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Rated: E · Short Story · Mystery · #2088330
Melody Abernathy and her friends attempt to solve the mystery of the new neighbor

42The Curse of a Single Boy

Marcus looked shocked for a second before his mask slid back into place. "Ah yes the Everest Lake serials. I remember those articles now but the killer then was meticulous as you say these new killings seem much too sloppy."

"Interesting insider knowledge, did the police tell you that? They seem to be keeping a lot about this killer close to the vest." Mr. Jens asked clearly intrigued. I had to admit I was too.

"God no I have my own shall we say sources. I am sure that the local law enforcement is envious of your detective skills though. Thank you for your time." Marcus said waving his hand in a shooing motion before turning back to the camera.

"Smooth," I said before letting Veronica drag me away from the psychics stand and over to the reporter.

Veronica tilted her head to get into Marcus view after he finished his segment. "Hey there Marcus, it's been awhile."

Marcus Gentry paled while his eyes glided over my friend. My Ronnie was uber stunning today even while dressed down. She had her hair pulled back and her make-up was very light showing off her natural look. I sometimes wonder how she gets that exotic look when I know her skin tone is as pasty as mine. I reassure myself once again that my friend is a sun worshiper and not a pod person in a bad disguise.

"Well well Veronica Dale." The man said quickly composing himself. "I haven't seen you since junior year of college. Photography right?"

Ronnie grinned her impish I've got him hooked grin. "Yeah it was my favorite subject for a while. Then I found that I could spend the rest of my life working with my true favorite subjects: money and mysteries."

"Wow I guess we both found out callings." Marcus said a slimy smile finding its way to his face.

It was time for the best friend to step in and take over. This always allowed Veronica to snoop a little into whatever was nearby. "So Mr. Gentry, I have been following your work on the recent rash of murders. It's fascinating."

"Yes it is Miss?" Gentry asked offering his hand.

"Oh of course I'm Melody Abernathy. I went to Everest with you and Veronica Dale. You had a rather unique college experience in the media didn't you?" I said hoping to keep the conversation going long enough for Veronica to snoop properly.

Marcus practically preened at the mention of his media beginnings. "Why yes I was very well rounded in the field. I spent the first couple of years researching and pulling information for other reporters. Then I moved into the radio news that kept me focused and allowed me to start spinning my own stories. From there I moved to newspaper reporting. Now some would say that this was a bad idea or backsliding but I knew better. It offered more in depth research and the opportunity to really stylize my reporting. I spent my final year working through the television news that is where my current job offer was inspired from."

"Wow that is an interesting history. I know that you did'nt finish your degree at Everest Lakes however, was there a better college that you transferred to?" I said offering him an easy explanation.

He smiled I could tell he fell for the ruse. "Of course that was one of the reasons that I left. I also found that I had family in West Idaho. I was adopted you know that was one of the reasons that I entered the news field. I knew that my parents had been killed when my siblings and I were rather young about six and the killers were not properly prosecuted. I felt I could do well for people that found themselves in similar positions. It also added my personal calling card to my show giving those that understood the opportunity to find me."

"Well that is admirable of you. I bet you have done an amazing job getting people justice." I said noticing that Veronica appeared from behind the nearby booth where she had been snooping. Ronnie nodded to me and I returned my attention to the conversation.

Before I could continue Marcus Gentry stammered. "I must apologize, my dear must dash. I seem to have forgotten the time. Thank you for the conversation."

Veronica and I watched the reporter vanish from the fair as if the hounds of hell were dogging his footsteps. We glanced at each other and turned as one to find out why the man had disappeared so quickly. Taylor Prang stood on the far side of the fair answering questions from another reporter.

"Interesting, that he would take off like that without getting the interview of the century, I mean Taylor Prang did cause a scene outside the restaurant yesterday threatening a chef. I know Marcus has interviewed Taylor for less and more ridiculous things before. Why not use the opportunity to get a real story?" Veronica questioned.

I shrugged glancing around to see who else may have been watching the proceedings. Emmett stood near Taylor Prang with Brett and caught my eye he shifted his head slightly letting me know that they would meet us by the parks Garden Gate. The Garden Gate was set up as the mystery in the park beer garden for the day. It had been used for parties, weddings, and a fair goer sanctuary since the park started the garden tours.

I hooked my arm to Veronica's and led her past the interview to the Garden Gates entrance. Detective Shereborne was waiting behind a seller stall listening to the interview. He joined us as we past making sure that Ms. Prang did not become aware of his presence. By the time we had our drinks and a table Taylor Prang had swept past the Garden Gates entrance to take up residence in what appeared to be the VIP corner.

Veronica watched the prima donna with a jaded eye but I knew she still believed that Marcus Gentry had something to do with the killings. My Monnie was an open book to me. I could see her putting together a theory with regard to Gentry and Prang. While her mind worked on that angle mine still came back to our Ms. Prang. This was one day at the fair where I would not be completely into the activities of the day.

I watched the darkening sky from the cab of my jeep for a moment before pulling out of the Halt-them-hall parking garage. Today had been a blur of mystery solving and information sharing. After the encounter with Marcus Gentry the day had progressed much as I would have expected. The clues and new items all fit into the LARPing that we were there to do. This left each of us to our own thoughts on the mystery of Shala Todd.

My mind kept going over the news articles and information that I had found the night before. Shala Todd had been a small part of the main investigation of the time thanks to the media. Erica Ennis and Polly Swanson were touted and splayed across news media throughout the area based on the threats they had received. But Shala Todd had not received any threats according to the police findings. She had been effectively swept under the rug.

If Taylor Prang had killed her for the media attention then why did her supposed cohort Marcus Gentry keep the investigation focused on the other girls? Why did Erica and Polly receive threats about their relationship with Grayson Porter but not Shala Todd? Did Morgan Turlett get letters threatening him? That would make sense if Shala Todd had been killed in his place. If he was the real target of the stalker he would have been the one to have been given the warning, right. That is of course if there was a stalker to begin with.

Wait, maybe we've been going about this all wrong. I have been using the original formula of a stalker for all of my theories. It was time to wipe the slate clean. I would need to look at facts of this case from a new angle. I needed to talk to Morgan Turlett. Starting with the stalker theory then moving onto the more realistic idea that there was no stalker of either Grayson Porter or Morgan Turlett.

I pulled into my driveway with a plan for Sunday. I would be dragging my dear friend Veronica to Morgan Turlett's place of business. Then maybe we could get some information about his relationship with Grayson. Before I could make any more decisions my headlights flashed over a human form lounging in the darkness of my deck. Dang it I forgot to leave the light on again.

I stopped the jeep and exited with the motor running. For some reason I thought this was the best option for a quick escape. I have been watching too many movies. Three steps later I knew this was a foolish idea. The human shadow stood and started toward me. At least six foot stooping a bit and well-built he could easily remove me from existence without breaking a sweat. I would probably have a better chance of out running him to the neighbor's house than getting the jeep out of the driveway. Luckily I also recognized the figure so running would not be a problem. The shadowy figure was my neighbor Everly Montgomery.

Everly Montgomery, ex-military and ex-husband of the late Shanna Montgomery, old friend/protof my grandfather. My current next door neighbor and neighborhood watch. He had been a detective with the Everest County Police Department until the death of the Mayor. In the aftermath of Shanna Montgomery's death a lot of innocent people were ruined. Too many people were involved in the scandal and others were shunned based on association, Everly and his children were collateral damage.

"You forgot to turn on your porch light again Mel." The man said with a hint of sarcastic laughter.

I smirked. "Yeah well I have to leave something for you to do." I turned back to the jeep. After turning off the engine I collected my things. As I passed Everly I said, "Come on in we'll get some tea."

"Thank you Melody. I need someone to talk to tonight." The older man said.

"Well then I'll get the cookies too." I said leading him to the kitchen table. I put out the cookies then started the tea.

"I'm sure you've heard about the recent murders." Everly said not looking up at me.

"Yeah I have a friend that is a detective and I saw Gentry's broadcast." I answered.

Everly paled then glanced up. "Did he tell you anything?"

"Nothing significant, we had already connected the dots to the college campus murders from years ago. He did admit that the killings are similar but could be a copycat." I said hoping Everly wouldn't shut down on me. He could be very protective when he thought I was involved in something I shouldn't be.

Everly nodded thoughtfully. "Yeah that sounds right. I would have to see the new information to be sure but... The first killings were staged. These new murders seem to be looking for a different sort of attention than just the press."

He trailed off for a moment then looked at me. I jumped about a foot when the tea kettle went off. That seemed to loosen Everly up as he laughed out loud. "Oh hush you." I said getting up to get the tea.

When I returned with our tea Everly had calmed. "Okay I guess you and the others are investigating? Just like when you were kids." I nodded. "Right so you probably know that Shala Todd was the oddity of the original case. Shanna made sure to sweep that girl under the rug."

"Why?" I asked afraid he would not answer.

Everly looked sad as he sipped his tea. "Shanna was not well. She wanted to run another term and thought that a good media case could turn things around for her. She had started to forget things. The doctor believed it could be early onset Alzheimer's. Then she started to get paranoid."

"I'm not sure how the paranoia would affect an investigation?" I said a little confused.

"Normally it wouldn't but Shanna had started to become friends with Taylor Prang. Ms. Prang was whispering in Shanna's ear about a stalker following her brother. Poor old girl never stood a chance. I had left town for a few months with my mother being ill. By the time I got back Ms. Prang had my wife convinced she could solve the murders." He said snagging another cookie. "She also convinced her to divorce me."

"What about Chief Kanapers? Why would he go along with this? And why did you accept the divorce?" I prodded.

"Kanapers was bucking for a job as commissioner in some big city back east. A big case would have made his career. He saw stars when Marcus Gentry started to cover the story. I don't think he realized the interviews were for the school only. Kanapers wanted the case solved quickly and publically. Shanna seemed to hand him the means on a silver platter. He needed the win as much as she did. When she died everything fell apart in her administration and at the precinct. I gave her the divorce to protect the children from the inevitable fall out." He said.

"Is that why you left and let Michael Hashane take over as Chief?" I asked upset that Taylor Prang was again in the middle of things.

"Partly but mostly I wanted away from all things Shanna. Kaitlyn and Alex needed the reprieve. My kids were devastated by the divorce and the scandal would have been too much. Kaitlyn had started at school in Boston just after the murder. Alex chose a military career a year later. I was glad to be away from the city while still in the community." Everly admitted with little fuss.

"I remember when I bought this place Katie threatened me to make sure you were looked after. She didn't trust Alex to do it right." I said letting the questions die down.

"She still doesn't. Alex separated from the military this year. He's going to be returning home and taking a place at the academy. Kaitlyn told him that he was to come home for dinner at least once a week, no exception." He laughed at his daughter's protective streak.

I wonder where she gets that from. I led the rest of the conversation to safer subjects like gardening and what canning we would be doing with our harvest this year. Everly let me have my win without calling me on it. He seemed to be a little lighter after telling me about Shanna. The Mayors death didn't have anything to do with the Everest Lakes murders or the newer version I knew but I could see how her interference in the investigation could have allowed the killer to escape.

When Everly left a half hour later I was no closer to an answer to the murder but I had an idea on where to start. Shala Todd, I wanted to know the woman who saved an unknown man's life by being in the wrong place at the wrong time. I wanted to know how and why she was really killed.

I could see and hear the heavy hammer falling to drive the nail home five times before I opened my eyes. The strange dream about redecorating a house in the middle of the ocean faded as I realized that the pounding was not a hammer but someone knocking on my front door. I groaned as I rolled out of bed yelling at the pounding, "Around back."

I could feel the pounding in my head start to match the pounding on the door. I had spent half the night online with my tablet tracking down any and all information that I could find for Shala Todd. Though the mystery of Shala Todd was a significant part of the new investigation she was pushed off to the side in the original. This had me baffled. I stumbled into the kitchen to get a good cup of anything caffeinated to find Brett standing at the counter with a large cup of something that smelled lovely.

"How about a mocha, my dear?" He asked handing me the large drink. He had obviously stopped at my favorite coffee shop this morning.

"You my friend are a life saver." I said taking the large cup and filling my nose with its scent before taking my first taste. "So what's up? Were we on for a shopping spree today? I don't get paid until next week."

Brett shook his head a little smirk taking up residence on his face. "Nope I was supposed to work this morning but Emmett took the shift and left me with evening. I thought that maybe you would want some company for your interrogation of the lovely Mr. Turlett. Ronnie has some work to catch up on today."

I smiled as I turned to my room to get dressed. "And what makes you think that I will be questioning Mr. Morgan Turlett today?"

I knew Brett's answer before the words even formed but still wanted to hear them. "Because I had the same idea." Brett said laying out a couple of breakfast sandwiches on the bar. "There is something going on there and I seem to be right in the middle of his thoughts. I want to know why? I spoke to Grayson this morning. Thomas lent me his phone to make the call. Grayson had a hard edge and it scared me. I want this over."

"Yeah I know." I patted his shoulder while pulling my old Hawks sweatshirt over my head. This may be a situation that called for business attire but it was still my day off. Turlett would have to deal with my casual day. "So you broke things off with Porter while the Detective was listening. That sounds like Shereborne was with you all night."

Brett smiled a soft thoughtful look in his eyes. "We talked all night. There was no real discomfort not like with Grayson. It was like talking all night with Ronnie or Emmett."

"Good you deserve awesome." I grabbed my backpack and jacket from the rack by the door and led the way to my jeep in the driveway. "Do you have the general directions? I have never been to the Turlett complex."

"Yup I got the information. The complex is out on the Point by the park. Ritziest and oldest neighborhood in the area." Brett said watching the surrounding neighborhood as I pulled out of the driveway. We compare notes on our way out to the Point.

The Point was the neighborhood where the original over one million crowd built there dystopian society. The home had to be built for luxury and the owner had to maintain at least a quarter million in the bank at all times. There was a sense of doom surrounding the acres of old money and that was not just the scandals that seemed to follow the inhabitants like a bad smell. The Turlett compound was the first mansion built near the cliff of despair. The 'cliff' was a gouge in the land that glaciers and weather had carved to be the perfect suicide spot, according to legend.

There was no better place to jump to your certain death. Except the 'cliff of despair' was less than a two story building high and landed the jumper in a rather clear pool of pristine ocean water. Most jumpers found themselves swimming safely to shore with no more than a body stinging from the body flop and a bit of shock from an icy plunge. Yet the legend of the cliff continued and each year a new tale of death was added to the myth.

This was, of course, another intriguing mystery that had Brett and I hooked. We did love a good fairytale myth. Our conversation revolved around how the myth got started for the first half of the drive. By the time we reached the park that separated us from our target we had moved back around to Shala Todd. I told him about my conversation with Everly Montgomery, the inconsistencies in the Mayors behavior, and Taylor Prangs rather dubious connection.

"Well that is interesting. I was able to get into some files from our good Mayor Shanna Montgomery when I was looking through some building permits for Emmett and me. I found some papers mixed in that showed Shanna Montgomery had an efficient aide by the name of Shala Todd."

"What?" I said not sure what that meant.

Brett nodded. "Right seems strange. I thought Shala Todd was just a college student but apparently she had an internship with the Mayor's office the summer before she died. So maybe the good Mayor wanted to hide her relationship with the intern. There seemed to be some interesting business dealings going on there. Why would an intern in the Mayor's office be signing and filing paperwork on the Mayors behalf?"

Okay so this mystery just gets weirder and more convoluted with every connection. Of course there was always the very real possibility that these events didn't have any significance to the relationship with the Mayor. Shala Todd was still the main focus of a bigger mystery and her connection to Taylor Prang and Morgan Turlett could be the key to break the case. Detective Thomas Shereborne had made the time to investigate every aspect of the original murders while other Detectives from his division covered the more recent deaths.

What was it about Shala Todd and Morgan Turlett that had me running in circles? The mystery kept circling in my head and the answers were still just out of reach. I shook my head glancing at the nearby sign. The sign showed the coat of arms for the Heys family. The old house had been with the Heys family for generations even weathering the Daddy Turlett's abandonment with great dignity.

Just past the elegant sign we could see the lights of a dozen police and rescue vehicles. Maybe the suicide myths were more accurate than we could imagine. I parked the jeep just outside the property gate in a small parking lot that had apparently been added for guests. Brett slid out of the jeep before I could grab my pack. I met him at the gate where he had started a conversation with the young officer guarding a possible crime scene.

"Hey Carl, so what's up?" Brett asked sounding casual.

I had seen Brett in this type of questioning before. He could easily look casual and aloof to a situation even when he was freaking out inside. Today he was in a slightly freaking out kinda mood. This meant that he would need a good dessert and coffee trip after this to calm down.

Officer, guard Carl glanced over both Brett and I before offering any information. "What are you doing here?" Carl asked in a rather annoyed tone. "You know you are not allowed to be involved in this?"

Brett looked perturbed for a moment before quickly recovering his previous stance. "In what Carl? Melody and I are here to speak with Morgan Turlett about his sudden interest in the culinary arts."

I snorted lightly trying valiantly not to disturb Brett's obvious attempt at sounding completely innocent. I barely kept a straight face when I added. "Yeah did someone dive off the Cliff of Despair again?"

Carl glanced from Brett to me and back before he looked around the parking area. "No, but there was an attack on a guest of the Turletts apparently some international model was staying with the Turletts. He was attacked when he went for a walk last night."

"Wow that's crazy. Did Detective Shereborne come out to talk to the family?" Brett asked his eyes on the house.

"He's on his way. I can buzz the house to see if they are accepting guests at this time. I know that the victim has chosen to stay here rather than go to a hospital, too much publicity. Let me check." Carl stepped into the guard house to make the call while I turned to Brett.

"You don't think this is related do you?" I asked not sure why this specific incident would be related other than two of the participants of a murder investigation living in the house where the attack occurred.

"It's weird timing right. I mean this model happens to be staying with a family involved in a strange murder mystery that has the police backtracking old case files. I have no doubt that this is tied in." Brett said convinced that the attack was a part of the mystery.

Unfortunately I agreed with him. Mysteries and coincidences usually meant involvement. I turned to the guard house to see if Officer Carl had any approval from the main house when a car horn sounded to my right. I jumped a bit before turning to find Detective Thomas Shereborne exiting his SUV.

The Detective smiled at my glare. "So I see you were looking to have a conversation with Mr. Turlett. Officer Daukins did you receive permission for visitors?"

I glanced toward the officer still on the phone. The officer gave a thumbs up them opened the gate. "Walking are we?"

Shereborne nodded. "The Heys don't allow vehicle on the property that are not owned by the family. Even the ambulance crew had to hike in. So tell me what has you two here today?"

Brett dived in before I could offer an opinion. "We're here to ask about the murders and find out why Turlett was threatening me outside my own restaurant."

"Well let me take the lead. I need to find out certain things for the investigation. So please let me have my questioning first?" Shereborne asked Brett with a sincere pleading look.

I smiled before jumping in with my own information. "Could I make a suggestion?" Shereborne focused on me and nodded. "Ask them if they knew about Shala Todd's relationship with Mayor Montgomery. I spoke with Everly Montgomery last night. He said that Taylor Prang was leading the Mayor in her quest for the 'Stalker'. Prang said her brother's stalker needed to be caught and Shala Todd was signing off on documents in the Mayors name. Documents about orphanage relocation and the unsealing of court papers regarding children at said orphanage, I'm curious about that."

Shereborne looked pensive for a moment. "Okay I will throw something in about that but please remember some of the information is case specific and is not to be shared."

Brett and I nodded as we continued to the main house. The house was located a ways away from the main gate and the hike was a good quarter mile. When we arrived the butler was waiting to lead us into the manor. "Detective Shereborne Mrs. Turlett has requested that you and your friends wait in the library. Tea will be served. Do you have any preferences?"

The butler left quickly with our negative response to preferences. I watched the library door close before looking closely at the surrounding room. The room was huge and had the feel of an old public library. The shelves were worn however the books were placed with great care even the well-used paperbacks. This library was not a show feature of the house but a family utilized room that has some wear and tear.

A moment or two more passed before the door again opened and the elegant Mrs. Victoria Heys-Turlett entered the room.

Victoria Heys-Turlett, family matriarch and grandmother of Morgan Turlett. The old woman was savy, sneaky, and stunning for a woman her age. She floated into the room with a grace that Taylor Prang could only dream of. The woman was an astute business woman who allowed a 'feeble, minded child' to run a small off shoot of the family business. She had kept reigning control over Heys Industries while letting her son lord over the smaller Turlett family business. He obviously did not have the head for business as he skipped town with all the money he could grab.

The Heys family had become entwined with the Turletts when Victoria married her high school sweetheart. The two had been inseparable until his death a year before the son vanished with the money. Victoria allowed Han to start up the Turlett business and hand it over to their son. She clearly saw that as a mistake based on her press comments. The fact that Morgan has taken the initiative to make his own fortune no matter that avenue had impressed his Grandmother.

Morgan entered the library a few moments after his Grandmother with a roguish air that screamed stubborn. Victoria eyed him approvingly. Taylor Prang on the other hand arrived ten minutes after the tea arrived and was watched cautiously. Once the family was seated and tea had been silently handed out Victoria took the initiative to start the conversation. "Detective Shereborne I was not expecting you for a simple assault case."

Shereborne reddened a bit before stepping up to face the formidable woman. "Yes Ma'am normally I wouldn't handle this type of situation but I had some questions so I decided to take care of both at the same time."

"Very good." The woman nodded. She seemed to think that this was an efficient use of the Detectives time. "Well I for one am quite upset at this turn of events. Romas is a guest in my home and he was attacked without provocation. There was nothing stolen, nor was there any type of break-in in the main house. Romas was staying with my Morgan in Morgan's bungalow he has been cataloguing the space for the authorities."

I watched the conversation as I accepted my cup of tea from the Butler. Taylor paled just slightly under her makeup at the mention of the break-in. I wanted to fidget the questions percolating in my mind. Detective Shereborne took the initiative at that moment to start 'questioning'.

"I would like to go over the day at the restaurant first. I know that my officers have taken the time to speak to you about it but I have a couple of my own." Thomas Shereborne made the questioning sound like a request without difficulty. When Mrs. Heys-Turlett nodded he continued. "Morgan you said in your statement that you were protecting an investment. What investment would that be?"

"I was protecting my magazine. My plan was originally to review the restaurant then seduce the chef to join in a new project for my magazine. Oliver Rosini is a restaurateur that has been trying to outdo the Pugsley for a couple of years now. I happen to think that if I can't have the best, Greatest Pastries in the city no one can." Morgan said with a slightly crazed look. "Rosini has been doing magazine segments for my competitor. If I could get Mr. Brett 'Greek Puffs' Carlson to come to my magazine it would out sell all rivels. Free samples may also be involved."

I could not help it I started to giggle. The attention of everyone in the room was suddenly on me. Mrs. Heys-Turlett and Detective Shereborne looked amused while Taylor Prang just looked disgusted. "So the comment about your college love and no one understanding your love for GP was about Brett's greek puffs?"

"Of course, what did you think they were about?" Morgan asked when he came down from his obvious puff fantasy.

Brett snorted shaking his head. "My Ex Grayson Porter."

"Oh love no. That man is a menace. Romas had a brief entrancement with him for a few hours then dropped him when he found out Grayson was a more that one person kinda guy. I did much the same in College with a few men, but I didn't even know Grayson was back in town until he called Romas yesterday morning."

Taylor Prang rose from her seat and headed to the door saying, "I have a meeting with Alfred and obviously the conversation will not be about the attack. I think that you all can handle that. Have a nice day ladies, gentleman."

The woman cleared the room and there were a few moments of silence while we enjoyed our tea. Brett removed something from his backpack and set it on the table. "I have heard that the Hey's family loves these."

Detective Shereborne took a moment to make some notes. My attention was brought back to my surroundings by a gasp. "Oh have I missed the fireworks."

"No Romas dear please join us before Morgan and the good Detective finish off the puffs." Mrs. Heys-Turlett said smiling at Brett. Apparently Brett knew this family better than I thought. Romas took a couple of puffs and his tea to the seat next to Morgan. The man's left eye was puffy and a deep cut had taken residence above his left eyebrow but otherwise he looked alert. He was also the ripped blond that Ronnie and I had seen with Porter.

Morgan sighed in pleasure before jumping right back into the subject at hand. "Grayson and I had a five minute encounter at a party in collage. I had a very busy schedule back then so there was no time for relationships really. The only real interaction I had with that man was through Taylor. She had an unusual interest in him, calling him her project. My brother Deven was impressed with her. Before Father left she hooked Deven. My relationship with my brother was in tatters. The only communication I had with him was through Taylor. Only she wanted to discuss Porter not Deven."

"So you never dated Grayson Porter?" Detective Shereborne asked nudging the conversation back to his favored suspect.

"No not in so many words. No Grayson and I talked usually through phone conversations and meetings that Taylor brought him to. The man was a leech much like Taylor. The two of them latched onto a person then bled them dry. No in college Grayson had woman and men fawning over him. I was not one of them. I wanted a way to remove Taylor from my brother's life. Grayson seemed like an ally at first."

Shereborne noted the statements without looking up. He snuck another puff off the tray before continuing. "There was a woman Shala Todd. She was murdered around that time you and Grayson were becoming allies."

"Yes Shala was family. That may be why she looked so much like me. She was a distant relative on my mother's side. Third or fourth cousin something of that nature, her parents were killed when she was young. The system didn't work for her in helping to find her real family but placed her with good foster parents. She was lucky." Morgan said filling in the unasked question as well as his tea cup. "She tracked me down in college. There was friction between her and Taylor from the beginning more than just a wife protecting her new husband. They had spent time in the same orphanage I guess."

Wow, that was new. Shereborne glanced at Brett and I when he asked, "Why was that information not shared with the investigating team at the time of the murders?"

Morgan sighed rubbing his hand over Romas' knee. "It was. The original detectives didn't want to hear it. The Mayor had her ideas about what happened and the work of a college student even a rich one didn't hold water"

It was Shereborne's turn to sigh. "I'm sorry Mr. Turlett. There is no reason to ignore information in a criminal investigation. Your statements should have been investigated. I will make certain that all avenues are thoroughly traversed this time."

Morgan nodded, "Thank you Detective. I didn't know Shala long but I do want her to find justice. Shala came to me in confidence a few days before she was found. She left me a packet of information. The papers in that packet seemed to disturb her greatly. She left me copies of the information. I never really looked at the papers other than to make copies myself and move the information to a flashdrive. As far as I can tell that information hard copy and flashdrive are the only things missing. The thief however didn't realize that all information on my computer is backed up in multiple locations every night. The flashdrive was encrypted and copied to the cloud with all my work documents."

Detective Shereborne smiled and looked for a moment to have lost interest in his pastry. I understood the feeling. "You are a wonder Mr. Turlett."

"Thank you here is a printed copy and I emailed the files to you as well." Morgan smiled slyly. "The men running the original investigation were also provided copies of this as well. I just couldn't shake the feeling that this was the key somehow and I made sure to keep it in case."

"I have a question Mr. Turlett." I said hoping that Shereborne would not be upset with me jumping in.

"Of course." Morgan said switching his full attention to me.

"Who is Taylor Prangs brother?" I asked curious about Everly Montgomery's statement the night before.

"Taylor doesn't have any siblings. She lost her immediate family in a boating accident in her late teens. She was in an orphanage for a couple of years, I guess." Morgan answered letting his attention return to Shereborne.

That didn't add up. I glance at Brett and noticed his confused expression. Morgan had said that Shala was orphaned young and adopted by good parents but that she had met Taylor in an orphanage not a foster home. Where had Shala Todd met Taylor Prang? What did this have to do with the Mayor? Did this have anything to do with orphanage relocation? I really wanted to have a look at the papers Morgan Turlett had just handed to Detective Shereborne. There had to be a clue to why Shala Todd was murdered and maybe a connection to the more recent rash of killing.

Shereborne stood at that moment. "Thank you again Mr. Turlett. I would like to review this information as soon as possible. The attack on Mr. James was by the alleged thief correct?"

Mrs. Heys-Turlett nodded. "I believe so. Romas, could you go over the event one more time?"

Romas James, ripped blond that had both Ronnie and me ready to kill Grayson Porter, international model and all around good guy on paper at least. I had seen his shoots, read about his philanthropist work, and knew about his many degrees. The man was a professional nerd in the body of a god. Ronnie, Brett and I had spent many nights trying to unbury flaws in the man's character. He was a mystery that we had yet to solve.

Romas breathed in deep and released the air in one slow steady breath. "Yeah. Um I went for a walk last night along the cliffs edge. I like the spray from the bay and the view it's a great way to relax. I had been gone maybe ten minutes. Morgan was going to join me. I noticed something out of place and wandered over to investigate. There was a rope and rock climbing equipment at the edge of the cliff on the opposite edge from the stairs. I had just started to get a good look when something hit me."

Morgan's eye grew wide and he sucked in a deep breath as well. It was clear that hearing the story upset him. I wanted to make a comment but refrained.

The blond leaned a little more heavily on Morgan as he continued his story. "I was luckily knocked to the side rather than over the edge. I smacked my head on a rock. That's where the cut and the bruise came from. I did not pass out though and saw what looked like two men climbing down the cliff's edge. One of them was carrying a backpack but I'm not sure what could have been in it."

"Mr. James, do you mind if I ask about your relationship with Grayson Porter?" Detective Shereborne said carefully.

Romas James shivered a little at the name. "I don't have a relationship with Grayson Porter. He was a one night stand. I fell for a hot guy that turned my head. I came to town to be wooed by Morgan to join his magazine team. I started working my way behind the camera a few years back. Morgan and I went out to a local bar the first night I was in town. I believe it was called The Ravine."

Shereborne nodded taking some quick notes. He had moved to stand by the window facing the cliffs. I assumed he already knew about Morgan Turlett being at The Ravine near the newest murder victim.

"We had been there for a few hours when Morgan left to get some sleep before his morning meeting. I stayed on and met Grayson. He seemed alright. We had a great night. He dropped me off in town the next morning. We spent a while kissing then I left. I found out about the girls murder later that morning. I also found out from Morgan about Grayson's past. There were some things about Grayson's behavior that suggested he wanted to be seen with me." Romas said lost in thought.

"That seemed odd to you?" Brett asked without thinking. Detective Shereborne did not seem to mind.

"Not at first. I am a model. People like to be seen with models it makes them feel special. But when I thought about it, it was where he wanted to be seen with me that made me question his behavior." Romas said glancing up at the Detective for the first time. "We went by at least four different places with heavy police presence on our way to his place and when he stopped in front of them it was almost like he was displaying me. He wanted the police to know that he was with me that night. Then there was the building where he dropped my off. Right in front of a funeral home and you were there."

I glanced up shocked that Romas James had noticed me leaving work on Friday. "Yeah I work in the building on the fourth floor. It's a marketing company."

"He was supposed to drop me off at Morgan's new office down the street. The Top of the Line will be housed in an old warehouse between your marketing agency and your restaurant." He said pointing at me then Brett, Romas James had been set up and apparently so had Ronnie and me.

"WHAT?" Ronnie yelled when Brett and I related everything that we had learned at Heys Manor. "That slimy little..."

"Wait for it there's more." Brett said letting his body relax on my couch. I had Brett make the call to get Veronica and Emmett to meet at my house for a family meeting. I suddenly did not feel safe doing this at Ronnie's apartment. I wanted the safety of my home and my neighbors. One of the best perks of living next door to an ex-cop, I also borrowed the best protection system money could buy. Bubba the cowardly bulldog, no one messed with an American Bulldog no matter how sweet this boy was. He looked about one second away from tearing a person's leg off at any moment.

"More? What more could there be?" Emmett said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

"Thomas is pretty much convinced that Grayson Porter is involved in the recent murders and the murder of Shala Todd. He thinks that Shala had evidence of Taylor Prangs involvement in the murders as well. He said that this whole set up may have been fabricated just to get Morgan off guard so that they could steal the documents. Worse he believes that the killer or killers at this point aren't just killing out of necessity to hide other crimes."

Veronica looked more alert at that statement if that was possible. "What does that mean?"

"Detective Shereborne is pretty well convinced based on all his evidence that the killers have a taste for it and are just killing for the thrill at this point. The theft was simple. It didn't need this crazy build up. The killings are for their need to kill not their need to hide another crime anymore." I said holding tightly to Emmett. "He has also asked that we not get involved any further."

"I'm not sure that's possible." Emmett said glancing around at each of our incredulous faces. "Think about it Porter set this up around us and our relationship with the Detective. It may have started out as simple wrong place wrong time for our meeting Detective Shereborne. But Porter used that meeting to put us right in the middle of this case. He may not allow us to be left out."

"Oh god I hadn't thought of that." Brett moaned and sunk further into the couch, Bubba's head dropped into his lap.

"But I don't understand why?" Veronica said standing from her chair abruptly. "What is his motivation? Not just the theft. Why would he or they want to create some elaborate killing spree with us and Detective Shereborne involved? It doesn't make sense."

"Maybe it's not meant to. Maybe the point is the elaborate mess. They create havoc, questions; throw random things and people into the mix. They get to kill and while the police are trying to clear the way enough to find them, gone. Their just gone with no real ties to the murders, no real evidence, just a mess of unanswered questions and confused people." I said not really making sense.

Veronica looked thoughtful for a moment. "No real evidence, no real ties just like the first murders. The police were focusing on the stalker, misdirection. Grayson was cleared because he wasn't in town when one of the murders occurred but maybe he was not the only killer. If there are multiple killers then that would mean each of them could create an alibi while the other commits one of the crimes."

"And Grayson used us and Romas James to create his alibi for the murder at The Ravine." Emmett said letting a bit of his excitement flow out.

"We're not backing off are we?" Brett asked as he scratched the big dog's ears.

"Oh hell no, that weasel wanted us involved. We're going to make him regret it." Veronica said with an evil smirk. Brett and I shared a look and rolled our eyes.

The Knights of Enigma Plan. I have to say this was definitely a plan worthy of our favorite cartoon. Emmett would follow Grayson get a feel for his pattern. Once we established his haunts of choice we would strike, along with the local constabulary. We would set up a sting using the information provided by Morgan Turlett. All we would have to do is hint that we had the information and Porter would come looking for it, right?

Right. That would totally work if we were the omniscient writers of a cartoon television series where we controlled every outcome. If the pattern that the killers have set continues a new victim has already been selected and a new body will show up soon. We don't know who stole the information from Morgan Turlett with any certainty and I for one am a little concerned about sending my boyfriend to follow a possible murderer.

But I should have realized that Detective Shereborne was more than enough to curb Emmett and Veronica's obvious enthusiasm. "No!" Thomas Shereborne said looking very perturbed.

Ronnie had made sure the first plan presented sounded like a badly written Saturday morning cartoon. I knew there was no way Shereborne would go along with the plan. So did Ronnie. She was convinced he would be more reasonable for the real plan if there was an outlandish one offered first.

I had my doubts.

Veronica winked at me and waved Brett ahead. Brett sighed, he was not convinced either. "Thomas you know Grayson will not let this go. Maybe I could get him to give away some information instead of Ronnie's crazy plan."

Veronica smirked sure that the Detective would cave. She was sorely disappointed. "No." Detective Shereborne said without pause. "But I will share with you what was in Shala Todd's files."

"What really? " I asked surprised by this newest twist. I was sure that Detective Shereborne was not the type to share information in an ongoing investigation.

Thomas's eyes twinkled. "Yeah, cause I know that you will not be satisfied to sit back and let me handle this. Just let me make the arrests and do all death defying stunts and I will let you do what you do best research. I know each of you has a minor in criminology. You were obviously that obsessed."

Well we should have seen that coming. I had let my friends talk me into that degree as a fun addition to our primary degrees in college. I admit it has helped in both my work and Veronica's. The boys use it more to hash out the best options for their restaurant. I know that at least two would be chefs have been arrested for petty crime thanks to these boys.

"Well?" Ahh, my Veronica impatient as always.

The Detective sighed. "Well the information is probably just what you expected."

Thomas Shereborne was an irritating man when he wanted to be.

"Wait that makes sense?" Brett said smacking his hand on the table. We had gathered once again at my home after work on Monday to try to convince the detective of our crazy plan and just waiting for Emmett to finish making snacks when the conversation rolled into the investigation again. Brett had been waiving around a carrot while upholding his end of the agreed upon plan.

I was a little sidetracked by my own theories when Brett spoke, "What makes sense Brett?"

"Shala Todd and her killer, she knew her killer. Think about it. We have been speculating this whole time that the stalker idea was a ruse. Shala Todd was the real target all along she had to have something incriminating on her killer. The killer knew her. All of our suspects are orphans they were in the same institution when they were young. They were in the same orphanage. Grayson mentioned that he was raised in the Chester County orphanage house."

"Gentry mentioned his adoption at the fair." Ronnie added with a calculating look.

"I was wondering when you would catch up." Shereborne said knowing that we would figure out the connection when together. "As far as I can tell Shala knew all three suspects from the orphanage but the paperwork from the institution including medical and school records were destroyed years ago."

"That's why Ms. Prang was in contact with Shanna Montgomery. The Mayor had been on a committee to reform institutions in the state. Mason Turlett and Victoria Heys were big contributors to the cause. I remember reading that Ms. Prang was asked by her husband to be on the committee." I said thoughtfully as I was positive that this is where the original case should have focused.

"So if all the records are gone then what did the thieves risk their butts to take?" Ronnie asked perplexed. Veronica liked the term perplexed when she was in mystery solving character.

"Personnel records," Emmett said joining us and placing plates in front of each of us. He had obviously been keeping track of the conversation. "Pictures, news clippings, stuff that everyone accrues for our own lives. Shala strikes me as a person that would want to remember accomplishments."

"So she would have had pictures showing some of the other orphans?" I said not sure why that seemed weird.

"Shala Todd was a news reporter in the making. She was meticulous in keeping her personal records from an early age." Detective Shereborne said digging into his Sheppard's pie. "I can tell you that. This is amazing Emmett."

"Thanks. That does fit. I found some articles that she wrote for the paper. The articles were written for the school publication but a couple were picked up by the local paper. They were pretty good and well researched."

Brett looked amused. "Oh I bet that irritated Gentry to no end. Possibly enough to want her dead."

"So was she studying journalism or television news?" I asked pondering where this trail would lead and how it came back to the other two victims.

"Both a minor in journalism, she wanted to be a field reporter doing her own research." Shereborne provided. The information must have been on public record for him to divulge that.

"So does that mean that the deaths of Erica Ennis and Polly Swanson were just collateral damage to cover up the first murder with a serial?" I asked suddenly sure that there was more to their deaths.

"No Shala knew each girl personally." Shereborne said before he sipped his soda. "The records indicate the two women were associates that helped her while she was trying to dig up a story. Erica Ennis was a promising editor for the local paper. Polly Swanson was studying photojournalism and started researching the subjects of her photos." Detective Shereborne said letting us come to our own conclusions.

Veronica sighed deeply. "Each death seems to be random but have some definite hidden meaning for the killer."

"Or killers. The more I look at this case the more things seem off. Why would Grayson Porter make prominent connections with people like Taylor Prang and Marcus Gentry when he is no more than a low life street thug? Yet he doesn't appear to be involved in the primary murders." Brett said glancing around the table. "There has to be more to this."

"I think there is. I started tracking the previous whereabouts of Marcus Gentry from college to his newest job here in Everest. There is a pattern of murders with the same MO and strangely these murders don't just follow Gentry. Taylor Prang has made appearances in every city Gentry was in at approximately the same times. Porter was not far behind." There was an odd tone in our Detective's voice when he said this.

Emmett confirmed my newest growing suspicious. "So you think that Prang, Gentry, and Porter are all involved in the deaths of these girls?"

"Three different killers following the same exact pattern it's like some sick game of Simon Says." I said shaking my head.

Detective Shereborne nodded without saying another word about the newest theory.

The next few days were more stressful than usual with the restaurants newest additions and insane amount of calls at work my mind was taken up by eating and getting enough sleep. At midweek I was ready to drop. I had not seen Emmett since our dinner discussion and I know that Veronica had not had the chance to connect with the others either. Ronnie appeared at my desk midafternoon Thursday with a pass for a free day and a smile.

"Hey," She said leaning over my desk to watch me finish off the welcome package. GIM had taken steps to 'reimagine the marketing of marketing', as the vice president kept telling us. I had fifty to sixty clients that were my regular clientele and when I picked could sell my personal marketing strategy to a new client I sent my personal welcome package. The company felt this worked best for our customers.

I knew when my best friend leaned over my shoulder that she was up to something. "Hey."

"So Braxton is back in town this weekend and I know that you are completely ahead of your teams in your work. I thought we could take tonight with the boys at the restaurant then make it a movie night." Ronnie said holding up a pass.

The call center type environment where I worked had come up with the pass system. An employee that was ahead in their work and had clients that were satisfied with their work could get a day pass for an early paid dismissal. These were generally considered the 'life saver' for most of the employees. The pass allowed for the pay lost from possible new clients in a day to be reestablished. No one wanted to lose their potential income by missing incoming calls. The day pass offered a reasonable sum of money to be provided for the loss.

I have to wonder how Ronnie got the pass or how she knew about my averages for the month. Before I could question her my boss appeared. "You have been working too hard, I know your clients have been more than satisfied and your last campaign will provide one heck of a bonus. You deserve the day. Take tomorrow too."

I was shocked. Did Vereen Templar just offer me the always sought after weekend pass. I sighed as I quickly turned to log out. "Let's go before they change their minds."

Veronica grabbed my backpack from the floor and we quickly fled the office with an extremely jealous Lacy glaring at my back. "So what brought this on? I know this week has been nuts but you are usually the first person to tell me to follow the money."

Ronnie stopped at the light outside our building before crossing the street to the prairie walk trail. I followed waiting for her to answer. "Braxton sent me a text about the new refurbishment of the first floor. I wanted to share that and other information with my best friend. He also may have offered to have the Pugsley cater some events."

"Ahh so Braxton is getting you to talk to the owners of Pugsley's for him." I said laughing at the look of horror on Ronnie's face.

"Oh god no I already accepted on their behalf. Now I have to let them know dates, times, and menus." Veronica was her normal exuberant self when she admitted this. "Have you been sleeping at all? You look terrible."

I smiled again; of course my Veronica would never consider the boys saying no to any type of catering option. "No I have not been sleeping well. Emmett has been spending his time with Brett and I have spent nearly every night working on my client's project."

"Outside office hours? You know better than that. The company doesn't allow that." Veronica said with a smirk on her face.

"Funny you know full well that I've been working overtime at the office to make sure this project is finished." I said keeping pace with Ronnie as we trekked the trail to the Pugsley. The information that I had been working on for my client's had required the extra time but I could have done it during regular business hours. I had wanted to use my job to distract me from the mystery surrounding certain individuals and keep me busy while Emmett was taking care of Brett.

Ronnie knew this as she had taken extra time at the office for the same reason. She was annoyed that Braxton had been forced to take more time away from her as well. But the next question still threw me off for a few seconds. "Are you and Emmett okay?"

"Sure why wouldn't we be?" I asked not sure where this would be going.

"Well you have not seen him in a few days which had become very unusual and you said that he was spending more time at home. Generally with Emmett that means that he is irritated or sulking." Veronica said with an authoritative hand gesture.

"Oh he's irritated alright. But it has nothing to do with us and everything to do with Grayson Porter." I said knowing that this was Ronnie's way of letting me vent. "Porter has not only threatened one of my best friends he has now threatened my relationship. I would love to ..." My rant was cut off as I opened the residence entrance door to the Pugsley and met resistance. "What the ...?"

The residence entrance was at the back of the restaurant and off to the side next to the back street entrance. Opposite the door was an old staircase leading to the cellar. These doors were not meant to be blocked for any reason. I glanced at Veronica who nodded. We pushed together. From the other side of the door there was a squeak and several dull thumps. The door swung open freely.

"Oh my god." We ran to the head of the stairs to see Taylor Prang sprawled at the base of the steps. "Is she dead?"

I glanced at Ronnie. Okay it was up to me to check I thought when I saw the tears forming in her eyes. Carefully I descended the stairs. I felt immense relief when I felt a strong pulse in her wrist. "Alive? What was she doing by the residence entrance?"

Veronica glanced over her shoulder and silently signaled me to be quiet and hide. I slid back into the dark corner of the shadowed cellar door. Veronica quietly moved back to the hall and closed the residence door locking it. A man appeared at the top of the stairs within moments. The man was Marcus Gentry.

The cellar of the Pugsley had been a part of the original structure meant for storage of rather illegal product. The crews would smuggle illegal anything from the building to the boats at the water's edge through a tunnel dug out the back. The tunnel had long since caved in but the cellar was still as solid as ever. Emmett and Brett used it for storage. They had removed the actual door and left the arced entry. I moved into the cellar to keep out of sight when Marcus came down to check on Prang.

"Tay, oh god, are you okay?" The man asked glancing around. "Jesus did you fall down the stairs?" He asked before laughing at the unconscious woman. "Come on Sis we have people to kill and a stage to set. Can't let baby brother have all the fun up there now can we?"

I covered my mouth to keep any sound from escaping. Did he just confess to being a killer? Wait did he just say kill people? Shoot the tube; Emmett and Brett were in today. I quickly started grasping around for a weapon.

"Well dear sister if you are going to sleep through the proceedings we'll just have to take care of the problem alone. I'll make sure to take your share." Marcus said turning to return to the main floor just as his foot hit the first step, my hand wrapped around the handle of a heavy frying pan. I started swinging.

The two cracks seemed to echo through the cellar. The first crack was the frying pan connecting with Marcus Gentry's head. The second was his head hitting the stair railing on the way down.

Veronica appeared from the opposite side of the residence entrance a concerned smirk on her face. I ascended the stair still holding the frying pan in a tight grip with my left hand. "That's my girl."

"Unhg," Seemed to be the most I could manage with regard to that comment. I was shaking like a leaf.

"I heard almost everything. I missed the last comment though. I have a feeling that they did not realize the residence entrance is still used. Gentry said something to someone in the other room about checking the back door and Taylor."

"He said he would take his sisters share. They're siblings. The killers are siblings and I think they have a taste for blood. This is not just killing to protect a secret. It is about the thrill." I whispered to Veronica as we moved far enough down the hall to get a glimpse of the kitchen where I assumed that the others were being held.

We stopped just short of the door when the voice of Detective Thomas Shereborne filtered into the hall. "Why kill Shala Todd? She was the first right why kill her was Marcus mad about his work being over shadowed?"

Grayson Porter paced into view and Veronica pulled me back into the alcove behind the kitchen entry. She covered my mouth with one hand and her own with the other. I had pulled my phone out and quietly dialed 911.

Porter looked nervous and sweating in the brief glance I had of him and his voice shook a little when he started ranting. "You know nothing. All you know is what my brother and sister have been hand feeding the police for years. Shala was at the orphanage with us. She was a nosey little Bitch even then. She found out that our parents were murdered. She should have let it go."

Brett asked the next question and he sounded a little weak. "So you killed her because she found out you murdered your parents?"

"She had no right to dig. Our dirt was ours. She had no right. Then her story got selected over Marcus' and we knew she had to go. Marcus got to be the first. He took care of Shala Todd. The game rules are very specific. The one who starts the game sets that parameters and the following players must emulate the original act exactly. There is no margin for error." Porter said.

I glanced back at the stairs. This really was a messed up game of Simon Says. Ronnie and I looked at each other hoping that backup was on the way. I heard a groan and I knew that rat bastard had done something to my Emmett.

"I took our Ennis. She and I had some fun before the final curtain though. I lost a few points for that. Taylor made sure that Swanson was shut up; she won that game with a perfect score. She got to start the next game and pick the new players. It was easy to complete those tasks and I was the next winner. Everything was fine until that stupid Morgan Turlett started fussing around. He started to get media attention so he needed to be quiet. Marcus came up with our next game." Porter said pacing very close to the entry.

"The last two murders were part of a new game with new rules, right?" Shereborne asked keeping Porters attention from the doorway.

"Duh, we had to modify for that one goal. This is a game of distraction. The rules are a little more complicated. We have to keep to the original specifications of the primary leader for the game but each death creates a variation. Megan Pualuson was Morgan's secretary. She had keys to the prize his personal safe. Morgan always trusted her. Jennifer Tranton was a glorious girl in bed and quick happy to teach me the trade of a cat burglar. The last will be found in a few days, maybe. Melissa Upton was our ride to the cove." Porter said smugly.

I felt sick. They had already killed another woman. They had what they wanted then why are they here. Brett was obviously thinking along the same lines. "Then you have your information. Why are you here? Why are you doing this?"

"Cause I won. The next is my choice. I want to make a statement. I want to remind the world that we control their fate. I get you Brett. I worked hard for you so I get to make you mine forever. Taylor selected the hot cop. She wanted to make a good impression. Marcus was very interested in your friend. He was intrigued by the little chef." Grayson had finally turned to face Brett with his back to the kitchen doorway. I felt Veronica take the frying pan from my hand.

Grayson stepped close to Brett sliding his hand over Brett's cheek. He never had a chance as the heavy cast iron skillet slammed down on him. Brett grunted when the limp body fell on him. The police sirens could be heard when they screeched to a stop in front of the Pugsley.

I sat on a stool at the counter of my favorite restaurant with a hot cup of tea between my hands, a large slice of chocolate cake brownie in front of me and my closest friends surrounding me. This was not how I should be spending my pass. But somehow it seems to be my life.

Emmett had taken the seat to my right and Brett was on my left with Veronica on his far side. We were all in shock according to the paramedic. I really did not need to be told that of course but it is nice to have my diagnosis confirmed by a pseudo professional. Emmett had taken a couple of punches before being knocked out trying to keep Porter from Brett. Detective Shereborne had been grabbed when he came by for lunch and found the restaurant closed.

"I thought it was extremely unlikely they would close for any reason. So I came in through the back and got taken by surprise." The detective admitted to the officer on scene before setting us up at the counter with snacks.

I looked up from my tea that was now nearly gone. "So this was eventful."

Veronica snorted her tea and almost spit it on the counter when she started to laugh. Brett and Emmett both broke into full blown laughter. I couldn't help but join in. By the time we calmed down Shereborne was waiving us through the kitchen and out through the residence entrance.

"Okay I want all of you to get up to Ronnie's place and stay there for now. I will be back once the three are booked." The Detective shooed us out the door and secured the scene.

Emmett glanced at Brett. "We're gonna have to find a way to promote this with the right spin or the Pugsley is gone."

"Oh don't worry guys you have the best marketer in the world standing right next to you." Veronica said knowing that it was a lie. I was nowhere near the best in the world.

"I am nowhere near the best in the world. The best in Everest though I can take that title." I said letting Emmett take my hand and lead me up the stairs.

Emmett and Brett immediately headed to the kitchen to start a comfort food dinner. They both needed to relax and cooking was their best outlet. The boys always kept Veronica's kitchen well stocked for any occasion and in very rare times to raid for the restaurant. Veronica pulled out her laptop and logged into her work accounts to let her mind sink into something other than what had just happened. I grabbed my tablet from my bag but chose to avoid work.

I have taken in the information provided by Grayson and decided to try to find information on the death of the killer's parents. I had been working for about a half hour when I found the article. "Guys I think I have something."

Emmett and Brett were at the kitchen counter across from Veronica and me at the bar. The boys had been diligently chopping vegetables and meats for their dinner extravaganza. I leaned in a little and lowered my voice a tad. "It's actually an article written by Shala Todd."

"The Lost Souls of Hillock Avenue. By: Shala Renee Todd. In the early hours of July 18, 1995 the bodies of Amelia (37), Xavior (38), and Paul (15) Gentry-Porter were found stabbed to death in their hillock avenue home. The family had been murdered in their sleep in an identical fashion. There have been no leads in the investigation of these deaths. The younger children triplets Taylor, Marcus, and Grayson age seven were the only survivors of this horrific tragedy. The children were taken by local child service to a home on the edge of Pavlov and Kentar Street.

This year will mark the ten year anniversary of their deaths. There is evidence that has not been followed up on in regard to these upstanding citizens sad ending. Why is there evidence that has not been followed up on? Were the killers allowed to walk free? Or is there something more sinister going on? I wonder what the city is really doing to protect the citizens."

"Wow that was powerful." Veronica said closing her laptop. "No wonder she was their target."

"Yeah, I hope that they get the maximum sentence. As long as we didn't kill them, of course. Gentry took a lot of damage." I said hoping to get away from the dark that had suddenly filled the room. A darkness of my own making.

"Well it could have been worse. I think that they will be in for some crazy headaches for a while but they will survive." Detective Thomas Shereborne said entering the apartment.

Brett launched at the detective hugging him tight the second he reached him. "I thought it would take longer."

"I just informed my boss that I would do the report from here tonight. I told him I needed to be here. Randall will take care of the booking." Thomas said holding Brett just as tight.

"Alls well that ends with everyone relatively intact." Emmett said smirking at his best friend.

A statement we all agreed with.

"Hey Melody what ever happened with Lacy and her anonymous rich boyfriend breakup?" Brett asked out of the blue. I laughed at the suddenly curious bounce in my friend. We would definitely bounce back from this. Just in time and we were onto the next segment.

"Well from what I heard. He was not really rich and he had been an online boyfriend all along. He broke up with Lacy after he cleared out her bank account. He kept buying her cheap knock off bobbles that she thought were genuine with her money while cleaning her out. She is on the warpath." I laughed with my friends as we broke into conversation about ridiculous things like why Lacy could be taken in by this kind of sham. All was right in our world.

© Copyright 2016 Stowe_Evermore (stowe_evermore at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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