, Home of the Old Ones

It took a long time for the reality of their current situation to penetrate the minds of the old ones. Once it did, though, one leader eventually emerged from the mass of frightened woman.

* * *

When brought to Luzon from Earth centuries ago, 17-year-old Isabella Dupont’s first master was Ares, the handsome god of war. Izzy survived and even encouraged his violent ways until the night she made an unforgivable mistake. When Ares climbed on top of her for the third time, an exhausted Izzy unthinkingly said, “No!” A split second after saying that one word, she realized what she had done and began to panic.

Nobody denied Ares anything without dire consequences, especially an easily replaceable female slave. Furious, Ares dragged Izzy, defenseless and hysterically begging his forgiveness, from his bed and outside across the courtyard. When they reached the seraglio’s large central room filled with the other concubines, Ares waited until there was complete silence among them.

His voice thundered throughout the room when he let the others know of Izzy’s punishment. “This slut is no longer under my protection.” Ares slowly looked around the room, all the while holding on tightly to Izzy’s bruised arm.

Seeing he had the complete attention of the cowering women, he gave them such a malevolent smile that two fainted from terror. His next words matched his evil expression. “She will not be receiving the two weeks to ensnare another master. I am banishing this whore immediately to the lower chambers to become one of the old ones. She will never offend another god as she just did to me.”

Seeing one of the ancient servants hovering close by, Ares shoved his discarded concubine in that direction. That was the last time anyone saw Izzy as a young women. When she finally returned from the bowels of the seraglio weeks later, the once-beautiful Isabella Dupont had turned into an ugly beldame. After that, she answered only to the name of Izzy. Bitterness and hatred toward all the gods, but especially Ares on whom she vowed revenge some day in the future, filled her for what she considered an unjustified fate.

* * *

With the gods and the young women finally gone from Luzon, Izzy immediately took advantage of this unexpected freedom. She knew outside the compound where the old women lived were many communities of lesser beings. For untold centuries, some of these humble creatures delivered food and drink to the concubines’ seraglio. The old women who worked in the kitchen also prepared meals they eventually delivered to the homes of the gods living inside the city of Luzon Prime. Other male villagers made the ambrosia and brewed the potent nectar favored by the gods. Those living in another area far away from the many closer villages kept the horses of the fierce gods like Thor, until needed for war.

“Ladies, we must organize if we want to survive,” shouted Izzy, gaining the attention of the stunned women. “The first thing we have to do is send someone to the village where Dionysus lived to make sure his minions continue to bring us fresh wine.” She pointed to Cecilia, one of the strongest of the elderly females. “You just volunteered to go.”

For the next few hours, Izzy forced the others to obey her every command. In this way, she was determined to wipe out all traces of the hated male deities from Luzon.

Chapter 05
Auspasia, Home of the Goddesses

Once Aine told the other young goddesses of how enjoyable it was to mate with human men, a few began making plans to follow her example. Lara, previously an aged goddess of the underworld before coming to Auspasia, decided she was ready to experience life and rejected all aspects of death. By coming out of the darkness of Hades into the light of Auspasia, she felt the hot juices of youth once again flowing through her supple body.

Having made this decision, Lara made her way one afternoon through the nearby forest to a cluster of cozy homes, one of which belonged to Aine. When she knocked on the door of her friend’s bungalow, she heard the cries of a newborn infant coming from inside. She smiled at this sound and knew she would do anything to have a baby of her own.

Aine opened the door, her tiny daughter draped over her shoulder. “Lara, come in and sit while I feed this noisy critter.” This last she said lovingly. Lara followed the new mother into a small kitchen filled with the smell of freshly baked bread and sat down at the kitchen table.

“Not that I don’t enjoy your company, but what brings you out in this cold weather?” Aine asked this after she joined Lara at the table and exposed one breast for the hungry baby to suckle.

Lara unconsciously ran her fingers through her long hair while nervously speaking in a low voice. “As you know, too long I’ve simply been a mother of the dead. Now I want to have a live child like your little one.” She waited to see if Aine understood and saw only curiosity in the other woman’s eyes. “I need your help in finding a human male to breed with, and I’m completely unfamiliar with Earth and its history. Can you suggest any particular type of human and where to find him?”

Aine started laughing, but stopped when she realized Lara was serious. “I’m sorry. You’re not joking, aren’t you? Let me ask you some questions first to get an idea of what man would suit you best.” After two hours of productive conversation with her friend, Lara left Aine’s cottage and returned home in better spirits. She knew where she would go the next day and what to do when she got there.

* * *

The next morning, Lara concentrated and suddenly was on Earth. She was standing in a small grassy area surrounded by a circle of oak trees. The sight of a beautiful woman appearing out of nowhere startled three men of varying ages. They all looked exhausted and wore torn and stained gray uniforms. Lara was able to mask her delight upon realizing she had arrived during the era recommended by Aine.

After much discussion with Aine, she decided to venture to a time near the end of the American Civil War. Not to confuse anyone who saw her, Lara made sure to wear an outfit appropriate for that particular era. Lara knew what to expect once she decided to dress like a camp follower of the confederate army. This was exactly the adventure she wanted, and Lara was more than ready for the task ahead of her.

Giving the rebels a seductive smile, Lara took several deep breaths to reveal the tops of her plump breasts. She had designed the neckline of her green, cotton dress low enough to accomplish this, and she became practically dizzy with anticipation when the men moved closer and then even closer.

To continue reading this story, chapters 06 thru 10 are in the link below.

 To Live Again In Paradise - Segment 02  (GC)
Chapters 06 thru 10
#2091502 by J. A. Buxton

© Copyright 2016 J. A. Buxton (judity at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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