Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2091398-Gods-Memorys-Act-6---Battle
by match
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2091398
Shorter part, still Wip. Continuation of the story.
Act 6 - Battle

Dain stood in his bedroom with his large one meter wide telescope on its tripod. He looked out of his window at one of the houses in a different row. He wasn't expecting to see much, after all what he'd overheard the girls saying was probably just something to do with some dumb video game but.. well.. he'd taken the laptop Gem had been using when she wasn't looking and read over the strange text, the only way to be sure nothing was going on was to watch it for himself. So there he was in his own bedroom, looking out over a house forty-two.

He began to grow board and consider going back downstairs, when he saw an unbelievable blue beam of light, similar to that of something out of Star Trek. He looked thought the telescope and could now see 3 men in what looked like white navy uniforms. Cylindrical metal jars and a large square white box had appeared with the men as well. More surprising then this were the incredible life like wings of the three men. One of them pressed a button on the wristwatch he was wearing and a translucent green dome appeared, encompassing most of the houses in the estate. The dome stopped just across the street from Dain's house. Dain watched as in each house people closed there curtains and turned the lights off~

Dain was unaware at the time but the green dome was a type of magic that made all weak minded individuals inside it get a sudden urge to go to sleep in bed. As for the beam of light, it was a plain bridge. Powerful angel sorcerers could conjure gate ways between the first plain (heaven) and the second (the universe) . Depending on the caster, the bridge would appear differently but to any human not looking to see something special, it would appear as a bolt of lightning. Its considered the fastest mode of transport and the developers of its type of magic became high standing angels over the creation of such a talent. For the purpose of moving the heavy equipment used for resource collection, plain bridges were a must.

The three men who'd come down in the bridge where now getting to work setting up the simplistic looking equipment, unaware of the shadow of a person in the house's chimney breast. On the other side of the fence, just a few meters from the men knelt a second person and behind the wall of the house a third.

Bullets hailed down on the trio of men from the roofs direction. "Jorge, Emile, return fire!!" the man who had sergeants strips on his shoulder, yelled. He raised his rifle and shot at the direction of the roof, trying to fight off the figure dual wielding SMGs. Jorge and Emile raised there own weapons as well and started shooting at the mystery attack while slowly backing into the cover of the garage they had arrived next to. The strange figure crouched back into the protection of the chimney, while a second figure stood from behind the fence and opened fire with a burst of inaccurate blasts. Emile turned to shoot at the new attacker, as a third person burst forward form the side of the house. Before Jorge could even see the enemy coming, Emile had been stabbed in the heart by a nameless Fragment.

"Pierce" Gem yelled and the dagger glowed green and went straight thought the unsuspecting solider. Blood spattered Gems face. She trusted her hand forward and the body slid off, falling gracelessly to the ground, staining the grass beneath it. Emile shouted out in anger raising his weapon and firing. Gem had already started to run tho and was soon in the cover of the house with little more then a couple scratches.

Alec was crouching in the cover of the chimney when she heard the voice telling her to move. The girls were using Pur (the fragment Cam had summoned) to communicate telepathically. Alec took a deep breath and stood up, hailing fire from her two SMGs down on Emile. The unsuspecting solider died almost instantly and fell near the body of his comrade, who's body was starting to disappear, leaving only his gun and a pile of feathers. The sergeant who been standing in the cover of the garage, was fast on his feet, he managed to scrap Alec's shoulder with a bullet, before she could dodge. Cam quickly stood up from behind the fence but the enemy was fast. He raised his hand and a blue translucent wall appeared, deflecting the bullets. The man seemed adapt at magic, as he was able to keep shooting at Alec and hold up the shield.

Cam ducked back down behind the fence again and gave an order. Alec heard the order loud and clear and stood from her cover. She knelt and then jumped from the roof of the building into the nights sky, the silhouette of her body outlined over the starry night as she soared through the air, firing how SMGs all the while. She landed behind the enemy and dropped one of the guns, she then ran toward the man, gun firing forward, she agilely avoided his bullets and pushed through the pain of those that caught her off guard. The enemy looked unworried, happy in the safety of his shield, when he heard Gem calling out to Alec. Gem threw the knife straight over the enemy and Alec jumped into the air to catch it, using the momentum she'd gained, she thrust forward, knife in hand, straight thought the magic shield and into the enemy solider. "Pierce" she said quietly, and the man fell dead next to the rest of his squad.~

Cam told Gem and Alec to go on ahead, seeing as she had, had the least important part of the attack, she agreed to tidy up. She picked up all the guns and ammunition and put them into a sack, she also took one of the cylindrical containers. She then took out a small bag of the feathers from the bounty hunter Match had killed a few days ago and spread it with the rest of the feathers. This way when the plain bridge opened again, the angels in heaven would think that their men were killed by bounty hunters, hoping to steal the equipment. Cam then ran off to catch up with her two team mates. Gem seemed quite pleased with the results of the raid, high fifing Cam but even after healing her wounds, Alec didn't have much to say. Alec always went quite when the squad had to kill real people.~

From his room Dain watched the blue beam appear again and take back the remains of what had come down with it, he watched as the green dome slowed disappeared and looked down the road at the three angels walking back up to his house. "I always thought angels would be... more neat" he muttered to himself in a state of disbelief at the events he had just seen unfold.

End of Act 6...
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