Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2084764-ConquerThe-Golden-Spear
by Sohan
Rated: E · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #2084764
The First Story I Wrote.
Conquer:The Golden Spear

Long time ago , some Ships migrated to East of Asia , they slowly spread over north Asia and eastern and western parts.They made their armies there ,whom most innocent people were afraid too , the old Asian armies tried to struggle against the strangers but they were strong enough.They managed to conquer some parts of Asia .No one knew their origin.After watching their powers some of the People from Sparta of Greece managed to enter Asia and shook their hands with the strangers.They basically conquered the Northern parts with the help of Greece.They shared their parts.The Men of Sparta took opportunity to lead and the original North Asians worked as thier slaves.The sparta people and the strangers got a society in some parts where old men Children and Women lived as a family and every young male were taught to fight and in teenage they start fighting in wars.The strangers and the Sparta people named their army as Reuzt The South Asian innocent people were killed day by day by the Reuzt.The originala asians were either kept as Slave and Torchered them.The Reuzts tried to conquer the South Asia who stood Almighty and Fought with Great Spirit.For few legends who fought for ASIA , the Reuzts were forced to leave Asia .The history of Defeating Reuzts starts like this.It was age of spears and arrow/bow. They only used that and they used to get divided in groups.There was one leader for each group who created the rules and lead them for wars and missions.In the south Asia , it was a cold day.The lead of Rodreguez was a strong lead , he was 42 years old.In his group there were 3 warriors Bart a 21 years old boy , Heath a 21 years old boy and Linda , she was a girl and she was 19 in age.Though Linda was only a girl in Rodreguez's group .She fought like a real warrior.Bart,Heath and Linda were sitting on a stone and shivering.Rodriguez spoke " Today is a cold day ,it would be fun to practice , just think , we are fighting against Reuzts." Linda with her bow jumped from the stone and aimed somene with the arrow.Rodriguez said " What do you want to do ?" And then Linda moved her hand from the arrow and the arrow sprang and straight inside the body of a wolf who was trying to attack Rodriguez's youngest 12 years member Sam.Sam said " Thanks for saving my life " while cleaning his spear.Bart said Woah yes ! Lets go in the forest and hunt ! It would be a great practice !" Rodriguez and his members appricited his idea.Though the forest was not far from their .They started moving towards the forest.The group got divided in the forest.Linda , Bart and Heath in one side of the jungle and Rodreguez taking care of his some members there.Sam alone in one side of that jungle.When Heath looked back a cheetah was looking hard to them.Bart and Heath had only a spear and started running .Cheetah Chased them and within a second Bart Stopped and raised his spear and the cheetah came to attack and ,The cheetah lost its life.They all look with round eyes and taking deep breaths that if it was a second late they would have lost thier lives.They had a cage with them as they carried it , they put the cheetah in it and closed the gate of the cage and carried it through thier way.Bart's spear was with blood ,but after an hour or while Linda hunted an eagle flying in the air.When they got the eagle in the cage and started moving.Just after a while a swarm of bees started running behind them , they couldnt kill bees with spear or arrow.So they started running with the cage.After a while they found themselve lost in the forest.They planned to relax under a tree for a while. After getting rid of that bees , they sat relaxed and kept the cage aside.After a while they found that cheetah alive in the cage and it ate up the eagle.The cheetah scratched on the cage and tried to come out but it cant as it was hurt also.It was not dead.Then they finnaly found Rodriguez in their way.Rodriguez said " What are you doing with an alive Cheetah."Bart putted a spear on it and atlast we put it in and after a while we saw it was alive" explained Linda.Rodriguez said " We will take this cheetah , it can help us in war " " Hmm " Replied all.They returned to their base and waited for all and most of the members got eagles ,snakes in their cages who were dead.Rodrgeuz said " Ah, all killed animals who are easy to kill.No Practice for all see our Linda , Bart and Heath they got a cheetah and alive one.Bart looked at the hurt cheetah and said if the cheetah is alive we should give it some medicine.Linda aimed an arrow on the cheetah and Bart rubbed some leaves on its injury that would heal the cheetah. The cheetah was full of hate for Bart but during the period of injury, bart take care of him the most.Bart made a shed for the Cheetah made with straw , mud and leaves.That was the place where the cheetah lived and relaxed.It was big in space that it can move around and they put layers of stone till his neck's hight and covered with mud and sticked them together so the cheetah cant attack.Bart went to it every morning and fed the cheetah dead eagles that he hunted.Bart did it because it was his fault to hurt the cheetah.Slowly the cheetah forgived them and became trustable pet for them .The Reuzts lead North Asia .They reached the South Asia without war through the help of the Red Sea the reached the Southern Coast they avoided the eastern and western coast beacuse the southern Coast can help them the more.Though only some of the Reutz shifted to the Southern Asia.They slowly reached near the woods where the group of Rodreguez lived.They slowly found their base , and attacked it , 5 people went in , they saw the cheetah and tried to kill it when they got the cheetah down they tried to kill it with spears in that moment within a flash Bart jumped and put the spear on 2 peoples body and kicked the rest 3 with a stretch kicked and killed them with spears.Then they found the cheetah safe and Bart said "are you okay ? " The cheetah grunted and went away , his shed's stone was destroyed but he didnt attacked them.Bart was sad that the cheetah didnt liked him.That day Bart was eating some apples and that time one of the great spearman Reutz came at his back and was just going to stab and the cheetah saw it and jumped and killed the Reutz.Bart looked back and saw the cheetah killing the Reuzts and Bart hugged the cheetah and said " Really ? you saved my life" The Cheetah grunted and pointed at its back ,Bart sat on it and felt comfortable and had the Spear in his hand and the cheetah started running swiftly all his group members were happy and surprised ! Bart told them all the story.The Cheetah and Bart became friends.Next Morning Bart Climbed on the cheetah when the cheetah was running swiftly and Bart had the spear in his hand .Here the story Starts.Bart on his cheetah riding with fun the whole day and sitting and enjoying with it.Heath with his wolf who was Heath's best friend from the begining and Bart with is cheetah was riding in the wood with spears in hand.Then Linda , Heath and Rodriguez on horse and Bart on cheetah in the jungle found an old wizard under a tree who stopped them.

Bart showed his spear to the wizard and said "Are you Reuzts?" The wizard laughed and said " I am 80 years old , the Reutz now had ancestors who attacked Asia once 100 years ago in which my fore fathers defearted them,But their back again" I am against them , my forefather left a historical thing that we can use to finish the Reutzs , I cant do that , i was looking for anyone young to do that , so i saw you , will u help me ?" Bart replied "I dont know anything about it , you said me about it, im interested and my team and ill do it !" The wizard took them to a cave and sat down,and said them "Listen,So here the story of that historical thing starts which you have to find is knows as the "GOLDEN SPEAR" which my fore father got naturaly and destroyed the Ancestors of The Reuzts which was knows as Leons in which only the strangers were not the spartians.But Now the Reutz is rising.My forefather hid that Golden Spear in a dangerous place before dying , then the day of death he wrote a full book which i read to know everything about that spear" Bart said " Can you lend it to me ?" The wizard lend it to him and said " Good Luck" The boys went to their base with cheetah and horses and started reading that book. Which was knows as "The Golden Spear".At night they finished reading and then they packed luggages and said they will go there next morning in between of North and South Asian Big Forest where the Golden Spear was.The Rezuts for year didnt find it , the book atlast was written Dont let the reutz get the Spear otherwise they will destroy the world.And the map was drawn but not the exact place where the spear was.They started their 4 weeks journey to the big jungle next morning .Bart with a cheetah , Heath and Linda on 1 horse and Rodreguez on another.Between their journey , they found a big campfire base where the Reutz with their Arrow and Boy and Spears were guearding , there was a cabin where some Strong Reutz were drawing their arrow on thier bow in the window and other 20 reutz men were guarding the cabin,

they looked at the map and where they were the cabin was Marked as a castle there.At that moment they saw a broken peak of a castle which was in the map's picture ! Linda streched her arrow and threw it , it hit a black wolf and within the scream of that wolf all 20 came in same place Bart,Heath and Rodriguez from back entered the cabin and Linda climbed up a tree and killed 12 of them with her arrow and bow.They were in cuorisity at that time she managed to kill 4 of them at that time more 4 of them ran towards the tree and threw their spear to the tree Linda jumped and grabbed 2 spear and threw on two and two died and the rest two seen Linda at that moment she drew 3 arrows together and shot and the three hitted 1 , Another one was alive Linda came down and kicked that man and aimed an arrow on his face and shot.After that she went inside and saw Bart and Heath killing the man with arrow and bow in the cabin window and Rodriguez searching the room.At that moment they 3 came out and met Linda and said , We

hope this place is now clear,At that moment 2 men came out from the cabin with their spear and attacked them Bart managed to escape and when they two were going to kill Rodriguez and Heath Bart stabbed the spear on 2 from side and blood every where.They looked that they were only the main cabin men.Then they 4 went towards the castle peak hearing sounds and he broke the window of the castle peak and saw a bearded old man crying inside.Who are you ? They all Asked.The old man said " The Reutz kidnapped 10 of us here i was here they gave us 1 week and told they will kill us 10 today in a harsh manner,You are god to me.Just like Hornet !."Hornet ?" Asked Linda.The Old man said " yes Hornet , who broke this castle.He was a mighty man,who fought against these old Reutzs.You saved our life , you take the book of Hornet " Bart took the book of Hornet and looked at the first page.At that moment a member of Rodriguez came running in the forest with too many injuries and fell on Rodriguez's foot and said " Some reutz

Attacked us in our base,they killed 7 of them and ran away." He said and died he included 8.That moment Rodriguez said that old man " You 8 can join our group, any 2 of them will guard our base .The old man smiled and said thanks,we will be in your group.Then they went to Rodriguez's group base.Then Heath,Bart,Linda and Rodriguez continued their journey to the between big forest between North and South Asia.At night they found a cave and lit a candle and sat there Rodriguez,Heath and Bart reading the book of Hornet got some points marked in the name of the "Golden Spear" For which they were searching.In the Book of Hornets it was written " On the night when the Golden Spear was hidden,two of the Reutz hung on to the caves who got the trace of the golden spear , they failed to steal it and lost their lives.So after their sudden attack which went for 4 days to get them,We had got 2 jaguars and a gorrila to protect the cave,those jaguars and the gorrila after years became spiritual guards of their place , they

are MONSTERS(Written with Red) . Slowly after the death of the first user of Golden Spear , the Monsters didnt allowed any one to come inside not even good person.They challenged everyone to fight against them and killed them and because they were Spiritual , no mightier was able to kill him".On the next page it was written I ,Hornet,achived the trust of those Monsters and i was allowed to stay at the cave.Many people who in innocence visited the place had sighted 1 jaguar once atleast.Today night its declared that it will be a eclipse next day when the golden spear will be Protected forever,after 163 years another Solar Eclipse will arive when the Golden Spear will be in a risk to fall in hand of any bad people or good people.The book which i read was written that the Reutzs will be back, if the good people gets the Golden Spear ,they will be able to destroy the Reutzs forever.And be the king.I slept that night next day i saw the solar eclipse,i felt very sick i am stopping writing the diary and it will be

known as the Book of Hornets i sent the diary in a treasure Box overseas ,i hope a good man get it." These words were written in the last page.Bart , Heath and Rodriguez seen the year the book was written and 163 years passed by till now exactly and they thought they would be the good people who can get the Golden Spear on the Day of Solar Eclipse.Only 40 days left for the Eclipse that means more 40 days to be 163 years .They didnt slept waked up Linda and continued their Journey to the middle Jungle .They didnt faced any problem to reach the Mountain Fountain Stream , where the water was teremendously running,Heath said it is impossible to cross it , Linda said yea,Rodriguez said lets find another way, at that moment Bart looked back and said dont loose hope he looked forward and patted his cheetah , the cheetah jumped and they reached they reached to the another land .Then all became confident and jumped with their Horses and reached.There they saw an elephant is coming in speed.Bart smiled and

said " Heath , you understand ?' Heath gave a smile and they started going forward and Bart jumped on a tree with its Cheetah and Said Heath ! Heath tied the cage they carried with luggage , Heath had the biggest cage after tying the cage he placed it in the hands of Bart in which Bart tied the cage to the Branch then they went back to Linda and Rodriguez when the elephant was close enough Linda aimed her arrow and shot it to the cages rope and the cage fell on the Elephant and it was trapped.They continued their journey.After reaching the middle jungle it was only 1 day left for the Solar Eclipse no danger came in between it was night they reached the den and in the map it was marked as the golden spear.It was night though Bart saw a huge jaguar passed by he was very scared.Then the went to the den , After reaching the den Heath ,Linda,Rodriguez left their horses and kept running in the 2 jaguars jumped in and challenged them to fight Bart took his spear up at that moment Barts cheetah stopped Bart and

started fighting with the jaguar Bart , Heath and Linda and Rodriguez kept running in and the night finished and morning came , the day of Solar Eclipse,now they were going where the huge Gorrila appeard, Bart said i will fight it, and started fighting where Heath and Linda and Rodriguez went to take the Golden Spear at that moment 4 members of Reuzts took opportunity and went in to the room of the Spear, and when Rodriguez was going to pick the Golden spear one Reutz shot an arrow on his back and Rodriguez died then Linda and Heath Looked back Heath went to fight them and he killed the arrow man and then 2 died and one spearman jumped from back and stabbed him and Heath Died saying Linda " Good Luck" Linda with her arrow and bow killed one and the another one hid.Linda said,"Heath , Rodriguez!" and started crying at that moment Linda drew her arrow and shot it who was going to stab her from back but even after gettinh injured by an arrow he was able to stab her then he died.Linda continued by crawling in

the Floor and said Bart ," Heath and Rodriguez is no more" And she also died,then Bart shouted and that time Barts cheetah Jumped on the Gorrila and snatched its neclace and broke it the gorilla died.At that Moment he went towards the Golden Spear that time the solar eclipse begin.In threee glasses the face, of Heath , Linda and Rodriguez came and said "Bart go ,take it , you are the new king ,go ,go ,get it " Bart went to the golden Spear and got it and then sat on his cheetah and came out of the den,then a Spear man said , why so fast ? Fight me !Bart fought with his original spear and fought for an hour and finaly the spearman fell down Bart with the golden spear in his hand sat on his cheetah and said him "You will be no more" and within a second all Reutzs Started coming towards Bart and Bart was nervous he looked at his spelled golden spear and stabbed it in the ground and said ,No More Reutz and each and every reutz blasted into smokes and within a second the place was full of smokes and smells after half an hour the smokes got cleared then Bart saw no more Reutzs,no more solar eclipse every where peace ! Bart grabbed his Golden spear and everywhere it started cheering.Then Bart became king with a violet rag behind cheetah beside and having the golden spear in hand declared " From today Asia is free to work as they want no need for Slavery" All cheered and Bart became king of Asia , Barts name went to the history.This is how it happened. The Golden Spear - Sohan Bose.

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