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Rated: GC · Fiction · Satire · #2091359
Story about unbalanced man who decides there are good feminists and bad feminists.
The Bad Feminist V the Good Feminists by Rory Smith

Chapter One - There Is Always More To Enjoy

Life’s a game.
Goes the cry.
From every enemy of mine.
I would love to win this time.
But never do the ghosts in sign.

Duet Aled Julian was a blonde haired average height, fairly effeminate, but heterosexual football fan. Aged twenty one years old. To his shame he was a virgin, and had never had a girlfriend, despite having lots of crushes on women. He found it difficult to talk to women, due to being bullied at school he lacked self confidence.
He had few friends at university or school.
Duet found as a lower middle class man, that the snobby middle classes saw him as working class scum, and the inverted snobby working class saw him as a ponce toff who had all the breaks they never got, and who had intellectual interests they thought made you gay, like studying hard for school and university and liking politics, and geography.
The troubled football fan was watching Covendu Rangers in the Covendu Rangers Football Stadium.
Duet was a troubled computing student at the University of Covendu. He sold half time lottery tickets to fans for Covendu Rangers FC, but this time he was hiding a potentially lethal secret. You see although he sold tickets for the home team, he was in fact a supporter of Coalport Cymru, the surprise challengers for the English Football League. The Welsh had their own league but the biggest Welsh sides such as Coalport Cymru played in the English Mega Football League system.
Duet kept the grin off his face as Coalport Cymru raced into a startling 3-0 victory over the English side.
Covendu were a giant team with a 40,000 all seater stadium, and had just been knocked out of Europe by Scottish side President City Scottish Thistle.
The best manager in the Mega League history had been Alex Dagham the Scottish manager of Glaspool United who won two World Club Championships, 10 League titles, 4 European Cups, 5 European Super Cups, and 1 Cup Winners Cup between 1992 and 2009. Dagham used to manage in The Scottish Mega League where he won numerous Scottish titles. But Dagham moved to the biggest club in the world Glaspool United.
England itself was suffering the after affects of World War Three where the inside of Covendu was blown up by a small sized nuclear bomb by terrorists, killing 20,000 people.

World War Three was the biggest event in recent history to English people. Who could forget the cry, ‘Three World Cups and one World Cup?’
The World Cup referred to the 1990 victory over West Germany, a sweet revenge for the 1966 World Cup defeat at the Old Wempden Stadium with a capacity 110,000 all seater stadium with their famous triplet towers.
Duet got back to his student accommodation and listened to the scores;
Thesingham 2 Hamfordbridge 1;
Castle River 0 Stagington 0;
Eastonburgh 3 Edwardcastle Fortress 4;
Covendu Rangers 0 Coalport Cyrmru 3;
Glaspool United 1 Glaspool 0;
Eastonburgh Arabia 2 Deenham 1;
Eastonburgh Scottish 4 Eastonburgh Welsh 0;
Royal Eastonburgh 0 Southceister 2;
Queenham Victorians FC 1 Manstag Shakespeare 0;
Tenth Valley Green Raiders 0 Royal King Capitals 2;
Newfort County 1 James Town Forest 0.

He cheered with delight as he watched Mega League Tonight, the staple diet of all football fans in England. The show that showed all the goals, and flashpoints in the games. Duet thought he could even see himself in one of the views of the Kop Stand.

Duet thought that there could be no better way to enjoy himself than watching a new TV comedy show. The show was advertised for the brand new feminist comedian Gormain Brand, a writer, comedian, critic, and actress. He knew little of her except that she was a feminist.
Duet saw himself as a feminist and had decided female equality was a good thing, and that only sexist evil men were against the progressive values of feminism.
But Duet had not banked on something that would shock him, for the most important and seminal faze of his life.
Gormain Brand’s entire act seemed to fly in the face of everything Duet had considered what feminists believed.
The first 20 minutes of the show contained Gormain ranting insults at victims of bullying. She said she supported school bullying, and that some children deserved to be bullied, and the crowd cheered her evil rants, as if with a religious fervour. She said weirdoes, nerds, creepy guys and sad losers deserved to be bullied to suicide.
Duet had been bullied at school, and these rants made him furious in his young testosterone fuelled mind.
Then Gormain proceeded to rant about how she supported racism, homophobia, lower wages for women, wife beating. She then ranted that she supported rape, and child sex abuse.
Gormain ranted that any man who disagreed with her was a creepy weirdo misogynistic women hater. The audience cheered her warped views as if she was the new fresh face of an ideology.
Just when Duet thought she could not get any worse. Gormain then spouted out a tedious sycophantic diatribe in favour of bad boys, gangsters, wife beaters, and how she hated nerdy geeky men, creepy guys, who are bullied at life. She said they were women haters. They are the dangerous ones.
Gormain then said, ‘The other day me and my friends were in a nightclub, and a man came up to us and threatened to rape me and my friends.’
Then she smiled creepily, but to the audience it was knowingly then she beamed, ‘I asked. Where do I sign up?’
Gormain continued, ‘And then a bumbling man walked up to us and asked one of us for a dance, so we told him to jump off a cliff. Imagine that when we saw a bad boy who threatened to rape us, we were turned on, but we wanted to kill that good man.’

The audience cheered this vile repulsive women as if she was brave and heroic for standing up for evil.

But Duet was not stopped from watching yet. He then saw a punk group invited on to the show. The punk group who labelled themselves by the name, ‘Women Only Tool Kits,‘ styled themselves as militant lesbians. They proceeded to sing songs about how they hated men who mate for life, and how they loved bad boys.

Duet could not believe these people. He picked up his golf club and in fury smashed it through his TV. From the halls he heard another student come to his door and asked if he was OK. Duet replied, ‘Yeah, nothing, just dropped a glass on the floor.’
Duet crouched down to the floor in sheer anger. And decided to tell the world that good feminists were good, but that bad feminists needed to be stopped.
He had an epiphany. He decided there were bad feminists and good feminists. He phoned up a local football phone in show and spoke about football for 10 seconds, then started ranting that, ‘Bad feminists are diametrically opposed to what good feminists want. Bad feminists support rape, bullying, wife beating, sex abuse, sexual harassment, discrimination against women, but then decide insulting a few good men makes that OK. While good feminists are against all that is evil.’
The rant continued for 2 minutes.
With lines such as, ‘Why is it lesbians decide to support bad men. I know there are good lesbians and bad lesbians, just as there are good heterosexuals and bad heterosexuals, but why do some lesbians see it as a badge of honour to support bad evil men, and to hate good men?’
Duet did not realise that these comments sounded homophobic to some people, but he felt so angry, with the emotions swirling in his head, the blood rushed through his young energetic troubled angry young mind.

Chapter Two - The Panel Show
Most of the people who heard the comments by Duet did not care what he was saying. And found it bizarre that the show continued his ranting and raving, while this was supposed to be a football show.
Fortunately for Duet he did not listen to the rest of the radio call in show, as every caller started their call with an offensive barb, or hurtful comment. or whisker of verbal abuse at Duet, such as calling him a weirdo or scary guy.
But one ruthless millionaire had heard the rant, and was snidely furious with Duet. His local radio station had allowed this guy to spout out his anti bullying views, and Harry decided to furiously suppress Duet, or destroy him in the process.
Harry decided to fund a pro bullying conspiracy with 20 million pounds from his personal fortune. He invited Gormain Brand, and two comedy panellists Ronnie Paxwell, and Alwen Pascoe.
There he plied them with drink and drugs and they agreed to have a new campaign to destroy Duet, and to campaign for people to be sexually attracted to evil men, and for evil to take over the mantle of feminism from the progressives.
The next night Harry Parry decided to host a comedy panel show live from Covendu Theatre, for his radio station.
The comedy show contained Harry Parry as the host, and Gormain Brand, Ronnie Paxwell and Alwen Pascoe as the guest panellists.
But as was expected by Harry, Duet decided to turn up in the panel.
Harry Parry was known as a multi millionaire seducer of beautiful women. And the first joke he decided to do for the show was to walk up to the audience and talk to a 79 year lady, who had a hearing aid. He started goading her with the comment that 30 years ago she was a real live wire. He said, ‘So remember me Mildred? Remember the moves you taught me? Wow you were a wild one, a real whore in the bedroom. Mind you, you were a whore everywhere.’
The audience laughed at Harry humiliating the old lady who tried to turn her hearing aid up to hear what Harry was saying, but she could not make out over the noise of laughter.
A good woman in the audience by the name of Kitty then spoke up for the old aged pensioner, ‘How dare you bully this old lady! She came here for entertainment, not to be humiliated.’
Harry Parry responded with anger, ‘It is freedom of speech for me to say whatever I want. I can say what I want. Is that not what our forefathers fought for? How dare you as a liberal decide to hate me. Every liberal should love me for my humour.’
Kitty shouted, ‘Just because I am liberal does not mean I have to like a horrible bully like you. Freedom of speech does not mean I have to like horrible people.’
Harry responded with deep vengeful anger, ‘You think you’re superior to me don’t you. Well you’re not. I have slept with thousands of women. I could buy a night in bed with cheap trollop like you for a less than the price of my haircut, I feel sorry for your husband or boyfriend for living with cheap frigid ugly dog like you. Now get out of here, before you make me and the rest of the people here sick, with your ugly pig face. I have no reason to feel inferior to an ugly cow like you. I have slept with thousands of more beautiful woman than you.’
In the audience Duet was furious at these sexist rants, but was too nervous to shout back at this stage.
The audience booed and jeered, the brave, Kitty for standing up to the evil bully Harry Parry.
Gormain Brand, and Paxwell and Pascoe applauded Harry for his bullying attitude. Gormain shrieked, ‘Wonderful, you put that weirdo in her place.’
Then Harry decided to draw out Duet with some pro bullying comments.
Harry said, ’Don’t faggoty kids deserve to be bullied?’
Gormain, Pascoe and Paxwell all agreed.
Then he decided another track, to talk about Socialist Party leader Ed Brond.
Ed Brond had a nerdy geeky image to the public and was regularly attacked in the press. But he was strong enough to take it.
Pascoe decided to say, ’I don’t think he should be Prime Minister because it would be like putting the bullied person in power. For their own good they should not get top jobs.’
Then Paxwell agreed saying, ‘Yes. Imagine what they have inside them after all that bullying. They would be really dangerous.’
Duet finally flipped, and ran up to the stage, to stand up for Ed Brond, ‘That is evil. What you are saying is that anyone who has been bullied or abused in some way should never get the top job because they might have a lot of anger in them. Does that mean no black victims of racism, no gay victims of homophobia, no female victims of sexism, no Irish victims of sectarianism should ever get to be PM or have a top job? That is an evil bullying logic, which stands no moral scrutiny.’
Pascoe shouted back, ‘You’re horrible to say I’m a bad person for wanting to suppress victims of abuse. I want to help them and the last thing victims of abuse need is to have positions of power or responsibility. It is better for them to have nothing in their lives. I know this because I bullied people at school. And I feel sorry for them, and realise they should be suppressed and never be allowed to achieve anything in life. I am kind for believing that. And you’re horrible for saying I’m a bad person.’
Gormain then shouted at Duet shouting, ‘You are a creep. Stay away from women. You are dangerous. You are a weird creepy guy. Women hate you, and men hate you. You’re a misogynistic creepy guy. Stay away from women. Everyone hates you.’
Then Gormain sneered snidely.
The audience cheered her bullying remarks so Duet shouted back at her, ‘You are not a good feminist, you are a bad feminist. You support evil bullying, racism, homophobia, rape, sexism, wife beating, you’re a bad feminist, not a good one. You are diametrically opposed to good feminism, you support all that is evil, and then dress it up that you are the feminist, and that anyone who disagrees with you is a woman hating sexist, even when you are standing up for rape.’

Duet felt furious, as he was chucked out on his back, and banged his head bleeding from the side of his head.

Duet was humiliated, and angry, like a wounded animal, and went back to his student accommodation.
There was good news Coalport Cymru had won again for the second match in quick succession against Manstag Shakespeare with only a few games left they looked like they would win the league.
Duet phoned home to his parents and younger brothers to bask in the glory of their victory.
But there was also bad news in the offing. A UK news channel covered that the Isle of Man could be a location for a proxy war between the two global superpowers of China and India.
The Chinese wanted to win back control over the Isle of Man colony from India, that they had lost in World War Three.
The news channels were filled with talk of an impending war, as China and India launched massive naval and aerial fleets toward the Indian Colony.
This was quite fortunate for Duet though, who had something to take his mind off the humiliation he had endured in heckling the panel show.

Chapter Three - Perry Ketie, and Girlonce
Four days later as Duet tried to get over his humiliation he heard of another show being broadcasted in Covendu. This time he had received an e-mail about the show so decided to visit the studio. He wore a fake beard and sun glasses to get into the studio as he knew he would have been banned from TV studios after the commotion he had caused on the panel show. This time he would get to see the famous beautiful sexy twenty something pop stars Perry Ketie and Girlonce.
The two were on a chat show, presented by camp comedian, Alan Norton. Also on the show was journalist Anthony Morgan Powell, a tall fat writer, who had columns syndicated in major newspapers.
Girlonce and Perry were discussing their new singles.
Perry said my single is, ‘No sympathy.’ It is a song about telling women not to sleep with men out of sympathy. Girlonce then replied, my song is called, ‘Revenge on the bad boy.’ It is a song about how my bad boy husband had an affair, and how I really miss him and am upset he had an affair.’
Duet suddenly flew into a rage, he ran onto the stage and shouted, ‘Your songs are rubbish.’
He was furious an explained why, ‘Perry your song is just about telling women not to sleep with men out of sympathy. Well what about charity? What about helping out a guy who can’t get laid? Where is your charitable nature? What about some fat ugly effeminate guy, who will never get laid thanks to your advise? While bullying men still get laid? Obviously I am not supporting rape. If a woman does not want to sleep with a man, she should not sleep with that man. But if a woman likes to help a fat effeminate guy out, why stop her? Why are you so annoyed with women sleeping with men out of sympathy? When you would seem to rather have women sleep with bad men, and make bad men win.’
Duet continued, ‘And Girlonce your song is rubbish at getting revenge. Why do women who fancy bullies and bad boys think that singing about how heart broken they are that their bad boy boyfriend had an affair is in anyway revenge? It isn’t revenge. The bad boy is delighted you are upset he had an affair, It adds to his lustre that women are heart broken by him. He is proud of that, and boasts to other men. You have not got revenge on him you are just helping him win. If you want to get revenge on a bad boy, have sex with a good man, not a bad man.’
Perry then responded, ‘You are not a nice guy. Nice guys don’t shout and complain. I think any man who calls himself a nice guy normally isn’t.’
Duet shouted back in anger, ‘I am a nice guy. I am speaking up for good. That is like saying Jesus wasn’t a nice guy because he spoke up for good. What kind of warped logic is that?’
Alan quickly barbed, ‘I don’t think a mad effeminate man shouting at women can compare to Jesus Christ.’
The audience laughed in agreement with Alan.
Anthony Morgan Powell then responded in a superior tone of voice, ‘This man is a weirdo. He calls everyone evil, don’t pay attention to him. Creeps like him are just angry sad men. Just imagine how angry and broken this guy will be by the time he is thirty. This man is a angry unattractive effeminate poof, who has never had a girlfriend.’
The audience cheered in delight at Anthony’s comment.
Duet was shell shocked, he felt that the comments had struck him to his core, he was not gay, but had no answer to Anthony’s claim he had never had a girlfriend. It was what he was most humiliated by. That he had never had sex. And he felt like he wanted to crawl up into a little ball, under his bed at the further humiliation.
Then the police arrived on the set, and took him away for causing a disturbance. Duet was given a night in the cells being questioned for this actions in interrupting broadcast shows.
Duet had his own cell and watched the TV.
Duet found out that the chances of war between India and China had retreated after the Chief Minister of the Isle of Man agreed to peace negotiations between India and China over the island colony.

Chapter Four - The Ranters Arms
In the morning the violent bully, rapist, racist Steve Paul was also in the police station signing a register for being a sex offender. He saw Duet being led out of his cell.
Steve Paul then ranted angrily at Duet shouting gaytard, and poof at Duet.

Steve Paul was 6 foot 4 and worked in a hotel as a porter. He had got into numerous fights. Steve started raving at Duet, ‘There is no such thing as rape. It is a myth by the media, by poofs in the media who can’t get laid so blame normal men. Bitches and lesbians make it up. Men haters. Rape only exists when it is done by foreigners. That is a fact. A pure scientific fact, proven by scientists.’
Duet ranted back at Steve, calling him a scary aggressive man.
Steve tried to break through the police to attack him, but was held back.
Steve shouted at him, ‘You sad virgin, who has never had a girlfriend.’
Duet shouted back a lie, ‘I have 10 children by 15 different women.’
Steve shouted back, ‘No one believes you. We all know you are a virgin, and no woman would go near your penis, dickhead.’
Duet shouted back, ‘You call me a dickhead because I put my dick in your wife’s head.’
Steve ranted back, ‘Everyone knows you’re a virgin, you sad creepy loser. you’re a sad gay weirdo, who everyone hates.’
Duet shouted back, ‘I’m not gay. And at least I’m not on the sex offenders register. What did you do rape a minor?’
Steve shouted back, ‘Yeah I had sex with a miner. A coal miner. And a lead miner, and a gold miner, and a uranium miner. That’s why they locked me up. They treat miners like children.’
Steve arrogantly laughed at his own joke.
One of the policemen jotted in, ‘Actually Steve revealed himself to children at the school gates.’
Steve replied back with a sick comment, ‘If it is a crime to be sexually attracted to a beautiful young woman, then I must be the most arrestable man in England, because I was more turned on than you could ever imagine.’
Duet shouted back, ‘Shut up you paedophile. I win. You orc. You evil child abuser. I win, I know the truth about you. With you talking down to me, I win.’

Duet left the police station feeling smug.
Duet sang himself a little ditty, ‘Do you think it’s fine to play me?
Like a fool broken in two, we saw your game.’
Duet got back to his student accommodation and watched the news that there was a small revolution against the military government of Brazil. Thousands had been slaughtered by a helicopter gunship in a football stadium.
Duet decided to phone up a talk in radio station talk show asking for the UK military to not take over this country, like they did in Brazil.

Chapter Five - Hero Action
Duet decided to go to the multi storey car park, to drive a student car, that all students were allowed to borrow for drives into the country.
Suddenly as Duet was about get into the car, he saw a terrifying image, it was a man who had had three of his limbs removed, appearing to drag himself by left arm along the floor quickly, while blood poured from his removed legs and arm. Then behind him appeared another man with a Hannibal Lector style mask and a chainsaw. The chain saw was running.
Quickly Duet decided to be a hero, he quickly got into the car, and drove fast at the man with the chainsaw, running him over. Then he got out of the car to check up on the man who had been hacked at.
The man who had lost 3 limbs then screamed, ‘What have you done? It was a joke. It is a joke we play. I lost my legs in World War Three, we pretend he chopped my legs and arms off. It is just a joke we play. You have just ran a innocent man over.’
For the next day there was massive newspaper, TV and internet coverage of Duet running someone over and then the police decided not to investigate him, and gave him a caution. This made Duet even angrier, and he decided to work even harder to do good with his life, rather than be remembered for this accidental crime.

There was good news as democratic order was restored in Brazil. This cheered up Duet, for a short burst of time but then he remembered everyone now knew he was a virgin.

Duet wrote a angry poem in frustration, in anger at evil people.
‘It all turns to crap in the end.
Your descendants will destroy each other.
Like you destroyed your rivals.
They will kill, rape, and steal from your seed.
Like you did to your brothers and sisters
It all turns to crap in the end.’

Chapter Six - Jailbait
Duet was driven insanely angry that everyone now knew he was a virgin, but he decided to harness his sexual frustration and anger for good. He decided he would get back at bullies.
Duet read in the paper about a support group for victims of domestic abuse. He decided he would go along to the meeting and speak out against the sort of people who are attracted to bullies.

Claire Jenkins was a victim of male domestic abuse, AKA wife beating. She was holding the Domestic Abuse Covendu Survivors Meeting with 20 other women who had also been victims of domestic abuse.
These women had been through terrible ordeals, but they all still loved their ex or current abusive partners.
They talked in tones of love about their husbands or boyfriends who beat them up and abused them.
But this made Duet furious. He could not understand that when many women hated him for being nerdy and geeky, yet these women did not hate men who had beaten them and their children up. He was furious and quickly stood up to steam, ‘I’ve had enough of this. Why can’t you hate men who beat you up? This is beyond parody. I get hated for trivial reasons, in life, by men and women. I get bullied I get picked on for not pronouncing words right, or bullied for looking effeminate, and yet you don’t hate men who do terrible things to you.’
The women in the room were mortified, some petrified. Some had faced terrible acts of abuse from their boyfriends, and husbands, but what Duet was saying was something they could not comprehend.
Duet continued, ‘What I don’t understand is that loads of men and women bully me insult, me for being geeky and nerdy and pick on me and goad me and tell me I should kill myself. Calling me creep, weirdo making fun of me for being a virgin or sad. Yet you don’t hate men who beat you. Stop making evil bullying men win. Stop it. It is evil to be attracted to violent bullying men.’
Some of the women in the room started crying in sheer exasperation at these comments.
Claire Jenkins, though was deeply dangerous for Duet. She preached that women should stay in love with wife beaters and that the more violent a man was the more manly he was. She had a violent abusive husband in prison. And she claimed that true love conquers all, and that women should love evil men.
Claire sneered back, ‘Haven’t you heard of love? No doubt, no woman would ever love a creep like you.’
This made Duet even more furious and he shouted, ‘You evil bully. No wonder these women stay with violent abusive men who beat them and their children if they have bullying idiots like you advising them.’
Claire screamed back hysterically, ‘You’re warped, depraved and disturbed. What kind of man insults victims of the most extreme forms of domestic abuse? You are a dangerous man. I bet you beat your wife.’
Duet shouted back, ‘I have never hit a woman in my life. And you are the warped ones, you need mental help. You love men who beat you and your children. You are sick twisted warped people. And you and these people need psychiatric help to stop loving men who do evil to you. It is not manly to be abusive, Evil is not sexy.’
Claire hysterically shouted back, ‘The mental health facilities are already under enormous stress without adding us to the list.’
Duet screamed back, in terrifying anger, ‘So there you admit. You want to be attracted to violent men. You want everyone to feel sorry for you, for being beaten by violent men, while still going back to violent men. It is sick. You are deeply sick people.’
The women in the room were horrified at the anger of Duet, who genuinely thought he was good. You see he had had enough of being hated by people and then discovering loads of people loved violent abusive men even when they were being beaten by those violent abusive men. He hated bullies winning, and saw these women as deliberately making evil men win.
Duet shouted, ‘I hate bullies. I hate them. I want them to lose. I want bad men to lose. You love them. You make them win. Because you want to be the creepy sycophant who stands up for the bully. You want the bully to win. You want the good guy to lose. You ask for tough love for real victims, and then turn it down for yourself. That’s why you time and time again go back to bad boy bullies because you support them. That is sick evil and warped.’
The women in the room were crying their eyes out at these comments from Duet.

Then Claire Jenkins threatened Duet, ‘If you don’t stop stalking us, we will report you to the police. By arguing against bullying you are bullying me.’
Duet thought to himself how devious a bully can be to say those who criticise bullying are bullying the bully. That is like saying arresting a stalker, is stalking, or making a thief give back his loot, is stealing from the thief.
But suddenly the bravado of Duet disappeared, and the big strong character he thought he was disappeared. His voice went hoarse, as he realised that the police would do him over.
He ran for it, but it was too late.
Claire Jenkins had seen Duet on TV, she knew who he was and gave a clear concise description of who he was.
Duet ran home through farm fields and fell in cow pats, as he attempted to escape back to his student accommodation.
But an observant police officer spotted him. The police helicopter spotted him and chased his shadowy image.
Duet ran into a barn and hid but within minutes the police had him surrounded, and he had to give himself up.
He exclaimed that he believed he was a martyr for good, like all good men, like Jesus, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela. He saw himself as fighting for good against evil. The good feminists must defeat the bad feminists. He stated.
The news of his arrest hit the news channels, and Gormain, Harry Parry and Paxwell cheered in delight at the defeat of their enemy.

Chapter Seven - Punishment
Duet Aled Julian was quickly sent to prison for hate speech, against victims of domestic abuse, and stalking offences.
His university career was over. There he spent months locked up, and was beaten up by the psychopathic bullies he was asked to share a cell with. The worst was the psychopathic bully who was married to Claire Jenkins.
The months went by and Duet read books, watched films and took up a interest in learning Polish, for something to do.
Duet was raped by Claire Jenkins husband, as punishment for insulting her. It was the worst moment of Duet’s life. Claire took pleasure in hearing about what her husband had done to Duet.
But there was no sympathy for Duet in prison. Despite not being gay they called him gay, poof, twat, and creep as an insult. Because in prison only good, and difference, is hated. What is normal is OK. So if everyone is an abusive bullying thug they normalise that, and think that is OK.
The bullies regarded Duet as narcissistic for being against bullying. Despite narcissism being defined by selfishness. In their view it was selfish to not want to be bullied, or raped or to suffer mental illness. They claimed it was an extreme form of self admiration to not want to be bullied, raped and harassed. But in their view it was not selfish to want to gain pleasure from abusing or hurting other people.
Duet wrote a letter to his Mum, saying, ‘You see all these horrible people complaining that anyone who is mentally ill or bullied is being narcissistic. It is the new term for bullies to use against their victims. They claim people complaining about being bullied is just narcissism. The me first society.’
Duet continued in his letter, ‘That is ridiculous so now anyone who does not want to be bullied is a narcissist. I am fed up with horrible people using the term narcissism to say any upset about being hurt is narcissism. Does this mean studying or reading a book or watching film is narcissism? What about the person who does the bullying why aren’t they narcissistic for gaining pleasure from hurting other people.’
The only good thing that happened in the initial period for Duet in prison was Coalport Cymru winning the English Mega League.
But Duet’s confidence in himself hit rock bottom. Instead of the good hero he thought himself as, he now saw himself as a worthless criminal no better than a crooked tramp.

Chapter Eight Star Collector Extraordinaire.
Duet made one friend in prison, but it was not in the prison inside. A kind generous lady called Kirsty Juno, a 24 year old Christian wrote letters to Duet, and Duet thought it was romantic at first but soon realised, it was just a request for friendship.
But then Duet found a new hobby. He decided to get autographs of famous prisoners and smuggle the autographs out to Kirsty. He then told her she could sell the autographs on internet auction sites.
But all in all he stayed in prison for 15 weeks of hell. He was mostly bullied, spat at, abused, raped, and had a traumatic time of it.
Duet had a political argument, with a fascist in prison. The fascist argued that idealism was dangerous and suggested that Protestantism, Catholicism, communism, socialism, showed idealism never worked.
Duet replied idealism can work. Look as the campaign to give women the vote, the campaign for civil rights for blacks, Jews, gays, and lesbians. Look at the campaign to get rid of slavery, idealism is a force for good.
But Duet learned many issues about bullying in prison.
Here are some of the facts about bullies he learnt;
1) Above all he learned that bullies like to give people issues, it gives them a sense of purpose. Most of us feel guilty if we make people feel inadequate or bitter about something. Bullies feel proud to do that.
2) Bullies support other bullies.
3) Bullies say bullying is trivial, so even if there is a murder then it is trivial if it bullying. Call it bullying and no matter how serious it is to the victim it is a just trivial joke to the bully supporters. Yet if you call it something else they might think mugging, or slander is wrong.
4) Bullies say no one aged over 9 years old should talk about bullying, So even if it involves mugging, rape, racism, or slander, or humiliation in the extreme. It is all just something no one should talk about. So in their view all victims of any crime should forget about it. Imagine if someone said that for rape, wife beating, mugging, slander, racism, homophobia, or child abuse.
5) Bullies will tell you name calling, no matter how depraved and sick, is trivial, but then they get angry if someone calls them psychopathic hypocrites.
6) Bullies feel angry that anyone would speak out against bullying.
7) Bullies think it is manly, sexy and selfless to bully people.
8) Bullies think it is selfish and narcissistic to not want to be bullied, because only the bully counts, while the victims are dehumanised scum to the bullies.
9) Bullies think that the victims should accept being bullied because in their view the bullies have the tough lives and the victims all have easy lives no matter what the evidence of reality is.
10) Bullies stand by fellow bullies even when they’re wrong. In bullying. One bully tells the other bullies to bully the person badly, so they all do and don’t need an excuse. Once one bully has decided to hate you, they all gang up on you.
11) Bullies think everyone wants to be a bully / bad boy so Duet’s reply is no they don’t. Do you think everyone wants to be rapist and paedophile? It is just your sick mind that wants that.
12) Some says school should judge how good you are at sleeping with women, taking drugs, drinking in the pub and not being a weirdo. You can be trained to do any job, if you are not a weirdo. And what needs to be done is to bully nice guys to mental illness so they can’t work anymore.

Chapter Nine - Release
Duet was released from prison and decided to get back at those who put him there. He went to the house of Harry Parry. Then he scratched some keys against Harry’s car in revenge for what was done. Then he threw tiny stones at Harry’s house barely causing a scratch on the windows, but it turned on the house burglar alarm.
Harry Parry phoned the police and Duet was arrested again, this time for criminal damage against Harry Parry.
Before he was arrested Duet went to the comedy night gala performance by Gormain where he shouted that she was evil. Gormain shouted back that he was a creepy man who all women hated Once again Duet was put in prison, this time for 3 weeks. A surprisingly small sentence which he was lucky to get. One again in prison he was spat at bullied, picked on, raped, assaulted, and he saw his reputation continue to fall. But then he finally had a new epiphany. He still felt he was right to go after men, but he decided it was not right to insult women. From now on he would only insult male bullies.

Chapter Ten - Everyone Deserves A Nineteenth Chance
Finally Duet was released from jail.
Duet decided to carry out a devious and criminal mastermind master plan. He bought a sophisticated voice sympathiser that could change his voice to that of a woman. Then he changed the accent from that of a Welshman to that of a posh upper class English woman, using the voice sympathiser. He then recorded videos of his new voice describing Harry Parry in rude offensive terms that he knew would hit men as the deepest insults a woman could make. But Duet made sure to not have any evidence that it was really Duet saying these offensive terms. Duet said in the woman’s voice, ‘Harry Parry is a creepy guy who all women hate. Women should stay away from the guy. He is every woman’s worst nightmare. He makes me shiver in a creeped out manner.’
This was the sort of thing Gormain Brand had said to him and good men, so Duet decided to see what it was like for bad guys to be insulted in that way.
Duet then recorded a video using a working class Covendu woman’s voice saying, ‘Anthony Morgan Powell is a sad creep who all women fear.’ He continued, ‘All women say Anthony Morgan Powell is the sort of creep all women fear. He is the sort of man all woman despise.’
Duet then recorded a video about Steve Paul using the accent of a Eastonburgh middle class women saying, ‘He is every woman’s worst nightmare. He should please stay away from women. Please stay away creep. Women hate you. You are a creepy sex offender. And your crimes should sincerely shame you, for the creep you are.’
Duet then recorded a video in a Glaspool woman’s voice, describing the rapist husband of Claire Jenkins, as a creep, who should stay away from all women. But the husband of Claire Jenkins would never see the video, as the husband of Claire Jenkins was in prison for life. Duet was free meanwhile, and aimed to stay that way.

The response to the videos, was beyond Duet’s wildest dreams. Harry Parry was furious at the sort of insults he threw at people were thrown back at him, and he killed his own wife, in anger.
Most decent people would be ashamed of causing this to happen. But Duet was a very vindictive man, who felt he had moral superiority on his side, and felt pride that Harry Parry would now be locked up in prison because of the anger Duet had formed in him.
Most people would feel guilty for the rest of their lives, but Duet felt the evil made him feel smug and proud in causing an enemy of his morality to commit a crime that shamed Harry Parry.
Anthony Morgan Powell grew furious and drove like a snide sneering psychopath into a harmless old lady walking down the street, simply because he had become so angry that according to Duet’s video, all women hated him.
So Anthony Morgan Powell was locked in prison for life for his psychopathic evil.
Steve Paul sent a video of him threatening to rape all women for hating him. And as a result Steve Paul was locked up for life.
Duet felt he had won and decided to never insult women or men again. He insincerely begged to God for forgiveness for the murders he had caused. But in reality in his devious vindictive mind he felt proud that he had goaded evil men into carrying out evil acts that even shamed them, and those who had agreed with them. The innocent deaths were collateral damage, in the war to shame and defeat evil men. He was more concerned with defeating evil men than helping good and innocent people.
No one ever found out the women’s voices on the videos were really him. And he felt in his sin that he was right.
Then to top it off Coalport Cymru played 110 times Scottish soccer champions Rantic Celgers. A club made up of foreign imports. Rantic Celgers are the only club in Abershielnesswell to have a policy of one catholic and one protestant in every position on the field. The game ended 1-1 and the Anglo Scottish Shield was shared.
After the game Duet contemplated on how nice a guy he really was. He had insulted women, and men, caused innocent women to be killed by evil men, and seemed to claim the deaths of these innocent people were just collateral damage, for his war on evil men. He decided maybe he wasn’t the nice guy he thought he was. Maybe he was as bad a feminist, as those he criticised? But that would not stop him trying to be a nice guy.
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