Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2084424-Nantucket
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Adult · #2084424
A dark spin on the old Nantucket lymric. As well as an expanded story.
There once was a man from Nantucket
Who kept all his money in a bucket
His daughter named nan
Ran off with a man
And as for the bucket, Nantucket
Now fast forward three years
And open your ears
And see where the couple is at....

The screen door slammed as Nan entered, arms full of groceries. She heard sports center vaguely from the other room. With a sigh, she tentatively called out, "Babe, I'm back from the store" she paused momentarily " how did the job search go?"
A crash sounded as her lover ,Joe, stumbled to the kitchen. He emerged, a large framed man with more hair on his chest than his head. His eyes blood shot from drunkenness. Using the door for support holding an empty bottle.
"nothing today" his booming words slurred together," I'll look again tomorrow." With a glance at the bags he continued " did you remember to get me my drink this Time? Or did you let your stupidity get the best of you again."
Anger filled Nan "We can't keep living like this! All you do is sit here and drink away the money that we stole from my dad! You refuse to let me work, you can't get a job cause you are a drunk, and you care more about your drink than you do about me." Anger tears swelled in Nan's eyes as her voice increased " you promised me you would do everything to make me happy, but all you have done is everything to make me miserable..."
She was stopped short as the bottle joe was holding shattered across Nan's face. Pain flashed across nans face as joe began screaming "you think I fucking want to live like this? You think that I hate not being able to support us? I would force you to sell your self, but I don't want your father to take you. We both know how sadistic he is!" He paused to take a swig from his flask, " when they found her they couldn't even identify her. She was beat to hell And burnt. The only way they knew it was her is cause she disappeared.the only reason he isn't in jail is because they couldn't prove it was your father who killed her."
" Even tho her last moments were horrendous, at least her misery came to an end." Nan spat back.
Joe lifted his arm finger pointed " stop talking back or I'll be a little extra rough later tonight. Now be the wife I deserve and cook my dinner," he turned to leave stopping half way, "oh, and this time can it not taste like shit?"
Meal prep took Nan's mind off her husband. She rummaged through the fridge and settled with the only available food, eggs and broccoli. As she was scrambling the eggs a bottle of bleach caught her eye just a tip of that and I could be happy nan thought to herself he is not worth the jail time. with a smile forced, nan walked in to the TV room. Joe was leaned back mouth open snoring. It would be so easy, I could make it look like a suicide a smirk crossed her lips as the though of her husband finally being gone crossed her mind. Instead, she set the plate on top of the stack of others for later consumption, and walked towards the bed. As she stripped to ready for his nightly lust, she saw her own reflection. How did I let this happen to me? Nan ran he fingers over her cheek bones touching the newly formed bruise. With a flinch, nan stopped and proceeded to unzip her dress. As the dress slid off her slender body, it uncovered the many bruises she acquired from the past week of nightly visits. She examined her body further and noticed her ribs could be counted visibly. I cannot take another night of him forcing himself on me. a sick feeling came over nan just thinking about having that sorry excuse of a man inside of her. She floped on the bed and prayed, God, if you really do exist please keep that monster asleep in his chair.

Nan slept. Her dreams always troubled her, but tonight was different. The sun stung her eyes. Blinking, she looked around and realized she was in the meddow she played in when she was a child. "Nice to see you decided to come home" a woman's voice called to Nan. With a turn, Nan came face to face with her mother. (Need a description) A smile spread across Nan's face. He mothers arms stretched wide open moving in to embrace nan. Nan clasped her arms around her mother holding her tight, a faint smell of lilies wafted from her mother. "I miss you mom" nan whispered.
"We do as well honey."
With a perplexed look nan asked, "We?"
A sad look crossed her mothers face, and she released Nan, "shortly after you left, your sister faced the same fate I did." She paused momentarily " I'm sorry but your sister is no longer alive."
Tears swelled in Nan's eyes, " she never wronged father. I'm the one who stole everything."
"Your father suspected she helped you, so he took action. But you shouldn't blame yourself."
" I know, but you know I do." Nan replied.
" You will move on and find your happiness. Just remember that I lo-" her mom stopped mid-sentence as her throat split open. Fear filled Nan's mothers eyes as she fell to her knees blood flowing down her front staining her white dress. As she fell to the ground motionless, nan heard a man's laughter. A man stood up from the long grass holding a blade covered in what nan assumed to be her mothers blood. Her dad stood there grinning. He spoke in his usual smooth sing song voice "nan, nan, nan. You should have never wronged me," he circled Nan stopping to look at her mothers corpse, " now you will pay the ultimate price." He turned walking briskly toward nan, "your time is soon!" He thrusted the blade at Nan's heart piercing her flesh.
Nan woke screaming, her sheets damp with sweat.
© Copyright 2016 Kingnyro (kingnyro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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