Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2090754-Gods-Memorys-Act-5---Humans-part-1
by match
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2090754
~The angels start to get used to life with humanity when a new problem arises
Act 5 - Humans part 1 *Note this is the fifth part of the story, feel free to check my portfolio for the first four parts*

Gem, Alec and Cam were in the kitchen of the estate house which they had set up as there base of operations. A large whiteboard on wheels had been brought down from the upstairs office and was now covered with messy writing in permanent maker. Cam and Gem sat on the wooden chairs by the small table while Alec stood by the whiteboard, scribbling more writing. It had been two days since Match had been put in a coma and the girls had tried to make the most of there time.

They had explored the small town's main street to get a feel for there surroundings and had finished constructing the far sight telescope. Other then that they had watched a lot of TV, played a lot of video games and been generally lazy. In heaven and hell there are recreational activities but they are all more along the lines of meditation, so the media of humanity was fascinating to the angels. They had been content with waiting for the rescue to come while they lazed around until a crises had arisen. They had run out of food!

"We can presume that Match's parents left enough food for Match not to need to buy food while they were on holiday but, seeing as there are three of us, we used up the food faster then expected and now that we have no more food, we need money" Alec explained for the third time, pointing at the graph she had drawn on the whiteboard. Gem sat slouched in her chair making a grumpy face " but were angels, we don't need to eat when were in Heavens or Hell so why here" she said with a tone of annoyance in her voice. Cam looked up from the newspaper she was reading. "Because Heaven is a different plain of existence and Hell has powerful sorcerers who create a constant magic that heals the body. Like what I've been using Pur to do, except I can only use Pur to replenish Match's body once a day, so we have to find normal means of replenishing energy" Cam said with a sigh.

She had been looking through the jobs section of the newspaper but 'believe it or not', angels aren't trained in many professions. The three continued to discuss the topic when they heard a sound at the front door. They all went silent. Alec who was nearest the kitchen door poked her head out into the hall. Through the small glass windows in the door she could see two people. A man and a women, Alec turned to her squad mates. "I think its Match's parents" she said, her face had gone paler then normal. They could hear the key being put in the door. The two did look similar to the people in a lot of the pictures in the house.

The man was tall with brown hair that didn't show any signs of greying, his face looked aged, he had a scar on his left check. He seemed to be in his mid fifties and had a jolly expression on his face in most of the photos. The women was about five foot with brunette hair tied in bunch. She looked about fifty and was wearing a trench coat style, black jacket. They seemed to be a happy couple, although pictures often lie.

"What do we do" Gem said with a tone of panic in her voice. Cam looked concerned "We could make a run for it out the back door and come back for our supplies later but then we'd be abandoning Match" Cam said, her face a picture of thought. "Its simply" Alec said with a childish grin "We lie like the devils we fight for".
Angels aren't typically good at lying, it was originally more of a human trait but devils had changed there genes in small ways during the war and lying came naturally to them. Whether Alec knew it or not, she was a natural liar, a good one at that.

The key turned in the door lock and Match's parents walked into the hall of the house. They called out there son's name, when Alec stepped out from the kitchen they stared at each other and started talked in hushed voices. "She's way out of his league" the man said. "Blackmail maybe? Such a cute girl!" the women replied back.

Alec coughed politely and said "Are you Match's parents". The two were indeed Match's parents, they asked who she was but she shook her head. " I'm afraid your son was in a car accident, we tried to contact you but we didn't know how, your sons condition isn't life threatening but he is in a coma" Alec said in the most sincere vice Gem had ever heard, it could of fooled even God. Match's parents went pale, the voice and tone of Alec proved this was no joke. Alec lead them into the kitchen(Cam had hurriedly hidden the wide board) where she explained what had happened to there son and how the three where there as his nurses. It wasn't the best lie and it had plot wholes but Alec incredible delivery of it coupled with tone and expressions were what made it believable. Every syllable she uttered painted a picture that you couldn't deny, every word was sincere and honest sounding.

After she had explained, Match's Mother, Holly, asked if she could see her son. Alec and co brought Holly and Match's Dad, Dain, up the stairs into Match's room. When they say their son Holly burst into to tears, collapsing to her knees. Dain put his hand around her, trying to comfort her but it was clear he was putting on a brave face. The girls stood outside the room waiting for the parents. They realized that there was no reason for them to stay in the house any more so it surprised them when Dain came out of the room to confront them. "Girls I want you to stay working here. I can't pay you much but we'll provide food and you can stay in the spare rooms here if you like. I know its not a lot but I don't know how to care for my son" he said in a sombre voice. His clenched fists were trebling and there was a deep sadness in his dark brown eyes.

The girls had agreed to stay, Gem had jumped at the chance, they were essentially getting to stay for free. The rest of the day, the girls tried to comfort and help out the parents. They unpacked there holiday luggage and went with Holly to help her with getting shopping and Alec offered to make dinner with her. It seemed silly to Gem that the women was content with remedial tasks after finding out what had happened to her son but as Cam explained, it allowed her to calm down and gather her thoughts. Dain however was suffering. His brave face little more then a façade for his sadness. Cam had been watching the news in the living room when Dain had come in and sat in his armchair Cam had offered him the remote. He politely refused and started watching the news. Cam was leaving the room a few minutes later when she heard Dain mumbling to himself "Its all my fault, I planed the holiday, I left him here alone for all this time". Cam wanted to help, to say something but she knew it wasn't her place.

Alec had been a huge help. The two parents had taken her in as there own. Slowly but surely three days had passed. Not much had happened but Cam had grown worried. While Alec ate dinner with Dain and Holly, Cam now stood on the roof of the house, telescope in hand. Gem sat on the slope of the roof with the laptop they had found on her lap. The far sight telescope was a simply way to read stars and find coded messages with out using magic. To make it they'd taped three nines on to the side of the 30m telescope they had found in the attic (Although what the nines did, they were unsure) and then taped the fragment dagger they had taken from the bounty hunter to the lens of the telescope. Upon putting the knife to the glass it had turned transparent and when looked through the telescope showed a whole set of stars that a normal telescope was incapable of. Whole constellations humans hadn't the slightest clue about, shined and sparkled.

After recording these unseen star patterns, they could be inputted into a program that translated the code to English. Alec had set up the coding a few days ago and anything it couldn't translate they asked Pur to, by describing the image to him/it. Right now Gem sat on the roof reading out the report. "Same as yesterday Cam. No real activity but a resource collection group is going to be working near here soon. Nothings changed tho, they'll be outta range to detect us in any way" Gem said blowing a bubble with her bubble gum.

The recourse collection group would be collecting what is in simply terms, the physical manifestation of prayers. This manifestation is normally unseen and not dangerous but when harvested it spread radiation in the nearby area. Radiation that would kill most humans within a few years. Normally it was only taken from uninhabited places, like deserts to prevent unnecessary caulicles. If they were talking it from inhabited areas, then the war wasn't going as well as God wanted it to be going.

"Were angels ,real straight outta heaven angels, isn't it our job to stop them and protect the people?" Cam asked her best friend and squad mate. " Maybe but were not that sort of solider, were special forces, there ain't any reason for us to get involved in stuff like this" Gem said, "Although we could use some ammo and there's always a chance they might discover us by accident". Pur the fragment Cam had summoned was a logical kind of weapon, he was very against unnecessary fighting. " There's no need to put yourself in this situation and how will Alec take it if she has to kill real people again?" The conscious of the fragment, which had retained its memories from before it had been passed on, questioned.

Gem lowered herself down to the edge of the roof, just above Match's bedroom window. She looked back up at Cam " Its your call Boss" she said before clambering her way back into the house thought the window.

Cam stood atop the window deep in thought of what to do next. She hadn't thought of herself as truly being a leader until till now but the realization of two people looking to her for commands scared her a little.

Unknown to Cam, Dain was standing in his room below the roof and heard her and Gem's chat... End of Act 5

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