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by Nevaea
Rated: ASR · Short Story · Death · #2090355
Evilness that never left the old Victorian house.
It was the Summer of 1995 when my parents bought their dream home. It was a 1700 year old Victorian house that sat on twenty acres of land some flat with some rolling hills. We haven't moved anything into the house yet, it needed a lot of work but my parents seen potential in the house. My mother loved the original woodwork and wanted to restore it back to what it use to look like, but first she said she was going to hire some people to come in and help her clean from top to bottom. As she made some phone calls I wanted to check the place out, I was hoping that I might get lucky and find some secret passages or stuff hidden in the walls, so I continued on with my journey exploring the old Victorian house. As I walked around feeling the walls in the old library room, I felt a soft spot I was curious to find out what it was so I pressed harder and the old wall crumbled to the floor. My mother yells Desmond are you ok? What was that noise?. I told her, Oh! it was nothing mom I'm just checking the place out. I started to move the debris out of the way all I could see was a bunch of dirt more cobwebs and a old rat skeleton. When I looked over in the left bottom corner I seen something lodged between the walls so I started clearing more debris away and finally pulled it out and blowed the dirt off of it. It was a book about Paranormal and Evil Magic Spells. The book had a small pad lock on it and at the bottom there was a warning that said "If you open it you will be sorry, then it will be to late for you". I just rolled my eyes cause I didn't believe in Ghost, Paranormals, or Witches. I was still very interested about what was writtten inside the book though, but I wanted to explore more of the house first. I heard knocking at the door so I went down to see who it was, it was the cleaning crew so I let them in, as they entered they just looked at me with a look of fear like they was affraid to even come inside. I introduced myself to them. Hello ladies. I'm Desmond feel free to look around if you like. As I watched them standing in one spot looking around I asked them if there was something wrong, one lady looked at me and seen the book in my hand she said years and years ago there was soo much evil stuff that happend in this house, we could tell you some scary stories but we wouldn't want you to have nightmares or anything. I just rolled my eyes at her and said well if you would excuse me for a minute I will go find my parents for you. They nodded their heads then one of them said if you dont mind may I see that book you are holding please, you sure may I said. I handed her the book and told her to becareful there is a warning that says if you open it you will be sorry I giggled. The lady stared at me as she took the book from my hands. She said to me that there use to be three sisters who lived here they were witches very evil witches they did a lot of bad things to people. I was starting to get freaked out the way she was staring at me and the way she was talking, I told her ok thats good to know, I'll be right back and shook my head as I walked away. I saw my parents outside through the kitchen window standing on a hill under a big tall tree so I went outside running up the hill and asked them what was they doing outside and told mother that her cleaning crew was here. My dad said, look what I found son three graves all three sisters I assume they are the last ones who lived here. I just looked at him funny and started thinking about what that cleaning lady told me. My parents asked me if I was ok that I had a funny look on my face and looked confused about something. I stared down at the head stones but I didn't see any names on them, my mother keeps talking to me, Desmond wake up are you ok, hellooo.
She pinched me to get my attention. I told her, Oh yea sorry just day dreaming. I asked dad where are their names? He said what are you talking about it tells you right on the head stones as he looked there was nothing they was all white and cracked looking, then all of a sudden their names appeard on them plane as day. They were, Ella Black, Josephine Black, and Eleanore Black. As the names appeared it felt as if the ground was shifting or starting to sink in, we all got dizzy and started to head on back up to the house. My mother hurried up and ran inside and apologized to the ladies for making them wait so long, then introduced herself to them. I'm Alice I see you already met my son Desmond he told me you two looked a little scared to come inside and had some kind of fear look on your faces. I do apologize again its that he gets freaked out so easily. My husband Alexander and Desmond was right behind me I don't know where they went to she giggled. We found three graves up there at the top of the hill we assume they were the last ones to live here in the house. The ladies looked at Alice just staring at her with a worried look on their faces. Alice says "OKAYYY" That must be the look Desmond was talking about Alice said. The ladies said we are so so sorry Alice we do apologize for our bad manners. I am Alma and this is Vera it's just that when there is something wrong I get very strong vibes in my body and right now I am feeling some VERY strong vibes right now Alma said. Alice askes if she was some kind of a Psychic or Medium of some type. Alma told Alice that ever since she was a little girl and every time she would go into spooky looking houses she would get vibes that something wasn't right. I was normally right so I guess you could say that I'm a little psychic I just havent really used my energy that much she softly smirked and looked away and started looking around again. Alma and Vera said we could tell you some stories that we have heard from the family that has lived in here before, but im sure you have better things to do and worry about right now. Alice seemed very interested in what the ladies had to say so she said, well it is getting late so I tell you what, let me go put us some hot tea on and then we can go somewhere outside I thought I seen a picnic table not to far from where we was at. Alma and Vera looked at eachother and said well ok that sounds wonderful a nice cup of hot tea. Alice said I'm sorry we didn't move any furniture in yet but we did bring a few things with us if we got hungery or thirsty. Alice goes off and makes some hot tea and then they go on outside to the picnic table and sit. Alice told them how she loves scary stories and was excited to hear a good one she hasn't heard a good scary story for a very long time. They looked over and seen Alexander and Desmond and yells for them to come sit with them while they tell a story. So Alexander and Desmond goes and sits down on the ground and listens to Alma tell the story.
In 1700 there was three sisters who use to live here who always practiced evil magic and would cast spells on people. Their names was Ella, Josephine, and Eleanor Black. Alma stopped and asked Alice and Alexander, those are the graves you found up there at the hill isn't? They looked at Alma dumb founded and nodded their heads. Alma continued on with the story. The sisters would always throw parties and try to find someone who always felt down about themself and try to get them to join them and if they didn't then that person was their victim and tortured them with voodoolism. In 1728, There was a young family who was expecting a baby, when one of the sisters (Ella) was out doing her daily routine she overheard the young lady asking people if they knew of any rooms or places for rent they were needing a place to stay very soon. Ella went over to her and offered her and her husband to stay with them untill they was able to get situated and ready to move out on their own. The young lady looked at her husband and asked him what does he think, he said right now I don't think we have much of a choice the baby will be here very soon, so they accepted Ella's offer. As they moved into the house the baby was born it was a little girl and the parents of the baby named her after Ellla for helping them. When they brought the baby home Josephine and Eleanor wasn't to happy. Eleanor got jealous of the baby for how much attention she was getting from people. Oneday the couple needed a baby sitter and Eleanor was the only one around and they asked her if she would be able to watch baby Ella while they did some errands. Eleanor perked up and said of course. I would love to watch little Ella. When they left Eleanor casted a spell on the baby and little Ella started running a high fever. When the parents came back, Eleanor told them that the baby started crying and she couldn't get her to stop that she felt very hot. The parents rushed her to the hospital to try to get the fever down it went down for a little bit, then when they got back home her fever spiked high again no matter what they did they couldn't get the fever down. One night the three sisters went out on the town and it was just the young family and baby Ella, all a sudden there was a knock on the door, it was a strange old man who told them that their baby has been cursed by someone in the family, the husband and wife looked at each other and looked at him and said what are you talking about we are the only ones here who is related just us three. The old man tells them someone in this house is a relation to you in some way but I can break the curse but there will be consequences later, something bad will happen, the husband and wife looks at each other again and said I dont care just do what ever you can to save our baby. The strange man prayed over baby Ella all night and when they woke up it seemed that the fever had broken little Ella was ok and healthy again. The parents was filled with happiness and joy and couldn't wait to tell the three sisters when they came home, which seemed weird to them cause they don't ever recalling them staying out all night. As the strange man was leaving he left them with chilling words, now someone else is dead in your family. They grabbed the baby and went outside to see if they could find the sisters, they went up on the hill and seen Eleanor hanging from a rope. Josephine and Ella arguing and fighting talking in a different language and seen them casting curses on eachother. They assumed Eleanor was the one related to one of them. They was scared for their lives if the sisters seen them what would happen to them. As the young family tried to get away without being seen it was to late. Josephine had spotted them and casted a spell on them making them stop in their tracks. The witches runs over to them and ties all three to a wooden post and sets it on fire. The family died. The town got together and caught Josephine and Ella and hung them. So I'm pretty sure your see and hear a lot of things around this old home of yours but thats just a start of what happend. All of a sudden, Desmond started feeling sick and vomiting his eyes started rolling in back of his head he even started getting a high fever Alice and Alexander took him to the hospital where he died and had a out of body experience he seen the family that use to live in the house. He seen them holding their baby and just smiling at him. Desmond goes over to them and tries to talk to them but all he gets is a smile they wouldn't speak to him. But all he could hear was like they was trying to communicate back and forth with eachother through the mind, telling him to go back to his body and take care of ihs family. Tell them they have to leave that house it's not safe to stay there. Desmond listend and returned to his body after three hours of being dead the doctors couldn't believe it. They called his parents and told them that their son is alive. They went rushing back to the hospital. Desmond told them, I will never say I don't believe in ghost or spirits or anything like that again he said with tears in his eyes. I had the most awsomeness out of body experience he told his parents. But there is something I have to tell you. I met the young couple that Alma told us about in the story and they told me to go back to my body and take care of my family and to tell you we have to get out of that house that it is not safe for us to be there. Alexander and Alice listend to Desmond and they abandoned the old Victorian house. Three years later Alexander,Alice and Desmond went for a joy ride and went passed the old Victorian house and was surprised to see it had been burnt to the ground, Desmond askes his parents a question. Why does everything happen in threes?. There was three families who lived in the house, three family deaths, and three years later the house burns down. The parents didn't know what to tell him but everything always happens in threes for some reason son. As Desmond was talking to his parents from the back seat of the car, he happens to look down beside him on the seat to see the book of the Paranormal and Evil Spells next to him. As he started to freak out but not saying anything to his parents he just held the book as he started feeling funny like his body was being taken over. When they arrived back home Desmond kept the book hidden in his room under his bed, everynight he would read it and stuff started happening in their home. Pictures would be tilted sideways on the walls, chairs would move in the kitchen by themselfs, the t.v. would come on by it self. Alexander and Alice didn't know what was going on, they called Alma to see if she could come over to thier home and see if she could feel any activity in the home. Alma went to the home, as she entered she could feel the presents of Paranormal Activity going on. Alma asked Alice and Alexander if they took anything from the Victorian house and brought it home with them, they said no. They heard noices from upstairs coming from Desmonds room, they rush upstairs to find him floating in the air with the book of the Paranormal and Evil Spells in his hand. Desmonds eyes was rolled back into his head with a slight color change to his skin and began talking in a different language as he Pointed at Alma and started casting a spell on her. Alma felt sick, her body felt weak she began to walk over to the doorway trying to get away from Desmond but the door slammed shut. Trapping her inside. Alexander slowly moves around the room as Alice distracts Desmond. Alexander hurries and grabs Desmond from the air as he then collapses in his dads arms. Alma gets up feeling faint but regains her energy back but feeling stronger. Alice takes the book from Desmonds hands as they all go outside to throw the book in the metal trash can and burn it. They felt huge gusts of winds blow towards them like they was inside of a tornado, they could hear evil laughs. Alma starts to use her Psychic powers as she closes her eyes and focuses on the witches flying around them. Alma keeps her eyes closed as she grabs Alice, and Alexanders hand telling them to do as she tells them. Alma tells Alexander to squirt some lighter fluid on the book and throw it in the metal trash can and light it on fire. Alexander does what she told him to do, as she told Alice to take her other hand and lock it with hers as they both are hand locked together now, Alma tells Alice to say all three of the witches names with her and tell them to leave they are not welcome in thier home, they keep saying it over and over as Alexander holds onto Desmond and squats down holding onto him tight. The witches feels the ladies over powering them as the book continues burning there is sparks bursting out of the trash can as all the spells start to break making the witches worthless the gust of wind starts to slow down as a bolt of big light stands over the trash can, Alma tells everyone to back away from the can. They stand there as they watch all three witches appear infront of them dangling over the can and fall into the fire and the trash can explodes. Desmond starts to come out of the spell he was under and asked what happend. Alice, Alexander and Alma looks at each other and smiles as they hugged one another. They soon put their home up for sale and they all lived happily.
© Copyright 2016 Nevaea (nevaea at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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