Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2091093-Stuck-in-a-dream
Rated: E · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2091093
This is simply fragments of a story that I am writing. .
This is simply fragments of a story that I am writing. It is about a person that takes too much LSD while he is lying in his bath tub. It knocks him out cold and he awakens in a dream. This psychoactive trip is different to any other that he has ever experienced before and it feels more real than life itself.

When he remembers that his dreaming, he frantically tries to wake up. No matter how hard he tries, he is unable to return to reality. He begins to worry that he may be stuck in this dream forever or at least long enough for his physical body to die of starvation or lack of water.

In the dream he runs into a woman named Megana who is a projection of his tutor that helped pass grade 12 and get out of high school. In the dream Megana is also his tutor but this time she is teaching him how to escape the dream world. Megana tries to return him to the real world in which he fell from.

She does this by inducing him to a series of deep dreams within the dream that he is already trapped in. She takes him further into sleep so that he may come out of it having learned more. Each of the dreams are a lesson that are meant to show the main character how to escape and return to the real world.

She often says "fall deeper into sleep. And when you fall deeper into this sleep, you will wake up even more". This is because the dreams are only meant to wake the main character up by teaching him. When he falls deeper into sleep, he returns from it with more knowledge on how to free himself.

Megana also says "Then when you arise from it, parts of yourself that were hidden will become manifest and your eyes shall open". She is saying that when he ultimately awakens from this dream, parts of himself that were hidden in the subconscious will become known.

When the main character ultimately returns to the real world, he would have gained a greater understanding of his own self and be better off because of it.

The story is about the main character and parts of his subconscious mind that he had suppressed. His subconscious uses his drugged state as an opportunity to get through to him and communicate. The main characters inner mind teaches him many things and through these lessons, he becomes a better person. The story is not complete and what I have written below are fragments. Each fragment is separated by a line which indicates that I still need to fill in more text there


I felt a sharp pain pierce into my right arm and I turned to see that she had stabbed me with her pen that she had been writing with. "Now sleep!" She said as she clicked her fingers. She pressed down on the top of the pen and the black ink from inside it poured into my veins. My head started to become heavy and my body was numb. I noticed that I was no longer on the seat of my living room. I was lying flat wearing a gown on a hospital bed. The pen had morphed into a needle that was connected to a drip. The ink was an anesthesia of some kind that was slowly pouring into my veins.

I saw my bed being carried down a passageway by a group of doctors whose faces I had seen before. They were past teachers and tutors that I had come across in my life. They looked like they were moving in slow motion and their faces would occasionally morph from one teacher to another.

To my right I saw Meganna who was walking next to me. She said "Don't worry Andrea you will wake up again... Only to fall deeper into sleep. And when you fall deeper into this sleep, you will wake up even more. So that you may fall back into slumber. Then when you arise from it, parts of yourself that were hidden will become manifest and your eyes shall open...."

She then clicked her fingers and said "Now close your eyes... and drop down deeper... Ten times as deep. Ten times the sleep. This is the place where you will wake up fully to drop down even lower.

And as you drift off, feel your back floating above the surface of an ocean. See yourself slowly sinking below the water until your whole body is suspended underneath."

Her words immediately made me remember my actual body. Shit! Before I fell into this dream, I was lying there in my bath tub. Now what are the chances that my head while being in this unconscious state might slip below the surface and drown? If it did, there would be nothing I would be able to do about it because I am stuck here in this world. "I'm so stupid!" I thought to myself. "Out of all places I could have chosen" I said.

I no longer saw myself in the hospital room but now I was floating in the middle of an ocean

I kicked my arms and legs trying to stay above the surface

She then repeated "Don't worry you will wake up again... Only to fall deeper into sleep. And when you fall deeper into this sleep, you will wake up even more. So that you may fall back into slumber. Then when you arise, parts of yourself that were hidden will become manifest and your eyes shall open...."

She then clicked her fingers and said "Now close your eyes again... and drop down deeper... Ten times as deep. Ten times the sleep. This is the place where you will wake up fully to drop down even lower. Venture into the waters so that you may become lost. For it is when we are lost that we find ourselves

I then fell asleep and my head dropped under the surface

We are about to go to the garden that is the forest I told you about. Each person owns a tree there. There is one for you, one for me and one for every person in this dream. Each ones tree has many branches which are the different aspects of their personality. Each of these brake off into smaller ones that are the sub parts of themselves.

The rest of what I have to say is important so listen carefully. There are 2 things that I want you to look for while we down there. The first is your own tree which is of value to you. Find it and keep it safe so that it may keep you safe. This tree is a map of your own self. Learn from it so that it may teach you.

After you have found it, try and find the tree of life. It is a map of not just you but the entire dream that you find yourself trapped in. This map can show you the way back to the world in which you fell from but it may also be what enslaves you. So be careful and try use it correctly.
I flew over a huge forest or jungle that went on as far as the environment stretched out. I could not see the ground anywhere. There were so many branches that it looked as if the entire landscape were covered by a green carpet.

He took me below the surface of leaves and I saw that the forest stretched miles below my feet. It went so far down that I was still unable to see the bottom of it.
"This is the forest I spoke of" he said. Descend further down and run deep into it so that you may become lost. For it is when we are lost that we find ourselves

But I ventured not for I knew not what was in there. I could not see below the many branches under my feet but I knew what was above them. So I remained where I was because it was familiar


Remember that forest you saw. It can also be seen as a map of your own brain and its many branches entwining can be thought of the neuro pathways of your mind.

The surface that you thought looked like a carpet of green leaves was the conscious part of your mind. All that lies beneath the many branches is your subconscious.
How big is this dream?

Well you went to the forest and saw what looked like different trees. You were told that each person owns one. Also you said that you saw what seemed to be millions of them. That should give you an indication of how big this world is. Use that forest as your map.

I saw that same forest and this time went further under the branches than I did before. As I went lower, it became darker cause branches above my head blocked out more of the sun. I also noticed some kind of fog or mist that got thicker as I went further down.

As I got deaper, I saw how some of the branches seemed to curl in odd shapes that looked like people or animals of some kind. I saw this more frequently as I descended even further. These entities were not vivid enough for me to make out exactly what they were. However I could tell that they were in the shape of living beings. I also felt deja vu like this was some place that I had forgotten.

When I got deep enough I saw that what I previously thought to be many trees were just different branches of the same plant. All their stems lead to the same trunk and the entire jungle consisted of one massive tree.

Far below my feet, I could see this trunk but only the top of it. The rest was covered in fog that grew thicker the further down I looked.

The branches that were previously below my feet were now suspended above my head like a giant ceiling. This roof stretched on as far as I could see and all of it lead to this central trunk. It was really dark down there because Most of the sun had been cut off by the smog and many branches above my head. There was only enough light to make out what was going on and navigate through my environment.

I wanted to go further down to see the bottom but like before, was afraid I might become lost. Instead I tried to fly back up to the surface but I struggled to. I could not remember the route that I took to get down to where I was and I kept hitting dead ends. I spent hours trying to find a way back to the top. Eventually after searching for eons, I found my way back up.
I don't understand. Did you not say that when I venture deep enough into the forest, I would find myself but I didn't? I am still in this dream.

I said that if you allow yourself to become lost, you will find yourself. 

U are stuck here because u are subconsciously holding onto this dream. You need to let it go and detatch from it. U need to do this to the point that u have no grip on this dream and become lost to this world. Then you will become found unto the other

U just told me that u did not complete your journy into the forest and instead came back up. So u clearly did not allow yourself to become fully lost

Next time venture right to the bottom and see what you might find

Well done! I showed the forest and told u to run deeply into it that u may become lost. For when u go missing, u shall find yourself.

Today u did as I told u and went missing. Then you found your self. U were lost to this world but discovered to the other.

Your eyes had opened in that other world to realize that you had been dreaming. Yet you chose to close them again. For you remembered that you had come here for a reason. U returned so that you may complete that purpose
Here is the second garden. See that maybe we might find you here too.
Be lost to this world so that u may become found to the other.
. When this happens u will not only be found in this one but all of them

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