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by bry
Rated: E · Draft · Mystery · #2087415
Mystery Current times
Novel by Lyn Lanier

Chapter 1
Phil Philco, was a governmental trouble shooter. He thought he was in the Inspector General Office but worked in small office located in Norfolk Naval Base Annex. There were five other offices in the building though seldom did every see any one come in or out. There was his name side the door with the office location code. In the office was metal desk with three draws trash can and no other furniture. Plain paper standard size and three pencils total contents of desk. If he had need to write anything down it was to be transferred to his laptop. The paper was to be burnt and ashes dumped in a waste disposal before he left the office. There was no heat or air condition vents in room, temperature was at seventy two degrees. Lighting was done by fiber optics. For most part the office was at best creepy and he tried not using it. Government issued Cell Phone and Laptop which were setup to view the screen's at a given distance with only one degree variance direction, more and you could not read screen. The cell phone was the same and allowed incoming text video and voice all encoded and censored. Lastly was the card, gray plastic embedded chip no markings bio metrics allow one user only. Phil thought of it as his very own genie, it allowed him money and anything else he needed or wanted.
Phill was working for the government and the government could have some very strange ways. Take the interview for the job he was sure the interviewer knew far more about him that he knew about the job he was interviewed for. Was he a auditor, he sure hoped not he hated working on figures. Spying could that be the thing he was to do? He never had training in spycraft, While he thought this could be fun seeing himself as James Bond, But really he had no training or skill set. Could he kill in, in movies it seem so easy. He passed further thoughts of this aside. He went out to walk around, Saltwater smelled in the air. There was a graveled area and a seawall held in place by pound poles. Phil's eyes fell on a young boy setting on one of the pound poles. Perhaps he would talk to him and see what was going at this place?
As walk toward the boy the gravel chunched under his feet. The boy heard his approach and in a flash was gone crossig to a build close by. Phil was both startled and amazed at both the quickness and reaction of the boy. Phil did inspect the door the boy went though and found a different lock on it it was a card lock but a biometric one. Phil would later come to understand the boy could not speak but used a hand held computer to talk with.

The Apartment was something I saw posted on a board while waiting to see if base housing was available, being new and having low status was almost sure to get me BQ. So I took the chance and headed off base to see what the apartment off base were like. If I took it I have come a go a lot and would be checked every time till the guards got know me. The apartment was only half a mile from the gate.
It was actually a older home, located on a small inlet. The House was owned by older women who traveled a good bit and want some to be around to look after the house and property when she was gone. I had explain my job to her. It might be I be out of town some and I could not see why I could not check the property other times. Well we just have see how it works out, she replied. She then told me to go look at the apartment. Which was separate from the house. Actually it was over the garage, There as a sun pouch on the side, with enclosed stairs with living room small kitchen an bedroom. Space seem enough for me. I also came with Icebox, small stove, Microwave . It was all electric.
All she wanted was someone here to call the handy man, or yard service, or insurance company if anything bad happened.
As for rent there was none if the electric bill was not to big. I could not turn down this deal so we agreed to give it a try. We only shook hands on the deal.
She did have a car but had a car service if she need to go out. She also had a house keeper who cooked and cleaned. I moved in that evening and to my surprise was invited in to have dinner. Wow home cooking. Since becoming a military investigator, I had eaten in mess halls or later restaurant's.
After being stuffed and a long conversation during and after the meal. I excused my self and went to my apartment but wanted to sit in the quiet and get a feel for the place.

By the third day stuff was getting old, I checked my sterile office, I had Doctorate, rank warrant 3, office cell phone, pager, vehicle and nothing to do. So my orders had been to rest get to know my surroundings, settle- in. So still what? Base was about 200 acres, maybe 12 to 15 small buildings. If you saw some one by the time you got to them they had gone, were? Doors were locked and you had to have a pass card to open the door locks.
I was beginning to feel a little like Alice in Wonderland, had I really gone down a rabbit hole?
I walked out to the water again and as before there sat a boy on the pound pole staring I, decided to walk over to him and speak. As soon as started to move toward him he jumped off the pole and ran to a building not in but side of it. When I got to it, were the boy had disappeared there was no one. Were had he gone?
Enough town was were people were and I could relate to them better than this spook place. In Norfolk, Virginia there is a very high percentage of military, so you park and observe were do sailor in in uniform go and were do officers go. Sailors were going in the Spud down a block officers headed in to Top Mast, So off I went to Top Mast
As I Entered there sat a man on a stool and took up almost the entire entrance to a halway that lead in to the building. He said, sorry we do serve civilians, so I produced my ID. The place was dark bar sat in the middle of a large room. Table spread out from it. After one beer and several aborted attempts at conversation it was clear this was not working either. I was once called a wast for the Navy. It was sure I felt like a second thumb, of some use but for what?
Back in my car I just drove around. Hunger made my come back to reality. I was out of Norfolk proper on a four lane divided highway. I was come up to a Chines Restraint, hum I have eaten chines in a while. Roast Duck, and it was free and very well cooked. As I left the manager palmed a card and ask only that recommend the restaurant. Thank and for sure I would be back.
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