Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2085439-Rogue-Treason
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2085439
What happens when the Secretary of State reveals The President's secret?
Her hair fell to the floor. Amelia Sharp sucked in a deep breath as she finished cutting her hair. Shane Sharp smiled slightly at her, “Are you having second thoughts?”

“The interview is about to hit the papers, so even if I was there is no way to stop the presses.” Amelia was the Secretary of State for a corrupt President. In that position, she stumbled upon evidence that the President had rigged the election to ensure he won. “I need to be ahead of the game and start making my way to Switzerland or China.”

“All you have done is exposed the truth about the election. Worst case, he survives the Impeachment trials and fired you.”

“No, that’s the best case. That’s not all I found out about the President, and don’t worry you are the one who is going to get the story. Provided that you are not killed for running the first one.” Amelia looked in the mirror and almost didn’t recognize herself. “Do I look like the secretary of State?”

“No, you do not. The goth hair should be a good distraction.” Shane glanced at his watch, “We probably should get going. The story is about to post to the Post’s website.”

Moving as fast as they could, Amelia and Shane made their way down the stairs. They made their exit through the kitchen door, the fresh, cold air was a relief to them. “I’ll be in touch when I can. Be careful, this administration is not afraid to get rid of anyone who contradicts them.”

The first of the slick black cars pulled into the driveway of the hotel. Without wanting to test whether people would recognize her, Amelia ordered an Uber. She had already switched cell phones and had a credit card in the First Lady’s name attached to the account.
The car arrived and she slid into the backseat. Jeremy the Driver turned to ask her a question but she stuck her nose in her phone.

When they got on the highway, the first breaking news alert hit. It was the Post story, which meant that the President had been unsuccessful in killing it and also meant that the hunt for her was on.

Jeremy suddenly brought the car to a stop on the highway and looked back at her. His eye narrowed, “How could you? You violated your oath to protect America.”

Before she could ask, another news alert beeped. It was the President denying everything and laying the blame at her feet. Jeremy opened his glove compartment and held a gun to her. “What are you doing?”

“My civic duty!” He cocked the gun, his finger squeezed the trigger. Amelia ducked and the bullet shattered the back window. She opened the door and began running, cars flew past her. One nearly ran her over. She hugged the hood and ran some more. Another bullet whizzed over her.

A red Corvette stopped. The passenger door opened and she jumped in. “Why are you running in traffic? Trying to get killed?”
“No. My ex went crazy and tried to kill me.” Shots were fired from a helicopter above. Amelia sighed, she needed to get out of the area.

Her rescuer stopped the car and got out. Amelia moved over to the driver’s seat and floored the gas. What was one more crime on her record?

She would leave the Corvette fairly close to the area and get another car. All she needed to do was get to NYC, there everything she needed would be provided. Including a private jet to get out of the U.S.

A glance in the rearview mirror, showed her that Jeremy was following her. Along with the helicopter that was keeping pace with her, there was no way for her to escape. Everything she had done was on impulse.

An exit ramp came into sight, so she pulled onto that. It would be easier to lose Jeremy on City streets. Then she noticed that there were cop cars surrounding the area. She sucked in a deep breath and decided that she would die with dignity.
The sound of crunching metal took her by surprise. Her head bounced against the window and blackness surrounded her. Flashes of her life played before her eyes as she finally gave in and let the blackness take over.

“Her breathing and pulse are shallow, but they seem to be getting stronger.” Amelia tried to open her eyes to no avail. “After what she’s been through I hope she wakes up and can tell us everything she knows.”
Another voice: “She will. She’s a tough lady, we’ve all saw that.”

“Hello.” Amelia managed to croak out. Finally her eyes opened and she was greeted with a bright light. “Who are you? Where am I?”

“We are a group known as Truth. We have been tracking and trying to prove that the President committed election fraud, but you did that for us. We mean you no harm. Even if we nearly killed you to save you from those whack jobs.”

“Where am I?”

“We are on the outskirts of Philly. We were going to try and get you to New York but that didn’t seem wise.”

“Why not?”

“The President expects you to go there. Instead we are going to get you to Detroit and on a private plane out of here.”

“Yeah, he says he plans on executing you for treason.” The other voice said, Amelia recognized it as a very popular morning show host.

“Your reporter friend is safe. A rouge group of Senators have him in a safe house and asked to see the evidence you shared. But if you know of anything else he did, we need to know now. We can save you and nail him.”

“He lied about being shot at in Canada. I was there and have film of him setting everything up to make himself more sympathetic and so he could go to war with China.”
© Copyright 2016 Author Ed Anderson (spaz11081 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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