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Rated: E · Fiction · Children's · #2089033
Knight Addison gives Rachel a Moonstone


Knight Addison rode his trusted horse, Chocolate, back home to see his sister Rachel. It had been two weeks since he defeated the dragon and Kaci was able to return home. He liked being there for his sister and their friend, though he really wanted to wait before the girls found out about his magical sword. The dragon made it impossible to keep his secret and he used his sword to protect all of them. No more secret. Now everyone knew that the stories of the Knight with the magic sword were true.

Today would be a good day to take Rachel for a ride. Maybe go visit Kaci, her sister Mandi, and their baby brother Sylvus. A gentle, warm summer breeze blew as he crossed the new wooden bridge to home. Addison smiled, remembering how the dragon blew fire from his big nostrils and made the girls scream. The dragon was so big and ugly he should have been scared, but he wasn’t. He let his hand slide down to his leg to pat his sword, thankful that he found it in the forest that day, for it never failed him.

Before he could get off the black horse, Rachel came running from the castle, a big smile on her face.

“What did you bring me today?” She asked, bouncing her way to him. Every time Rachel bounced, so did the brown curls on her head.

He spoiled his sister, and loved to bring her presents when he went into town. No one appreciated the gifts he found more than his sister. Knight Addison jumped down from Chocolate and reached into his front pocket, feeling around for the pretty pink stone. He pulled it out and kept his hand closed around it, wondering how long he could keep her waiting.

Her brown eyes lit up as she waited, moving right in front of him. “I want to see!” She said.
Addison laughed, turned his hand palm up and slowly opened his fingers.

Rachel gasped, “What is it?”

“It’s a moonstone. It has special powers,” Addison boasted proudly.

Rachel reached for the pink crystal and studied it, running her finger over the smooth surface. She looked up at her brother, her eyes drawn together. “What kind of power? Like your sword?”

Addison laughed again, knowing nothing in the realm was like his shiny metal sword. His sword was special and could make bad things disappear. “No, but it will help to keep you safe and bring good things into your life.”

“Wow.” Rachel held it up to the sun and watched as the sunlight made the pink stone sparkle all around them. “Thank you, Addison.”

“You’re welcome. Are you ready to go visit Mandi, Kaci, and baby Sylvus?”

Rachel shook her head.

“Why not?” Addison asked, resting his hand on his hip.

Rachel looked around, moved closer to him and whispered, “Last time we tried to leave the castle the dragon attacked us.”

“But the dragon is gone, Rachel.” It had been two weeks since the magic sword made the dragon disappear. Addison thought Rachel played outside again, instead of staying cooped up inside the castle all day. It was summer, and his sister loved this time of year so she could pick wildflowers and play at the riverbank, splashing the cool water with her toes.

“I think I will stay home. Thank you for the stone.”

Rachel turned to head back into the castle, but Addison moved fast enough to step in front of her and stop her from running away. “I have my sword,” he said, patting the long blade, “and now you have your moonstone. Nothing is going to hurt us. “

Rachel looked down at her hand again, running her thumb across the pink crystal. She looked up at her brother, her brown eyes big and filled with worry. “Are you sure?”

“Positive. Let me put Chocolate in the field and we will go see our friends.” Knight Addison walked off shaking his head, surprised that his sister still thought about the dragon. He would show her that there was nothing to worry about, and they would have fun at Kaci’s house.

They crossed the bridge and walked in the sunshine ready for a fun afternoon. Every once in a while Rachel would hear a noise, stop walking, and then race to catch up to Addison. When they reached the village, he turned to smile at her, wanting her to see that he was right.

“See, I told you it would be all right.”

“Rachel! Addi!,” Kaci called, running toward the pair.

Kaci was so excited that when she went to hug Rachel, she didn’t slow down enough and the girls went tumbling to the ground laughing. Addison ran a hand through his hair and mumbled,

Kaci stood up, pulling Rachel along with her. “Mandi made us lunch,” she said, running back to her house, dragging Rachel along with her. Addison followed closely behind.

After eating, they went outside to play at the outskirts of the woods.

“I forgot to tell you,” Rachel said, “Look what Addi brought me today.” She proudly showed the girls her new stone.

“What is it?” Mandi asked, moving closer to get a good look.

“A moonstone. Isn’t it pretty?” Rachel said.

“I want one,” Kaci cried, crossing her arms over her chest and pouting.

“Me too!” Mandi agreed.

Addison shook his head, not surprised that they would all want a special stone. “I will try to get another one, but they are hard to find.” Pretty crystals were rare, but in time he hoped he could find a few more. Ove the last two years he managed to bring three different stones to Rachel.

They found a shady spot at the edge of the woods and sat down, talking and telling stories to each other. That’s when the shouting started. Mandi was the first to stand up to see what was happening.

“Oh no!” she said, rushing off toward her house.

Everyone got up and raced to catch up with Mandi. When they reached the house, they could see black and white smoke coming from inside.

Baby Sylvus cried. Mandi and Kaci’s parents stumbled out of the house coughing, but the baby was still inside. Mandi’s mother cried, calling for someone to save her baby. The girls’ father went to the well, and dropped the bucket inside, turning the handle as fast as he could to bring up water to put the fire out.

Addison watched, wishing his magic sword could do something to help them rescue the baby, but he knew it didn’t work that way. Kaci’s dad ran inside with the water bucket and disappeared in the smoke and fire.

The baby still cried as they all stood outside watching, waiting for them to safely appear. More people arrived to see what was going on, but no one tried to go inside and help.

Addison turned to say something to Rachel, but she had vanished. He scanned the crowd of people, but saw no sign of his sister. What surprised Addison the most, was that Sylvus’ cries seemed to get louder and now sounded like they were outside of the house. He didn’t understand that.

And then it happened. Kaci’s dad came back outside, coughing harder this time, the empty bucket in his hand. Right behind him coming through the smoky doorway was Rachel, carrying baby Sylvus in her arms and holding him close.

Addison’s jaw fell as he stared at his sister. She didn’t look real. In fact, she looked like a ghost floating through the doorway. But how could that be?

Sylvus’ mother went to her baby and pulled him into her arms, putting kisses all over his face, as she still cried. Her husband moved to them and held them both in his arms. Kaci, Mandi, and Addison moved to Rachel, the only ones who seemed to realize that she somehow saved the baby.

“How did you do that?” Mandi whispered, as they formed a small circle around Rachel.
Rachel smiled, holding up her moonstone. “You said it would protect me, Addi.”

Addison swallowed hard, closed his eyes and opened them again, seeing his sister as a solid figure again. “How?”

Rachel shrugged. “I just closed my eyes, rubbed the moonstone and when I opened my eyes I was inside the house standing next to Sylvus. I picked him up and followed Mr. Cambre outside.”

Kaci reached for the stone, staring at it, shaking her head. “That’s amazing. You saved my brother,” she shouted with excitement, throwing her arms around Rachel for the second time.
Mandi put her arms around the two girls, the three of them in a huddle talking so fast and laughing Addison couldn’t understand anything they said.

Addison watched, while his mind raced with thoughts about the fib he told his sister about the moonstone. He hadn’t wanted her to be afraid anymore, and thought telling her the stone would protect her would get her to go with him to visit their friends. Little did he know that what he thought was a little lie, would turn out to be true.

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