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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #2091357
Spaceship Gobaith, had travelled light years and decades from the their home on Earth. .
Luxury Private Mission to Another Planet by Rory Smith
Chapter One
The Spaceship Gobaith, had travelled light years and decades from the their home on Earth. The ships cargo included people, robots, food, animals, water, and information stored in the computers and books.
After 10 years of frozen travel the ships crew awoke. There was a male section and female section.
The first to wake was the ship’s and mission’s captain the billionaire businessman Ivor Begum a half Welsh half Asian property, steel and hauldu magnet. He had built his ship from the precious metal hauldu that had been mined on the Planet Gorwel.
The mission was to found a new colony on the planet Piterlost. The crew of men also contained a Scottish football player - Kenny Law, who had played for Inverness CT, Peterhead, Real Madrid and Brondby. He had made millions managing football teams in the Chinese Leagues, and spent his entire fortune on joining the crew, after his family had been killed in a car crash. He felt he had nothing left for him back on Earth but memories that reminded him of those he had lost. He was 49 years old, of athletic build and average height and needed a change.
Also on the ship was mixed race 29 year old Joey Terrier, a Canadian, American football quarterback who had been banned from gridiron for taking dodgy anti psychotic drugs for his aspergers. He had no wife or girlfriend due to his poor social skills. But he saw himself as a nice guy and founded, ‘Aspergers Against Murder.’ As an anti murder and crime organisation. He was much taller than average, but had light brown hair.
Next to wake up was another man with aspergers, an Arkansas computer millionaire Jesse Grady. Twenty nine years old, plump, and balding, of average height.
He also found it tough to get a wife, but had a more brutal solution to the problem, he decided in league with Ivor that buying a wife would be a good solution. He hated women and founded a misogynistic organisation called ‘I Hate Yankee Bitches.’ He used to download pictures of women being raped and beaten. And he loved to see women suffer, but Ivor saw no problem in letting him on board. After all he had paid for the journey. No one else apart from Ivor knew of his secret.
The next to wake up was dark haired, private school educated 40 year old, bush craft specialist, Tiger Stears, a tough explorer who had become the first man to climb Mount Everest in just his boxer shorts. He claimed to have also seen the yeti. But all he had for proof of this was a clutch of white fur, he kept in a locket. Plus a giant tattoo of the creature he claimed to have seen. Although a tattoo of anything is not really proof. Although he must have been sincere as he used to say, he would never have a tattoo, because you don’t put bumper stickers on a Ferrari. Tiger had family back home, but wanted an adventure to another world, so signed on for the mission to become an explorer.
After a few more minutes, the first of the paid travellers woke up. It was, 41 year old, Con McCoe, a half English, half Scottish builder who could make bricks, and build houses. He would be a useful member of the team. He was dark haired, tall and of athletic build. He had a degree in construction from a Scottish University.
Just after Con to wake up was a 32 year old farmer, and part time poet, Reg Haskell, a Cornish farmer, who had been headhunted by Ivor for his great award winning performances as a farmer of goats, sheep, llamas, chickens and crops.
Next up was another man who had paid to be on board. It was tough Mancunian businessman, 51 year old, Alan Tump, who had shortly before being sent on board, been charged with the manslaughter of 2000 employees in the burning down of a factory in Novia Scotia. He had bribed his way out of the justice system then fled for a place on the ship Gobaith,
The next 3 all woke up at the same time.
Two of them had been paid to travel on board. There was celebrity Chef, Douglas Marshall a twenty seven year old blonde haired half Russian, half Irish man.
Rolf Savil a 20 year old builder was tall, red haired, and an out going part time darts player.
Finally there was English football player millionaire, Sol Bowyer. A former Glasgow Rangers, Fulham, Arsenal, Wrexham, Real Zaragoza, Celta Vigo, Manchester United, Liverpool, and Sunderland player. He was known for his tough tackles and technical skill. But had been charged with racial abuse, and had been in fights with fellow football players, at his teams. But he managed to portray a cheeky chappy image.
Captain Ivor Begum told the men to get to the dining quarters, for orders. Also on the ship were robot creatures with silver bodies, green heads, and red legs. There were twenty of them that were ordered around by Ivor Begum and had been manning the ship during its travels across the star systems. But the first thing said by Jess was, ‘Where are the chicks? You said there would be bitches on board.’
Captain Ivor Begum replied, ‘We’ll discuss that later. First I want to lay down the law. Now this is a dictatorship I am in command. All the robots are under my command, and are above you all in rank. You will refer to them as Sir.’
The men sounded exasperated at these comments.
Douglas said, ‘Hold on. You never said we would be under your command. It didn’t say that in the brochure.’
Captain Ivor Begum replied, ‘I am a firm, but fair boss. If anyone disobeys me, they will be put in the cells. If you continue to disobey, I will have you frozen.’
Kenny Law spoke up, ‘What a sham. You never said there would be punishment for us!’
Captain Ivor replied, ‘If you obey me and work hard you will climb up the ladder. This is a hierarchical system. And for those that work well you will be given access to the women.’
Kenny shouted, ‘What do you mean access to the women? What women?’
Captain Ivor Begum replied, ‘If you obey me you will see. We are hours away from landing. Our robots have analysed the planet and found a desert section of the Planet Piterlost to be the most suitable and safe for colonisation. There is according to our robots access to food, water, and raw materials to found our new colony. That will be named after me Begumton.’
Kenny laughed in incredulity, ‘Absolutely ridiculous. What an ego. He is even naming it after himself.’
Ivor Begum shouted, ‘Silence. There will be no more backtalk from you. Or you will face the cells. I have warned you this is your yellow card. The next will be a red card.’

A few hours later the massive spaceship landed on the Planet Piterlost, sand was blown away into the sky as the heavy ship landed for good. There was no return ticket. No way back home. This would be home for the rest of their lives.
The crew found this section of the planet to be desert as said, and knew that the oxygen giving plant life covered the lands thousands of miles to the south.
The animal life was rare. There were 8 legged cow like creatures with feathers instead of fur. They called these feathered beasts. A common species was the small crab like creature that tasted good on the fire. Four feet long, two feet high, green, and had just four legs.
Another creature was the feathered 6 legged rat that ate sects.
Sects were like insects but were not the same as the ones on earth. Few of them could fly. But they could crawl and jump. They varied in colour from yellow, turquoise, and a surprising orange flying sect that gathered in the sky and looked like the sun.
There were green sects that would bite the men. But the ship had first aid equipment to deal with the bites.

Chapter Two.
For two weeks the men were set to work while Ivor and Jesse stayed largely in the spaceship which was now out of bounds to the other men.
The robots kept an eye on Joey, Kenny, Tiger, Con, Reg, Alan, Douglas, Rolf, and Sol.
One of the men Tiger Stears decided to go off to explore far off mountains. There was a hoo-ha about it from Ivor who sent out 2 robots to hunt him down, for escaping without permission. The other were punished with no food for a day.
The robots ruled with fists of iron. Douglas was hit by one of the robots as punishment for asking where the women on the planet were.
Joey Terrier worked hard helping construction, while Jesse and Ivor seemed to be staying in the spaceship.
Joey was working largely with Kenny Law, and Con McCoe.
But at night they stayed in a large tent, which they had to the four of them. The other occupant of the tent was Reg Haskell.
Reg sang a song about his former wife who he still loved but who had fallen out of love with him, ‘She got chocolate eyes.
And a raspberry smile.
And I love her fifth degree.
She got ice cream thighs.
And a leopards guise.
And I love her certainly.

Oh she can’t just see.
This ain’t no fantasy.
Baby, baby we’re meant to break free.
Oh baby it’s a cool hearted lover.
Who breaks the heart of another.
In this old love fantasy,
She got chocolate eyes.
And a raspberry smile.
And I love her sixth degree.
Baby, baby it’s meant to be.
She got to be the sugar sweet honey.
With treacle tasting sunny.
And it just feels love extreme.
Oh she got chocolate eyes.
And an angels’ smile.
A dream yes certain you see.
And it’s a cool hearted lover.
Who steals the heart of another’s other.
In this game of make believe.
She got a raspberry smile.
And chocolate eyes.
And she’s more than a fantasy.’

The other 3 applauded.
Then Reg read a short comical poem, ‘When I was young, I wet the bed.
I cried and cried till I was fed.
But now I’m old.
I’m nay so bold.
I never cry for what I want.
My life is all but fantasy.
Trampled by reality.’

Ivor came from outside and opened up the tent, protected by two robots, and said, ‘You’ll be working more hours tomorrow. We need to get this building constructed. You Reg need to work harder. I’ve heard you have been making up poems.’
Reg spoke again well it’s funny you should mention that I have come up with another poem, based on a vacation to Snowdonia, ‘Blinded by reflections of the softly flowing river.
Deafened by the roar of voices in the two and throw and river.
Sighted by a roaring helicopter hovering over.
Majestic forested hills of Snowdonia.
The Chinook winds blow high once more.
The sun shines bright upon the luscious.
Green clothed spirally willowy oaken trees.
I think that once this land you’d see monkeys.
But now we are the only free.
And the monkey would call to us.
In their foolish tree climbs.
We can climb higher, and see their time.
Has come by a land of cold and heat.’

The next thing Reg knew the robots had taken him to the cells as punishment. Ivor did not like poems.

Chapter Three
The next day Joey was sent by one of the robots to the side of the spaceship to find some tools that had been left there.
But suddenly Joey heard a banging on the side of the ship. He knew little morse code, but was sure he could pick out this code dot dot dot, dash, dash, dash, dot, dot, dot. It was the international distress signal S,O,S.
Joey shouted for them to tell him who they were. But he could not hear them. All he could get was the muffled vibrations on the ship.
Joey went back to the others and secretly told Kenny, Con, Douglas and Reg what he had heard. Reg had been released from the punishment in the morning.
Douglas said he did not care, ‘Who ever it is, they can’t be having a worse time than us. And how are we supposed to take on those robots? They have the strength of 3 men each.’
Then Kenny said, ‘It might be the women the captain said would be on the planet. Maybe they are locked up?’
Suddenly Douglas changed his mind, ‘Well maybe that makes me more eager to go to the rescue?’
Joey, Kenny, Con, Reg, Alan, Douglas, Rolf, and Sol got together for lunch and planned what to do, to fight Ivor and Jesse.
But before the lunch was over Sol, Alan and Rolf walked off and returned with the captain and three robots.
Ivor spoke, ‘I heard you were planning a rebellion. I told you I was fair but firm, and I will punish you freaks.’
Joey, Con, Douglas, and Reg were quickly rounded up, by the robots, and taken to the cells. But half way down the spaceship Ivor noticed one of his crew was missing, ‘Where’s Kenny? Kenny has escaped.’
With that Ivor sent out 3 more of the robots to hunt down Kenny.
While the other four humans were sent to the cells for the night and were prepared to be frozen on command.

Chapter Four
Joey sat in the cells, with the other 3 captives and complained that he wished he had never come on this space cruise. Douglas was getting furious with Joey’s lamentable lack of mental strength in dealing with this catastrophe as Joey became more and more hysterical at being locked up and facing near death.
When suddenly the four heard running down on the tunnel of the ship.
All of a sudden the door of the cell clapped open to reveal Kenny Law and Tiger, holding a gun to Ivor. Behind Tiger was a gaggle of twenty beautiful young women from all over Earth. 5 Indians, 5 Chinese, 5 Europeans, 2 North Americans, and 3 Africans.
Tiger shouted, ‘The Captain has been keeping this harem with Jesse. The captain had brought with him 20 prostitutes who were to be Ivor and Jesse’s sex slaves while we worked the land for them as their male slaves.’
Douglas said, ‘Well look at the bright side. At least we weren’t the sex slaves and these women weren’t the worker slaves.’
Douglas laughed, but everyone else thought it was a pretty sick joke. And some of the harem started crying. At such an insensitive thing to say.

It seemed Tiger and Kenny had managed to capture a robot and reprogrammed all the robots on mass, to fight the captain. It was a very exciting and eventful battle that the captain and Jesse had with the robots and Tiger and Kenny. Suffice to say it was one of the greatest action adventures of all time. But unfortunately dear reader you were stuck in the cells with some men complaining about a failed holiday.
Captain Ivor had decided to take prostitutes as his harem because prostitutes tend to be very hardy women. They hated the Captain and Jesse, and managed to kill Jesse for raping so many of them against their will. Captain Ivor had escaped but was caught in a waterhole. Sol, Alan and Rolf escaped into the desert, and were not seen again, but without Tiger‘s survival skills they would struggle.

The women and the five of Joey, Kenny, Con, Reg, Douglas and Tiger agreed to build a new civilisation on the planet. There was no way home, at first.

And the civilisation went from strength to strength. With a successful building programme, and farming system plus Tiger’s natural survival skills, the colony was a total success.

The colony was renamed Glaswlad.
The colony attracted new colonisers every few years for free. And new settlements were built with the amazing foundation legend of Tiger, Kenny, Joey and Reg.
Reg became President of the new republic and wrote the national anthem, ‘Out of the blue, out of the blue.
I fell in love with you.
Like rainfall on a drought laden land.
From out of the blue, out of the blue lit sky.
Out of the blue, out of the blue.
Came wind swept lands, covered like new.
Virgin territories with time still stand.
Out of the blue, out of the blue.
Luck was thrown in damned darnation.
Covering my solid frustration.
Still going strong my heart beats.
Like summer sun, waning bleats.
Of lambs and calves through winter’s mirror.
I love the tale of the reverse shiver.’

The constitution was built on that of the United States of America and the European Union. With peace, freedom, equality, and justice the watch words of the new colonies.
Within decades the population had risen to 20 million.
Kenny fell in love with one of the harem and had a family.
Joey still had trouble finding a wife.

The End.
© Copyright 2016 RorySmith (roryfsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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