Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2085397-The-Church
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2085397
Churches are usually associated with happy things. But this church, will change your life.
You walk toward your apartment door, stressed from work and the huge assignment your boss gave you. You open the door, and enter the dark room. You flip the lights on, welcomed by the sight of dirty clothes and paper plates strewn about. You sigh, promising yourself to clean the apartment tomorrow night. You walk over to your bed where you laptop rests and open the laptop. A few documents and web pages are still up, which is weird since you always close any open applications when you're done. Checking the individual pages, they all seem normal... Except for one. There is a webpage for a church open that you've never heard of before. Not being the religious type, you almost click it off. But something about this church intrigues you.. Something draws you.. You look around the website until you find an address.

2483 Clance Drive,

You close the laptop, leaving the church website up. With car keys still in hand, you head out of your apartment and out of the building. You get in your car, and begin heading to the church. You pass several other churches on your way, not really thinking of what was so special about this church.

Twenty minutes later

You drive into the church parking lot, and step out of the car. You notice it is raining, but don't care. There is something that draws you to the church. You quicken your pace until you reach the door, not noticing the small red stain on the doorknob. You begin running through the foyer, not concerned with the red smudges on the wall, completely focused on whatever was drawing you. You burst into the sanctuary, when your feelings suddenly change. You should not be here. An enormous, blood-red bell is hanging from the ceiling, with a marble statue seemingly ready to ring it. You look around, coming back to your senses now that the drawing feeling is gone. There are various odd markings in blood on the walls, accompanied by human-like bodies littering the floor. You walk over to one body that is mostly intact and get on one knee. You've never seen anything like it before, deciding it cannot be human. You look at the bell looming above you, wondering what it is for. Walking toward the podium, you notice a mechanical lever on the wall. Walking up to it, you contemplate pulling it. This place is eery as it is, an who knows what this lever does. It a burst of courage; however, you pull the lever in a quick jerk. Immediately, the grinding of stone on stone resounds through the entire church. The statue's arm moves back and forth, beginning to ring the bell.


You feel the vibrations in your bones, starting to shake from fear.


The wall behind the podium begins to rumble.


You turn around, just as a sound like ten thousand windows breaking hurts your ears.


A tear in reality appears, quickly morphing into a gaping hole, revealing a bright, white light.

The bell is drowned out by the rushing of wind as you stand before the light, your clothes almost ripping in the wind. A deep, majestic voice speaks in your head. "Slayer of Doom."

The light gets consumes your vision, and you black out.

Your ears are ringing like a bomb just went off. For a moment while your vision is still back, you can't remember anything. Your memories flood back to you, but nothing past after you blacked out. Your eyes open, only to see you are chained to a stone table. You look around, and see grotesque, red, zombie-like creatures in the same room. One sees you, and starts walking over. You begin to panic when your hand, out of reflex, snaps the rusted shackles and grabs the demon thing and crushes its head on the table. Surprised by your own strength and reflexes, you snap the other shackles and run through the door directly ahead.

The words "Doom" and "Praetor" flash through your vision. Though the door is a set of armor that looks far more advanced than anything you have seen before. You put it on as a few memories come back. Memories of a purpose.. A mission.. You can't remember any more. As you put the helmet on, a voice speaks through a comm system.

It says, "Hello. My name is Samuel Hayden. Welcome to the UAC's Argent facility..."
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