Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2084539-The-Spider-and-the-Ant
Rated: GC · Short Story · Erotica · #2084539
A story I wrote of Spider-Woman anal voring Hank Pym (Ant-Man). Enjoy :)
         It all started with Pym Particles. Pym Particles, those beautiful, impossible, yet somehow plausible things that let Hank Pym become a legend. Of course, he named the particle after himself, seeing as how he discovered it. His body tingled in the same way that is brought about by submerging a numb limb in hot water as he morphed down to half a centimeter tall- just small enough to slide through the gap he had found in the starboard wall of the ship looming before him. S.H.I.E.L.D always missed something- there was always a way in, no matter how small it may be. Ever since the Registration Act, Ant-man had made it his job to exploit these mistakes.
         He did not know what he would find in the ship, but he knew S.H.I.E.L.D was going to great lengths to keep him and the others from finding it, and that was enough for him to go on. Hank scanned the chamber he had entered, deducing that it was an engine room. Convenient enough for sabotage, but he needed to find whatever classified goodies were waiting for him on the ship first. Satisfied that he was alone, Hank shuddered as his body returned to its original size. No matter how many times he shrunk or grew, the feeling was just as intense as the last time.
         There were no doors in the room, but rather an opening directly opposite him, leading to an open hallway. Ant-man approached the hallway with caution. The ship was not set to depart for another 13 hours, so by all means he should have been the only one on board. Still, getting careless was how you got killed, so Hank always aired on the side of caution. Hank had augmented his helmet with a device of his own invention, designed to amplify his hearing- enough to hear a person’s heartbeat from 25 yards away. This at least informed him that there weren’t any S.H.I.E.L.D agents in his immediate vicinity, so he started down the hallway.
         The corridor was filled with sliding doors, all of which required an access key. Jackpot. Hank approached the first door on his left, investigating the card reading panel. Simple enough, it wouldn’t take him long to have it open…

         Bingo. Hank thought as the door slid open. In its absence, he was revealed to an open room full of cargo crates. God knows what secrets shield had in there. Soon enough, Hank too would know.
         Click. Hank heard the noise from the hallway behind him, and turned around just in time to be struck in the face by a cylindrical canister. A smoke grenade. The canister fell on the floor in front of him, already oozing a pale green smoke. Fuck. It wasn’t just a smoke grenade; it was a chemical weapon. Hank took a big inhale, preparing to hold his breath as he searched for an escape route. Instead, his lungs heaved heavily outward; he had already gotten the grenades contents inside of him.
Hank coughed as the gas was ventilated into his helmet, and fought to make out the figure who had thrown the grenade through the smoke. The curvy silhouette swayed its ample hips as it approached- no doubt a woman. Fearing that the mystery woman was none other Black Widow, he wasted no time. Still coughing, Hank shrunk himself to an inch tall, leaping backwards as his did so to displace his body. The smoke from the grenade would now become his ally, as there was no way somebody could track his tiny frame through its haze.
         As Hank slid to a halt behind one of the containers, an eerily excited laugh came from the direction of the woman.
         “Oh, I really wouldn’t have done that.” The woman sounded pleased with herself, no doubt failing to realize that his size didn’t effect his strength. Maybe it wasn’t Black Widow after all.
Ant-man used this time to sprint around the other side of the container, flanking his foe. As he rounded its corner, he got his first good look at his assailant, and a feeling of dread overcame him. Spider-Woman. What the hell was Spider-Woman doing on board a S.H.I.E.L.D vessel in the middle of the night. Not only was she one of the few people with the reaction time to trace his tiny form, but her presence alone warned that they could have been expecting him, in which case this was likely a trap.
         Ant-man had heard all about Spider-Woman, but this was the first time he had seen her in person, and even through his adrenaline he noticed how beautiful she was. Her ruby red lips were accented by her pale skin, which in turn was accented by her strikingly black hair. Her red suit clung to her like a second skin, almost glimmering as it hugged her athletic, supple form. Her waist was impossibly narrow for her voluminous hips, which swayed sensually as she approached the smoke cloud that she expected to find Hank still coughing inside of.
         Hank briefly considered slipping past her and making a run for it, but he saw that the door had sealed behind him when he entered. Figures. Instead, he ran towards Spider-Woman’s left leg, taking a wide angle so that he could approach from behind. Hank would shift to full size just as he reached her, dropping into a slide to sweep her legs out from under her. Being tiny always allowed for the element of surprise, even when he was the one being ambushed.
         Hank slid like a runner as he felt his body tingle that same intense tingle. Looking up, he saw the back of Spider-Woman’s long, muscular leg, muscles clenching in anticipation. Looking farther, he saw her ample rear, threatening to burst out of the red skin suit at any moment. Jesus Christ. Hank thought. No wonder she never loses any fights. Her body is practically designed to be distracting.
         And distract it did. Had it not, Hank would have realized that his size was not changing, and he could have altered his course. Instead, he grunted as his one-inch body collided with the woman’s heel, knocking the wind out of him. Fuck. FUCK. NOT NOW. This was only the second ever time that Hank’s Pym Particles had malfunctioned, and it could not have happened at a worse time.
         Hank scampered backwards, dodging blows from Spider-Woman’s giant feet as she attempted to crush him.
         “As I was saying…” Her voice rang. “You really shouldn’t have done that.” She paused her explanation to focus on tracking him. Webs shot out from the woman’s wrist, nearly engulfing him. But he was faster, and he continued to evade her. One thing that Hank was conscious of was Spider-Woman’s endurance- her physical state was beyond pristine, it was unnatural. She would not tire for hours. On top of that, she was not spending nearly as much energy as he was, being that one foot for her was equivalent to twenty for him. If he was going to figure something out, he needed to do it fast.
         “You’ll have noticed that the toxin you inhaled isn’t harming you physically, that’s not what it was for.” She continued. “In fact, it was designed specifically for you.” She slung more quick, concise bursts of web at him, making his environment more difficult to navigate in spite of the fact that it missed him.
         “Well, not exactly for you. For your Pym Particles, rather. Incredible what you can engineer an enzyme to do these days, but then, you already knew that.” Her voice was riddled with smugness. The Bitch. Hank thought. “In short, you’re not changing sizes again anytime soon.”
         This confirmed Hank’s growing fear that his gear had not malfunctioned after all. Spider-Woman was waiting for him here, and she was beyond prepared. More than likely, everything down to the entrance in the wall of the ship had been staged. But why? None of this made any sense, there were more important heroes on Captain America’s side than Ant-Man. It could be that S.H.I.E.L.D wanted a hostage for negotiations, but that was low, even by their standards.
         Hank stopped dead in his tracks, or rather, he was stopped. A web had hit him with enough force to pin him flat against the ground, and would have done so if it didn’t reach the ground first. Instead, there he was, completely helpless, engulfed in a ball of web. Only his head and shoulders stuck out of the top of the sticky mass, allowing him to see the woman’s smirk as she squatted down in front of him.
         “Wow, you made me work for that longer than I expected.” She grinned playfully, all the while staring intensely at his pitiful form.
         “Go to hell. Tell Fury to do the same.” Hank wasn’t going to give her the satisfaction of breaking.
         “Fury? Sweetie, Fury doesn’t know anything about this game we’re playing down here. In fact, we’re the only ones who do.”
         That was the last thing Hank expected to hear. Why would Spider-Woman act as a vigilante to disrupt his mission? Last he had heard, she wanted no part in any of this. Why would she suddenly take an interest, and why in him?
         “I know what you’re thinking.” She seemed pleased with herself for working it out, as if his puzzlement wasn’t obvious in his facial expression. “Don’t even bother asking, I’ll show you, Sweetie.” The longer she spoke, the more sinister she sounded. Hank tried again to adjust his size, knowing beforehand that it would fail.
         Spider-Woman stood up, still staring at him with that piercing stare of hers. Without a word, she turned around, revealing once again her shapely backside. Hank expected her to walk away, to retrieve whatever she was going to show him. Instead, she simply stood, towering over him and facing away from him. It could have been his imagination, but he thought she was even arching her back to stick her ass out towards him.
         “Well?” She sounded annoyed to have to ask. What exactly was she asking…?
         “Uhh, well?” Hank retorted.
         “Jesus, put it together already. Here I’ll give you a hint.”
         Spider-Woman slowly bent her knees, arching her back, and causing her ass to stretch on the fabric of her suit. It stuck out like a heart shaped balloon as she squatted low, looming over him. Surely she wasn’t going to…
         She was.
         The masked vigilante plopped her ass down directly on top of his tiny body. Because the web was still holding him upright, he couldn’t even fall over. Instead, his body was forced between her ass halves, giving her one hell of a wedgy, with Hank in the middle of it. She wiggled from side to side as his body was forced between her cheeks, moaning ever so slightly.
         “Have we figured it out yet, Sweetie?” Her voice was laced with malicious intent. It was practically dripping with it.
         Hank answered her, but he was so thoroughly buried in her mountain of an ass that she couldn’t hear his words at all. Instead, she felt a slight vibration from his vocal chords in between her cheeks.
“Ooh, talk more, that feels nice.” She purred. This elicited a violent struggle from Ant-man, which in turn evoked a gasp from Spider-Woman.
         “I take it back, don’t talk, but struggle more please.” She shook her hips, practically forcing Hank to obey her commands. She pressed her butt down with force as she gyrated, loving the feeling of a tiny man being dominated by her ass. She felt his body pushing the fabric of her suit, stretching it more and more as she bore down more of her weight on him.
         Hank, on the other hand, was receiving no pleasure from this. His body was surrounded by immense pressure on all sides, and a terrible, high pitched squeaking noise as the fabric of her suit rubbed against his. The top of his head felt like it had an elephant on it, which in reality was the pressure of the stretched fabric of Spider-Woman’s suit, seemingly unable to to stretch any further into her ass crack. A silver-lining given the pain it was causing him.
         Spider-Woman moved her hips back and forth, bucking up and down, feeling Hank squirm between her cheeks. She could feel the pressure that the backside of her suit was under, and she bit her lower lip in anticipation as she pushed down even harder, truly testing the limits of her suit and Hank’s body. She gasped as she felt Hank’s head make contact with her anus through her suit, and pressed her ass cheeks against the floor with renewed vigor.
         Hank felt her giant orifice press against the top of his head, separated from him only by her thin, stretched suit. What was she trying to do? Why not just crush him? Hell, why not eat him? Why do this?
At that moment, Hank’s world ended as he realized the woman’s endgame. RIP! Spider-Woman’s suit couldn’t take the pressure any longer, and tore in half directly above his head. Almost immediately, his body was launched into the vigilante’s waiting anus, which took him in with no hesitation.
         “AAAHH!” A shocked gasp burst from Spider-Woman’s mouth as she felt Hank’s body shoot into her backside. She felt his flailing, panicking limbs pounding against her anal walls, and it felt like nirvana. The sensual dominance, the taboo pleasure, it was all just too much. Spider-Woman flexed her powerful ass, squeezing her cheeks together and ripping Hank’s feet from the web that held him in place. She felt his flailing body slide deeper inside of her, coaxed forward by her squeezing muscles.
         Hank was launched into complete darkness and extreme heat. He could feel slimy walls massaging his body, pulling him further in. He tried to do something, anything, but his limbs were trapped firmly against his sides as his body was squeezed in Spider-Woman’s tunnel. Helpless, he felt his body sliding deeper inside of her. His feet passed through the entrance to her orifice, which he felt close around them, sealing him off from the outside world. From shock or lack of oxygen, Hank’s consciousness began to fade…

         Orgasm after orgasm overcame Spider-Woman as she felt his tiny body sliding beyond the point of no return in her ass. The sensation alone would have been enough, but the idea of it all was the cherry on top. She had eaten another living human being with her ass. As she gyrated her hips, a living man was sliding deeper inside of her. It was almost too good to be true.
Exhausted, Spider-Woman fell forward onto her face, panting like a dog from the orgasms Hank’s body had given her. She smiled as she panted, and said out loud, “Thank God for Pym Particles.”
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