Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2086047-What-Kind-of-Friend-Would-Do-This
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Mystery · #2086047
a story about friendship and betrayal

Jennifer died on the table at the hospital. She was a victim of a drive by shooting. The shooter and driver of the vehicle were caught outside of the hospital at Rahway. They came for treatment. She got shot in front of the new restaurant at the theatre across the street from Kim's restaurant. The police had winged the driver and deadly wounded the shooter. So they attempted to go to the ER of Rahway Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital unknown to the police but it is required that the report all gunshot wounds. (check) The head nurse on duty in the E.R. was Stephanie. She had been a nurse at Rahway Hospital for many years. She had been talking to the other nurse, Shelly when the two had come in.

This was the conversation that the two heard from the nurses. Stephanie said to Shelly, I had so screwed myself during finals. It was my last exam before getting my nursing degree and the hospital was so proud. I was a nurse's aide up until four years ago. Shelly laughed. She said to Stephanie, "Well I am glad you finally decided to become a nurse. We have a great team here and you lead it. And you always have." "Aww thanks Shelly."

The two (no names yet) went up to the front desk and explained they had been shot and needed treatment. The shooter was in dire need of treatment. She had sustained two bullets-one to the shoulder and the other one had hit her chest near her heart muscle. No one knows how the cop got those shots off. She was moving into the car at the time. The river had a wing shot to the forehead. Just grazed her but still got looked at. They feared the shooter would die. But Jennifer was not so lucky.

A mother of two and about to get married to the father of the children; she was also a writer of children's novels. She was the well known Haverly Havesham. Writing under a pseudonym for years now it took off when she wrote an afterschool special. She had decided to work the early morning hours at the school and then to write in the afternoon. This was to help her in the move to where her husband lived with his family. Now that she was settled in their new home she could safely repay his mother. But his mother was not happy with the soon to be wife Jennifer. She thought she still was a person that she didn't want in her family; which hurt her son very much. But he didn't always support Jennifer either. However, no one knew this on the date she was brought into the E.R. DOA.

On the same date the shooter of the drive by was brought into the hospital wounded very badly and her chances of survival weren't good. The staff was surprised to find it was a female shooter. Normally they were male shooters. But either way the emergency room had to take care of her. After reiterating the injuries the one who was less wounded attempted to follow the second shooter into the emergency room but was held back to do paperwork and answer questions by police.

There was an altercation at the door. The police had stopped the driver/shooter from the building. He couldn't leave Lily there at the hospital alone following surgery. She knew Jennifer- she wasn't supposed to be there at that time.

Darrell was working the night shift at the hospital. He started because people said that they couldn't work with Darrell. In fact, they didn't like Darrell. He was the one person none of the ladies wanted to mess with even on a date. But his long time girlfriend was expecting. She was also in the hospital as a patient. So he slept at home during the day and worked at night and spent his free time in the room with her. He hadn't wanted her to get pregnant. The girls who worked in the hospital heard him arguing with someone one day about it. They think it was either the driver or the shooter. Then Jennifer became involved. Funny how they all connected. But I am getting ahead of myself.

My name is Rena and I am your guide through this story. I hope I do a good job on it too. But I have to tell you that you the reader should know that I am definitely telling the story participants that they fucked up. Big time. So to recap the story- Lilly and Mike were at the hospital because there was gunfire in response to a drive by shooting that killed their friend Jennifer. They however didn't know that. Psst- hey audience- what the fuck? Didn't you see your friend in broad daylight? Let us go back into the story.

She doesn't like the lady much, Jennifer said. And she is a total bitch and she always tells Lily that she doesn't like her. And she doesn't like you- you idiot at least romantically is what Lily said in response. But you always appear to come on to her was Lily. By what being friendly, retorted Jennifer. I told her to her face that I don't like women and him that; and they both insist that I like her. She creeps me out. Lily was so disgusted at her that she walked away. On her way out she says I'm going to fucking kill you tomorrow if you don't show up on time 3 pm my place, Dressed for an interview. Jesus already Lily I won't forget. Is it okay to bring the babies? Sure Jenn bring the babies. Especially little Lora haven't seen her since she was born.

Psst- come here. This is Rena. I have to share with you. One too many times she has been given the opportunity to better herself. But Lily always forgives Jenn when something goes wrong. But this time it was different. Unbeknownst to Jenn, Lily was sick. She had been diagnosed with cancer. She was told she had one year to live and had asked her guardians to take in Jenn in the event that her future husband (she used the term lightly me personally he is total spaz and loser but Jenn loves him) anyway to take her in; in the event that he doesn't marry her and she is left with two kids to raise. And keep the pimp away.

Three Months Prior

Her cancer was back. Two years in remission and it came back. The doctor was vigorously treating the cancer. And she had begun to make progress. She had begun to hope; that her life would turn a corner. She had gotten back into art class. She was painting nudes. She had a crush on her instructor but didn't want to tell Mike. Mike had finally proposed to her. It didn't matter that she was sick and dying. And that most times she was the biggest laughing stock of the whole city. But he loved her anyway. She didn't want him to know about the latest setback.

PSA I couldn't help myself I had to interrupt. Cancer is a very dangerous disease and you should love them while they are here; back to our story.

The doctor put her on a new medicine which caused her to black out. The next time she went to the house she was very sick and did not want Mike to know. But her teacher he knew. Today was meet an artist day. So she brought in a tag street artist and got permission for him to do a wall. He was well known all over the city for doing murals following violent crimes at the very scene it happened at and cost a bundle to get. Lily had pain all day and she had gotten a headache. So she went to th4e hospital for her treatment and had to stay as an in-patient.

One day as she was waiting with Mike, J.D and another man are fighting and Mike walks off in a huff. As she watches JD falls to the ground and doesn't move. Two men start to walk towards them and when they see who is on the ground they said quick we have to get the hell out of here and they ran. So Lily starts to scream and the nurse runs out of the hospital and runs back in calling for assistance. And then she gets wheeled into the hospital to her room and he goes into the emergency room.

Rena here. Sorry for her right? And this J D guy- what the hell was that? Why are they fighting? And what does this have to do with the drive by shooting that kills Jennifer and dangerously injures Lily in the beginning of the story.

Mike walks into and hears Lily yelling at her father- you are a disgusting prick and an asshole to boot. God dam I don't know why they do that. And then she sees Mike hold on Mikes here and then she says and now you are going to tell me about your sex life and be rude about it when I have to get off the phone. She slams the phone down.

Rena is cracking up on floor.

She smiles at Mike so you bring me goodies?

I brought you contraband. I brought you McDonalds. Eat and enjoy. And I brought you magazines. Oh and the article you wanted about the lawsuit on harassment is in the magazine I brought. She jumped for it and said I wanted to see how they handled the lawsuit when it was brought to them. She told she him he wanted to talk about your sodomy that day in the office and that is what did it. She brought the suit the same day. He showed pictures of her body and she didn't know how he got them. He showed her personal medical records and she doesn't know how he got them. She flips the page and says yeah what are we talking about here- oh I have it here- her funeral arrangements had the office send flower arrangements but her parents through them in the garbage and then brought another lawsuit for wrongful death because she had a lot of health problems afterwards that they exacerbated.

They sit in silence inside the hospital room. And then she started to say to him quietly. "I didn't tell my mother or my father yet. The doctor told me today. I will not survive past three more years. I am not sure how to tell them Mike. In fact, I only told Jennifer. She is coming to move in with her fianc and then we would discuss it before I discussed it with my parents."

"What about you- getting out of here soon?"

"No. I am not allowed to check out of the hospital yet. I have a couple more weeks of chemotherapy." And then she dropped off to sleep. Mike looked at her for a bit and then he left.

Tears in her eyes she sniffles. The funeral for Jennifer is today. You should see her house. The kids are sad and not understanding but dressed very nicely. The mother is upset. Let's stop in shall we.

"Not like the dark black suit it looks like midnight to me."

"You have to wear it Janie."

"But Mommy would not make me wear it." The kids look out the window. "Who are all these people Daddy?"

"Son, remember when I told you that we lost your mother-well these are people are here for the funeral."


"Well, son, they are going to the church with us to say goodbye to Mommy. And then when the three of us get back from church we have to go to the reading of the will. We thought it should be the same day. Then we, the three of us are going on a trip."

His daughter sniffled, "ok Daddy."

Rena sniffles. Sorry. I can't believe this. I still don't have any idea why Jennifer got shot or why they hospital wouldn't let JD just leave like he wanted too. But I get ahead of myself. To recap-flashback of three months in which Lily gets informed that she has a three year lifespan left due to cancer. Knowing this she decides to help a family in need who was dealing with the death of their daughter and a form of harassment. Also she didn't know how to tell her parents that she was dying. Maybe if we brainstorm we can figure out how this ends huh crew? By the way, I am really famished. So I am heading for a burger. Want to join me?

Three Months Prior

The funeral was hard on a lot of people especially Lily and Jennifer. Mike handled it better. The police still won't tell anyone in either family what happened. All they know is that Jennifer's brother died in the line of duty while attempting to bring down a thief who had held a bank hostage and stole close to half a million dollars in bonds. Despite everything matching up the story from his own unit of how he got shot didn't jibe.

It was wrong the investigation. The problems with the evidence collection and the witness statements- all were wrong. But they had to go with what they were being told and then match it with what they found.

Present Day

Jennifer's funeral was planned and went off without a hitch. The autopsy confirmed multiple hits by a bullet caused her death. The babies were unharmed. It was a good thing that happened. (Psst- this is Rena. I think that Lily moved her gun. I think she was aiming for Jennifer the whole time. But that is just me. Despite the fact that neither could stand the man who was the alleged target he remains unharmed. Go figure.) The babies had it explained but didn't understand. The police were having a psychologist come talk with the children.

© Copyright 2016 Yasmine Jameson (yasz at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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