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Rated: 18+ · Novel · Young Adult · #2087322
Story between two love birds; a singer and a photographer.
Type: Romance
Pairing: Joel Adams x OC! Jessi Stevens
Rating: T for language
Warnings: One paragraph describes your sex life, you can skip that if you'd like, if you're not into "Kinky" things(but I don't go too into detail; for other people's sake).
Key; (Y/N) = Your Name
(Y/N/N) = Your Nickname
A/N: Joel Adams-Obsessed; his accent though.


[ Narrator's POV ]

It's been two years since Jessi and Joel have been together. The two have been through thick and thin together, and always worked out arguments the both of you were having. Even when he was away on tour, Jessi was stuck at home, sitting on her computer, talking with the butler, Samuel, or she preferred to call him Sam.

When one of them was away, he would still find time to talk to her, and she would do the same, even if they were in different time zones. He meant everything to her, as she meant the world to him, and she wouldn't dare leave his side, there was no chance.

There were quirks to the relationships, but her favourite one was sleeping time. Joel had a rough past, and his ex's really destroyed him, so, during the night, she would have to have at least one leg in between his, no matter the position. He says that, "Once you're in between someone's legs, you're not leaving anytime soon", which makes her laugh every time. Thing is, whenever she didn't put her leg in between his, he feels that she’s not there anymore, and starts to get nightmares.

The nightmares consist of her leaving him for some odd reason, or even leaving him as in death. One dream he had, she jumped off a cliff and just as she landed, his body jolted and he woke up abruptly. He screamed her name, sweat pouring down his body, feeling anxious. Her, knowing when he wasn't okay, soon woke up as well, and calmed him down with her famous line, "I'm never leaving you, Joel, you're my everything, and I love you so much".


Part One
[ Narrator's POV ] Jan 29, 2025

"Why do you have to go?!" Joel whined, following her around the house as she tried collecting all her things. No, she wasn’t leaving him for good, her parents called and needed her back home immediately. Now, living in New York, wasn't a bad thing, not too far away from Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, but the bad thing was leaving Joel.

Her mother had called saying one of her youngest sisters had been in a horrible accident, and wanted her to come down and see her, as her sister still looked up to her, even if she was never home. She's heard many stories about how Jessi such a great role model (not like their younger brother).

You being the caring sibling you are, you booked the nearest flight, and immediately started packing. Joel, knowing you'd be longer than a week, whined and cursed. "Baby, I wanna go! I don't think I could live without you for over a week!" Normally your trips were a week long, as to his tours.

Shaking her head furiously, she stopped what she was doing and sighed heavily, "No. You aren't meeting my family just yet, especially in this situation. I promise I'll still contact you, but you'll just have to deal with being alone for an extra week!" She raised her voice towards him, exhaling sharply.

She babied him, she'll admit that. She'd provide him with anything, and she never left his side. But when it came to things like this, she were in trouble. She tried her best to compromise with Joel, but a couple times she actually fell for him and he followed her, he was literally her baby.

"B-but...please don't go..." He teared up, sniffling. Gulping, she turned her head, not wanting to see his cute face tear up. Walking down the hall, she continued into the bedroom and grabbed her suitcase, walking to the dresser and began packing her clothes. Suddenly, she felt two strong arms wrap around her waist and lift her, pulling her away from the dresser and to the bed.

"Joel!" Jessi squealed, soon looking back at Joel, who was holding her close as they were lying on the bed, spooning. "Joel, I need to get packing, my plane leaves tonight at 2am..." Shifting in her spot, she was now facing him and kissed his nose, making him smile.

"No!" He pouted, shoving his face in the crook of her neck. Sighing heavily, she ran her fingers through his luscious brown locks, tugging the ends slightly, just the way he liked it. "I don't want you to go, I wanna go!" He mumbled in her neck, barely audible. Sighing again, she flipped the two of them so she was now straddling his hips. His pout quickly turned into a smirk.

Their bedroom life was fairly exciting, actually. She was the dominate one, and always took control unless she said he could, which he loved. He loved the hair tug, the bites, and just how hot she looked above him. Jesso also enjoyed topping him, because she knew it pleasures him, and it was consensual. She wouldn't do anything he didn't like, due to his past, even if he said everything was okay, she still obeyed the law of consent and continued forth.

Shaking her head, she leaned down and pecked his lips, ghostly. He groaned and grabbed her face in his hands, and passionately kissing her. Smirking into the kiss, she soon nibbled his bottom lip as a punishment, as he took as pleasure sometimes. Pulling away, she got off his lap and continued walking towards the dresser and finished packing. She looked over her shoulder to see him staring at her, not with lust, but a look a baby could give you.

Slowly walking over to him, she placed her nose upon his, giving him a butterfly kiss, "Let's cuddle before I leave," finally giving into him, his eyes filled with excitement and love, plopping on his spot on the bed, as she walked to her side and lied beside him. He wrapped his arms around her frame, and pulled her close. Smiling to herself, Jessi wrapped her arms around his waist, just how he liked, and placed her face in the crook of his neck. He rested his head on hers, and just like every night, he took a smell at her hair, and sighed deeply.

"I love you, Joel."

"I love you too, Jessi." Chuckling, the two of them soon fell asleep, holding one another, and just enjoying it before you had to leave.


It soon struck 1:15am on the bedside clock. Rolling over, Jessi took a glance before sighing. Rubbing her eyes, she looked towards him and smiled, getting out of bed, and grabbed her suitcase. Taking another glance at him, she strolled over and kissed his head, then soon walked out of the room. Walking down the hall, she saw Sam washing the table down.

"Hey, Sammy, could you drive me to the airport now?" He looked up at her and smiled. The two of them were like best friends, even if his job was a butler.

Jessi made him think differently, made everyone think differently about a butler. As to two years ago, he was the official butler, and went by the butler rules, but ever since she came along, he could actually sleep, eat, and do regular things on a regular basis. Sam felt human when she was around, and even Joel is thinking differently about everything.

"Alright, Jessi, let's go." He doesn't even say 'Miss Jessi' like he's suppose to, it's just your name, which you prefer.

"Thanks, Sammy, you're the best." Chuckling, he grabbed a set of car keys and opened the door for her, while she brought her luggage out. Walking out of the huge building, Sam rushed to the car, opening the trunk and as she threw her luggage inside, he had already opened her door. Shutting the trunk, she thanked him again and soon sat inside, bulking up.

Sam walked to the other side and hoped in, putting the key in the ignition, turning on the vehicle and driving out of the driveway, turning on many streets, and making our way down to the airport. It was silent, but a comfortable silence. Soon, Sam began talking.

"Does Joel know you're gone?"

"No, we fell asleep and I left as he was sleeping." She looked out the window, soon feeling guilty. Sorrow written across her face, Sam chuckled, catching her attention.

"Don't feel bad, you'll just have to baby him more when you get back," that soon brought a smile to her face, knowing she did baby him a lot.

"You're right, I guess so." She looked back to the window and soon smiled.


[ Joel's POV ] Feb 7, 2025

It's been 8 days since Jessi's been gone, and it's driving me nuts! I could get through the week fine, and sleeping was okay, but I could sense tonight was going to make me insane. I could sleep alone for the week, but after, I would lose my shit.

It was soon dinner time, and I asked Samuel if he'd like to order a pizza and just chill. "Alright, what would you like on it?"

"The regular." I said as I sat down on the couch, grabbing the remote and turning it to the sports channel. Samuel and I shared this common interest and bonded over it. We made the best out of our time together, because in all reality, he was a cool guy.

"Pizza will be here in 20." I smiled towards him as he put the phone back on the line, and came to sit beside me on the couch. "So Joel, Valentine's is right around the corner..." He chuckled and grabbed the remote from my hands, my eyes wide.

"Shit..." I mumbled. "What does she want anyways?!" I fumbled to get my phone, texting her friend, Cassey.


: Hey, you know what Jessi would like for Valentine's?
Cass: Um, she hasn't told me anything, Lol, but she said before, all she wants is you.
: Dammit, of course she's say something like that, lmao, okay fine...what about jewelry? Even if she doesn't wear jewelry...lmao.
Cass: Ha! She doesn't wear that shit, maybe just give her a rose and chocolate...she LOVES chocolate.
: You're right, thanks Cass!
Cass: Anytime!

"So chocolate and a rose it is..." I chuckled, so did Samuel.

"That girl loves her chocolate." I chuckled again, putting my phone into my pocket, and soon heard the buzzer go off.

"Pizza!" I may be 28, but I'm secretly still 8 for pizza. Samuel got up from his spot and walked down stairs to the front door, grabbing the pizza and walking back up stairs. As he walked in, I started drooling over the smell of the pizza, and raced to the table. Opening the box, Samuel grabbed two plates from the cupboard and handed me one, smirking.

"Dive in."


As I lay in bed, my body feels cold and lonely. Tonight I put myself to sleep on her side of the bed, and to my surprise, her pillow case still had the scent of her favourite coconut shampoo and conditioner. As I breathe in her scent, my nose starts to air out and send the smell to my head, soon making me feel separated again. I just wanted to hold her in my arms again. I wanted to be able to kiss her soft lips and look into her glossy brown eyes. Just the thought of her made me wanna cry...I missed her so much-


Babe: Hey Baby, I don’t know if you’re up right now, but I just wanted to say sorry for not texting you a lot...but I miss you lots-almost too much.
: I miss you too babe. Im just really glad you messaged me.
Babe: Listen...I’m going to be home a little later than the two weeks...sorry Baby!
: What?! Wtf? Why?!
Babe: The accident was really bad, and my mom wants me to stay a little longer while she recovers.
: Thats bullshit. Im going down to see you then.
Babe: No, stay there, you can live without me for a little longer...just focus on your carer.
: No!
Babe: Call me instead, I can’t do this over text.
: Fine.

Angry, I press her contact card and hit the call button. Raising the phone to my ear, I sat up and rested my back to the headboard. As I waited for her to answer, I started to get anxious. I knew she was mad, but I had every right to be, too

“Hey-” her voice was stern and I could tell she had her angry face on. When she did, her lips were in a straight line, almost tugged, and her eyes were closed tight.

My angry face? Man, I was a child. When angry, I was told I grit my teeth, narrow my eyes, and clench my fists-body tight. I never wanted to believe what they said, but I had to believe Jessi.

“Why the hell can’t I go-”

“It’s a trauma, I’m not letting you meet my parents this way-”

“So! I need to be with you and you’re not letting that happen!” my voice raised and I could tell Jessi relaxed her by the tone in her voice.

“Joel...I will be home later next week...now go to bed.” and with that, she hung up. Listening to the beeping noise, I grew angrier. Sliding my legs off the bed, I turned my phone off and tossed it at the wall-nearly hitting the window. Not caring, I got up and groaned running my hands through my hair as I wanted to throw something.

Searching the room, I noticed there was a certain candle jar on the dresser-Jessi’s dresser. Narrowing my eyes my feet moved closer to the candle, my mind not processing what my body’s doing. My hands reached out with force and suddenly, my eyes shot open wide as my mind processed everything too late.

“Shit…” my voice was strained, soon feeling a pierced feeling in my foot. Looking down, I saw a red mark shine as the moonlight reflected it-I had dropped the candle on my foot, hard. There was a knock on the door, making my head twist in the direction of the door, I gulped. “Y-yes?” I tried to hold back the discomfort in my voice.

“Joel? Are you alright? What was that noise?” Probably my cry.

“Nothing, just a jar that fell.”

“Okay…” Samuel's voice was dragged on, but he left it and walked away. Exhaling sharply, I struggled to get to the bed. Star-fishing, my eyelids felt heavy, dropping down before my eyes.

“Fuck…” was the last word out of my mouth before my brain turned off and I fell asleep.


Visit Wattpad.com/thesmutqueen for the rest of the story! Please and thank you.

- jess ❤️
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