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by Queen
Rated: E · Chapter · Young Adult · #2091253
First Chapter of my book on wattpad
“I don’t wanna move to a new town,” moaned Hailey. Of all the things her parents could ask of her why did they have to move again.

“Hailey, sweetheart your father was offered an amazing job in Chicago you could be a little supportive,” Hailey’s mother replied not even sparing a glance at her daughter.

“But what about us mom our we suppose to just pack up things whenever dad gets a job offer am I just supposed to give up the life I have here to start over, fisted balled Hailey glared at her mother from across the table. They’ve moved ten times for the last sixteen year and Hailey wasn’t shooting for a seventeenth.

What could her dad be thinking he has a great job here, they’re not poor, they have so many friends here and Hailey’s grandmother lived in the town over so they could always see her for Christmas. Plus, Derek was here and all her friends, Hailey was popular here captain of the swim team and dance squad.

“Darling in Chicago well have so many great opportunities for all of us I can start my own little bakery over there just like I had here and the school we picked for you Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Heart,” Her mother stood grasping Hailey’s hand. “I promise you, sweetheart, this move will be the best for you.”

“Well, then let me stay with bubba she only lives thirty minutes out of town father and you can move to Chicago,” whined Hailey living in the middle of nowhere with her grandmother for the rest of her high school career would be better than moving.

“No, I won’t hand you off to your grandmother god knows she already thinks we aren’t good parents were moving to Chicago whether you like it or not,” her mother gave her the look—the you better do what I say before I make you— turning to go back to her work.

“I HATE YOU BARBARA!” Hailey yelled her slamming her fist on the counter giving her mother one hard glare. Fist balled eye’s twitching Hailey turned stomping down the hall to her bedroom making sure to slam the door shut.

“YOU’RE GOING TO THANK US IN THE END!” Barbara yelled after her daughter she would never understand how dramatic Hailey could be over moving after doing it sixteen times.

Hailey was pissed for the last six years Grand Island has been her home it was the first place in her life that they’ve stayed for longer than a month. Her father has always been forcing them to move from place to place. Grand Island has just started to become a home. But that’s not the worst part she had to go to this new school her mother was talking about. Hailey’s never been able to make new friends.—Another town to be and outcast in.—either she’s had to leave them or she gets treated like a major outcast. And the school her mother had chosen Woodlands Academy of the Sacred Hearts sounds like a rich white prep school where kids only care about what designer your wearing, the car you drive, and how much money you have.

“Why must my parents hate me so ?” She asked as if she would get an answer. Falling onto her bed am reached over to grab the picture frame on her bedside. The photo was from her eleventh birthday it had been a year since they had moved to Grand Island and Hailey had just started to make some friends. But this picture was of Hailey and her three bestest friends Amy, Dina, Sandra-Lee. If it wasn’t for those three girls befriending her she doesn’t know who she would be now.

She was dreading when Monday would come along and having to explain to her friends that they wouldn’t be a foursome anymore. This would be the worst five years of friendship would being going to waste everyone knows long distance anything never worked. Grabbing her laptop she opened up her Facebook going into her messages. She messaged all her friends telling them how she really needed to talk to them on Monday during lunch. Putting her laptop away Hailey climbed into bed pulling her cover over her head she didn’t feel like eating dinner with her parents she was to depressed and if she saw her father’s face she’d exploded. Closing her eyes Hailey hoped that sleep would help take her mind off of this.

If you want to read more I will be posting chapters on wattpad my name on there is @livelaughandwrite,

Bye from,

Roxy ( You Know From the Block)

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