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Rated: ASR · Short Story · Adult · #2089695
Adult fiction
By Nancy E. Stubblefield

Once, there was a woman named Nancy Stubblefield. She is five feet tall, and 110 pounds. Her pants size's ten petite. She has dark brown, straight hair. It hangs half way down her back. In addition, she has a heart shaped face, hazel eyes, and wears glasses. She lives in a one story home, in Prineville, Oregon. It has a front, and side, lawn. There is a sidewalk, which extends between her street, and porch.
One day, Nancy gets up, and dresses in green sweats, and white sneakers. They have, multi-colored, neon laces. She has no plans, for the day. She pours herself, some cereal, and juice. After she eats, she washes the dishes. Then, she hears the phone ring, and answers it.
"Hello, Nancy?"
"Hello, Roy! I have missed you! I have not heard from you, for two weeks."
"Sorry about that. However, I have been busy. Are you busy today? I would like to visit. I am in town."
Nancy responds, with a smile.
"Oh! No, I am not busy. Come on over!"
"You sound happy about this! Okay, I will be over, today. I have a surprise for you! Bye."
"See you later!"
Nancy hangs up, with a smile. Then, she walks through the dining room. She goes to wash up. Then, she decides to put some perfume on. It is called: Romantic Illusions. Then, she enters the front room. She turns on her favorite music, country. She keeps the volume soft. Next, she sits in a, soft, comfortable chair. It sits in the corner, by the picture window. It is a beautiful day! She relaxes, while enjoying the music.
After several songs, Nancy sees a truck park in, her short driveway. Then, her doorbell rings. She stands up, and approaches the front door. Then, she opens it, with a smile.
"Hi, Roy!"
"Hi, Nancy! Those sweats look good on you!"
"Thank you, Roy! Come on in."
Nancy returns to her chair. Roy comes in, and closes the door, behind him.
"Oh, Nancy, that is a nice song!"
"I agree, Roy. It is by George Strait. I like country music, which was played, in the 1980s."
Nancy watches Roy, walk over to her. Then, she sees him stand by her side. Next, she feels him place, his gentle, hand on her shoulder. She speaks, as she looks up at him.
"What would you like to do, Roy?"
"Do you remember how it felt, the way I touched you, in private, Nancy?"
She releases a, contented, sigh.
"Yes, I have pleasant memories. I think about it, daily."
"I am very glad, to hear that. May I massage your shoulders, please?"
"Mmmm, I would like that, Roy."
Nancy turns sideways, just enough, for him.
"Good, Nancy. That will help me."
Then, Nancy feels Roy place his gentle hands, on her shoulders. She feels him, start to massage them. Then, she grins, as she speaks.
"Ah, Roy, that feels great!"
As he continues, Nancy gets more relaxed, and comfortable.
"Nancy, you felt a bit stiff. I am glad to help you relax.
Would you like to, go lay down?"
"Yes, Roy. I would."
"Nancy, do you have any lotion?"
"Yes. It is in the bathroom, near my bedroom. It is in the cupboard, by the door."
Nancy watches, as Roy comes in front of her. Then, she sees him reach out to her. She gives him, her right hand.
Then, she stands up. They walk through the dining room, to her bedroom.
"I am glad, to be with you, Roy."
"Nancy, I am glad to be with you, also."
Nancy smooths out her bed. Then, she lies on her back, on top of the covers, and lays her arms by her sides. Meanwhile, she smiles to Roy.
"Nancy, you look beautiful!"
"Thank you, Roy!"
Nancy watches Roy move a chair to the foot of her bed, on the left side.
Then, he sits down, and starts to remove her shoes, and socks.
Nancy wonders what he is going to do. However, since she trusts him, she says nothing.
"Nancy, it’s good to see you, calm with me."
"Roy, you know that I trust you, and care about you."
Roy smiles.
"Yes, I do. I will be right back."
"Okay, Roy."
Nancy watches her boyfriend, leave her room. Then, as she relaxes, she hears a bathroom cupboard. Then, she sees him return, with the lotion.
"Mmmm, so, that is what you did."
He closes the door. Then, he sits by her bare feet.
"I would like my Girlfriend, to feel extra special, today."
Roy opens the lotion, and squirts some in his hand.
Then, he rubs his hands together.
"Oh! That is so nice!"
Nancy sees him smile, as he picks up her left foot. Then, she feels him, start to massage the lotion in.
He is careful, to not tickle her sensitive feet.
"Mmmm. This feels great!"
Nancy's smile becomes a big grin, briefly.
Roy speaks, as he continues the massage.
"Nancy, I can see, from your grin, that you enjoy this."
"Roy, I sure do!"
He massages the lotion into Nancy's whole foot, and ankle. Then, he gently, lays her leg down. Then, he squirts more, in his hands.
"Oo! It feels so soft, and smooth!"
"It sounds like, you really like it."
Then, he picks up her right foot. He massages it, the same gentle way.
"Mmmm, yes, I feel spoiled!"
"That is what I intended. Nancy, how much do you like that feeling?"
"Very much!"
"That is great to hear! I am not done, yet."
"Are you telling me, there's even more? Wow!"
Nancy watches her boyfriend squeeze some lotion, on to her lower legs. Then, she notices him, tenderly, massages it in.
"Roy, that is so nice of you!"
"Thanks! It pleases me, to help my Girlfriend, feel special."
"Yes! Sir, before you continue, would you please, give me your hand?"
"Sure, Nancy."
Nancy watches, as he puts his hand in her right hand. Then, she grasps his fingers. She smiles, while she lifts her hand to her mouth. Then, she gives Roy a big kiss, before she lets go.
"Well, thank you Nancy!"
Then, she watches him start to put lotion on her thighs. Meanwhile, she smiles. She remembers him, touch her before. She remembers, also, how much she enjoyed it!
"Oh, yes, Sir! This is wonderful! Please continue."
"Nancy, it pleases me, that you are so polite, and kind. I am glad, that I got to know, someone like you!"
Meanwhile, her boyfriend lovingly massages the lotion into her thighs. He saves her inner thighs, for last.
Nancy enjoys the massage, allot!
"Nancy, would you like some more, of that private touch?"
"Oh, Sir! Was not that, what this was?"
"No, silly girl."
"Oh, you mean. That! Yes, please."
"Yes, that. Now, you remember, what I would done with you."
Her boyfriend slowly, works closer to her vagina. When he gets to it, Nancy watches him, lean very close to her thighs.
Meanwhile, she gets very excited! She anticipates his next move.
Then, he starts kissing her left inner thigh!
She sighs with contentment. She enjoys this, extremely! She moans with pleasure, as he continues.
Meanwhile, Roy's kisses slowly move over her vagina. He continues, until he kisses the whole area. This includes her right inner thigh!
"Oh, Roy!"
She speaks, excitedly! Then, she grins, as she reaches out. She rubs his head, a few minutes.
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