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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Dark · #2089453
Hell Hath no Fury than a woman scorned
She wears many faces.
Her sad face in the privacy of her home. There are no witnesses to see her vulnerability. She is alone in her tears.
It's better this way. For if they saw her pain, the sheer power of its display would shake the core. Disrupt their peace, that they actually took care of her.
They didn't.
That's why she kills. Her tears turn into anguish, then madness.
Don't misunderstand the madness. That was the mistake of the others. They think madness, and picture asylum cages and electric shock therapy.
No, this madness is calculated. Silent. It's a peaceful realization that the only thing that's left to do.
Is to end his life.
Oh, how hard she tries to stop the madness within, and yet her pain won't let her. The pain of the heart, won't stay silent. It seeps into her mind, like a dark gel of destruction. Oozing slowing until it has completely consumed the very fiber of her only reality.
Her latest victim, naked whimpering from the pain of the...
Wait, what did I use this time? She thinks. Looks down at her blood stained gloved hands. Oh! She smiles. A knife. She always appreciated the simplistic power of a knife. It's so common and yet so powerful. The damage it does, from a tiny cut to multiple incisions deep enough to make a grown whimper.
Like him.
Look at him. So weak. Their weakness always seem to reveal itself.
In the end.
"Please... Please... I'm sorry.."
He pleads sputtering blood from his mouth. Oh yes, they are always sorry for their crimes. They always promise the world in the end, yet never seem to deliver in the beginning.
What was his crime exactly? Yes, he fucked her sister. Now, she's tied up and watching with horror.
Surprised sister dear? Thought you would fuck the man that I loved and be happily ever after? Yeah it doesn't work that way.
Not with her. Not ever.
She speaks "Please stop begging. It's not real. It's not honest. At this moment it's best to do at least one decent thing in your mediocre life. I mean look at my sister. Mediocracy is her middle name, and assuming you both fucked like rabbits for the entirety of our relationship, seems mediocracy is what suits you. You're dying tonight. She won't tell. Do you know why?"
He whimpers and starts to cry.
Unfucking believeable, he's crying!? Pathetic. Glad to see this now. To think I loved this man...HA!
"God, you're crying...what a joke. Anyway, to get back on the subject before you turned into a total waste of time. She didn't tell you. She's mentally ill. She suffers from schizophrenia. She sees green aliens and they talk to her insane ass. Do you know what happens to schizos after their meds are denied? Hmm, you don't seem like you want to answer. They become violent. They harm themselves and others. Lucky you, she's been taking placebos for a month"
"Oh sister dear, you looked shocked." She approaches, untying her sister knowing that she won't run. "Yet something tells me you don't seem too surprised. You knew something was wrong, didn't you? Those aliens came and visited you? True to form you're very good at hiding."
"But I knew..yes sister I knew. I knew you started talking to yourself again. I knew you started posting the maps in your closets. Oh I knew. Do you know how long it takes for a relapse with your medication? 14 days. Sometimes longer, but considering you just started month ago. 14 days. You're going to finish the job. You're going to kill your lover. And you know why, because that evil Martian told you to"
Her sister whimpers. Her sister cries. She knows she got the wheels turning.
"He's in here sister, he's there! RIGHT THERE! The only way to save the world is to destroy that mean evil monster"
She moves next to her sister ear. Sensing the belief her sister's delusions. She knows the plan is working.
"Here, this is the Martian destroyer" She places the knife in her sister's hand. She whispers in her sister's ear, like snake tempting Eve. "it's the only way we can survive, for mankind, Delilah, for mankind...OH NO!!! THE MARTIAN IS ATTACKING ME!!"
Within seconds, Delilah takes the knife and lunges at the whimpering man on the floor. Screaming incoherent words of fear, triumph, disgust and regret. She murders him. She stabs him so much her knife can't find fresh unscathed skin. In moments, he is nothing more than a mass form of skin and blood. There is nothing identifiable about him.

She smiles at her sister Delilah. She kisses the top of her head.
"You did good, 'Lilah..you did good"

She gets up. Goes to the phone, dials 911. And screams.

© Copyright 2016 S.K.Moore (skmoore818 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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