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Rated: GC · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2086428
LGBT Prompt #3: Fear 1k+, <5k, 6/25, word count: 2458, Winner!
"Please go with me to The Club," said Arlene. "I don't want to go by myself." She grabbed the little red dress, held it up in front of her and turned from side to side before the mirror.

"Any place but The Club. I hate it there. It's such a lesbian meat market," said Laura. She was on Arlene's bed, lying on her back playing with her smart phone. "Plus, you have a date. I'll just be a third wheel."

"Come on. It's fun there. Just go for a little while. I don't wanna be around this chick by myself," said Arlene as she continued to dig through her closet.

"That's how blind dates work, Arlene. And you won't be alone, you'll be in a packed nightclub," said Laura still pecking away at her phone.

"You know what I mean. So red or black?" asked Arlene holding up two dresses.

Laura rolled on her side to look at the choices Arlene had made and said, "You wear the black one and I'll wear the red one."

Arlene jumped on the bed with the dresses in hand and pounced on Laura. "Thank you, thank you." She applied quick kisses her all over her face.

"Alright, alright, you goof. Get off me," said Laura trying to protect her head.

* * *

"This place is packed already. We better get a table. I'm not standing in these heels all night," said Arlene as they paid the cover charge and entered the noisy club.

They crossed the dance floor to get to the back stairs. The beat of the music was fast with a deep bass that could be felt in your chest. Multicolored lights ricocheted around the room.

They grabbed a table by the railing that offered a view of the front door, the front bar and the main dance floor. "The balcony is not full amazingly enough," said Arlene.

"I think it's weird," said Laura. "You never know who's watching you from up here."

"Geez, relax, Laura. Watch my purse, I'm going to get a drink. You want something?"

"Yeah. A rum and Coke. Thanks," said Laura. She pulled her phone out of Arlene's purse. She refused to carry a purse as she usually had pockets for the few things she felt she must carry with her, unlike Arlene. Arlene had a huge purse in Laura's estimation.

"What is a beautiful woman like you, doing in a place like this?"

Laura looked up as a nice looking man in a fancy suit invited himself to sit at her table.

"What does that mean? And that seat is taken," said Laura.

"It means you're beautiful, like I said but this place is full of dykes and fags. AND... I'll get up when whoever it is comes back," he said as he took a gulp of his drink.

"I think you are the one that's confused. These are my kind of women, thank you. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to take care of something on my phone," said Laura, returning her focus to her phone.

"So, does your boyfriend not know you are here? Is that it?" he asked and finished off his drink.

"Listen, I'm not interested in men. Alright? You really are in the wrong club," said Laura. She looked into his eyes momentarily and back to her phone.

"If you are a dyke, you've probably never had a man show you a good time. I'll show you a good time. How about tonight?" he asked. He reached out, covered her phone and rested his hand on hers. Laura jerked her hands away from him.

"Everything okay, honey?" asked a very tall and quite muscular woman.

"Yes, Bambi. He was just leaving," said Laura.

"Bambi?" he asked and then laughed heartily. "Bambi? No kidding?"

"We can go outside and you can try to make fun of my name," said Bambi as she grabbed him by the arm and pulled him out of his seat.

"I'll see you around, beautiful," he said to Laura and then protested as Bambi escorted him out the back.

"What did he want?" said Arlene when she returned to the table with their drinks. "I sent Bambi over 'cuz your body language was all wrong."

"Thanks. He was just being a creep and Bambi took care of it perfectly," said Laura. She stirred her drink and took a big gulp.

"Oh, that's my phone. It might be Elizabeth," said Arlene as she dug through her purse.

Laura looked around The Club at the patrons. She wondered how many were there looking for a partner, a hook up or just to drink and dance. Bars had just never been her thing.

"She's here. Black jacket and light blue shirt. There she is. By the stairs," said Arlene. She grabbed her drink and took a belt. "Woo, Red Bull and vodka. Still my favorite."

Arlene waved her arms and Elizabeth nodded when she saw her. "She's a lot cuter in person." said Arlene.

Elizabeth made her way to their table. "Hello ladies," said Elizabeth. Her short dark hair was stylish as were her clothes.

Arlene stood up and introduced herself and Laura.

"Liz Lieberman?" asked Laura.

"Laura Oakley. It's been ages. What? Since high school graduation?" asked Elizabeth. She walked around the table and gave her a hug.

"Arlene, Liz and I went to school together all twelve years. I think you're right, we haven't seen each other since graduation," said Laura.

The ladies talked, laughed, danced and drank the night away. At last call, Elizabeth suggested the three of them go to Maria's 24 Hour Diner.

Laura could tell that Arlene was feeling a bit like the third wheel, so she said "I'm really tired and I've got to get up early tomorrow. So, you two go. It was great to see you again Liz. Let's do lunch sometime. Arlene has my number."

"Come on Laura. Go with us," pleaded Elizabeth. She pouted.

"No, really. I had a great time but I'm going to go," Laura stood, hugged and kissed both ladies goodnight.

She closed out her tab and then stood outside with half the bar waiting for cabs. She started walking toward home as she didn't want to ruin Arlene's night with Liz trying to convince her to tag along because she really wanted to go. She had such a crush on Liz in high school and she was way hotter some ten years later.

It was a moonless night and a tad cool so instead of walking home the entire five miles, she figured she'd grab the first empty cab. She walked for about a mile with every cab either off duty or taken. Go figure. All the clubs were closing so what could she expect.

The hair on the back of her neck prickled. She glanced over her left shoulder and then her right. She didn't see anyone but it was so hard to see in the shadows. She picked up her pace and hung a quick left.

She stepped in the first deep doorway and pressed her back up against the left side and tried to slow her breathing. Her heart hammered in her chest. How long should she wait, she wondered? Maybe she should just stay where she was and call a cab. She closed her eyes and slapped her forehead. Her phone was in Arlene's purse. Could this night get any weirder?

No one passed by the doorway. A few minutes had to have passed, she thought. Her heart was still pounding. She couldn't stand being in that alcove any longer. She casually walked out and looked each way and still saw no one.

She picked up her pace and her heels were so loud on the empty sidewalk that she stopped and took them off. She snuck a quick look behind her. There was no one there. That she could see. But it was what you couldn't see, right?

Her mouth watered and she could taste the bile rise in her throat. She stopped and threw up in the gutter.

Bent over the curb, she thought, maybe it is that creepy guy. No! Why are you even thinking about him? It's just your imagination going crazy and you're a little drunk. Just find a cab and get home.

She could only make it a few yards before she would think she heard something and would look back. She was frightened and nearly hysterical. Calm down. There's no one there. You've let yourself get worked up over nothing. Stop and turn around. You will see, there is no one there.

Her heart skipped a beat when she saw him.

"Hey, beautiful. I thought that was you. I've been trying to catch up. I guess I missed a turn," said the guy from the bar.

"Hey, uh, listen, like I told you, I'm not into guys and yes, I've been with a guy before. Doesn't do anything for me. Sorry. I'm really tired so I'm going to go," said Laura backing away from the advancing man.

"Come on. We could have some fun. Just you and me. I think you're really attractive.

"I'm sorry, I don't even know your name. I'm Roderick, or just Rick," he said still walking toward her with long strides and his hand outstretched to shake hers.

Laura bumped into something that stopped her backwards momentum. She didn't want to take her eyes off the snake.

Rick caught up to her and took her hand is his and shook it. "It's a pleasure to meet you again," he said. His hot sour breath made her want to puke again.

He had her trapped. Would anyone hear me if I yelled for help? Should I run? Knee him in the groin? Scratch at his eyes?

He pressed himself against her and took her head in his hands. She tried to push him away but he had at least eighty pounds on her and a foot in height. He put his mouth on hers and tried to push his tongue in her mouth. She pulled up a knee but he was ready for it and easily deflected it.

"Feisty little bitch," he said. He pulled her in with one hand behind her head and grabbed her breast with his other hand.

"Step away from her, asshole," said a voice from behind Rick.

"Mind your own business," said Rick without turning around.

"You're assaulting her so it is my business," said Elizabeth. "Let her go now or you'll have to pay the consequences."

Rick turned around and looked Elizabeth over. "You're kidding me."

"Not kidding," said Elizabeth.

Laura's emotion were all over the place. At first frightened for her own safety and now fearful for Elizabeth.

Rick approached Elizabeth. "You're a pretty one. Maybe we can get together later, after her," he said nodding back toward Laura.

"Not a chance. She's more my type," said Elizabeth. She stared into his eyes.

"What's with you beautiful women throwing the lesbo card around? I must say playing hard to get is exciting. Hey, maybe the three of us could get together," he said. He reached out and brushed her cheek with the backs of his fingers.

"Don't ever touch me again," said Elizabeth.

He chuckled.

"Liz, please," said Laura, afraid of what could happen with the taunting.

"Liz. Liz. Liz," he reached out and brushed her cheek again.

Elizabeth grabbed his arm, spun around, pulled his arm up behind his back. She pushed him forward, tripped him and rode Rick hard down to the sidewalk. Elizabeth kneeled on Rick's lower back and pulled his other arm behind him.

The sirens could be heard getting louder as Rick stirred. "Stay put and I won't have to hurt you again," said Elizabeth.

Rick tried to get up but Elizabeth twisted his arms back further convincing him to stay still but it didn't quiet his mouth.

* * *

After the police took Rick into custody, Laura called Arlene.

"Everything's okay. I'll explain it all tomorrow," said Laura into her phone.

"That's great. I think I'm going to go home," said Arlene. "I'm exhausted. Plus Susan said she'd give me a ride once she locks up. She's so sexy. Oh, gotta go. Bye."

Laura and Elizabeth went to Maria's for coffee.

"I called the police before I announced myself," said Elizabeth trying to explain the whole thing to Laura.

"How did you know where I was?" asked Laura.

"Arlene noticed you forgot your phone so we tried to catch you outside. She spotted Rick following you. I took off following Rick but you lost him for a block or two. Once he caught up to you, I set my phone up on a parked car to record everything from when he started talking to you. I wanted evidence as I'm a self-defense instructor and I didn't want them saying I was the initiator of his beat down.

"I was scared to death he was going to lose me and hurt you. I don't think I could live with myself if that happened," said Elizabeth. The tears began to fall and she covered her face.

Laura got up and joined Elizabeth on her side of the booth. She rubbed Elizabeth's back and said, "Everything worked out. I'm so grateful you followed him. I don't even want to think about what could have happened."

"Wow, it's been a crazy night," said Elizabeth wiping away her tears.

"Would you like to go dinner tonight?" asked Laura.

"Are you asking me out on a date?" asked Elizabeth, smiling broadly.

"I've wanted to ask you out since high school," said Laura. She sat back in the booth and laughed.

"No way! I've wanted to ask you out on a date since junior high school," said Elizabeth.

"You're lying," said Laura. She squinted at Elizabeth trying to figure out if she was lying.

"No, seriously. I think it was ninth grade we had a Sadie Hawkins dance and I so wanted to ask you to go with me. My mom had to explain why I couldn't and then she had to console me afterwards. I was devastated," said Elizabeth. She shook her head. "I haven't thought about that in forever."

"You really wanted to ask me to the dance? That's so sweet," said Laura. She stopped and looked into Elizabeth's eyes. They held each other's stare for a for several seconds. "So what will it be?"

"Yes, yes, yes," answered Elizabeth. "You know, I hate blind dates, but this one turned out good in the end because we reconnected."

"And you were my knight in shining armor," added Laura.

"Glad to be of service, m' lady," said Elizabeth with a slight nod of her head.

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