Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2090197-Gods-Memorys-Act-3Part-3---Fragment
by match
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2090197
An action heavy part, with a new enemy for the angels to face but are they up to it?
Act 3 - Fragment

After Match had gone to bed, Cam called down her sisters to the living room for 'the first official meeting' as she put it. "Alight so we got somewhere to stay, now we need to start constructing a far sight telescope so we can predict the next time devils will pass through this area, that means we need a telescope, a fragment and three nines" Cam stated to her two companions. "This place might have a telescope in the attic?" Gem suggested. " We could use those number nines off house plates" said Alec shyly. "Good thinking you two, only problem now is getting the fragment" *(fragments are pieces of a relic that has been split up, they contain a smaller amount of power then the relics but are still powerful weapons)* Cam said but before she could go any further, they heard a loud noise outside. Cam beckons the Alec to turn off the light and Gem lifted the curtain slightly to look outside. What she saw was an angel with grey wings holding a large dagger and emitting a bright light. He wore a black cloak shrouding his whole body, he stood at about 6 feet tall. Gem walked quietly back over to the other two.

"Its a bounty hunter(an angel on neither the devils or the angels side), must of detected you using magic earlier Cam, he has a fragment, he won't take long to find us in here" Gem said worriedly. "Alights then we'll have to fight him and without magic, shield or wings, understand you two?" nods from Gem and Alec suggested they understood " Alight then basic formation, lets do this" she whispered to them, they each put there hands to the back of there belts and there SMGs appeared in there hands. Gem and Alec took position either side of the living room door, just like how they had back at the ceiled facility. Cam stood a few feet back from the door, gun raised at chest height, ready to fire at will.

The insuring fight was somewhat of a blur for Cam, The door to the living room was unexpectedly kicked with such force that it came off it hinges and flew straight into Cam, with such force that she was sent flying back into the back wall of the room. Gem and Alec were quick to react, Alec jumped back from her hiding place and opened fire on the angel. He was incredible fast, his fragment granting him unbelievable speed, he dodged the bullets and surged forward knife first, Alec wasn't slow tho either even with out the help of a weapon, she quickly stood to the side causing a lamp on a side table to fall and smash into many pieces.

From the other side of the room, where Cam had been thrown, came a hail of bullet fire. The bounty hunter was caught of guard but managed to still dodge by diving to the ground and doing a combat roll/dive back to his feet, but before he had time to react he was rammed into the wall behind him adjacent to the wall by Gem, who had rammed him when she saw her chance. She now picked him up by his collar and pinned him to the wall, gun pressed against his jaw. "Not so tuff now bitch" Yelled Gem in triumph. Alec kicked the fallen blade away in the general direction of the door. "Alrigth caught it up, who are you and why are you after us" Cam said calmly from behind.

The bounty hunter spoke a deep gravely but yet cowardly voice " Calm down, Calm down. look I didn't tell anyone about detecting you here or nothing, but the bounty on your head was so high that when I detected a magic with Lady Cam's signature to it.. well I just couldn't resist" he finished hanging his head in defeated shame. "I wonder why the bounty's so big?" Alec questioned looking a little sad. "Well when miss angel of death Um-ura found out that four devils escaped, she got pissed and put out a huge bounty, is what I heard at least-" before he could say more the girls all gave him incredible bright smiles and said in unison "FOUR ".

"Yea, apparently satan intervened and saved one of the two demi-devils" he said in a tone that suggested everyone knew this, after all it was a rare sight for satin to get directly involved in affairs and battles. For a brief moment, Gem let her guard down due to happiness, that brief moment was all the bounty hunter needed. He kneed Gem and dived to the ground avoid Alec and Cam's gun fire and grabbed his fragment from where it lay on the ground, he then darted out of the room, his speed renewed and headed straight for the staircase which he began climbing up the stairs towards the bedroom at the top, Match's bedroom that is......

Match had an almost naturally fast reaction time and although he wasn't a big fan of team sports, he was a confident fencer, so when his room door burst open he divided from his bed and grabbed his fencing sword from its resting next to his bed side table stand. That was instinct mixed with panic but after that Match froze, he dozily looked around him and then saw the intruder all to late. By the time he thought to raise his blade and block the incoming dagger, it was already to late, the fragment dagger pieced his chest and then its ability activated. The ability pierce allows a blade that barely makes contact with the enemy, to pierce right thought to the other side. Match collapsed to the ground, vomiting blood. His stomach slowly bleed onto the carpeted floor of the room, he fell to his knees and looked up briefly as his attacker drew the blade out of his stomach swiftly and with ease, then the cloaked figure walked to the window and opened it full.

It was just about a big enough window for the man to jump out of, he sat on it and watched with glee as the girls rushed up the stairs to see there companion on the ground bleeding out. The look of horror only got worse as they saw the wound sealing up and Match looking up at them, straight in the eye, the eye, now almost as soulless as the zombies that they had fought many times before, the foot-soldiers of God, mindless, soulless, lifeless, zombies. "You Bitch" shrieked gem angrily her gun raised. Cam simply stood almost lifeless in a state of shock" why does everyone I meet die?" she thought to herself, a tear in her eye, sure she was a solider but she was still little more then a girl. Alec simply stood, weapon raised.

The bounty hunter laughed at all the events talking place but then his face turned to a series expression "time to get my reward, I'll use the boy to kill you and then I'll claim the reward, unless you have the heart to kill your own friend" he said mockingly. Gem took a step forward "I'm sorry but he's nothing but a shade now" she pulled the trigger but the zombie-Match jumped to the side like a spider and then slashed at Gem lightly cutting the back of her hand, causing her to drop her gun which Match grabbed. Match then stepped back and raised the gun, pointing it at head height at the three girls. Cam and Alec were paralyzed, they didn't know what to do, it was like time slowed down as they waited for the seemingly inevitable but the fatal shots never came for the zombie turned the gun and shot a full round of bullets into its own chest. Blood spattered the room.

The looks on both the bounty Hunter and the Girls faces was that of shock and horror, they all went pale as the unthinking able happened. Breaking a psychic mind control and claiming control of your mind and soul again was almost unheard of. Match used the shock and confusion to his advantage, with his body quickly failing, he turned and fired the rest of guns remaining rounds right at the head of the bounty hunter, he was to shocked to move out of the way the way. His body slowly fell backwards out of the window and landed on the ground beneath, slowly it disappeared leaving only a pile features and the fragment knife on top. Gem ran over to the window to make sure the enemy was dead but Cam ran forward to catch Match's body as it fell to the ground. She dropped to her knees and laid his head on her lap, tears streaming down her face, his pulse was already gone. "Why do I care so much, he's just a stupid human, I hardly knew him and there's hundreds of humans out there, there's no reason why I should care so much" she said quietly.

Alec just stood silently, she knew the answer because she felt the same way, Cam felt sad because if she couldn't even protect one human, what could she protect? Gem was about to try and console Cam but she hesitated, she didn't know what to say. Cam just kept saying "Don't die" over and over again, slightly louder each time until she roared it out. Her eyes were now glowing blue again but this time it was brighter then her two companions had ever seen before, a loud shrieking noise came over the room preventing Gem or Alec talking, all they could do was stare and then Gem looked at her hand, it was glowing where she had been cut before. Slowly but surely the cut was healing, this was healing, a very rare ability that only a few possessed. Alec knew what Cam was trying to do when she looked at Cam's hand, a relic fragment was there glowing the same blue as her hands, Cam was tying to drag Match's soul back to his body but that sort of ability came with side effects. Alec knew she needed to try and stop Cam but she didn't know how to, at least not safely and before she could think of something it was over.

The glowing seized and for one brief moment there was total silence... and then Match's pulse retuned or so it seemed.. End of Act 3
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