Pills, like tiny universes in themselves, spherical, flat, ovoid and hued to set the drab afire often, bottled with caps strong-arming said pills as if to call attention to pharmaceutical closure, list somewhere unknown to us the sure-fire remedies for ague or sprain or ache, yet bide like licentious lures for someone ill-advised and overwrought, (let’s call her Eve), to ingest with élan quantities exceeding even a glutton’s part, thinking that, just perhaps, more is recipe forthright like so much glitter on the Yuletide tree, that pills aplenty would suffice to oust unwanted maladies like marshals did in days of Dodge, like conflicts utilizing guns in corrals (not so OK) rife with lead and smoke arriving at the cost of death. Oh, eat your apple, Eve, and sin all right, yet scrutinize the labels so and gulp not pills with blatant fervor, but heed the recommended dose, the dose to free and not imprison. Yes, prisons come with gulps of want and bars are cold just like the floor, yet even further down there’s ice and none so strong can rouse the heart when death shrouds one so young. What is the lure? White Lotus, Bennies, Speed, the ticket out of here. He warned you, Eve, the label clear, he would not lie to you… She should have listened when he said to use as directed. 40 Lines Writer’s Cramp 7-19-16 |