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We keep our feelings to ourselves because we believe its hard for others to understand. |
When we teach a child to read, our primary aim is not to enable it to decipher a way-bill or receipt but to kindle its imagination, enlarge its vision, and open the avenues of knowledge. -Charles W Eliot Time is a river of passing events-a rushing torrent. It flies without our knowledge and memorable moments are woven unknowingly or should I say mysteriously. Life has its own journey from birth, to childhood, to adulthood then to old age and finally to eternal peace. Life is like a messed up puzzle, which we all have to solve. Picking up the bits of the scattered pieces and putting them back together and when completed we would find ourselves in the hands of god. We then look back and ask ourselves whether we had actually solved the puzzle or had we created our own destiny. I am still contemplating about my life. What is its importance? I know this question doesn't have an answer I know life is present and it should not be wasted thinking such unanswerable question. Nevertheless we should always learn to cherish in the present and dream about the future. Living is more like learning and from the first day of our birth we begin to learn. Learning can be formal and informal, there are lessons- after learning which you get a certificate and there are lessons for learning which, you don't get any certificate but evolve to become a better human being. Formal learning for most of us begins in schools. You enter school as an ignorant, innocent child and come out as a well learned and matured human. Schools are not important just because we get education there, but also because we spend a greater part of our childhood there. Looking back at those innocent days, those attempts to understand the words and those delicacies everything seemed to be like a fairy tale. It's a place where we understand what friendship is, a good excuse is and how the world is. It's a place where we dream about our future, our ambition and of course our innocent desire. Innocent us, simple us, and lovely us, we have changed a lot since then. No matter what we become, the Childhood aspirations always bring us joy. So many things have changed since our childhood. The path which we walked to school with our friends, the delightful conversations we had, now is the part of our nostalgia. For most of us its friends who made our school days so special. The chat sessions during the class hours and the admonishments friends used to receive from the teachers. There weren't a single teacher or student who didn't have a silly nickname and there weren't a single teacher who we didn't try to copy. The hatred for the assignments and more ruthless hatred for the teacher who gave them, how can they not be remembered? Equally interesting were the excuses made for not doing the assignments and most of the times they were the same old excuses. The embarrassment we went through when we just made a fool of ourselves by doing something childish. The shyness we felt during the programs we participated in. There are so many things to miss and so many to remember. Equally memorable were the fights which sometimes went physical but often only cold wars existed. In contrast to friendship enmity was rarely permanent; patch up would come around in no time at all. There used to be different pleasure to boast about the recent TV series we had recently watched or the games we recently played. Those strange teachers and their creative way of punishing the students, those silly questions asked followed by the silly answers, those everlasting jokes are now in the memory vault of ours. These experiences helped us to create a better us. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: a time to be born, a time to plant, a time to pluck up that was planted and a time to look down the memory lane recollect those good old schooling days. After the schooling days are over we are introduced to changes. We learn to embrace these changes; these changes then slowly become a part of our lives. During the school life not every day turns out as we expect it to be. There is the experience of being bullied, pranked, and teased by others simply because of our looks. Everyone receives the first hand experience of these immoral behaviors or so called "entertainment". Others opinion doesn't have to become our reality or change the person we are. The biggest gift we can ever get is the present. I too have had faced the problems like bullying and getting teased but I didn't let others opinion on me change the person I was. The two most important things which make our lives meaningful is eyesight and mind sight. Eyesight is what we see and mind sight is interpreting the things we see. I didn't let others eyesight influence my mind sight. It actually doesn't matter how we look, how we speak, how we walk, how we love to do things our own way. What matters is our courage, determination, our attitude and our faith. "May today be better than yesterday but not as good as the day after." Let's learn to live in the present. The childhood experiences have taught us to become courageous, mature and patient following all that we had to go through. It was once well said that "In youth we learn and at aged we understand." We all know, we are not here forever. We don't really need to become famous, do we? If we try to make a difference and create a better world to live in then that is fame. The smallest of things we try today will help someone to have a better life; will help someone who was thinking to end their life just because of the problems like bullying, being teased and immense study pressure. Well that's how this society of ours is like. Let's at least try to eradicate these problems once and for all so that others don't have to face the problems which we once had to face. Let's try to teach the young generation to love their lives not only because it is beautiful, but they themselves are beautiful. Tell your friends that there is something special in them. Try to spend time on yourself so, that you don't get time to criticize others. Be too big for worry and too noble for anger and see the difference. The world is not fair, but who cares? Try to focus on the positive side of life. Look what's right in a person or a situation instead of looking what's wrong. We all have an opportunity to create a better version of ourselves and let's not let this chance slip out of our reach. The path of life is long and narrow and only those can travel through it that are willing to do the things which others aren't willing to do. Accomplish more by removing the barriers and take charge by doing the right thing for the right reason. Everything is beautiful in its own way we just don't see it. If we are not making someone else's life better than we are wasting our own. Behind every smile there are thousands of problems and behind the laughter there is a pain that can't be expressed. Let's try to make a difference in this society instead of becoming a difference to someone. "Mind is its own place, and in itself, can make heaven of hell and hell of heaven" the jokes which we make of others, followed by the embarrassment they have to face, can be the persons final day. We never know what someone is going through, we just make it worse. Let's not destroy someone's psychological health just to prove that it is cool to do so. Every day we are born again. What we do today matters, our past doesn't have to define who we are today. At the end all we know is life is a cardiogram, ups and down. Let's learn to embrace irregularities and let's never let the child inside us die because human life is short but human happiness becomes even shorter than life, if we let the child inside us die. The future can be better than the present and we can make it so. |