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For those who hate this and those who enjoy it here's the controversial part we share. |
In my fifth article I shared the joys of our new life. How my husband Tim and I have simple fun with our daughter Cindy. Some find the discipline controversial and a few may enjoy it. Possibly for the wrong reason. It's not to be perverted but to show how we keep order in our household. The spankings are just as children get but as an adult. Nothing erotic nor meant to be. Just old fashioned discipline. Tim is the head of the household having all say and the authority and responsibility to make sure the house runs smoothly. A responsibility he reluctantly had to take. I might add I have not had one since early last year. I have never kept count of how many I have received. That's not the focus of our life. So for those who it may anger and those who may enjoy this aspect of early traditional life long gone, here is how the first one happened. "Brenda, where's supper?" I had forgotten. Judy had come over and we got carried away talking. Time sort of slipped away. I was in for it. It was hard to swallow my pride and allow Tim to be the head of our household. He overlooked my sharp tongue on quite a few occassions. He overlooked unfinished chores and I was afraid our new arrangement would slip back to what we had before. Debts, arguments and possibly divorce. He was getting frustrated and I wasn't honoring the agreement. Did I really believe my parent's values could work? Did I really believe that my grandparent's values worked. Did I really want to humble myself and be in subjection unto my husband? Tim worked in a factory. He was in the heat and the cold all day. I was in a heated and air conditioned house. He slaved to meet production quotas while I thought it was a great sacrifice to iron some laundry or make his dinner for work. He was covered with cuts and oil was impregnated in his hands. I was always clean and comfortable. Tim worked on the house or yard when he got home while I helped Cindy with her homework. When not working around the house he helped Cindy with her homework. My great grandmother carried buckets of water from a well to the house to do the wash and cook. She used a wringer washing machine and hung everything on a clothes line. Her fingers were scarred from working. My nails were manicured. I had a washer, dryer and dish washer. She sewed her own dresses and I bought my clothing. Her long hair had grown thin from age and my hair was cut and styled. At least up until this new arrangement. The beauty salon and mall were about to be history. Good by mall and hello Brother sewing machine. I was ashamed. Tim stormed off to the living room and sat down. I knew he was mad. I had to decide if I would do as we decided. He was so meek and gentle and I had taken advantage of it. It wasn't fair to him. It was time to honor our agreement if I wanted this to work. I knew this would be embarrassing. I also knew that our new agreement couldn't be one sided with him making all of the sacrifices and me staying the same. I retrieved the paddle off the living room wall. I went over and stood before him. Although my pride was fighting what I knew I had to do I lowered my gaze and held it out. He took it and threw it on the sofa. "I don't want to spank you Brenda. Fix supper." He got up and went to take a shower. I hung the paddle back up and started supper. It really bothered me how I had taken advantage of his good nature. I should have been mindful that he would need to eat when he got home. In my mind my carelessness showed both he and I that I didn't really care or think about how he might feel after a hard day's work. He loved me enough to work all day and what did he come home to? I felt he didn't deserve my willful failing or taking advantage of him. I turned off the stove and went to the bedroom. Tim was getting dressed when I held out the paddle. "I said I don't want to spank you Brenda." "Tim, you don't deserve this. You might love me enough to put up with this but it's not right. Are we going to change our lives for the better or aren't we?" Tim looked at me and I knew even though he would like to spank me he was afraid I would use it against him. Before our agreement I would have probably gotten a kick out of watching him not be able to do anything about it. The old "I'll show him" mindset. "What then Brenda? You gonna call the police? Have me arrested? You going to call a lawyer for a divorce? Say I was beating you?" Deep down he spoke volumes. Over time our trust in each other had gone. He was afraid to trust me if he acted on his rights and I was afraid to trust him as my husband. Is this what our marriage had become? It wasn't much of a marriage after all if that was the case. "No, I'm going to honor my end of this and make our marriage work. Like my mother, grandmother and greatgrandmother did before me. As much as I would like to demand my rights and tell you I'll do as I please I'm going to do what I agreed to do for your sake, my sake and Cindy's sake. And you're going to do what you have to. And we're going to make our marriage work." " Ok Brenda, come here." I did as he said and pulled down my panties and raised my skirts. I laid across his lap. The first few spanks stung but were more of a hurt to my pride than bottom. Tim increased the spanking hitting harder and faster until my bottom stung and must have been red. I bit my lip and squirmed. I wanted to hit him but held my skirts up instead. Part of my mind said "how dare he" while the other part said it's his right as my husband and head. The same dilema we face between doing what we want versus what is right. Do we buy those new shoes or pay that bill? Like when the guys have to decide do I use my extra money for a custom car part or to pay a bill? About the time I thought he was done he switched sides. My sobs turned to crying as he continued to spank me. Both sides of my bottom felt like they were on fire and had to be black and blue. I fought the urge to curse him and bit my tongue. After what seemed an eternity he stopped. He laid the paddle beside him. I stood up, pulled up my panties up and smoothed my skirts. I looked down at the floor and wiped the tears from my face. "Thank you Tim. I won't let it happen again." "Hang up the paddle and go finish supper Brenda." I went to the kitchen and finished supper. Cindy helped set the table. It was mother and daughter time for us to talk. Tonight we just set the table and all of us sat down. "Daddy, I saw you spank mommy. Was mommy bad, daddy?" Before Tim could reply I answered. This would be difficult for him to do. Cindy watching put him on the spot. A place he didn't ask or deserve to be. "Yes, mommy was bad, and bad girls get a whipping when they disrespect their father or husband. Go ahead and eat dear." Her fascination seemd to die and she went back to eating. We had explained to her about our new lifestyle but she had never seen this part of it yet. We talked as a family. Tim wasn't angry anymore and I felt better having paid for my lack of respect towards him like other women did with their husbands in times past. My bottom hurt a little but we all were back to being in a good mood and happy to spend time together. The meal ended up being enjoyable. Cindy and I cleared the table and she helped with dishes. Nothing more was mentioned. Instead we talked about what she might like for Christmas and how school went. As I thought about it the thing which stood out the most was that my husband had retained his position as head of our household and nothing was hurt but my pride and bottom. I would be more careful in the future. I have never forgotten to have his supper ready since then. Since then I am not allowed to have friends over without his permission. I can agree to that. I tend to enjoy talking with friends and forget what I have to do far too easily. I think he did that to avoid having to spank me more than exerting his authority. He seldom says no anyway. I no longer am allowed to cut my hair or go anywhere without his permission. He has never said no when my chores are done. He has all authority yet seldom uses it. When he has to he will. He's my provider, protector and now my disciplinarian. To some this might seem belittleing. To me it shows he loves me. If I go any place I would rather go with him and Cindy anyway. When such need arises I am in full agreement with his position of having to make sure our household runs smooth. I also agree that the old fashioned ways can make sure we don't forget. This never outweighs the joy we have as I stated in my prior atricle. I merely mention this as how we run our household to keep order, respect and obedience. All done with love and reluctance on Tim's part. I am not ashamed, abused, threatened nor belittled. I am blessed. |