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by Benjy
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2091017
Hunter finally gets to live the life he wants

Hunter couldn't believe it. He was about to get what he always wanted. The chance to walk naked at the end of a leash like the dog he knew he was.

Hunter and Kevin had met when they were paired up as roommates in college. They hit it off instantly becoming fast friends and staying together all throughout their college years. One night, after a rare evening of drinking, Hunter had had a little too much and confessed to Kevin that he was gay, and had always secretly desired to live as dog. Kevin thought that sounded like a great idea, and made plans for them to move in together after they graduated.

Hunter had been living as his boyfriend Kevin's dog for several years now, spending almost all of his time naked and on all fours, but Kevin lived in the city, so they had to keep their fantasy confined to their shared apartment. But that was about to change.

One day about a week ago when Kevin came home from work, hunter could tell something was wrong. Kevin flopped down in his favorite chair and called hunter to him. He told hunter that the company he worked for was having some rough times, and that he had been given a choice. He could resign, and start looking for a job elsewhere, or be transferred to a lower paying job in the country. Kevin had decided to take the other job, and figured it wouldn't be that bad, since the cost of living would be lower, the pay cut wouldn't seem so bad. What it would mean was leaving everything he liked about the city behind. Hunter wasn't bothered by that, since he spent all his time in their apartment anyway, and was looking forward to moving out to the country, where he hoped he could have room to roam.

The closing of the city office took longer than Kevin expected, which was a good thing because he had more stuff to pack than he thought. After they moved in together and got settled, Hunter gradually transitioned to his new life, and Kevin took most of hunters clothes and other possessions and integrated them into his own stuff, and Hunter had owned quite a few interesting things. Now, hunter had very little he needed to pack, just his dog bed and a few toys. Finally after about a month of packing and closing things up at work, Kevin was finally ready to make the last arrangements to get them out of the city.

Kevin’s boss had felt bad about having to lay everyone off, and had hired a firm to help find those who had decided to stay new homes in the country, and discounted rates on cars, since most had chosen not to bother with the hassles of having one in the city where they could walk and had plenty of access to public transportation. They had bought out a group of homes in a nice community not to far from the new offices, and each home had a swimming pool, and was located on several acres of land.

Moving day finally came, and all of the boxes of stuff were carefully loaded onto a truck to be taken to their new home. Neither one had seen it in person yet, but the pictures that had been sent over made it look beautiful. Kevin couldn’t believe that he could afford to live this much better if he just moved away from the city, and wished he had done it sooner.

Hunter looked down at the outfit that Kevin had set out for him to wear on the trip, and was hesitant to put it on. He knew that he would love to be out in the country where he would have more room to explore and do all of the things dogs do that he had been unable to do while living in the city, but he had gotten so used to wearing nothing but his dog collar for so long, that the clothes looked itchy and uninviting. He finally convinced himself to put them on and instantly regretted it, hating the feeling of all that fabric constricting his body. Somehow, He thought, I must keep them on, as my new life awaits. After a few minuets, Hunter started to feel more comfortable dressed, and started to walk towards the apartment door. He was a little unsteady at first, having been on all fours for so long but was quickly able to get used to being on two feet again, and made his way down to the apartment lobby where Kevin was supervising the loading of the final boxes.

Once that was done, Kevin led Hunter to the new SUV the company had helped him buy. Hunter was impressed as the SUV had all the options and some of the most comfortable seats he had ever seen. When they were on the road, Kevin popped in a CD of their favorite songs and they headed off towards their new home.

The drive was long and mostly uneventful, and Hunter quickly found himself falling asleep in the car. When he woke up hours later, he was hungry so they pulled into a fast food place to get a quick bite to eat. Hunter had to consciously remind himself to eat with his hands and not stick his nose into his food, but he managed without making too much of a mess. After a quick restroom stop, they hit the road again. It was getting dark when they finally pulled up to the new house, and Hunter was surprised at how large it was. He had seen the pictures, but they didn’t do the place justice.

As the moving men were moving the boxes from the truck into the house, hunter decided to explore the area and stay out of their way. He wondered around the back of the house and saw the pool, and thought about all of the fun he could have in it with Kevin. As he wandered he noticed that with the light woods around the property, and the size of the lot, he couldn’t see any of the neighbors. He was starting to feel uncomfortable with his clothes on, and since he couldn’t be seen, he quickly stripped them off and finished his tour of the place naked. It wasn’t long before he was on all fours and sticking his nose in every corner and cranny he could find.

After the movers had dropped the last of the boxes into the house and left, it had gotten fairly dark, so Kevin set out to find Hunter. It wasn’t long before he nearly tripped over hunters discarded clothes, and scooped them up. When he finally found Hunter he couldn’t help but laugh, as Hunter was running around happily chasing a squirrel up a nearby tree. Kevin thought to himself how happy they would be here together.

Kevin had a few weeks before he was expected to start at his new job to let him get settled. He spent most of his time unpacking and putting things away. Hunter arranged his dog bed and toys in a large bedroom not that far from Kevin’s and spent the rest of his time either exploring the house and grounds or trying to get Kevin to come outside and play with him. Kevin was usually to tired from unpacking, but made sure to spend some time with Hunter each day.

Hunter was sad when Kevin finally had to go back to work because they had less time to spend with each other, and he was enjoying having Kevin around to pet him all the time. He soon found plenty of other things to distract him during the day, from swimming in the pool, Doggy paddle of course, to chasing the local wildlife around. He soon noticed that he was felling more like the dog he wanted to be in this new and open environment, and didn’t miss the old cramped apartment at all. He soon found himself a nice spot in the yard to relieve himself, and quickly found himself using it every day. Before long he realized he was using it exclusively and was no longer using the toilet. He had completely house broken himself and the though of that made him feel good about himself.

As the weeks went by Hunter started acting more and more like a dog, and Kevin seemed to be enjoying the changes in his friend. Kevin decided to have a doggy door placed into the kitchen door for Hunter, and noticed that Hunter used it exclusively, and was no longer using his hands for anything other than another pair of feet. Kevin had never seen Hunter happier, so he didn’t do anything to impede Hunters becoming more and more canine in mind in actions.

One Saturday, while scouting the neighborhood, Kevin found what looked like an old track and dog park. He asked some of his friends at work about it, and they told him that the county had closed it down when they had built a new facility closer to the center of town, but hadn’t found someone to buy it yet. A plan started to form in Kevin’s mind. When he could he would sneak out and watch the area, what he found was that most people ignored the place and it was always deserted, as the new place has much nicer fixtures, and places for the humans to relax while the dogs played.

Kevin decided to explore the place one afternoon after work, and found it to be a little overgrown, but otherwise in good shape. The county must cut the grass every once in a while since they still owned the land.

Kevin felt that since Hunter had been taking so well to his new dog role, and since they had never been able to do much together outside since they were living in the crowded city, he would bring hunter up here to have some fun.

When Saturday came around, Kevin called hunter into the room with him and told him he had a surprise for him. Hunter was practically jumping for joy when Kevin placed his leash on him, and led him to the garage. Kevin carefully loaded hunter into the back seat, and drove over to the dog park. The parking was in a nice shaded parking lot, so the car wouldn’t get too hot, and you would have to look carefully to even notice that someone was there.

After parking, Kevin came around and let Hunter out, and let him down the little path to the park. Hunters eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw all of the equipment set up, just waiting for him to use it. Before he could, Kevin decided to take hunter on a little walk around the track that was set up, and Hunter couldn’t believe the feelings of joy he was feeling from being led around on a leash like a real dog.

After the walk, Kevin found a seat under a tree and let Hunter off the leash and let him play to his hearts content on the equipment. As Hunter played he could feel more and more of his humanity slipping away, and he felt a great joy as his human thoughts and cares melted away.

Kevin and Hunter came to the dog park every weekend for months until it started getting too cold to let Hunter run around outside naked. As far as Kevin could tell by that time, Hunter had completely slipped into his dog persona, and no longer though of himself as human. Kevin was pleased and enjoyed having Hunter as his pet.

Kevin was dismayed when he found out the following spring that the park had finally sold and would be torn down and replaced with another Starbucks. The pair used the park as often as they could until construction was supposed to begin, and became as close as any master and pet could.

When hunter found out that he could no longer go out to the park and play with his owner, he was very depressed. Kevin couldn’t stand the sight of his best friend moping around the house and yard, but didn’t know what to do.

One afternoon, while driving home from work, Kevin noticed that all of the equipment from the park had been pulled out and was waiting for a truck to haul it to the dump. An idea struck Kevin, and he talked to the foreman about buying all of the equipment he could afford, and since they were so happy to be rid of it, he even had one of his guys help Kevin haul it home.

After working for most of the weekend, Kevin finally had the equipment set up in a mini version of the dog park. He called for Hunter to come to him, and when Hunter finally rounded the corner of the house and saw the equipment, his mouth dropped open, and he got a renewed spring in his step, and jumped all over Kevin licking him.

Hunter used the equipment every day and had become so dog like in his movements and actions that you could almost believe that he really was a dog. Kevin had never been happier and spent as much time as he could with his best friend. (at least until he met a cute guy at work, but that’s another story).

What had started out as seemingly bad news for the pair had actually turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to them, and they couldn’t believe they hadn’t done it sooner. Kevin and Hunter lived happily as man and pet for the rest of their lives and couldn’t imagine it being any other way.

© Copyright 2016 Benjy (ben243 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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