Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2084967-mistakes
by snake
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Mystery · #2084967
Mason doesn't know how to fix his life so ends up making mistakes after mistakes...

Chapter 1

Town population: 9,389

"Bang" the sound rattled through the neighborhood. A great flash lit up the house and fear immediately rushed through my body.

Town population: 9,388

"What have I done?" my mind stopped as I stood over the dead corpse of a man. Everything seemed to slow down and I knew that my actions would change everything in my life. The cold silence of the night sky was now broken by the Shearing sirens of a police car. A normal person would start to panic and run but all I could do was stare. I kneel down and put my hands over head surrendering myself to the sins I have just committed. Sadness overcame my body and my emotions flew wild. I wouldn't get to see my wife Clare and soon to be born son Victor ever again. "What have I done...?" A loud Slam echoed through the building and the door swung open. After that point everything was a blur. All I could think about is what the future wait for me. My life was basically over at this point.

Now you're probably wondering how all of this started? So let me enlighten you as to how this whole mess will lead to a tragic death.

Chapter 2

"YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME MASON!! AGAIN?!! This is the 5th time you've gotten fired IN A YEAR." Clare screamed.

"Clare what don't you understand That job was going drive me Insane."

"Mason the whole point of a job is to get PAID! Rent is due in 2 days. We're not going to be able to AFFORD IT!!"

"Don't worry about it Clare... I'll figure it out." I said calmly trying to reassure her. Although, she was right with a soon to be born baby and no money we were Screwed. There was nothing I could do. I needed fast and easy money, and those types of scenarios only happened in movies.

After that point I spent the whole day trying to find a job or something that will get me money. I even pleaded the bank to loan just a bit of cash but they refused. I was so Desperate for money that was whiling to do anything at this point.

I sat on my couch and turned on the TV because I needed some time to relax. The show that was playing was some Heist movie. They stole from the rich and gave to the poor, the basic Robin hood storyline. After watching a few minutes of it, I realized one thing. That this could be the way I fix all of my Problems. At this point there was no thinking because this was the only way. I had to steal for money... I never thought that my life would come to this but I can't let Clare down.

After researching all night, I found a rich old man (John Mayer) that lives not too far from me. He keeps all of his money in a bank but keeps 1\3 of it in a safe in his house.

The next morning, I headed to his house. I waited for him to leave for work and then I creeped to his living room window. "It's now or never." I said to myself. Smash the window broke and I headed inside. At this point I completely forgot that doing this would put my entire family at stake.

After I got the money, I headed back upstairs with over 20,000$ I estimated!! This money could fix everything but once I got upstairs I heard the sound of the front door unlock.


I had just killed John Mayer...

Chapter 3

population: 9392

I could the cold damp floor of my prison cell against my skin. I've been laying here for hours now; I've seem to have lost track of time. It takes all of my strength to sit up and I soon realize that it has turn night. I take a look at my surroundings and see that there seems to be only a toilet and a mattress in the room. The bars of my cell seem to stare back at me in a menacing way. I'm here for what I've done but I can't bring myself to admit to my mistakes. Pain struck over my chest and I shed a tear. My son Victor is probably born by now and I'm not there for him. He'll grow up without a dad and in misery. "How will they survive without me?" I whined.

"Shut up" a guard shouted. I stuck my head through the bars to get a closer look at the officer. He was a hefty looking old man sitting on a chair. I could feel the pain of the chair holding up his obese body, the chair legs looked as if they were about to cave in.

"Hey fatty!! You should stop sitting on that chair, you're going to suffocate it." I yelled.

"No Talking!! I don't want to hear another word come out of those fat lips of yours."

"Fat lips? Says you, you look like you've been training to become a sumo wrestler all your life."


What a jerk, I thought to myself. Now I sat there wondering what I was going to do. Although, the same idea kept on crossing my mind. What if I escaped? "I'm doing for Victor... What else do I have to lose."

Town population: 9393

Chapter 4

Mistake after mistake, all I could do was make mistakes. Well I'm jail now from all these mistakes but now it's time to fix them all. I looked down the hall, the plunky guard was resting his eyes as he sat on that poor chair. "Here goes nothing."

I made as much noise as possible by raddling shoes against the jail cell bars and clapping my hands as loud as I could. Suddenly the chair creaked with relief as he got up and wobbled his way down to my cell.

"What do you think you're doing smart guy?" He asked.

"Why what are you going to do about it Tubby" I answered.

"You think you're so tough, just because you're some criminal? I get dumbasses like you every day so don't think to yourself that you're special."

"I'm 100% tougher and more special then you Marshmallow."

He opened the cell door and walked up to me. "Take your best shot bozo." He pulled back for a punch, and on his release I ducked and ran for the exit. He lost his balance and tumbled onto the floor making a loud THUMP. Quickly I closed the cell door and ran away. I didn't take a second look back; I ran as fast as I could. I found an emergency exit and I was on my way but what was I going to do now...

Chapter 5

I didn't even want to turn around. I could hear the sound of a siren and the faint sound of people yelling in the background. It took me some time to figure out where I was and what I was doing with myself. But the only thing I could think of was my pregnant wife and my soon to be born son. The only place I could imagine they are right now back in our small little apartment where I left them. I made my way across town to our small, dingy little apartment building. As I approached the door to our apartment, it was left wide open.

"That's peculiar, why is the door open?"

I walked into the room cautiously. The room was empty; everything looked as if it were torn away with a great hurry. As if they were running away from something.

"Mason, is that you, what are you doing here?" Clare said.

My body was filled with relief and excitement; joy overcame my body. I turned to face my beautiful wife Clare; I leaned in for a hug. "SMACK!" Instead of a warm hug I was granted with a cold smack from Clare's purse

"WH-What? Clare, what was that for? But more importantly where's Victor?" I asked.

"I'm moving in with my sister, and they are waiting in the car! And you're never going to see him!" She shouted down to me.

"But, but, why?" I stuttered in sadness.

"Because you're a criminal now. You have ruined my life and I'm not going to let you ruin little Victors. I'm leaving you Mason, goodbye." She responded.

"Wait, Clare!" I exclaimed.

She ran down the hall in a great hurry. I tried to stand up and follow her but I couldn't find my balance. Tripping over left over garbage and various things left in the apartment. I quickly ran down the stairs and kicked the door open. Her car drove off and the all too frequent red and blue sirens filled the night sky.

Chapter 6

Town Population: 9393

Here we go again, running away from the cops. I dashed into the nearest alleyway and didn't look back. I could hear a voice shouting behind me. "Stop, Stop!" With all of my luck this alleyway was a dead end, just like my life. Mistakes after even more mistakes. I turned around to face my defeat. To my surprise, it was the chubby guard from the prison.

"Hey remember me, the guard from the prison, MR. MARSHMALOW?" He asked.

I stood there blank, absolutely blank. We both stood there staring each other down. Suddenly I remembered that I had placed the gun from when I killed the man in my back pocket. I quickly snapped it out of my pocket, and he did the same. Each of us, lining each other up with pistols. We didn't exchange any words, we both stood there in silence.

I thought to myself. I have been making the wrong decisions this whole time. Making mistakes after mistakes. Trying to decide whether I was the problem in society or everyone else was. Never knowing what the right thing to do is, but now I finally do. This past day was roller coaster of mistakes and there's no going back. What do I have left to loose.


Town population: 9392

Mistakes after mistakes that's all I do...

© Copyright 2016 snake (mathieu.r52 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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