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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Erotica · #2090663
A young Vince of the wild lands has to fight a war to protect the world's monster girls.
A husky white young brown eyed and haired man walked in rather tall grass. He wore an orange hood over his head that at least showed his brown bangs. A pair of orange bangs framed his eyes like a pair of fangs. His chin had a brown facial hair on it making it a goatee missing it’s mustache. His orange hooded jacket was worn with light bronze light weight platemail. Consisting of a chest piece and shoulders pieces. A pair of orange vambraces lined his forearms.

His brown jean legs flapped as his bronze boots stepped through the tall grass. His belt was lined with pouches that matched in color to his orange gloves. On his back waist was a pair of one handed norn axes that crossed at the hafts. His belt also contained several stone wedges that hung on his belt by thin strings.

The man stepped as he pulled one of the stone wedges off his belt with a snap of the string. Lifting up his arm he listened for the slightest sound. A twig was snapped as he turned to his left and threw the wedge. The wedge flew true and slammed into a tree where a trap was placed.

The trap was rather complicated with a string tied to a small stem branch. Using the tree as a lever to snap the branch from a simple tug. A noise let the boy know that he had something pointed at his back. The noise was undoubtedly the jostling of a crossbow.

A girls’ voice said with a smile that could be heard, “Hmm, a brunette with brown eyes? You’re a bit on the piggish side size wise, but you’ll still fetch me enough money for dinner. Pretty sure I can sell you to a few Orcs. They’d love to pork you, piggy.”

The man replied to her, “Nice trick, husband bounty hunter. But, you are not taking me in.”

The hunter replied to him, “Don’t get any funny ideas, piggy.”

Sucking noises were heard as the man said with a blush, “Gem, can you tell her who I am and lower your hood?”

The hood to the jacket thinned showing it was strands of orange hair with yellow trim. The head of a woman bent back looking at the blonde hunter. The orange haired girl smiled with her tanned flesh and yellow eyes, “Sorry, we kinda laid out a trap for you, tramp.”

The blonde and green eyed hunter noticed the hair of the man. His sides and back of his head were shaved down, but the crown of his head had orange hair. The scalp was brown and this made her eyes widen in fear as she said with defeat, “A Vince? No, it can’t be.”

A blonde clawed hand gripped the back of her neck as she heard a growl. A female growl emitted from behind her, “Mess with my husband bitch and you get your neck gets snapped off by me.”

The Vince turned around looking at the blonde and green eyed husband bounty hunter. He then looked at the blonde furred dog girl. She wore a veil like a hood to hide her face. The leather bra she wore was orange like her transparent veil. And the shirt she wore was the same only, only being a mini skirt showing her orange thong. His eyes looked at the clawed hand that held the husband bounty hunter’s neck in her hand, “Henrietta can we take her in alive? We need to make an example out of her. Plus, we need to find out who her clients are.”

Henrietta grumbled as she said taking the crossbow from the hands of the hunter, “Fine.”

The hunter asked the Vince with fear, “Which of the Vince’s are you? Please, don’t tell me you are the White Vince.”

Laughing making him seem less scary the Vince said, “A city girl? This must be your first time out of the big city. You don’t know how a Vince works apparently. I’m Cameron ‘Camm’ Carnal, the Orange Vince. My territory is the all the land east of the Undine Valley Falls and the trade ports along the river that leads to the Morian Kraken Cavern just south of us. You can tell I am the Orange Vince cause of the orange hair on the crown of my head. I don’t know who this White Vince is, but he has little to no control in my land. Also, husband bounty hunting is illegal in my territory.”

The girl gulped as she asked him, “So, what are you going to do to me then?”

Gem the girl on Camm’s back smiled as she licked her lips, “We’ll keep you until we have a meeting with one of the cities. After that we’ll trade you for resources.”

Almost on a whimper the girl sucked up and made a stiffer lip. Smiling Gem said to her, “Oh, a tough aren’t you.”

Henrietta clamped a pair of irons on the girl’s wrists, “There.”

The hunter was turned around and looked at the dog girl. She noticed on the belt of the dog girl was a pair of swords on each side of her waists. On the back of her waist was a pair of revolver rifles that crossed giving them an ‘X’ design. The belt was also equipped with several bullet sleeves. The belt buckle showed a metal pocket that held shuriken and a pair of push dagger handles were visible on both side of the belt buckle.

Henrietta said to Gem with a grin that could barely be seen under the orange transparent veil, “Please don’t forget about the sacrifice Gem. All captured Husband Bounty Hunters are forced to be sacrifices to the Foot Love Cult.”

Gem feigned forgetfulness as she said, “Oh, that’s right, and I just so happen to be a third priestess of the cult.”

The hunter’s only action that showed fear was her legs clenching protectively in the front. The chin of the dog girl named Henrietta could be felt on the hunter’s shoulder as she said with a licking sound probably of her own lips, “Oh, clenching your thighs won’t do you any good. Gem’s foot will get right through and insert that big toe of hers right into your pussy. And make you drench all the juice that you got in that petite body of yours.

Sighing Camm covered his eyes with his hand catching the attention of Gem and Henrietta, “Can we please not talk about this?”

Gem said to Camm with a pout, “Oh, hush you. Here, let me please you.”

Camm’s body fell a tad as he braced himself from total collapse. The girl that was on his back and whose hair seemed to make up his jacket’s very fibers rubbed him under her hair. He felt his groin be assaulted by Gem’s pleasurable feet. Gem’s lips planted kisses on his neck as he flushed along his cheeks. He slowly stalked along behind Henrietta to try and focus on anything but his throbbing member.

Camm gulped as he watched the blonde tail under Henrietta’s mini skirt wag. Camm told Henrietta, “Good job on catching the hunter by the way, Henri.”

The tail wagged more at the attention and the shortened name used. Her smile and blush could be heard, “Well, I am the Nose of the Orange Vince. Can’t very well let a husband bounty hunter take you away from the Carnal Tribe.”

The walked through the tall grass as they came by a creek bed. A shot was heard from a gun that scrapped a lone tree. The orange vince and his dog girl dived for the ground as the blonde husband bounty hunter ran. With her hands behind her back she had a struggle to get away, but made due.

Henrietta reached for her back waist pulling the belt holster that held one of her revolver rifles. Camm stretched out a hand saying, “No, don’t shoot.”

Pulling the hammer and trigger Henrietta fired a bullet at the hunter. The hunter was completely missed as the shoot zoomed several feet to her left. Camm stood up as he said to Henrietta, “I don’t know why you carry those. You aren’t that good of a shot.”

Whimpering Henrietta sniffed as she looked at Camm’s back. Camm saw that the husband bounty hunter had gone too far. Sighing he walked over to Henrietta as he bent down and pulled up her veil. Showing her short blonde bob hair cut. Her bangs blocked her bangs which were pulled out of the way by Camm’s right hand. His flushed face saw her green eyes as he kissed her plump pink lips. Her blonde dog ears twitched in happiness as Camm pulled away and said to her kissing her nose, “You may not be a good shot, but you are a good tracker. Now, that you have her sent, she won’t be able to get to the village without tipping you off.”

Smiling and letting her tongue loll out having drool seep out of her mouth. Camm then felt a pleasure at his member as his knees hit the ground. The grass and girl was pressed down by his knees. Panting happily Henrietta moved her hands to the pants and the hair that made up the jacket worn by Camm.

The hair parted as it slowly receded making Camm’s armor fall limply on his body. With the hair that was his jacket returning to Gem’s hair bun, he looked at his black tank top. His pants had their lace untied letting his half a foot member stand out with tanned feet rubbing it. White semen dripped from it like a recently closed beer tap.

The left hand went up and having blonde clawed digits stroke Camm’s prick. A moan was emitted from him as Gem climbed down from his back showing her height to be five feet tall and have an almost flat child like chest. Her orange hair with yellow trim wrapped around her head in a hair bun. A pair of black hairs laced up her hair bun in a butterfly knot.

Putting her hands on her child baring hip she said standing nude, “Time to submit your sacrifice to the Hand and Feet Love Cult priestesses, husband.”

Camm moaned as he felt Henrietta’s thumb rub his slit, “Can you signal the troops?”

Smiling confidently Gem reached for his belt as she pulled out a reflective hard. She used it to send a signal that sent a signal back to her a few moments later. She then said as she put the shard in one of his belt pouches, “There, the hunter won’t get far. And whoever her partner is, won’t get away either.”
© Copyright 2016 FlashWally22 (m-2mousecyborg at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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