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Short obseravtion writing |
You take a look around and you notice that your new location is so different from any of the places you have ever visited before. Taking it all in, you begin to decipher the littlest details that you begin to sense. All of these new sights, sounds and smells, intrigue you to further aobservation of your busy surroundings of New York City. New York City holds excitement that you have never dreamt of experiencing. In doing so, it opens a whole new world you. The early morning for most everyone is still and peaceful, and with little to no sounds. However, in the city that never sleeps, you begin to think, that may not be the case here. A pleasant sound catches your ear. The music is coming from a saxophonist. His street performance makes you think back to all the stories you hear about on how street performers make it through the day with the display of their talents to audiences willing enough to place down cash. You get a glimpse of the saxophonist, he has dark, dirty hair and a ragged look that gives off the impression of a typical homeless person. Regardless of his rough appearance, you are drawn closer to the smooth jazz. Something about the syncopation causes you to just stop and listen. The music’s ability to lure you in closer makes you forget of all that is happening around you. His beat makes the most effect of your morning. Having enjoyed the spry melody, you continue with the busy day with kindred spirits. You walk in a briskly fashion as to try and camouflage yourself into looking busy as the rest of New York. Although the sun has not unveiled itself from the clouds, you think it to be bright. Looking up and down, side to side, you see the enormous, tall skyscrapers that enclose the streets. Raising your head up at a slight angle to better view the tall elaborate architectures of mankind; a sensational smell interrupts you. The warm, sweet smell awakens you into remembering that you were hungry to begin with. Not knowing where the smell is coming from, makes you puzzled to where you can pinpoint the smells location. You hear your stomach rumble in response and you are now anxiously turning your head side to side in search of the intoxicating smell. So far getting nowhere in your search, you further notice the busy pedestrians you take sight of a young man in a business suit enjoying a freshly baked scone. You timidly approach the man and rehearse to yourself on how you are going to ask him if he can too smell what you smell. As you inch your way closer he quickly steals a big bite of his scone and looks at you with chipmunk cheeks. Quietly asking him of the smell, he nods in agreement that he can also distinguish the luring scent of food. Pointing in the direction of the smell you go on your way feeling a sense of contentment. Having now found the location of the previous distracting aroma, a smile appears on your face. The escape of the cold weather of New York, gives you a brief sense of relaxation. The cafe that you have entered is a nonchalant one. It gives off a very modernistic look, teenagers in the back of the cafe are crowding around a white Mac laptop while they sip at their mochas. A small wiry young man shifts from behind the bar as he is busily making drinks for customers. You glance at the menu and carefully evaluate what they have to offer. Knowing already what you like and seeing that they do offer, you decide to be spontaneous and try out something new. Your turn in line now approaches, and still being undecided you go ahead and ask the young barista what his favorite thing is. He answers and you say that you will try that. He nods with a faint smile and goes to making your drink and puts a big fluffy bagel in the toaster and brings out a dull cup full of cream cheese. Looking behind you, seeing that the line has increased significantly you think to yourself of how your timing was impeccable in making it in before the customers all swarmed in for breakfast. The young barista rings a bell and places your order down and smiles while bidding you a good day and turns his attention to the following customer. You grab the very heavily decorated bag and think to yourself on how the bag matches the theme of the rest of the cafe. You hurriedly try and find a place to sit before all the seats are taken from under your nose. The warm brown painted wall against the adjacent brick wall bring you near to a seat with a singular chair and table. Opening the bag, you smell raisin and smile to yourself. The treat that you have smelled earlier from in the city is now gently resting in your hands, but not for long. You take a sip of your Americano and take it all in one by one. The morning has been an experience. All of them being things that you typically would not find yourself doing. You think to yourself on how you should steer outside your comfort zone more often for more occurrences like these. You take a bit of your bagel and dip it in the cinnamon cream cheese and smile to yourself. What a great day to be in New York City. |