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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2090846
What if Rin was not the son of the devil, but the devil himself? First of Revelations.
Greetings everyone. I'm merely testing the waters of various writing sites to see which is best for improving my writing. Depending on how things go, I may continue updating here, but I'll see how it goes. For those of you who don't know, my pen name is Shinigami of the Elder Gods, and I'm a fanfiction writer, usually based in fanfiction.net and archiveofourown, but I like branching out, as I want to improve my writing, and might actually think about writing a book, but we'll see how this goes.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ao no Exorcist. Only Kazue Kato-dono does. Otherwise Rin would be a lot more epic and OP. That is why I don't own it.

"ἐν ἀρχῇ, ἐποίησεν ὁ θεὸς τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ τὴν γῆν."

"In principio creavit Deus caelum et terram..."

"In the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth..."

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning, I created the heavens and the earth, but the earth was without form, and the heavens dark, an eternal wind sweeping over the formless waters, so I spoke, "Let there be light." And it was so. I separated the light from the darkness, and called these "day" and "night." I saw it was good. The first day.

Then I spoke, "Let there be a dome between the waters, to separate one body from another." I made the dome, and I called it the "sky." And I saw it was good. The second day.

I once again spoke, "Let the water be gathered into a single basin." And so the waters were gathered into a single place, and dry land appeared, and I called it "earth." But I saw it needed something more, and so I uttered, "Let the earth bring forth life, every kind of plant." And so the earth brought forth plants, seed-bearing and fruit-bearing. I saw it was good. The third day.

I saw I had created light, but it was free-flowing and chaotic, and so I spoke, "Let there be lights in the sky, to separate the day from the night, to distinguish the passage of time." And so I gathered the light into a great light to rule them all, and I called it the "sun," and a lesser light to rule in the night, and I called it the "moon," and infinite tiny other lights that I called "stars." I saw that it was good. The fourth day.

However, I looked at earth once more, and the life I had brought forth, but it still needed more. The earth now teemed with life, but the seas were barren, moved only by the lesser light, and the sky only moved with the clouds, so I spoke, "Let the waters fill with living creatures, and let the skies be filled with birds." And so I created the great sea monsters spoken of in the sailors' legends, as well as the fish that they relied on for food, and all other various creatures which filled its mysterious abyss, and in the sky the great majestic birds that possessed the gift of flight. But I feared that they should end as quickly as they began, so I spoke, "Be fertile, and multiply, and fill both the waters of the sea, and the broad expanse of the sky." And so it was. I saw it was good. The fifth day.

Now I saw that the seas were filled, and the skies were teeming, but now the earth seemed lifeless in comparison, so I spoke, "Let the earth bring forth all kinds of living things, both tame and savage, and that walks, crawls, or skitters." And so all types of animals came forth, but I still felt something was missing, something that could truly tie it to Me. And so finally I spoke, "Let us make an animal in Our Image, after Our Likeness, and just as I shall be his ruler, he shall rule over the earth, the plants, and the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all living things." And so I made my greatest creation, from the very dust of the earth itself, and I made a companion for him, and I called the male, man, and he named his counterpart, the female, woman. And I looked at all my creation, and I saw it was very good. The sixth day.

On the seventh day, I rested, and I set this day apart from the rest, as it was day on which nothing was created, and so I made so that no work should ever be done on this day, just I have, and so the Sabbath came to be, and so ended the creation of Assiah.

However, sorrow entered into my heart, for my greatest creation was to be tainted by my formerly greatest one. He was the mightiest of the Seraphim, and my first, and what I thought to be most perfect one, created the wisest, most beautiful, and strongest of them all; the angel Lucifer.

Before I created Assiah, I created three other realms. The first of these is the greatest, surpassing even Assiah in glory and splendor, and I called this Shamayim, the seat of my throne, known to man as Heaven. In this realm dwell the spirits of the blessed, with the angels and saints, and above it all reigns myself.

The next realm is Sheol, the land of the dead. This is where the spirits of the deceased who are not yet sufficiently perfected for Shamayim await, in order to be purged and made worthy of Heaven's graces. As such, this realm became known to man as Purgatory, the place of cleansing. Although my mercy does not want it, it is necessary that this realm existed, for the sake of the balance.

The last realm is the most terrible, but justice demands its existence, the realm of Gehenna, the eternal Pit, the Abyss. There is no kindness, no joy, no happiness in this realm. It is a place of suffering, where no love exists. I also reign over it, but I am not seen there. Although I am present, I am not felt. This is the realm I sent my formerly dearest creation to, for his daring to betray me.

Ah, Lucifer! Time and time again, you dig the hole deeper for yourself. Your pride was always your undoing! You may wonder at my language, but this is not the first time I have created Assiah. Far from it, I have created many infinite Assiahs, more innumerable than any could imagine, and numerous Shamayims, Sheols, and Gehennas as well. Each never interacts with each other, and each never behaves in quite the same way, but I am present in all of them. However, three things are always the same.

Lucifer always falls, no matter what, no matter how hard I try. It seems that Justice demands a balance, that there always be an evil to balance my good, despite what my Mercy desires. And again, in each one, Lucifer always causes man to fall. It seems that this is inevitable as well, regardless of how much guidance I give man. Finally, each time, I must let my Son die for man, lest the balance be upset, and all the worlds be thrown into chaos.

Now I have spoken for a considerable while, and surely you are eager to continue. However, who am I, you might ask? I am everywhere and nowhere at once, I am who Is, Was, and Shall Be. I am the Past, Present, and Future. All that had existed, exists, and shall exist is contained by me. I am the first and the last, the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. I am the Triune Three-in-One. I am Goodness. I am God.

Alas! Lucifer, or Satan as he goes by, always falls, no matter what, beyond redemption, beyond hope, beyond any boundaries of suffering imaginable. Even in the realm known to you, this is the case. However, in another world, far, far removed, there was one Satan that caught my eye, one that intrigued me more than any other. This is his tale, and you, his judge. Amen.

A young girl was running through the forest, absolutely frightened. Behind her were the exorcists who were assigned to protect her, not currently charred husks on the ground. She was with child, so she had to make sure it was safe. Her name was Yuri Egin.

Behind her was a white wolf burning with blue flame, pursuing her. Yuri didn't know who it was or where it came from. All she knew was that the exorcists burst into flames, and eventually the wolf as well. Why it didn't burn, she didn't know. All she knew was that it was chasing her, and she had to run.

She tripped and fell on the snow. She turned in terror as she saw the wolf closing in. It pounced. She screamed. It all went black.

Yuri smiled as she reflected on those memories. Ah, how frightened she was! She laughed, as she sat on the porch of her cabin in the woods, while slowly petting a hobgoblin. She then placed her hand on her stomach, and chuckled some more.

"It's something funny, Yuri?"

She looked up at the seemingly bodiless voice, and smiled, as a floating blue orb appeared in front of her. "It's nothing Satan. Just thinking what I'm going to name this boy."

"Why is life so important to you humans? You destroy, pillage, loot, and yet you take pride in something as meaningless as this?"

"Life is precious. Man tends to fail to realize it at times, but it is his most precious gift."

"I still don't understand, but if you say so…"

"Hey, Satan, when this child is born… would you look after it as well?"

"Wha-what?! You want me, the Devil to look after a little brat?! That isn't in my job description! Besides… I kind of, don't exactly have a body to help out with…"

"Oh." Yuri looked down disappointed. After the boy's father walked out on her. A one-night stand he said. She was left to take care of the boy on her own. She had hoped for some more help.

"But…" She looked back up. "I suppose I could try…" Yuri swore she saw a blush appear on the flame. Even in a flame form, he's so adorable! She laughed again.

They never noticed the man in black watching them from the shadows.

The cabin was burning. Satan's orb was floating around in panic. "Yuri! Yuri! Where are you?!" It shouted. The wretched exorcists! They believed Yuri's child was his! How could he even do the thing without a body anyway! He had to save her. He promised he would look after the child!

He began jumping from body to body across the region, across the state, across the country, across the world, looking for someone who could hold his essence long enough. They all burst into blue flame. Eventually he found a body that was strong enough to hold him, a cardinal of the church, he idly thought. Figures only those who are pure in heart could hold him long enough. Maybe that's why Yuri can't burn… No other was purer in heart.

He forced the cardinal's body to the stake where the exorcists had tied Yuri, and cut her bonds. Unfortunately, she had severe burns from being burned alive, and Satan could tell she didn't have much time.

"Satan… Agh!" Yuri shouted as she grabbed her stomach in pain.

Not now! She can't go into labor now! He had to act quickly, he grabbed her and hoisted her to a door, where he shoved her key in. 'Please still let the door be intact!' He thought, and they emerged at her old cabin, where the door at least had survived. He left the cardinal's body on the other side, and Yuri slammed the door shut, while he lit it on fire, destroying the portal.

"Yuri! Are you alright?!" He asked concerned for his well-being.

"Yes… I just… had an idea…"

"What do you mean?"

"How you can watch over… Yukio… I remembered something… I read once…"

"What do you mean? Wha— what are you doing?" Satan asked, feeling like his essence was getting sucked away.

"Now… you can watch over Yukio…" Satan blacked out. He couldn't see or feel anything. All he could sense was darkness. He brushed against something, and registered a feeling, which confused him. How can I feel something? I have no body… He had never felt so helpless before… He felt a great light come over him, and he knew no more.

Father Fujimoto Shiro looked around at the devastation. Charred corpses were lying everywhere. 'Satan… is a real monster…' He grimly thought, and he brandished a blue sword, the Koumaken, or Kurikara. As glad as he was to be promoted to Paladin, he never would have imagined this was to be his first act…

He put opened a door using the key he knew would lead to the closest area to Yuri's location. He had served as her bodyguard for a time, and knew her usual haunt. It was just heart wrenching to know what his job was though.

He followed the trail to the abandoned cottage, only to find that it had burned down. Looking around he saw footprints. He followed the trail to a cave, where he saw Yuri. She was lying on the ground, having apparently passed away in labor. She was holding two boys, 'Twins." he thought. 'I thought I only had to kill one baby, not two!' He frowned in sorrow.

The one he saw first had simple brown hair, and looked quite feeble. The other had bluish-blackish hair, but was shrouded in blue flames. Fujimoto widened his eyes. 'So they are Satan's children.' He saw that the brunette at least had a tag on his blanket. It read, Yukio, the younger one. 'So the feeble one is the younger twin.' He looked for a tag on the older one, but he couldn't find any. He frowned. 'She must have died before she could give him a name…' Little did he know the child already had one.

He prepared to draw Kurikara, when he heard a thump behind him. He saw one of his oldest acquaintances, Sir Mephisto Pheles, precept of the Japanese Branch of the Knights of the True Cross, anime otaku. His true identity however, is Samael, Toki no O, the Demon King of Time.

"I have a wager for you."

Satan was struggling. He didn't know how it happened, but he had a body! The only downside was that it was a freaking baby one! What the hell was he supposed to do with this! How was he going to help Yukio?!

The two adults never noticed him open his eyes either. his eyes were a brilliant sapphire blue, almost looking like his eye color comes from his flames. The pupils were not slit however, but they were red.

He saw the jester boots and saw Samael walking over to him, carrying Kurikara. 'What the hell is with his fashion sense? I know he doesn't get it from me…'


His eyes widened.


Satan tried to open his mouth to say something, but he could do nothing. He was helpless! All he could do was vainly think, 'Samael, what are you doing?! It's me! Stop!'


Satan felt his flames slip away, along with his consciousness. His last thought was 'Yuri…' Then he once more only knew darkness.
The twins growing up was certainly eventful. Fujimoto sighed. Yukio was quite weak. It also didn't help he could see demons. Fujimoto wondered if it was from Rin. He decided to name Rin since he could find no name for the infant. He wondered if Yuri would be okay with it. They were also given the surname Okumura, to hide their ties. He always worried the Grigori would question where exactly he adopted the twins from.

Now Yukio, he could probably teach him to be an exorcist, but Rin was another issue altogether. He was always so violent. It also hurt… a lot… that he seemed to have supernatural strength. He has sent quite a few people including Fujimoto to the hospital.

Rin was sulking in his room. It's not his fault! He's not a demon. All he wanted to do was to protect his brother… Rin never knew why he was so protective. He supposed it was because they were twins. All he knew though was that he had to protect Yukio.

Rin's eyes widened in horror. He had just found out today he was the son of the Devil, he lost his job and messed up his job interview, Yukio moved out so he couldn't protect him, Fujimoto had given him a sword and told him to move out, and now, there was Fujimoto, with a clawed hand piercing through his chest.

The demon, Astaroth, removed his hand, as Fujimoto fell to the ground, lifeless. The other four clergymen were also lying on the ground unconscious. And the demon walked over to Rin, "Now, my young prince, are you ready to head to Gehenna? We have long suffered since Satan's disappearance, but now you can reunite us!"

Rin slowly backed up, terror in his eyes, "No... no... get away!"

"But it is your destiny, it is your duty! My prince! You must take your father's throne!"

Rin clutched the sword in his hand, as he looked at the demon with pure rage. "I had only one father, and you killed him, you basstard!" He looked at the sword, and remembered Fujimoto's warning. "If you draw this sword, you can never go back to being human!"

"Sorry, Jiji, it looks like I won't be able to keep that promise." And he drew the sword.

Astaroth was thrown back by the sheer magnitude of the explosion. He did not expect that! The prince should barely be able to make any flame right now!

Rin's mind was straining while his physical body transformed. His ears became pointed, while he grew a tail from his back. His teeth and claws also grew sharper. However, he was shrouded in blue flames, while the ground underneath him started to decay. However, his mind was trying to process the sudden influx of information he was getting. The images of war and rebellion, the creation of Gehenna, his torment of mankind, and his meeting Yuri.

Astaroth's eyes widened as he felt the flames grow more and more intense. "Impossible!" Such a terrifying aura of power, only... like that of Satan! He could only see two red eyes glaring at him past the blazing fire, and he froze as it spoke.

"Astaroth." Astaroth felt real fear enter into him. "I'm going to destroy you." And Rin unleashed a massive wave of fire, and obliterated Astaroth, host body and all.

Now Rin knew that Astaroth was still alive, having returned to Gehenna. However, considering he was going to be in a coma for a long time from the severity of the damage, he was not concerned with that.

Rin simply looked down at Fujimoto's corpse lying on the ground, "You were wrong on four accounts Fujimoto. I'm not human. I never was. Nor was I Yukio's brother. He is neither the Devil's son, just as I am not the Devil' son either. For I am the Devil, the Destroyer, the Deceiver." Flames flared around him, as his red pupils narrowed and his eyes formed a spiral pattern. "I am Satan."
"ἔχουσιν ἐπ' αὐτῶν βασιλέα τὸν ἄγγελον τῆς ἀβύσσου: ὄνομα αὐτῷ Ἑβραϊστὶ Ἀβαδδὼν καὶ ἐν τῇ Ἑλληνικῇ ὄνομα ἔχει Ἀπολλύων. "

"Et habebant super se regem angelum abyssi, cui nomen hebraice Abbaoon graece autem Appollyon."

"They had as their king the angel of the abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, Destruction, and in Greek, Apollyon, the Destroyer."

Revelations 9:11

"ἐὰν γὰρ καὶ πορευθῶ ἐν μέσῳ σκιᾶς θανάτου οὐ φοβηθήσομαι κακά ὅτι σὺ μετ' ἐμοῦ εἶ ἡ ῥάβδος σου καὶ ἡ βακτηρία σου αὐταί με παρεκάλεσαν."

"Innocens manibus et mundo corde et qui non exaltavit frustra animam suam, et non iuravit dolose."

"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff will comfort me."

Psalms 23:4

I hope you enjoyed it, even if fanfiction isn't your taste, or if Blue Exorcist isn't your favorite fandom. Depending on how things go, I may continue updating here, but we shall see what fate ordains. Cheers for now!


"God, infinitely perfect and blessed in himself, in a plan of sheer goodness freely created man to make him share in his own blessed life. For this reason, at every time and in every place, God draws close to man. He calls man to seek him, to know him, to love him with all his strength. He calls together all men, scattered and divided by sin, in to the unity of his family, the Church. To accomplish this, when the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son as Redeemer and Savior. In his Son and through him, he invites men to become, in the Holy Spirit, his adopted children and thus heirs of his blessed life."

Catechism of the Catholic Church: 1
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